12 started their week at The Armory for some Workouts of the Day dedicated to the brave men who stormed the beach in Normandy. After a brief warm up we got to the heart of the day:
20 Minutes AMRAP
-60ish Meter Suitcase Carry (switch hands midway)
-60ish Meter Bear Crawl/Bell Drag Back (switch hands midway)
-44 American Hammers
-60ish Meter Suitcase Carry (switch hands midway)
-60ish Meter Bear Crawl/Bell Drag Back (switch hands midway)
-44 Burpees
Following this we had about 13 minutes so we adjusted another WOD
6 Minutes
-Ladder count up of curls, overhead press, goblet squat & high pull (1 of each then 2 of each then 3, etc)
6 Minutes
-Reverse ladder count from the amount you had completed previously of 4 count flutters and 4 count mountain climbers. The original weinke called for man maker burpees instead of the flutter kicks, but I decided to modify that…
Seventeen HIM decided to accelerate themselves Saturday morning and posted at WEP for an Esso/JWow tag team Q. After a quick disclaimer, we moseyed down the road.
20 Side Straddle Hops
10 Cherry Pickers
10 Cherry Pickers (back by popular demand)
10 Low Slow Squats
10 Merkins
10 Donkey Kicks
10 Moroccan Night Clubs
We Moseyed down 160 towards the Pike Engineering parking lot. Bear Crawled up the hill to the upper parking lot level.
The Thang:
We did a spinoff of Dora 1-2-3 called Bull Rush 2-3-4 (patent pending). Broke off into groups of three.
– Partner 1 bull rushes partner two halfway down the parking lot
– Partner 2 bull rushes partner 1 back
– Partner 3 does 200 Merkins, 300 Sqauts, 400 LBCs
– This is a rotation between the three PAX until all of the all 2-3-4’s are done
This took every bit of 30 minutes and then the pain torch was handed over to Esso.
Set Counts: 20/15/10/5
Bat Wings
– Forward arm circles, IC hold
– Backward arm circles, IC hold
– Seal claps, IC hold
– Overhead claps, IC
Broad jumps, Sprint back
– Russian Dips, IC (leg kicks)
– Low country crab, IC (face up)
– Dips, IC
Bear Crawl, Sprint back
– Merkins, IC
– Tplanks, IC (right arm up, left arm up)
– Carolina Dry Docks, IC
– Planks, 10 ct / 6 in 10 ct / plank 10 ct
10 Burpees
Meeting: creates accountability, in faith, in fitness, in everything
F3 is hosting and chaperoning a day at the Whitewater Center with the 6-8 boys from CAH. The plan is simply to have fun and enjoy all the activities that the Whitewater center has to offer. It will be a day full of fellowship and fun as we engage in the zip line, climbing wall, rafting, paddle boarding, hiking or whatever the heart desires.
Pack a bag, a cooler, a lunch and head out to the center to help influence the next generation.
Why: Our M’s like each other and any excuse to enjoy some 2nd F is reason enough. We have reserved the room off to the side of the dining area, “CSPAN Room” for those that attended his send off.
**This is intended for Anchorman who is Slack-less and any other PAX who haven’t made the transition over to Slack**
18 #HIM’s chose to avoid the fartsack on a mild Thursday morning. YHC called his own number and brought out a PAX favorite from the past and, thanks to the efforts of Esso, a FNG joined us for the festivities. After disclaimers were placed, a welcome given to the FNG and a brief description of what F3 is, we moseyed off through a few parking lots to COP…..but just a few.
COP – YHC was reminded through various events of this week what makes F3 what it is. In light of those experiences, it seemed appropriate after 20 MNC’s in cadence to hold the pose and go around the circle of #HIMs with each taking a few moments to talk about who brought them into F3 and what keeps them coming back. After a lengthy hold, we proceeded to do 10 more MNC’s in cadence…..just because. Then we did the following:
Imperial Walkers x 15 (I/C)
SSH X 30 (I/C – varying speeds)
Merkins X 15 (I/C)
Staying in the plank, moving to Mountain Climbers X 10 (I/C)
Hold the plank – right arm high and left arm high, regular holds, and 6 inch hold with Stang administering a dubious 10 count, YHC’s interpretation of its duration was called into question and, as a result, excessive mumble chatter by the PAX threw YHC off. Therefore, penalty burpees were called. After which……
Low Slow Squats X 15
Mosey to the Main Event
Main event – YHC’s first Q at Laces In seemed to provoke not so subtle comments from various PAX – some of whom were in attendance this morning. Only appropriate to call a Jacob’s Ladder consisting of Burpees at the Bottom, Carolina Dry Docks at the top (2nd lightpole up the hill toward Munn Road), and lunge walking to get there (Mosey back down to bottom after each sequence). All exercises added up to 10 since 10 PAX were present – 9 burpees, lunge walk two poles, 1 CDD, mosey back down, 8 burpees, lunge walk, 2 CDD, mosey down, you get the idea.
10 additional burpees were called at the end…..just because. In addition, planks or Al Gores were held until the 6 was in. The main event (always popular) took us until 5:53 so time to mosey back to COT for a little Mary:
American Hammers X 15 (I/C)
Protractor (varying degrees with holds of varying lengths of time)
Rosalitas X 10 (I/C) – YHC was not so subtly reminded of the proper angle from which this should be done – thanks was given to the PAX for keeping YHC in line.
Boxcutters X 10 (I/C)
Body Destroyer for 40 seconds and we put a wrap on things for the morning.
Welcome FNG – Heathcliff and T-Claps to Esso for the EH.
Announcements – Read your newsletter, Custom Ruck event 5-4-19 and Travis Mannion W/O at WEP on 4-27-19.
Prayers – for families, those traveling for the spring break holiday and prayers to remember the true reason for celebration of the Easter weekend and what it should mean to all of us.
It was an honor to travel across the River on this cool Spring gloom with Italian Job and Canseco to join up with 9 of our Fort and Rock Region brothers on the day before Easter. Thank you Bonsai and the rest of our brothers for the opportunity to lead this morning.
As Italian Job, Canseco and YHC discussed this workout the previous week, we decided that it would definitely be split into three equal time periods with each of us focusing on different body groups. Italian Job began with the F3 Disclaimer and welcome to all:
There was no Warm-Up
Italian Job moved right into working the upper body. This is what was done:
10 Burpees (OYO); 5 Plank Destroyers (Plank, Makhtar D’Diaye, Merkin, Alternating Shoulder Tap, Plank Jack); 20 MNCs (IC); 10 Merkins (IC); 20 Little Baby Arm Circles (IC); 10 Wide Arm Merkins (IC); 20 Overhead Claps (IC); 60 Seconds Arm Circles in Plank; Mosey to Springs or Playground; 20 Irkins; 20 Dips; 20 Derkins; Mosey; 10 Wide-Diamond-Wide (OYO); Mosey; Merkin Ring of Fire (10 rounds).
After he finished, the Q Stick was handed off to YHC for the lower body portion performing each of the following exercises for 50-seconds and resting for 10:
Squat + Calf Raises; Squat Jacks; Mosey; Alternating Hamstring Reaches; Broad Jump w/Back Pedal; Mosey; Left Lateral Lung; Right Lateral Lung; Squat Tap-Outs; Mosey; Left Leg Lunge; Right Leg Lunge; Mosey; Step Ups; Squat & Squat Jumps.
Then YHC passed off the lead to Canseco for some Core & Cardio and an awesome work below in the NMM. This is what he led us in:
YHC planned to use the steep portion of the running path for sets of core exercises with a jailbreak between. We did 2 to 3 exercises for each set and started at the bottom of the hill.
We did the following with a jailbreak between sets.
All In Cadence:
30 Imperial Walkers; 50 Flutters; Jailbreak
20 Mtn Climbers; 20 Freddy Mercurys; Jailbreak
20 American Hammers; 30 Pretzel Crunches (15 each Side); 10 Makhtar N’Diayes; Jailbreak back to top
20 LBC’s ; 10 Delayed LBC’s; Plank w/6 Inches and Up x2
Mosey to COT where IJ led us in another 10-Burpees for fun
Great work was put in by all PaX in attendance. Thank you again for allowing us to lead.
Canseco shared his heart this morning. Below is what he discussed:
The sun came through the clouds and shined directly on us during Reborn’s leg workout. We were at the top of the Walter Elisha Park looking out and for a few moments everyone was quiet. I had something to share with the PAX and in that moment this capped it off.
I have been reading through the gospels the last couple weeks and wanted to share something that has been stirring in me. So, as we know its Saturday before Easter and Jesus has been crucified and placed in a tomb. On this day thousands of years ago there were all kinds of emotions for those who were near to Jesus.
Those near to him who followed and loved him were doubtful, confused, and didn’t know what would happen next. The Pharisees and scribes still saw Jesus as a threat to their own Kingdom and world and placed guards at the tomb. I find this interesting as he is dead yet they didn’t believe?
I shared Matthew chapter 21 with the PAX when Jesus curses the fig tree that didn’t have any fruit. Jesus disciples said how can it wither instantly? Jesus answered, “Truly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, Be taken up and thrown into the sea, it will happen.” 22 And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Jesus was preparing them to believe and have faith during the darkest and most doubtful times to come.
We know what happened next. We have record and an account of the resurrection. But we still have to figure out what we are going to do with Jesus?
Is Jesus threatening your Kingdom, life, and world. Are you keeping him at distance and putting HIM away somewhere so as to hide?
Or, are you believing on His life, death, and resurrection as sufficient for your sins and eternity with HIM. You can’t hide from the light!!!
My prayer for the PAX was that just as the sun rose before our eyes this morning that the Son of Man would rise in each of our hearts this day, tomorrow, and forever.
April 3rd F Theme-Be Still.
Summer Lawn Service at the Care Center-Sign up now.
Manion WOD-April 27-See Cobra Kai.
Date Night-April 27-Contact Wegmans.
Prayers and praises were mentioned and Italian Job
10 at the hive for a Go Ruck inspired Kettle Bell workout
Warm-up began with:
Short mosey
Moroccan Nightclubs
Hillbilly Walkers
Imperial Walkers
We then moved to the side of the parking lot to complete the body of the workout
10 sets of:
Suitcase carry of bell to far end of parking lot and back AFAP (switch hands at far end) *Tesh estimated this to be 80 yards each way.. Far more than the 50 that I had intended…
Once back 10 Goblet Squats and 10 Swings then repeat
Final 5 sets had 10 Lunges, 10 Plank Pass Through, and 10 Overhead Press added to reps due to mumble about how easy the back-blast would be to write
Finished at exactly 6:00… Just like I had planned…
What a great morning for a run around Wally World! Cool air and a nice breeze countered the 100% humidity for a comfortable loop of a tried and true Flight Plan classic. The numbers were low by current standards. That can be attributed to 3 things; 1) No looming CSAUP or road race; 2) Some regulars having participated in Charlotte Race Fest 1/2 marathon this Saturday and 3) Spring Break!
The last on the list allowing for a few of the PAX to have an impromptu coffeteria while M’s & 2.0s were tucked snuggly in their beds. A nice cameo from Tesh as we enjoyed our Starbucks. Tackling all the worlds’ problems and comparing who had a better SOI, Twister or Double D.
AKAY2 led by Funhouse continues
Canoli Run – May 18th – https://runsignup.com/Race/SC/FortMill/SPNCannoli5kRunAndFamilyWalk
Prayer Requests:
Safe travel for all PAX going bi-coastal for Spring Break
Hootie’s Mother In Law for biopsy results that will be received today
Will – Friend of Cyclop’s M who is going into rehab
For me right now, all is good. I’m not saying I have it all figured out but I know that I’m blessed. I’ve got some time off from the students but that honey do list is long for my Spring Break. So I’m making sure I get this out quickly.
Drove the site to make sure I located all the stair that I saw on google earth. We are fortunate to have several churches near the AO. There are 5 set of steps.
Showed up to find at least 7 Pax waiting in the parking lot. Soon as 5:15 hit gave disclaimer and we started to mosey to high Knees, to regular, to butt kickers, to regular. Circle up to warm up with
Imperial Walkers, Moroccan nightclubs, slow Moroccan Nightclubs, Windmills slow and fast.
Mosey near First Baptist to utilize that beautiful stair case leading to there
All exercise are done in cadence
Run to steps bear crawl up steps and crawl bear down
Over head claps
Run to steps bear crawl up steps and crawl bear down
Run to steps bear crawl up steps and crawl bear down
Mosey to another set of steps
Run up one side of the steps and back down
Plank step up on curb
Run up one side of the steps and back down
Big boy sit ups
Run up one side of the steps and back down
Took a min to rest and talk about Growth. We are constantly growing in our spiritual life, home life, work life
Run to Fort Mill church of GOD
Calf raises
Cross the street to lunge walk the steps up and reverse lunge walk down
Plank shoulder taps
Cross the street to lunge walk the steps up and reverse lunge walk down
Freddy mercury’s
Cross the street to lunge walk the steps up and reverse lunge walk down
We had to watch the last rail it was not attached well
Same parking lot
Foot taps on the curb
Run up another set of steps and back down.
Carolina dry docks
Run up another set of steps and back down.
American Hammers
Run up another set of steps and back down.
Took a min to rest and ask about Growth in the lives, where they need growth.
As we ran up and down the steps I noticed some nice new picnic tables that where perfect for dips so we did a round of dips
With time still looking good and thanks to a Barry Manilow- Anchor man Q that I attend at this AO in the past, we did a snake run up and down steps on Fort Mill church of GOD. 10 times.
Time to mosey back to COT up another set of steps with a pit stop at First Baptist as asked Barry Manilow to lead us in makhtar n’diayes.
Circled up for announcement and prayers.
What a great way to start your morning with 20 other Pax. Always grateful to be able to lead.