Running with Burpees

WARMUP: PAX were disclaimed.  That is all.
THE THANG: 3.5 Mile route with 10 burpees every 1/4 mile. X marked the burpee spots. Speedy PAX got 4 miles and change. Us mere mortals did not.
MARY: 4 minutes of stretching with Stang
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Were announced
COT: Prayers and praises were offered

YHC is grateful for a tremendous group of HIM to help in acceleration and staying on the right path. The cooler temps and lower humidity was a blessing to start the week. Thanks to Badlands for the Q spot. It is always a privilege to lead.


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Soggy bottom brothers at Runde Park

WARMUP: SSH, windmills, imperial walker, m nightclubs, merkins, plank, cobra, down dog, plank, Peter Parker, Parker Peter. Mosey to Runde field.

THE THANG:   Eight stations with six yard gaps between each station. Round one all eight stations, round two complete first 7 stations. Each round skip the last station from previous round.  Travel between each station first round lunge walk, second round, bear crawl, third round broad jump, fourth round lunge walk, fifth round bear crawl.  We completed five rounds.

1. 5 burpees
2. 10 donkey kicks
3. 15 big boys
4. 20 Carolina DD
5. 25 American hammers 🇺🇸🔨
6. 30 (60) shoulder taps
7. 35 (70) flutter kicks
8. 40 (80) mountain climbers 🧗‍♂️

Hand off to cake Boss
Mosey to the bottom of the big hill. Organize into three groups of three. Lesson from Top Gun & Maverick, don’t leave your wing man. Four cones in a 1/3 mile block. First round 20 sumo squats per cone (80 sumo squats in first round).
Second round discuss with your wing men something you learned from your father. Each cone was 10 leg Lifts.
Third round we voted for burpees or donkey kicks.  The rep count wasn’t provided but we agreed on donkey kicks. Rep count was 10. Discuss w your wing men proudest moments with your father. YHC was college graduation, marriage and pregnancy.
Single file line organized from slowest to fastest man at the base of the steep hill. Game of catch me if you can. First runner gets a three tree head start and needs to top the hill before second runner. I thought the gap was too wide but almost got caught by the fastest man Fishsticks.

MARY:  none

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Review the newsletter for more info.  Sign up and do some yard work at the Fort Mill care center. Get involved in the Bethel Mens Shelter dinner.  F3 dads is today. Coffeteria at Tega Cay Deli today. YHC needs four men to push a truck out of my backyard this morning. Thanks Mainframe, Change order, Skipper and Cake Boss for your help.

COT:  happy Father’s Day. prayers for our fathers and those whom have lost fathers.  Love your children unconditionally.

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Mr. Hugh Midity

I recently asked Badlands for a Q At Sweep The Leg. He gave me June 13th and I accepted the assignment forgetting that was the Monday after a week at the beach. Vacation is rough on the body. But all in all it turned out fairly well. Ran one of my fastest miles 7:42 pace that morning and it all went quickly  downhill from there. Noticed a fairly large gathering for my Q which was obvious since I’m a celebrity in F3. Noticeably missing was Bobber.

The Thang

Told everyone what the plan was at 5:14. Which was, run to Berkshire Heights meet at the stop sign. Go clockwise around Berkshire stopping at every stop sign and doing 5 Hand-release Merkins, 5 X and O, 5 Jump Squats. There are 6 stop signs all the way around and one big hill the last 1/4 mile. The next loop add 5 more reps to same exercises for 10 of each. Everyone got over 2 loops some pushed for 3. Finished with 3.35 miles the others got 4. Thanks Badlands for the Q I enjoyed hearing the complaining  from the Pax.
Last thing men. Let’s show the world what a real man looks like. Be kind to strangers even if they think differently than you. Hold the door for a lady as she exits the store. Open the car door for your wife. Go buy her womanly things without bitching about it. Say your kids prayers at night while tucking them in. Push the buggy back inside the grocery store. Love you guys more than you will ever know.


Prayers for Decibel son Noah and his recovery



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Co-Q at the Colosseum

It was warm and humid this morning at the Colosseum. I led the first 22.5 and Dark Helmet was set to take the second half. 10 Bootcampers were joined by Maximas, Gears and Vuvuzela who went running OYO.  

I led us off with a quick 10 SSH and then moseyed to my portion of the workout.

I wanted to do something hard but self contained. The first workout that came to mind was Iron Pax 2019 Week 1: The Killer B’s.  

Starting at Cone 1 you broad jump 10 yards to cone 2. Complete 10 burpees, 10 Bonnie Blairs, and 10 Big Boy Situps-
Broad Jump to cone 3 and repeat the exercises and the reps. Broad Jump to Cone 4 repeat the exercises and the reps.

Once through the cones YHC gave everyone the option to either BearCrawl back or Sprint back. (if you were seen not sprinting I blew the whistle and the offending PAX was given 5 burpees OYO) I only blew the whistle once….on myself because I love burpees apparently.

Our goal was to get through 4 times in the 20ish minutes. I’m happy to say everyone worked hard and we got through it.

Once my time was up Dark Helmet took over and we moseyed down towards the school entrance. He handed us all a pen/marker and some paper and asked us to write a message to Decibel and his son Noah who is recovering from an operation. Once we all wrote down our messages we then raced to his office to put the messages on the door. The first one there got to pick the routine for the next portion of the workout.

After a loooong mosey up the hill where YHC HR hit 190 I was able to get to the office first and got the chance to pick the next part of the workout. Starting at the top of the hill we ran back and did 15 merkins and 25 4-CT clutters 4 different cones.

At that point we were getting close to 6 and we all made a jailbreak to COT. We were reunited with the runners who I think did 7ish miles and joined in on some LBC’s and Hello Dolly’s as we hit 6:00.

Announcements included F3 Dads, the Site Change of the Swamp, and a makeup of the Misogi. Prayers for health, mental, physical and spiritual.

Always great to Q and especially grateful for partnering with DOAH today. Thanks to all who showed!

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The Ghost of Band Camp Haunts Alcatraz

WARMUP: Mosey to the roundabout for some COP fun — mtn climbers, Parker Peter, SSH, IW, HW, Carioca, burpees
THE THANG: Mosey to one of those Hawaiian names side streets
Plank series on a side street
Mosey to cul de sac on right and continue down to the golf course for a
Jacob’s ladder (jumping lunges at bottom, 3-way calf raises at top)
Mosey back home

Handoff to Trucker

Back on the mosey train (somewhat surprisingly) over to that nasty neighborhood hill right off the park entrance (oh no!) down to the bottom

10 Merkins
Nur to the top
10 LBCs
rinse and repeat for 3 rounds
(The Suck got very real by this point!)

Pearls on a strong out past the tennis courts to the short wall by the golf course with several stops for LBCs, merkins, flutters, dips, derkins, etc. Same drill on the return to the firehouse for more of the same, then a continuation on the path around Runde with stops for pain and a final sprint home.


Swamp and Quagmire relocations coming this week.
QSource mtg returning 6/21 at Baxter Starbucks after workouts
F3 Dads starting 6/11 for 4 weeks at WEP at 0900

The spirit of Band Camp was with us front he start as YHC mistake preferred to Backdraft as BC — that only fired up BD to prove himself, and he did, coming in as king ong with Fishstix. nice work!

Great to Q with BAOPS OG Trucker! for the record, I told him I would focus on cardio, hills and legs so he could cover the rest of the body. He did cover the rest but not without giving us all a real beating of the hill, cardio and leg flavor. nice work!

great to have Masterpiece in the gloom after a long stretch off. T-claps to Decibel for getting him back out. great to have MP’s EH of Paint Can put for his first Alcatraz rodeo — great job pushing through a tough morning!

Thx to Skipper for the invite and the leadership at Alcatraz!

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Minnow Pond

WARMUP: run .8
THE THANG: golf course 9 holes with Merkins
MARY: took turns, flutters, tie touch, American hammers etc
COT: Funhouse traveling- vacation, Stang praise for young man staying with them , 🙌

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Funbags and whining

WARMUP: Moroccan night clubs, side straddle hops, windmills
THE THANG: Indian run w/ 40# sandbags. Front guy gives bag to next guy, drops to do 5 merkins, then sprints to rejoin line telling front person to pass bag. Broke into 2 teams and did that for a lap. Then stayed in teams and did sandbag pass back, last person runs with bag to front. Did this across field Then down to bottom of big hill. At bottom of hill, stay in 2 teams. Both teams had to complete 100 burpees, 200 merkins, 300 LBCs, 200 squats, 100 bent over rows w/sandbag, 5 laps running up hill, and 3 laps with sandbag up hill. These were totals by team. Sandbags were not to be dropped at all 5 burpee penalty for dropping bags, no penalties for the first 30 minutes.
Back to the grassy area to pick up the 60# Funbags, 3 Pax decided to run away before more pain was inflicted.
Next evolution was the tunnel of love; form a line and stay in plank position about 3 ft apart from other pax, pull/drag the sandbags sideways until we reach the other side of the field, back to start with same movement.
We formed two teams of 5, movements:
– sand bag toss (sideways) using only 60 # bags, alternate between all pax, across the field and back, loosing team did 5 burpees.
– squat, clean and toss with 60# bag, across the field and back, losing team did 5 burpees.
– bear crawl sand bag pull/drag, across the field and back, loosing team did 5 burpees.
Lots of whining coming from a few pax.
Done with sandbags, 10 burpees for everyone. Run to pull up bars, two rounds of 5 pull ups for everyone.
Back to COT, one minute AMRAP hand release merkins. Most pax completed 30 reps, a few pax more than 40, form was of the essence.

COT: prayers for all pax and family members that are going through health issues.

Tinsel out!

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Murph Lite 2.0

WARMUP: SSH, Around the world, figure 8, slight mosey up and down the parking lot

10 clean jerks (5 each arm)
10 front raises (2 handed)
10 squats
Run to the end of the parking lot and back

Repeat X15

MARY: not there
ANNOUNCEMENTS: the Murph was today
COT: at the Murph

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Safe word: Kryptonite

WARMUP: 10 SSH, 10 windmills, 10 SSH, 10 10 IW, 10 SSH, 10 HW, 10 MC, downward dog, honeymooner.
THE THANG: All things done Dora Style with a new partner each round.
Round 1 – 50 pull-ups
Round 2 – Hill 1. 150 Merkins.
Round 3 – Hill 2 (the short steep one) 250 squats with Nur up the hill.
Round 4 – Hill 3. 350 LBC’s.
Finished with each PAX calling an exercise. 40 seconds on 20 seconds off.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bourbon tasting, road clean up.
COT: change orders dad, truckers mom. Thankful for this group. Not sure where YHC would be without the support of F3 The Fort

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Bootcamp Q-School

PAX ran around for some pearls on a string. At each stop, YHC worked to espouse some of my ideas on Qing. At the last stop prior to COT, other PAX took opportunity to count in cadence

Topics I tried to cover:
Counting the number present while calling SSH
Calling exercises in cadence – slower can be better
Keeping the PAX together – planking up
Modifying the Weinke based on numbers
Making mistakes as Q and moving forward
Having 11s in your back pocket
Be willing to leave something and mosey on
The mission of F3 involves building leaders. Do it. Build the leadership in yourself and in the other me that post with you.

Closed COT without a prayer, but took a moment to focus on someone in your life that needs an extra effort or word from you today. Challenged PAX to contact that person after they’d showered this morning.

Required Reading:


Suggested Reading:

Q School

10 of us also stuck around for 5 min to do 50 burpees with Badlands, who now has a new process to help him remember his shovel flag. 🙂

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