Around The Fort to Return The Pond to Its Roots

WARMUP: Skip to the Thang.
THE THANG: In an effort to return Minnow Pond to its roots, we ran, stopped for exercises, ran, stopped for exercises, repeat. I will write the stop then the qty & category of exercises.
Fort Mill Pharmacy-3 Core Exercises
Jackson St/Sidney Johnson-3 Upper
Harris St-3 Lower

First Flat up the Harris St hill-2 Core
Massey St-2 Upper
Bottom of Massey-2 Lower

Up Main St to Leroy St-1 Core
Leroy/Summersby-1 Upper
Back to Leroy-1 Lower

Back to COT for a few more core exercises

All got 3.5+mi. 1 got 4mi.

MARY: See above
COT: 5th Core Principle

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Lot work

Imp Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers
Michael Phelps
Mountain Climbers

Bear crawl Indian run

50 CCD
100 Imp Walkers
150 Squats
200 LBCs

Cross the lot
Lunge to other side of lot and do compounding merkins or burpees up to 5

Was done

Battlebot celebration
Hive convergence
Christmas party


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Kitchen Sink 2/19/25

WARMUP: SSH, cherry pickers, IWs, Mtn climbers, shoulder taps
dynamic movements around the traffic circle
THE THANG: buy in 100 squats with bag on shoulders, move to back of school (15 merkins while moving at various locations) at pickic benches 10 step ups with bag on right shoulder 15 derkins with right hand on bag, repeat on the left side. 25 bif boys, 8 clean and press 10 upright rows, repeat. followed by 20 American hammers. move back to soccer field stopping at light poles for calf raises. on soccer field throw bag across 5 burpees, lunge walk to other side, throw bag to other side alternating throws from right to left side. Lt Dans to the other side.
MARY: flutters, LBCs box cutters, hello dollys
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter
COT: safety for d2d runners

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Morning Coffey

Today we honored U.S. Marine Corporal Keaton G. Coffey, 22, of Boring, Oregon, assigned to the 1st Law Enforcement Battalion, 1st Marine Headquarters Group, 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, based in Camp Pendleton, California, was killed on May 24, 2012 while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He is survived by his fiancee Brittany Dygert and his parents Grant and Inger.

WOD was a little short for a full Badger so we modified up.

SSH x25
Mountain climber x10
Peter Parker x10
Windmill x10

– Run 800m
– 50 squats w coupon
– 50 Derkins
– 50 Curls
– Run 800m
– 35 Squats w coupon
– 35 Derkins
– 35 Curls
– Run 800m
– 20 Squats w coupon
– 20 Derkins
– 20 Curls
– Run 800m
– 20 BO Rows
– 20 OH Press
– Run 800m
– 35 BO Rows
– 35 OH Press
– Run 800m
– 50 BO Rows
– 50 OH Press
– Run 800m

Some standard exercises

Thank you <@U0106CCEJ6L> for the opportunity!

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Loaded Failures up

WARMUP: Yea. A light mosey a few movements, like throwing the bags.

Kitchen Sink:
10 Cleans
10 Back Squats
10 Manmakers
10 Rows
Move with the bag, do it again.

10 Lateral Lunges
10 Squat Thrusters
10 Burpee hop over bag
10 Plank Pull Through
Move with the bag, do it again.

10 Single Leg Deadlifts
10 Reverse Lunges

Burnout till 0600:
Jack Webb w/ Squats (1) and Lunge Walk (4)
Got to 4 & 16

Convergence 3/14 at the Hive
Jaeger 3/15 at Model A Brewing

Asked each guy to share a bit about their failures. So, many of them shared a regret…something they viewed as a failure that like mising an opportunity. Some shared some pretty epic failures and how they’ve changed because of that.

We don’t necessarily have to regret something for it to be a failure. Personally, I want to try to fail better and often. I wanna dream big, and go big. If it blows up right in my face, hopefully I can learn something for my next big attempt. Shady once told me to fail forward. I like that.

We can’t be afraid to take chances. How are you putting yourself at risk for failure? Is that a good thing? Is it a bad thing? Is it neither but thinking makes it so? (That’s a reference to Hamlet….look it up.) How can we strive to attempt things in ways that leads to good things even when we fail?

This is the kinda stuff I think about. Sometimes a lot. Often in a circular fashion. You’re welcome…or not.

The workout was hard, in the rain, and we went in a giant circle, twice.

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Heavy things carried for no reason

Guys paired up. One would carry and the other was off for 6 minutes at a time. They started with a coupon and once they had both carried it once, they swapped coupons with another group.

– 80lb sandbag
– 40lb sandbag
– 5 gallon water jug (~40lbs but doesn’t carry like a sandbag)

Rucked the zipper with the coupons for an hour


Thank you Crystal Lake for the opportunity. Always great fellowship at this AO!

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Ranch on Roidd

Saw two Ruckers take the easy path then the campers headed out to build callouses at The Ranch
WARMUP: Mosey to front of school: 15 IW, 15 HW walker, 10 WM, 15 Cherry Picker. Foreplay done.

9s on the hill. 8 Burpees, Bear Crawl up, 1 Squat, crawl Bear Down. You know the rest.

Mosey to benches in front of school:
30 Dips, 30 Step Ups, 30 Derkins.
Mosey to Side of School.
Peoples Chair while each person does 3 burpees.
Balls to the Wall
Peoples Chair while each person does 3 burpees.
Plank on wall.
Mosey to parking lot behind school:
Bear Crawl 2 spaces and 5 merkins and crab walk 2 spaces and 10 lunges. Do this the length of the parking lot.
Mosey to side of school tables.
30 step ups and 30 incline dry docks
Rinse and repeat

MARY: gas pumpers, LBC and alternating leg lifts
COT: prayers for Rainmakers family on death of grandmother. Prayers for all families!

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Chasing Amy, I mean Twister

WARMUP: 6 gathered, which was a great number, for a full 1 hour of party packed entertainment. Twister joined us to say hi as he terrains his 6@6, but before he got 75 yards away, we had a quick disclaimer and took off to join him on his route. As the 6 of us caught up to him, the mumblechatter ensued and since he was already x miles into his route, we passed him as we neared Harris street. We stopped at the corner for 10 merkins, waited for the 6 and let Twister run away a little down Harris, and then we took off after him again. Down Harris we ran, catching him and harassing him again, because Twister wouldn’t want it any other way. As we passed him, we made our way to the park at the bottom of the hill and circled up in the parking lot for warm ups: SSH, windmills, cherry pickers, merkins, mountain climbers, and a few runner stretches.
THE THANG: Made our way over to the basketball court for some modified suisides. At each line we would do 1 merkin and add 1 per line doing the same number on the starting base line. 1 and 1, 2 and 2, 3…you get it. We then kept climbing back down the lines where in the end we ended up with 8 and 8.

We then ran back up Harris to LBJ church where we ran steps, ran around the church, back to steps for 10 diamonds, 10/leg of Bulgarian split squats. We did this circuit 2x.

Next stop was the gas station to stop for the 6, then made our way to print shop. At the print shop we did a 25% murph because who doesn’t need pull up practice.

Ran all the way back to the millstone in front of the steps by veterans park, stopped for the 6, then ran to the small wall by the engineering building for 20 dips and 20 total step ups. Did this circuit 2x. Ran back to WEP, did a time check, got a big sigh of relief”oh but there more” and ran up the walking path to the top of the hill, back down, then back up the grassy hill with the statue, then down the side hill to COT.
MARY: got through about 3 exercises
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter items
COT: CSPAN style for P&P

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