Forgot there were a few hills….but just a few

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: run to river district and back
MARY: it’s a running AO- some did broga #freedtolead
COT: 5th core principle

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IPC Week 3 without Cindy

WARMUP: Short Mosey, 5 core principles were recited followed by a burpee for each one, cherry pickers, SSH
THE THANG: Went to the short track to show everyone the board. Liked the IPC week 3 format so much decided to use it. Increased the number of rounds since our run distance was shorter and Cindy didn’t participate. Here’s the run down:

RD1 – 10xMerkins, 16xStep-Ups, 20xMerkins, 26xStep-Ups, 30xMerkins, Run a Lap

RD2- 10xStep-Ups, 16xCDDsw/FeetOnCurb, 20xStep-Ups, 26xCDDswFOC, 30xStep-Ups, Run a Lap

RD3 – 10xCDDswFOC, 16xBulgarianSplitSquats, 20xCDDswFOC, 26xBSSs, 30xCDDswFOC, Run a Lap

RD4 – 10xBSSs, 16xV-Ups, 20xBSSs, 26xV-Ups, 30xBSSs, Run a Lap

RD5 – 10xV-Ups, 16xDerkinswFOCurborBench, 20xV-Ups, 26xDerkinswFOCorB, 30xV-Ups, Run a Lap

RD6 – 10xDerkinswFOCorB, 16xFreddyMs, 20xDerkinswFOCorB, 26xFreddyMs, 30xDerkinswFOCorB, Run a Lap

RD7 – 10xFreddyMs, 16xBurpees, 20xFreddyMs, 26xBurpees, 30xFreddyMs, Run a Lap

Most of us made it into rounds 6 & 7 and I believe we had a couple of finishers. Lots of mumble chatter, great fellowship.

MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: What is said in COT stays in COT. This should give freedom to vulnerability. I encourage you to speak up at COT with anything on your mind/heart. This is your opportunity to ask/receive help with your burdens! You do not have to carry them alone!

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Kingsley Loops just for fun

WARMUP: Review of the Loops
THE THANG: 2 loops: 1.5 miles or 1 mile
MARY: Stretch
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam2Dam and Men’s Shelter needs help
COT: Prayers for sick family members and friends. Prayers for Sprocket!

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Sweep the Leg – Go There – Go There

Damn, it was great to see some faces I’ve not seen in the gloom in a few months!!
WARMUP: The Fort’s typical: SSH, Squats, Windmills (but only a few)
THE THANG: I will call out a stop at which point we’ll complete the following (at every stop):
5 Burpees
10 Peter Parkers (5 each side)
15 Diamond Merkins
Stop 1: Run to the Baxter Mushroom Pool
Stop 2: Arby’s
Stop 3: South State Bank
Stop 4: GHES Flag Pole
Stop 5: Run down to Colosseum then over to the basketball hoops
Stop 6: The top of the hill at Dam Rd
Stop 7: South State Bank
Stop 8: Arby’s
Stop 9: Run around the back of Earth Fare shopping center to the stop sign
Stop 10: Choice of going to pick up the 6, COT for Mary or more running to secure the 4mi target
MARY: See above
COT: 5th Core Principle

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Football = Rugby? American? European?

WARMUP: very slow windmills, very slow low slow squats, IW, Morrocan nightclubs
THE THANG: 2 rounds of suicides with LBCs at the end of each, 5 rounds of rugby sprints, mossy to oil change back lot for 2 rounds of step ups and dips, mossy to HT wall for merkin murders (first pax run to opposite wall and back while all PaX do merkins, and then move down the line). Missy back for 2 more rounds of rugby sprints, then 5 min of Mary
COT: Walker and his family loss, patience, schools, health

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Never Ending Mile Version 2

Ran over to middle school drop off loop
Moroccan night club
Little baby arm circles

About 3 years ago I Q’d this workout and it was terrible. So I decided to bring it back since this was the same AO. Spider-Man was already predicting this was going to happen and he showed anyway. I believe he enjoyed it, but still complained. Senator was King, but the longest mile is still undefeated.

Do one lap each exercise (1/4 mile)
Bear crawl
Crab walk
Lunge walk

Everyone finished bear crawl and lunge walk. Some finished the run, but no one was able to complete the crab walk lap.

Few minutes of stretching once we got back to COT


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Badlands returns…. and then exits

My first day back after vacationing for 2 weeks. hurt my back so may be out for a bit again.

WARMUP: run to coffee shop on Dave Gibson – Plank for 6, left arm high while discussing mission of F3, right arm high while discussing 5 core principles, then 10 merkins IC. continue down to parking lot at school.

THE THANG: 11s with diamonds on one end and imperial squat walkers on other end. every time you pass the sign in the middle, 3 burpees.

didn’t make it all the way through


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Sandbag tabata

WARMUP: rucks on, sandbags on
THE THANG: walk to the parking lot behind Panera, tabata style, ruck with sandbags on shoulders for two minutes, buzz goes off, do exercise for 45 seconds, buzz goes off again, pickup sandbag to shoulder and ruck around parking lot, rinse and repeat alternating exercises.

Front sandbag toss
Lateral toss
Bend over rows
High pulls

Half way into it, drop bags and do a 400 m lap with ruck only.

Rinse and repeat tabata 2kin/45seconds as done before.

This looked great on paper and ever better in real life.

MARY: bend over rows
ANNOUNCEMENTS: him camp, Travis Manion foundation hero run happening 9/15 at Chupacabra.
COT: prayers for kids and teachers going back to school

Tinsel out…

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The Shirtless Wonders

WARMUP: Change Order with stretching and other fun stuff
Trucker started off with some wind sprints between the light poles in the back parking lot. Merkins completed at the end of each round. Four rounds finished before next hand-off. Fishstix had next. Partner up, One partner bear crawled to the wall and completed 5 muscle ups and back to other partner. The other partner did the following exercises: HR Merkins (Rd1), CCD (Rd2), and Flutters (Rd3).
Hand-off to Mainframe. Partner burpees, each partner alternated doing burpees starting at 1, when the team reached 20, they ran a lap. Four rounds, lots of burpees.
Finished with Change Order broga

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WARMUP: I forgot to write backblast so this is not the whole truth….
THE THANG: run to bank and do SSH until 6, run to bottom of hill and do IW till 6, run to basketball nets and do something (forget) till 6. This I know is true: Mossy to first light pole. 15 LBCs then run up the hill to the 9th light pole and do 15 LBCs and come back. Then run to 8th pole and 15 LBCs and come back. Continue this by reducing a light pole. The cheetahs got to about 4 light poles the turtles I think 6. All in all about 4 miles total. It SUCKED
COT: Olaf, flounder and Sasquatch rucked, Beaker was late and tried to find us

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