Spicy Prep Work for the Tortoise&Hare

WARMUP: Salutations and Disclaimer was shared. Mosey on to the back lock for some warm up movements:
10 Reps Each all done in Cadence
Morrocan Night Clubs
Over Head Claps
Wind Mills
Cherry Pickers (aka produce pickers)
Hillbilly Walkers
Imperial Walkers
Mosey to the track
Track Work for Tabata
5 Pain Stations with 2 Exercises Each
45 Sec of Work followed by 15 Seconds of rest.
2 Sets Per Station then Move on to the next Station
After 4 sets 1 minute of plank work/Rest

Station 1 = Squats & Lunges
Station 2 = Shoulder Taps & Big Boys
Station 3 = Merican Hammers & Freddie Mercury
Station 4 = Plank & Milk the Cow
Station 5 = SSH & Moroccan Night Clubs

Mosey to Adjacent Lot for a series of wrap moves:
15 Reps each OJO x2 Sets
Box Cutters
Calf Raises
Dry Docks
Flutter Kicks
Mosey to COT
With 1.5 minutes of work we performed 10 Heal Taps & 10 Leg Lifts
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Fort Mill Care Center Lawn, Survey, Tortoise & Hare, 9/21 Sundae Ruck, Read your newsletter
COT: Always Stays in COT !!!:male_superhero:

TClap |

Tellier & Griff- We Get To

YHC substituted Q’d and put this together so that we could honor a few of our fallen, remember that we get to and have a little IronPax prep.
WARMUP: 10 SSH, 5 Windmills, 10 Moroccan NC’s
THE THANG: First was for Zachary Tellier
An 82nd Airborne paratrooper who pulled two comrades from a burning vehicle in April has died of wounds sustained while on a ground patrol in Afghanistan, military officials said Oct. 1.
Sgt. Zachary D. Tellier, 31, of Charlotte, was a combat infantryman with the 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, at Fort Bragg. He died Sept. 29, 2007 officials said.
In April, Tellier’s unit was conducting a mounted patrol when one of its vehicles drove over and detonated a bomb, which set the vehicle on fire, according to a statement from the 82nd Airborne.
Tellier pulled two paratroopers out of the vehicle to safety, suffering severe burns to his hands. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal with valor for his actions.
Spc. Larry Spray, who was one of the two paratroopers Tellier rescued, called Tellier “a good friend and a buddy.”
After he was burned, Tellier jumped up in the turret to return fire, said Sgt. Michael Layton, a member of Tellier’s unit. A lieutenant made Tellier get out of the vehicle because of his injuries, Layton said.
“Zachary Tellier has to be the biggest hero I’ve ever known or heard of, not just because of what he did, but because of his personality,” Layton said. “He came in the Army because he wanted to be around soldiers and serve his country, and he paid the ultimate sacrifice.”
Tellier is survived by his wife, Sara Tellier of Atlanta, Ga.; his father, David W. Tellier of Groton, Mass.; and his mother, Pamela Rodriguez, of Falmouth, Mass.
5 Rounds:
1- 10 Burpees
2- 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins
3- 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges
4-10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, 100 Big Boys
5- 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, 100 Big Boys, 150 Squats

Next on the docket was the Griff.
AF Staff Sgt. Travis Griffin
Air Force Staff Sgt. Travis Griffin knew the dangers of serving in Iraq, but the 28-year-old volunteered anyway as part of a yearlong deployment to help train Iraqi police officers.
Griffin was on patrol in central Baghdad on Thursday when his vehicle encountered a roadside bomb and he was killed, officials at Kirtland Air Force Base confirmed late Friday.
Griffin, who had served in the Air Force for nearly nine years, was a member of the 377th Security Forces Squadron at Kirtland. He had been stationed at the Albuquerque base since July 2004.
Griffin’s mother, Christine Herwick of western Ohio, was at the Clearcreek Christian Assembly in Springboro, Ohio, on Thursday when she learned of her son’s death. Griffin’s picture is on a prayer wall at the church.
“He died doing what he loved,” she said.
Herwick and Griffin’s stepfather, Donald Herwick III, said he was born in Okinawa, where the Herwicks were both on active duty, and traveled with them from base to base.
“We knew there was risk every day,” Donald Herwick said. “He wanted to be there.”
Col. Robert Suminsby, installation commander at Kirtland, said Griffin’s mission in Iraq was much more dangerous than what most airmen are confronted with.
“Most deploy for four to six months. He actually volunteered to go on a 365-day tour,” Suminsby said. “He was one of the folks that really stepped up to do not just a very dangerous and demanding mission, but one that was going to last a lot longer.”
Griffin, of Dover, Del., had been in Iraq since October and was working with the 732nd Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron. As part of the squadron’s Detachment 3, Griffin and his fellow airmen were focused on helping build Iraq’s police force.
Capt. Kevin Eberhart, operations officer of Kirtland’s security forces, had regular talks with Griffin before he deployed last fall. The two talked about Griffin being safe and taking care of his troops as well as the importance of the mission.
“The biggest thing that comes to mind when I think about him is he was definitely the right person if you had to pick one individual from our unit to go over and do this training. He was that one,” Eberhart said.
In a November interview with the American military newspaper Stars and Stripes, Griffin said: “I want to leave knowing that we’ve done something.”
Eberhart described Griffin as competent and confident but not arrogant.
“He had a capability and a charisma about him,” he said.
Kirtland Air Force Base spokeswoman Jillian Speake said a memorial service was being planned for Griffin but no date has been set.
Griffin is the second Kirtland airman to die in Iraq in the past month. Sgt. Christopher Frost, 24, a native of Wisconsin, was killed in March near Bayji, Iraq, when the Iraqi Army Mi-17 helicopter in which he was riding crashed. He was assigned to Kirtland’s 377th Air Base Wing and worked with the base’s public affairs office.

The exercise consisted of:
800m run
400m nur
800m run
400m nur

MARY: The 200 big boys were plenty, and we ran out of time.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: IronPax signup, Bethel Serve Help Request,
COT: Several families in the community lost husbands and fathers at a much too early age recently. Prays for those families to get back on their feet after the tragedy.

TClap |

Happy Birthday Fogerty

Moseyed toward back lot. Stopped for warm-up
– IW
– Hillbilly Walker
– SSH – 53 for Fogerty BD
– Merkin

Moseyed to Cindy stack. 3 rounds 5 exercises Repa start with 10 and increase 5 each round.
– OH lift
– Tricep ext
– Curls
– Squat
– Merkin

After 3 rounds moseyed to FB field. Sprints
Sprint to 30 jog back. Repeat to 50, far 30, goal line. 10 merkins after each sprint

Cross bridge head to wall. 20 Dips, 20 Bulgarian split squat 10 EL. 2 rounds.

Mosey back for 5 mins of Mary

Announcements and COT.

Thanks Bass for opportunity to lead.

TClap |

Can BAMA Stop the Run?

WARMUP: Disclaimer Provided, Pax Count, and Routes Shared
THE THANG: Some did trails, some did their own thing, most went on the “Alabama Run”.

MARY: She was missed !
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tortoise & The Hare, Read Your Newsletter, Sundae Ruck, Fort Mill Lawn Care Center,
COT: Always stays in CoT

TClap |

Miss Deborah’s Wetness

WARMUP: MNC, SSH, Imp. Squat Walkers, mosey to Gym entrance
THE THANG: deck O’Cards. A-10 (OYO):
Hearts= LBC
Diamonds= air Squats
Spades= Box Cutters
Clubs= CDD

Face Cards (IC)
Jacks= Mike Tyson x 10
Queens= Lt. Dan x 5
Kings= Merkin-jacks x 15
Joker= 5x Kraken Burpees

every 10 cards, mosey to Light end of parking lot & back
@ 0550, Alternating 10 toy soldier, 10 high knee, 10 butt kicker to get back to COT
MARY: Headspins (High sit-outs w/ 2 sec. Pause)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: T & H, Road Cleanup
COT: Back to school, supporting our M’s, others as well

TClap |

Can BAMA Stop the Run?

WARMUP: Disclaimer Provided, Pax Count, and Routes Shared
THE THANG: Some did trails, some did their own thing, most went on the “Alabama Run”.

MARY: She was missed !
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tortoise & The Hare, Read Your Newsletter, Sundae Ruck, Fort Mill Lawn Care Center,
COT: Always stays in CoT

TClap |

Miss Deborah’s Wetness

WARMUP: MNC, SSH, Imp. Squat Walkers, mosey to Gym entrance
THE THANG: deck O’Cards. A-10 (OYO):
Hearts= LBC
Diamonds= air Squats
Spades= Box Cutters
Clubs= CDD

Face Cards (IC)
Jacks= Mike Tyson x 10
Queens= Lt. Dan x 5
Kings= Merkin-jacks x 15
Joker= 5x Kraken Burpees

every 10 cards, mosey to Light end of parking lot & back
@ 0550, Alternating 10 toy soldier, 10 high knee, 10 butt kicker to get back to COT
MARY: Headspins (High sit-outs w/ 2 sec. Pause)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: T & H, Road Cleanup
COT: Back to school, supporting our M’s, others as well

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Webb-o-Rama Around Downtown

Mosey to a nearby parking lot:
– Windmills
– Imperial Walkers
– Squats
– Mountain Climbers

Mosey to the park across from Little Caesars .
4 cones set up along path heading from Millstone Park toward Main Street. On each cone were 2 exercises to be done in Jack Webb style (1:4 ratio)
Cone 1- 1 Burpee : 4 SSH
– >> Bear crawl to next station
Cone 2 – 1 Big boy sit up : 4 American Hammers
– partner wheelbarrow to next station
Cone 3 – 1 Knee tar N’Diaye : 4 Squats
– partner wheelbarrow to next station
Cone 4 – Traditional Jack Webb –
– >> Run down to Main Street then around to first station
Instead of doing all 10 reps at once, we broke it up into 3 rounds.
Round 1: 1-5
Round 2: 6-8
Round 3: 10 (skipped 9 since we ran out of time).

Excellent work by all!

TClap |