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Your Hump Day Gear workout is getting a major makeover!
As of 02/15/23 it will no longer be called SnakePit or at Catawba Ridge High. Moving closer to the west, we’ll be posting at WEP under the new name “TALLAWAH” (pronounced Ta-Lah-Wah).

Tallawah is a Jamaican patois word, derived from the English word “stalwart,” which means strong, powerful, tough. That’s why we get up to workout at 0515, choosing the harder thing. Be prepared to give your best and then some every Wednesday morning.

One more thing, it’s now going to be a gear bootcamp style of an AO. That means more bootcamp integration with the bells. So not only will we be getting stronger, we’ll also be getting faster.

Thank you!

TClap |

Preblast: Jaeger

The Fort’s hottest new CSAUP is a TEAM RACE



TL;DR details:

  • Time 0800-1200(ish)
    • Yard will meet 0700-0745 @ GHMS that morning
  • Start: GHMS –> Finish: Print Shop
  • Teams of 4(ish)
    • 2 runners, 2 ruckers (recommended); but at least 1 rucker and 1 runner to form a team. (Optional: A team’s Runners & Ruckers can alternate/switch roles at each pain station)
      • runners stay together
      • ruckers stay together
    • Themed pain stations/team meet points for team challenges (stay tuned for exact route map)
      • Start/Station 1: GHMS (Chase)
      • Station 2: Catawba Park (Hunt)
      • Station 3: Allison Park (Kill)
      • Station 4: WEP (Carry)
      • Finish: Print Shop
    • Mileage – runners and ruckers travel different routes
      • Runners: slightly more than 14 miles
      • Ruckers: slightly less than 10 miles
    • Scoring the Race
      1. Team “card” to be time stamped at each pain station when team has
        completed the “team pain-station exercise”
      2. Time credit for overall scoring
      3. Possible…time credit for FNG / Kotter / Respectable / etc. per team?
      4. Teams will sign up via sign-up genius
      5. “winning trophy” = show to know
      6. “loser trophy” = show to know
    • Pain Stations:
      1. “faster” part of team can build up credit for other part of the team (e.g.
        ruckers can finish the exercises for the runners)
      2. Time goal for each pain station: 10 minutes (e.g. 8 min individual and 2
        min JOINT TEAM exercise)!
      3. Pain Station Q chooses WOD
      4. “JOINT TEAM exercise”: show to know! After this is completed the Operator will timestamp the TEAM card before departing

Coming in from out of the region? Have questions? Send a message to: jaeger.csaup@gmail.com

TClap |

Q-School 101 and 601

It’s time to head to school or maybe even back to school for some continuing education credits.

If you haven’t Qed, if you’ve Qed a tad, if you’ve Qed a few and want to add some pizazz to your next weinke, then Q-School 101 is for you. Band Camp is leading a tour-de-force course on the nuts and bolts, ins and outs, brass tacks, and the tidal wave of minutiea that go into creating, executing, managing, and adapting the leadership opportunity that is Qing an F3 workout.

If you’re a Site-Q, if you’ve been a Site-Q, if you’ve delusions of grandeur, then Q-School 601 (graduate level) is where you belong. Slapshot is going to bring the the power play and guarantees afterwards you will lead with a hat trick of all 3 Fs.

Both the 101 and 601 will launch from the following AOs on the dates listed:

2/21 – Ballroom (Tues)
3/30 – Matterhorn (Thur)
5/1 – Honey Badger (Mon)
6/14 – Bushwood (Wed)

More dates to come in the fall. Stay tuned. Keep EHing, encourage the FNGs to make a second/third post, support the VQs, and let’s get after the business of being better.

TClap |

“Jump Program” and FNGs…what are you talking about?

Go back to when you were told, “say your hospital name, age, FNG” at your first workout. We likely can all recall that exact moment. You were probably like most of us, “now what happens, AND, what just happened”…aside from likely knowing you were going to be sore the next day. Maybe someone was in your ear during the workout encouraging you, maybe asking you questions when you’re just trying your best not to merlot, or maybe no one really said much to you (or you zoned them out) because you were just trying to follow along with the exercises or the lingo. Whatever your experience was, how long was it until you started understanding the small things like: “oh, that’s what an AO is”, or “now I get why I shouldn’t look up merkin on the internet”, or “there’s someone that schedules people to lead a workout?”…or pick your question.

The bigger question is, when did you start to feel like one of the PAX and you belong.

As we continue to pick up FNGs weekly (good work here!), the question this group of 6 that developed the “Jump Program” asked each other is: “how can we get these guys plugged in to F3 faster, how do we answer some of these basic questions we all now take for granted, how do we make them feel welcome and that they belong, how do we not leave this man behind”.

Since none of had the one silver bullet answer to this question, this is where the “stuff worth trying” mindset really came into play and the Jump Program was willing to try, fail, try, fail…rinse and repeat, with a mission to be intentional about making FNGs feel included, drive relationships early, and provide an F3 overview within 1 month of 1st post.

We started with looking at day 1 for an FNG and came up with this acronym SINCK (sounds like sync) which we want to share and have you apply it as best you can. Yes take liberties of course as these aren’t rules or core principles; hence the “worth trying” application.

  • S – Selfless
  • I – Impression
  • N – Naming
  • C – Connection
  • K – Knowing (as in get to know)

Selfless: Todays workout isn’t about you (non-FNG Pax reading this now)

Inclusion: Give some space, but make sure FNG has a guy with him from beginning to end outside of the EH Pax and Site Q – give him a sense of inclusion

Naming: Be mindful of body language as he’s being named – we want him to come back out and his name shouldn’t take away from that (we know names don’t matter but he doesn’t)

Connection: Remember, you’re his first impression of F3 so try and connect with him, or listen for clues on who he may connect and relate to

Knowing: Get to know him and gather some background (who EH’d, how’d you hear about F3, where do you live?)

Once the FNG has been named, this is where the Jump Program kicks off. We have been gathering FNGs and their contact information and have a goal in offering monthly off-the-books (OTB) workouts. We’ve kept this OTB in an effort to remove the intimidation FNGs tend to feel in the beginning when working out with guys who have been working out a lot longer than them and/or they’re still trying to figure out what a Carolina dry dock is. The Jump Program team has been co-Q’ing a 30 minute workout, very Q-school 101’esq, along with a coffeeteria intro to F3 Q&A following the workout. Having co-Qs allows the newer PAX to ask questions, allows the co-Qs to answer questions and/or address basic “when I was new, this is what I remember having questions about, or not finding out about ‘x’ until I was a year into F3”. We all have these stories of course, but the idea is that the new PAX outnumber the co-Qs with the goal that they are surrounded by PAX on the same F3 knowledge base (i.e. they feel like one of the guys b/c the guy standing next to them knows just as much as they do!).

Certainly more to come as this evolves, and would love your help with FNGs encouraging them to attend the monthly OTB Jump Program workouts. If they miss one, they’re invited to come to the next one and more than once if they’d like. If you can help apply the SINCK, maybe this is something that makes the FNG think “I could see myself working out with this group”, which we all know is the first bite of the apple we all took when someone pulled us aside and said, “remember, you need to say your hospital name, age, FNG”.

TClap |

Site Q Rotation

Your favorite site Q may not be present at their respective AO’s a few times this year.

One of the prices of leadership is that at times you aren’t afforded the same level of flexibility as others. If you’ve ever been a Site Q or thought about the responsibility that Site Q’s have, you realize that there is a level of monotony in their ability to post. Sometimes we don’t want to go to the same AO that we post at every Monday or Friday. Sometimes we want to do something different in the middle of the week, and as a Site Q, there isn’t that availability.

In an effort to allow for that flexibility and variability in posting, Site Q’s may switch up where they post on the days they carry the shovel flag. This does NOT change the AO style at all.

What can this look like? For example Monday’s we have Honey Badger lead by Sawdust and Sweep The Leg by Badlands. They may swap locations on a Monday, but HB will remain a boot camp and STL will remain a running with pain stations AO.

Currently every 6 weeks, starting the week of February 6, there may be a swap as to who carries the flag to an AO. They may also be your QIC for that day as well.


TClap |

Locking Shields_3rdF Thursday on the 3rd Thursday

PAX of The Fort,

10 years we have been at this thing called F3 and we have covered a lot of ground and accomplished great things. Most importantly we have helped each other accelerate and be better than we were yesterday.

Locking Shields is a new way of taking our shieldlocks and all of The Fort PAX deeper and wider. We need to keep challenging ourselves and move into deeper waters in order to tap into our true selves. Maturing not only physically but mentally and spiritually is critical for moving to a place of advantage in this thing we call life.

How will Locking Shields help mature us and take us deeper?? By being willing to have the hard conversations and reach deep into the things that every single one of us struggles with and needs to deal with. This is not to embarrass or shame anyone, but to move toward advantage and overcome the things that hold us back from the BEST US!

Locking Shields

    1. We will put out a monthly topic for Shieldlocks to discuss and all PAX to consider and discuss in smaller groups and circles the first two weeks of the month.
    2. Locking Shields 3rdF Thursday every 3rd Thursday of each month will be held at Hanging with Stang. A shieldlock group will lead through discussion on the topic of the month. From the smaller discussion groups to this corporate group, the discussion will be impactful in short time Thursday mornings.
    3. Sign your Shieldlock up to lead a discussion of choice. Something you know men deal with and could benefit from have the hard conversation. Let Cake Boss know you want to lead and get on the calendar.

So what are we really talking about here. As men we have certain tendancies and bend. Here are some of the things that lead to our Jesters manifesting somewhere in our lives:

    • Identity
      • Worthiness
      • Performance
      • Control
    • Anxiety/Stress
      • Loneliness
      • Hopelessness
    • Virtuous Leadership
      • In Marriage
      • Raising 2.0s
      • At work
    • Faith
      • Grace
      • Love
      • Wisdom
      • Empathy
      • Humility
      • Worship
    • Finances
      • Debt
      • Budgeting
      • Communication
      • 2.0 lessons

The list goes on and on, but this is not a cliffnotes version. We want Shieldlocks to go deep and Locking Shields will take all the PAX into the deep waters.

See you in Da Gloom!

Cake Boss

Join in on the conversations!!

TClap |

2023 Q Source – The Manual for Virtuous Leadership

Leadership is a skill that a person must learn and master during their lifetime rather than an attribute of their character with which they are born. As a skill, it is like learning to play the piano. If it were an attribute, it would be like having blue eyes or a square jaw.

Because it is a skill, a person must commit to learning to lead in the same way that they would learn to play the piano. The degree to which they will ultimately master it will depend both upon their natural ability and their willingness to practice. Because we are all born with some leadership ability, even a man with very little natural skill can still be an effective leader if he is willing to practice hard. But a man who will not practice at all will never master the skill even if he is born with the heart of a lion. The decision to become an effective leader is volitional. No one else can make it for you.


The mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership. With that mission in mind in the Fort, we continue in 2023 with Q Source by starting from the beginning in an effort to practice the skill of leadership. We will begin with a Foundation discussion on Disruption on Tuesday, January 2nd https://f3nation.com/q/disruption/

For those who may be new or unfamiliar with Q Source, it is the “field manual for leadership” within F3 consisting of 54 Q Points meant to accelerate a man through his G3L (Get Right, Live Right, Lead Right, Leave Right). Weekly discussions follow the Q Points and encourage accountability, vulnerability and encouragement from fellow Pax which lead to positive impact in your home and workplace. While weekly attendance is encouraged, Q Points offers the ability to keep up with the content if you have to miss a week.

The Thang

Tuesday mornings at Baxter Starbucks

6:20 – 7 AM


  • F3 Nation website – https://f3nation.com/q/
  • Q Source podcasts –Soundcloud F3 Nation
  • Newsletter Sign Up – Send an email requesting addition to F3Qsource@gmail.com
  • Want a PDF copy – Send an email to Eddie.d.dowling@gmail.com

Whether you are new to the content or have been through it before, there is ample opportunity to grow in 2023 as a leader. I challenge you to spend this time each week preparing yourself so that you can effectively serve others around you. #SYITG

TClap |

Trail run at the Whitewater Center

The kids are off school and we need to get on some trails. The Nash van is making a trip to the Whitewater Center on Thursday morning to run some trails. Leo and Half Tights are leading a group on a 9 mile route(same one as the CRC Trail race) and I will be leading a shorter 5-ish mile route. I have room in my van and a parking pass so plan to hop in and ride the big black bus up there. Meet in Kingsley at 0745. Message me for details.

TClap |

Are You Prepared for 2023

Are you ready for 2023?  Have you set your fitness goals for next year?

January is fast approaching.  Now is a good time to sit and write down some fitness goals for the next year.  Pick three to five goals and share them with someone (Shield Lock) who will keep you accountable.

The year I started F3, we had a fitness challenge called F3twofiddy.  The goal was to post 250 workouts during the year.   I am going to reintroduce this challenge for 2023.

Here are the general guidelines (not rules):

  • This is a goal-oriented challenge (You verses You). It’s not a contest. First one to 250 does not win a prize.  In fact, some may choose a high goal than 250.
  • Any 30 minute or longer workout counts
  • Does not have to be F3 related
  • Each leg of a Relay type event would count as one workout
  • CSAUPs and GoRuck events count as one workout no matter how long

You can track it yourself or use a copy of the Tracker created with the help of 38 Special.

Details on the Tracker:

  • Download a copy to track your information
  • Starts January 1, 2023
  • Enter your name in cell C2
  • Enter your workout goal (# of workouts) for the year in cell C4.  The sheet is prepopulated with 250.  If you frequently post to bootcamps and exercise outside of F3, the number should be significantly higher.
  • Enter your daily workout counts (columns B thru I) starting January 1st.  The cells will also accept text so you can type a specific event in the cell like “Workout Q” or “Charlotte Half”.  The text will count as one workout.

A Slack channel (“250in2023”) will be created to answer questions and to provide encouragement throughout the year.

Let’s get after it!




TClap |

It’s Back…A Holiday Classic

The Return of The Clave Boss 5k/10k and Christmas Convergence….a tradition like no other. Right there with The Masters, Kentucky Derby, and Football (NFL)!!!

Invite your family visiting from out of town and get ready to celebrate Christmas with Fitness, Fellowship and Faith!


  • Date: Saturday 12/24/22
  • Location: Tega Cay Elementary School (aka:Maximus torture AO)
  • Schedule of events:
    • Clave Boss 5k/10k will launch at 0625am- THE RUN WILL START AT 0630am
      • Will have option to run one or the other (10k course is slightly different)
      • Top 3 runners in each will receive Bundt Cake!
      • Picking up the six will be highly recognized
    • Boot Camp will launch at 0730 am, end at 08:30 am
      • Qs = ???????????? (Show to know)
      • Will be something for everyone!
      • COT: Nam-o-rama, FNG naming, BoM
    • Coffeerteria be at Tega Cay School – with Donuts, Coffee, Water and other items

Bring Uncle Chuck and the brother in-law that thinks you’re nuts and have a Jolly Ol Time at The Fort!


TClap |