Folds of Honor

WARMUP: Honored corporal Brock Buckner and the Folds of Honor Foundation. Got some work in with SSH, windmills, tappy taps, overhead claps, honey mooners, light merkins, etc
THE THANG: pull up work at the bars, then grabbed Cindy and headed to field. Combination of exercises while carrying Cindy to the 20-50-20. Curls, overhead press, merkins, dips, squats, swings. Run a lap after each 100 yard trek. Ended with 100 yard bear crawl and 100 yard rifle carry
MARY: Mary in between laps waiting for 6
COT: don’t get caught up in the fight this election season rather bring the light. Family, 2.0s

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Cha-Ching’s Legacy

So,, because they guy would lay ridiculous beatdowns. And there’s just no need to reinvent the wheel. It’s already round and works really well (that’s also my Naked Man Moleskin). Plus that’s part of why we write the backblasts!
WARMUP: Yes, did that. Cha Ching didn’t, and I needed more warm-up. If you can’t do it, don’t Q it! FTC showed up late; so, he missed it.

Cha Ching warmup:
min 1 – 20 burpees (this was hard, counted them in cadence)
min 2 – 30 jumping lunges
min 3 – 40 penguins
min 4 – 50 carolina dry docks
min 5 – 60 side straddle hops

then we mosey a bit
did some peruvian mountain climbers and bulgarian split squats on a bench
mosey some more
bear crawl a bit

That’s when we hit the Jack Webb:
1 Mack Tar Jai
4 Jump Squats
got to 7/28, then moseyed to pull up bars

Hung on the bars for a while
Did some knee ups
Did some super slow pull ups

Got close to COT and finished the Jack Webb set

Then we had 6 minutes left, so we did the Cha Ching EMOM “warm up” sequence again. It was rough

MARY: Last Call called flutters in cadence for the first time.


COT: Was held

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Block Party at the Varsity

Slow mosey until Skate or Die could catch up. Came in hot. Shuffles, karaoke, high knees, heels to butt, SSH, MNC, Windmills. 15 Derkins in cadence, 20 step ups on benches single count. Bear crawl around the benches.

Mosey to hill where Cindy lives
10 – man makers
10 – curls
20 – flutter press
20 – dips
10 – Cindy swings
Run down hill and back
5 pull ups
Rinse and repeat 3 times

7’s LBC’s and hello Dollie’s

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The Bradley

0500 Honey Badger

A great group of HIMS descended on NAFO to start their week like a Hero.


10 Windmill IC
20 Mnc Climbers IC

Run to the Pull Up Bars

“ The Bradley”

100 meter sprint
10 Burpees OR (10 HR merkins for ppl preserving their knees)
100 meter sprint
10 Pull-ups

Wash rinse repeat 10 times.

I’m happy to say that we all finished with plenty of time to spare. A lot of great chatter, and great support for everyone along the way.

Got to COT and did 2 sets of 4 rounds of various ab exercises to finish right at 0600.

Always honored and privileged to lead at this AO. The stories and workouts here in remembrance of those who served are great reminders of what has been sacrificed for us and give us the perspective to tackle whatever life throws at us.

Take care and SYITG!

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Club 813

What a way to start my 50th birthday.
Short mosey run
Warmup: SSH (12xI/C); windmills; Imperial Walkers; Low Slow Sqts; big arm circles; peter parkers; parker petes; plank stretches
–mosey Run to awesome parking lot across from First Baptist Ft Mill– Thang 1: Burpee relays, Start at baseline.
Run to cone 1, do 5 burpees, run back to start
Run to cone 2, do 5 burpees, run back to start
Run to cone 3, do 5 burpees, run back to start
–mosey Run to Ft Mill Church of God–
Thang 2: leg lift loop dora: Partner 1 runs loop, other does leg lifts (we held onto the fence) cumulative to a 125 leg lifts
–mosey run back to nice parking lot
Thang 3: Mtn climber relays: Start at baseline.
Run to cone 1, do 15 mtn climbers, run back to start
Run to cone 2, do 15 mtn climbers, run back to start
Run to cone 3, do 15 mtn climbers, run back to start
–mosey run to the Print Shop—
Thang 4: Pull up dora (there was a lot of pax)
Partner 1 does pullups while partner 2 runs to front of Print Shop and back
Continue to 75 cumulative…later reduced to 50
–Run to shovel flag–
Badlands led the Mary
I am truly grateful for being a part of F3. Special thanks to Deacon for the constant persuasion to get me out to try this F3 thing 8 years ago.

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Band Practice at The Ring of Fire

SSH x30

Merkin x10

Windmills x10

Run to the pull-up bars – 10 strict pullups with no step and not kipping. When you get to failure your partner can grab your feet and help you

Grab a coupon and head to the band practice field
From the goal line:
Curls and Tricep Extensions
Run with your coupon to the 10 yard line and complete 10 of each exercise

Leave the block and run back the goal line

Run back to the 10 yard line, grab your coupon and run to the 20 yard line and complete 10 of each exercise

Leave the block and run back to the goal line

Run back to the 20, grab your coupon and run to the 30, complete 10 of each exercise.

Continue this series until you reach the other goal line.

Run it back in the same manner with different exercises:
Bent over rows

OH Press

Partner up:
Catch me if you can the long way around the school back to the pull-up bars to return the blocks. One partner runs with both blocks, the other partner does 2 burpees and runs then down.

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Football field candence count

Warmup: all in cadence
– 10 Moroccan nightclubs
– 10 cherry pickers
– 10 windmills
– 20 imperial walkers
Mosey around buss loop
– Karaoke
– 20 incline merkins on curb in cadence
– Karaoke
– 20 calm raises on curb in cadence
Partner warmup
– 50 total pull-ups per team. While one teammate is doing pull-ups, the other is doing bomb jacks. When done, plank for 6
– 100 hanging knee raises per team. While one teammate is doing knee raises, the other is doing squats. When done, plank for 6
Head to football field for some Team-Building
Standing on one goal line, all Pax will interlock arms and will lunge walk to the 10 yard line, where they will complete an exercise in cadence. Once completed, Pax will lock arms again and lunge walk to the 20 yard line, where they will complete the next exercise in cadence. This will repeat until the team reaches the opposite end zone
– 10 yard – Mike Tysons
– 20 yard – leg raises
– 30 yard – low slow squats
– 40 yard – diamond merkins
– 50 yard – chair crunches
– 40 yard – Carolina dry docks
– 30 yard – calf raises
– 20 yard – American hammers
– 10 yard – wide arm merkins
– End-zone – 5 kraken burpees OYO
Head back to pull up bars and complete partner exercises again. This time 30 pull ups and 60 leg lifts


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Band Practice at The Ring of Fire

SSH x30

Merkin x10

Windmills x10

Run to the pull-up bars – 10 strict pullups with no step and not kipping. When you get to failure your partner can grab your feet and help you

Grab a coupon and head to the band practice field
From the goal line:
Curls and Tricep Extensions
Run with your coupon to the 10 yard line and complete 10 of each exercise

Leave the block and run back the goal line

Run back to the 10 yard line, grab your coupon and run to the 20 yard line and complete 10 of each exercise

Leave the block and run back to the goal line

Run back to the 20, grab your coupon and run to the 30, complete 10 of each exercise.

Continue this series until you reach the other goal line.

Run it back in the same manner with different exercises:
Bent over rows

OH Press

Partner up:
Catch me if you can the long way around the school back to the pull-up bars to return the blocks. One partner runs with both blocks, the other partner does 2 burpees and runs then down.

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Football field candence count

Warmup: all in cadence
– 10 Moroccan nightclubs
– 10 cherry pickers
– 10 windmills
– 20 imperial walkers
Mosey around buss loop
– Karaoke
– 20 incline merkins on curb in cadence
– Karaoke
– 20 calm raises on curb in cadence
Partner warmup
– 50 total pull-ups per team. While one teammate is doing pull-ups, the other is doing bomb jacks. When done, plank for 6
– 100 hanging knee raises per team. While one teammate is doing knee raises, the other is doing squats. When done, plank for 6
Head to football field for some Team-Building
Standing on one goal line, all Pax will interlock arms and will lunge walk to the 10 yard line, where they will complete an exercise in cadence. Once completed, Pax will lock arms again and lunge walk to the 20 yard line, where they will complete the next exercise in cadence. This will repeat until the team reaches the opposite end zone
– 10 yard – Mike Tysons
– 20 yard – leg raises
– 30 yard – low slow squats
– 40 yard – diamond merkins
– 50 yard – chair crunches
– 40 yard – Carolina dry docks
– 30 yard – calf raises
– 20 yard – American hammers
– 10 yard – wide arm merkins
– End-zone – 5 kraken burpees OYO
Head back to pull up bars and complete partner exercises again. This time 30 pull ups and 60 leg lifts


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Cindy, she’s my friend

WARMUP: Hold plank while we remember SSgt TJ Dudley

Murph-ish style Dora, Cindy played a 3rd wheel the whole workout
– 100 pulls up, high knees with Cindy overhead
– 200 merks, farmers carry up the hill and leave it, run back; partner brings it back
– 300 squats; same thing with Cindy and hill
– Laps around the playground: partner overhead carries Cindy while partner runs the lap, trade places when partner catches up: 10 laps


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