
Stretch, Running, Pain-station, Tire roll & 1Merkin
WARMUP: Stretching, Running,
<@U0603USPHAS> brought the car in HOT :hot_face: to start our F3 workout.

Had four F3 members from the Waxhaw region. Mad Dog, Hot Yoga, Bottle Cap, and C3P0

<@U01FDRQSQG3> kept <@U063F72E8M9> on the move with his extremely fast pace!

<@U07E0KTT4BV> and <@U07BZNU2HDH> stepped up with the tire :wheel: push followed by a Merkin. Strong work fellas

MARY: Team work and strong running
ANNOUNCEMENTS: praise and prayers around the circle :o:
COT: <@U063F72E8M9> led us out with a prayer

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Hybrid Theory

Run lap.
Side Straddle Hop
American Hammer
Plank, remain in plank put right & then left arm in the air

Complete an exercise on the list. Run lap. Repeat. The lap begins with a 10 pace bear crawl.

List of Exercises:
40 Big Boys
40 Merkins
40 Low Slow Squats
20 Big Boys
20 Merkins
20 Low Slow Squats
30 second plank
30 Bench Dips
30 Calf Raise on the Curve
Choose your own exercise for the rest of the workout.
– Hominy announced that he will be taking over the Site Q for <#C03GHN4R98U> beginning on Saturday, December 7th, 2024.
– Come to Thanksgiving convergence.
– Read your newsletter for more announcements.
Let’s go out and make an impact on others this week!

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2 stations in the mist

WARMUP: SSHs, Cherry Pickers, Merkins, Windmills, Chatter.

– mosey round to find cover
– 2 alternating stations with pyramid format at each of 10,20,30,20,10 and mosey in between each station
– Station 1:
– 10 burpees
– 20 merkins
– 30 squats
– 20 shoulder taps
– 10 CDDs
– Station 2:
– 10 big boys
– 20 leg lifts
– 30 flutters
– 20 LBCs
– 10 Freddy Mercurys

MARY: Didn’t show

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots going on. Trash pickup. Christmas party. 4k run for CRI. Comedy night at Sweetwaters coming with proceeds going to CRI (see <@U01FDRQSQG3>). Pizza social at Emilios next Thurs (<@U061P7HUFRR> buying first couple pies!). Next Bethel shelter will be first Thurs in Dec.

COT: We all learned that teenagers throw away silverware/utensils. I’m baffled and scared. Many family related things on our hearts; support each other through these holidays!

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#Powered By BBQ & Bourbon

WARMUP: premature Name O Rama
THE THANG: Pick your distance
MARY: F3 is for Men Only
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
12 Runners, 1 Rucker (YHC). Hey Kids: Stay In School and, next year, don’t volunteer to Q the morning after the BBQ & Bourbon fundraiser

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Sea Biscuit…False Endex

WARMUP: Nope…got to run.
THE THANG: L/T and onto N. Doby’s. L/T White Grove then R/T White Bridge. L/T Nims Lake and run to the gravel then turn around and take the same path back to COT.
However, this was a false ENDEX as we ran past the COT site to then make a L/T onto Doby’s Bridge. L/T Dudley and turn around at Red Forest Way. All told, we got 5+mi.
MARY: Nope…we ran.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel, BBQ fundraiser, Christmas Party signup needed, Thanksgiving convergence and more.
COT: Indeed. 5th Core Principle.

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