It’s Not About The Destination, It’s About The Journey

WARMUP: SSH, MNC, Left over Right, reverse order, DD, Honeymooner
THE THANG: Ruck to FMHS, passed by The Coach’s Box, mumble chatter, mosey along the front entrance down to 21, mosey back up the hill, plank jacks, more mosey, more mumble chatter, head back to COT.
MARY: None
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter
COT: Pray for mental health, families,

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Whiteville Christmas lights

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: run to downtown go through whiteville park up and over to cvs on Steele street all the way to Williamson street turn right work way back to Panera.

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WARMUP: Mosey to the gym entrance – windmills (I/C & trucker-approved) and Cherry pickers (I/C). Mosey to the back of the school at bus loop – imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers and low slow squats with Moroccan night clubs all in cadence. Mosey to benches for dips I/C and Bulgarian split squats (Single count)

THE THANG: at the poles varying exercises of 11’s were completed in pairs. Mode of transport between the poles was lunge walking and lieutenant Dan’s. Every 3 sets or so – YHC called mosey around the car loop.

After completing the poles pax moseyed to the basketball court for four corners of 11 & 11 – notable callout of gas pumpers at one corner by twister.

From there – PAX Moseyed to the dumpster where pax did 20 d/c monkey humpers (facing footloose of course).

Mosey to gym entrance for dips and a little Broga- but just a little.

Mosey to cot for Mary

MARY: a few of airborne’s hip exercises and a inner thigh stretch brought us to 0600

COT: 5th core principle

Thanks for the call Boogie Down. Always an honor to lead.


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Turkey Day Favs

WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly walkers, when senator arrived we moseyed. Mtn climbers, shoulder taps, merkins, overhead claps, arm circles, run.
THE THANG: did some 7s with merkins and squats, then with seal Jax and LBCs. Dora with partner, dips derkins bear crawls. All kinds of stuff I can’t remember.
MARY: yep that too pax choice.

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Turkey Day Favs

WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly walkers, when senator arrived we moseyed. Mtn climbers, shoulder taps, merkins, overhead claps, arm circles, run.
THE THANG: did some 7s with merkins and squats, then with seal Jax and LBCs. Dora with partner, dips derkins bear crawls. All kinds of stuff I can’t remember.
MARY: yep that too pax choice.

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Get Motivated

WARMUP: Mosey and Windmill
The Motivator

100 Mercans-Bear Crawl
200 Flutters- Burpie Broad Jumps
300 Box Cutters- Power Skips

Fire Hydrants, Military press
Overhead and Forward claps 30 in cadence

Standing shoulder taps and 2 minutes of planks

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This is why you should write these in a timely manner.,,

Definitely dropped the ball on this one and can’t find the video of who was there… I remember JWOW, Twister, Peach Stand and Cake Boss for sure… I think Sugardaddy, Mainframe and Cobra Kai were in the ruck, but I’m missing 6-8 people… sorry! Let me be your warning of a failed backblast!

WARMUP: SSH, Moroccan Night Club, Imperial Walker and Hillbilly Walker.
Deck of pain:

Hearts: Squats
Clubs: LBC
Spades: Flutter
Diamonds: Dry Dock

2-4: Burpees

Ace: 1 Burpee and a lap

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The BBQ & Bourbon event was last weekend… 😬

COT: It happened I promise. I probably said something about how I was apologizing in advance for the miserable Backblast that would come in 2 weeks time, and I think I remember Peach Stand saying it was the thought that counts or something and that I shouldn’t beat myself up over it…

This is an accurate telling of everything so help me God…

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Happy BDay USMC

WARMUP: mosey/ dynamic stretch/ ssh/mtn climber/ shoulder burns
THE THANG: CDD bear crawl CDD
Wall sits while working out to in 5,3,1 burpees/ CDD to Lt Dans to CDD/mosey to railing 3 sets 15 reps dips and decline merkins/ mosey down the way for a boogie down drill instructor session. He scared Twister… more bear crawls and Lt Dans followed by Merkins.
I think this is mostly what we did but Rebel can Audit me.
MARY: start around the circle for your choice of 10 reps in cadence of any exercise
ANNOUNCEMENTS: bbq and bourbon tonight, golf in dec./ blood drive next week
COT: lots of praises and prayers.

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