Forgot there were a few hills….but just a few

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: run to river district and back
MARY: it’s a running AO- some did broga #freedtolead
COT: 5th core principle

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Shocker….We Ran

We ran to Downtown up banks street down Academy and back. Great morning to run.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead Anchorman.


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Downhill then back uphill

WARMUP: not today
THE THANG: 4 or more miles for today
MARY: also not today
ANNOUNCEMENTS: join midweek grinds every wed at baxter Starbucks
COT: praises for family and prayers for the start of the school year

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Backwards accumulator with a touch of Apache

WARMUP: Wegs said peace out and ran away.  The rest of us stuck around.  Warmup stayed local at COT: SSH, cherry picker, low slow squat, merkins, windmill
THE THANG: We ran away from COT towards the bus loop and stopped at the corner for our first exercise…of the backwards accumulator.  Started out with 10 bomb jacks followed by Apache 10 count from Mainframe.  Next took off through the entrance and up to the front of the school for some Al gores while we waited and then did 20 diamond merkins along with the 10 bombs.  Here is where Senator gave us an old school Apache 10 count where we learned about this redwood’s history.  Next was back down to the corner where we stopped for 30…30 hammers, then the 20, then the 10.  Undertaker picked up the 6 before we got started, because that’s what we do.  Got us an Apache 10 from undertaker at this stop. We then ran to another entrance of the school for 40 squats, then 30 down to 10.  To the back of the school we packed in 50 flutters down to the 10.  Then we stayed there for 60 calve raises down to the 10.  Then we ran back to COT.  On the way, there may have been some merlot deposits but I think that’s what happens sometimes when you work extra hard and push…so good on you pax.
MARY: had a little time for some Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter goodies
COT: Wegs came back and left us without a wave.  So prayers for him, lol.

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Spicy Turtlehead

This morning we were blessed with a beautiful breeze from the south. And we got right to it at 0500.

w/Alternating Shuffle around school
SSHs, LSSs, Ruck Merkins

Weinke: A Blue Light Special, if you will…
Buy In: 200m Suitcase Carry

30 min AMRAP:
20 Ruck Swings
15 Ruck High Pulls
10 Ruck Thrusters

Cash Out: 200m Suitcase Carry

We had a few minutes to spare to I had to reach into my Mexican Junk Pile to see what we could do to close out the WOD…

Partner Up
CMIYC around parking loop x 2
P1 Farmer Carries both Rucks
P2 5 Merkins, Chase & Catch Up

Sprocket – you are a leader that we all look up to in The Fort. Thanks for the tap and including me in the “Spicy Tour”.

Punch List out.

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