Taking the Kettle Bells Up the Ladder

15 posted at Cannonball to climb the ladder with their Kettle Bells

It was supposed to go like this:


Long mosey to lower parking lot LEAVE BELLS

(Mod slow mosey the short route)


Moracan NIght Clubs


Freddie Mercurys

The Merkin


Bears and Bells back to the top lot


The Thing 4 corner ladder

Corner 1:

Big Boy transfers / twist 10, 20, 30, 20, 10

Curls 10

Tricep ext 10

Corner 2:

KB Swings 10

KB Bench press 10

KB Squat Thrust 5, 10, 15, 10, 5

Corner 3:

Bent over rows 10 each arm

Overhead press 10

Figure 8 10 single pass

Corner 4:

Straight up rows 10

KB pass (partner) 10

Hand on Bell merkin 10

But we had to mod the reps because time was not on our side!

However there was a great push from all men and lots of encouraging words were being spread.

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Captain Clutch @ the Abyss

We had 7 HIM post at the Abyss today and here’s what went down

Traveling Warm up:

Stop 1:

Side Straddle Hops 


Stop 2:

Hillbilly Walkers

Produce Pickers

Stop 3:

Mountain Climbers 

Peter Parkers

Stop 4: 

Moroccan NIght Clubs

Imperial Walkers

Thing 1:

Dora 1, 2, 3 

100 Bulgarian Split Squats (double count)

200 Dips

300 Incline Merkins

Thing 2:


Jump squats 

Jump Lunges

Mosey back to COT

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Moving about frequently and getting better

A little of this and a little of that took place on an early “coolish” September morning at #lacesin and #lacesout.   YHC had to call his own number to fill in for an injured PAX.  So a weinke was constructed and a total of 10 gathered to get better – 3 to run and 7 for boot camp.  After the disclaimers were announced and the assumption of risk was delegated, PAX took a Pledge of Allegiance to honor those who serve us and day in and day out and then we were off for a mosey to……

COP – 4 corners (and without side straddle hops no less!) – various exercises at each lightpole – 12 was the double count per exercise

  1. Low Slow Squats & Imperial Walkers
  2. Merkins & Mountain Climbers
  3. Windmills (for Trucker) & People’s chair held while doing Moroccan Night Clubs
  4. 12 Burpees – just because

Mosey to the wall by the high school entrance for:

  1. BTTW while each PAX bear crawled to the end of the line
  2. People’s Chair Held while each PAX did 5 burpees (the FNG did not splash merlot)

Mosey to the high school entrance for Partner Dora 1-2-3: One runs the bus loop and the other does:

  1. Burpees (100) – Some modified to Merkins
  2. Squats (200)
  3. LBC’s (300)

On the benches, PAX did 12 D/C dips I/C and D/C step ups I/C

Mosey to the band lot for 100 yards of Lunge Walks and Bear Crawls – Lunge 20, Bear Crawl 20, Lunge 20, Bear Crawl 20, Lunge 20.  Mumble chatter was encouraged down the field.

Mosey to the Hive lot for F & F – Freddy’s x 12 I/C and Flutters x 12 I/C

Mosey through the Hive lot to the opposite corner for Hello Dolly’s x 12 I/C and Rosalitas X 12 I/C

Hustle to COT for last little bit of ab work (PAX watches were conveniently ahead of YHC’s) so we wrapped up with 13 D/C American Hammers I/C – just to do something more than 12 times.  Then it was 0600.

COT was held and we welcomed FNG Bottlebot to the PAX.

Announcements were made – read your newsletter

Prayers were lifted up for those recovering from a fall, going in for testing, dealing with sickness and dealing with a recent cancer diagnosis.  Praise was offered for those giving care to all those in need and those who will help restore their healing and paths forward.

Honored to serve,


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ImpromptQ at The Coop

The Coop has had quite a month, and with a VQ on the schedule I was excited to see that momentum continue to grow. Sadly, our Q was a no show. As the Site Q, I led the PAX this morning in an impromptu Q.

Mosey to Bus Loop for COP
SSH x 30
Tappy Taps x 10
Low Slow Squat x 20
Hold Al Gore 45 Seconds
Pulsing Al Gore x 16
Merkins x 10
Yoga Flow w/Runner’s Stretch

While trying to figure out the weinke during the COP, we were holding Al Gores. At that time, I asked the PAX to enlighten me if their least favorite workouts. Cleverly, Cheddah answered “This one!” So we pulsed. A nice little burn to start us off. While moseying around prior to COP I decided upon our first endeavor.


Partner Up
DORA 1-2-3 at Traffic Circle/Staff Parking Lot
100 Big Boy Sit Ups
200 Squats
300 SSH

Mosey around back of school to Lunch Tables

Derkins in Cadence x 10
Step Ups in Cadence x 20

Note to self: NEVER do derkins next to Haggis unless you have perfect form. That man is an animal.

Mosey to Pull Up Bars (Much to Trucker’s delight)

Wall sits while outer two PAX do 5 pull ups and work their way toward the center.
Rinse and Repeat but change up grip on your pull ups.

Mosey back to Shovel Flag

Hip work Courtesy of Airborne, one minute each side.

In all, we had a solid morning of varied movements. There’s some freedom in being able to make up the weinke on the fly, though I can say I was a more distracted than usual. The PAX who showed are true HIM, though. Lastly, we ran 2.5 miles.

A Burpee penalty was discussed for Mighty Mouse. If we can get him to show, we may have to proctor said penalty… though we all know we’ll help him out. That’s how we roll. Let’s just hope everything is ok for him.


Hardwood on Q at Varsity this week!
QvQ coming at you on October.
Christmas Party coming up… get your ugly sweater on.
Read your newsletter.


Kaiser – praise for God’s promises. There are over 700 promises in the Bible.
Chicken Hawk – pray for marriages. Pray that we as apathetic men can step up love our wives the way they need it.

Hope everybody enjoys their day, and holds their loved ones tight.

Punch List out.

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So it is almost a week later as I write this.  Better late than never I guess. Hopefully I can recollect most of what happened!

It all started with the usual disclaimer and then a quick lap around the parking lot.

I’m not much for warm ups, but did to some this morning.  Certainly some windmills, merkins, squats, SSH’s.

I then got my speaker out for  a little fun.  Since I have been working my way through the Exicon and we would be doing the letter C today I play a song called Alphabet Aerobics, and made everyone go from Merkins to 6″ holds every time he began rapping a new letter.  The song is just over 2 minutes, but you felt it!

1st routine: The Cycle

We moseyed to the baseball field and started at home plate

  • bear crawl to 1st, 3 burpees, crawl bear to home
  • bear crawl to 2nd, 6 burpees, crawl bear to home
  • bear crawl to 3rd base, 9 burpess, crawl bear to home
  • bear crawl to home, 12 burpees, crawl bear to home

This one always sucks.

2nd routine: C.L.I.M.B.

We went to the hill and did the following exercises:

  • Ran down the hill
  • Crab Cakes, Lunges, Imperial Walkers, Monkey Humpers, Bombjacks
  • NUR up the hill
  • The increments were x2 so it started with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and then 2, 4,6,8,10, etc.
  • We did this 4 times and x2 on the exercise count each time.

3rd routine: Catch me if you can

Mosey back to main lot and partnered up.  You all know how this one goes.  I called out various exercises and Partner A did them, then caught their partner who was NUR’ing, rinse and repeat.  We did 4 reps of this and I called out a new exercise each time.

I can’t remember what we announced or prayed for, but we did!

Thanks for the Q O’Reilly!  It is always a great time Q’ing here!

Until next time,



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Shot at a Free NITRO at HIT

It was a great day since it was Wednesday and I Love the new Mod/HIT Shipwreck Site and Coffeteria (NITRO). Ricky Bobby was on Q for the Mod and it was his VQ! So he did the disclaimer and we spilt into the Mod and HIT groups. The Mod group took off towards the track and I kept the HIT guys back for a minute and challenged them (because I feel that if we have a challenge in front of us we seem to push a little harder). So the challenge was simple, u beat me and I buy u a NITRO. Point system will be explained shortly. So we ran (not moseyed since this is HIT) over to the track where the Mod group was power walking/slow moseying. We got a little ahead of them where I stopped my group and we did some Seal Jax until the Mod group caught up to us then we ran to the other side of the track where we stopped again and did some Smurf Jax until they caught us again. We then ran to the back of the school where the hill is and began the Thang:

The lighting is decent on the hill so we walked down it and I told the Pax to get familiar with the terrain. The ground was a little damp and slick (thankfully I knew my Weinke and was prepared by wearing my new trail shoes). Eleanor not happy because he said he felt like a cartoon character slipping because his shoes are stating to wear on the fronts from all the burpees. That is a good thing because that means he is getting after it. So here is the challenge details. Run up the hill on the count of 3 and the first to the top has to do 3 merkins the rest do 4. Walk back down and repeat the race up the hill and each time the winner does only 3 and the losers add one so the second time the losers did 5 then 6 then 7 and so on. Some Pax thought they would sand back and win the later ones but after 3 trips up they were gassed and were falling too far behind in points. Long story short I OWE NOBODY A NITRO! Hats off to Speedhandle and Austin Powers for the push. My take on it, I owe it all to the Pre-Stuff! That truly makes me stronger.

Dessert was the Flag punishment I had to do for leaving my flag once at cannonball. 50 Burpees and 13 Kraken Burpees. Now the Bastards try to distract me every Tuesday just to try to make me forget it. Bastards!!

Ricky Bobby Took care of the Announcements and Prayers!

Always a pleasure to lead.


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The Hive is alive!

7 HIM showed up on this muggy morning for some solid acceleration and an acceptable amount of mumblechatter.

The warm-up:

20) side-straddle-hop

20) Merkins

20) Low slow squats


The Workout:

90’s rock playing while PAX circles up. In order to throw a curve ball their way, I told the PAX that we would be switching kettle bells after each routine. They complained for a second which always makes the QIC feel good!

20) Kettle bell swings

10) Burpees OYO

RUN across parking lot. Move one spot in circle to the next bell.

20) Big Boy sit-ups w/bell

20) Triceps extensions

RUN ”  ”

10) Lawnmower pull per arm

20) Skull Crushers

RUN ” ”

25) Merkins OYO

10) Halo each way

RUN ” ”

20) Curls

15) Squat press

RUN ” ”

25) 4 count superman flutter

20) Kettle bell high pull

RUN ” ”

20) bomb jacks OYO

30) Kettle bell bus driver. I realized how difficult this was so I decreased the reps to 10 and had I not I think Uhaul may have thrown his Kettle at me. This move basically is like turning a steering wheel.

RUN ” ”

10) side-to-side sumo squats

10) Kettle bell row per arm

RUN ” ”


We repeated this until our time was up and then moved back over to COT for announcements and prayers.

Huge thank to Band Camp for the opportunity to lead these men and I look forward to doing it again soon!




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Splashing around the Yard TripleLindy

It’s probably good thing that the Yard is billed as moderate. We had 3 pax on Q and everyone took a turn at the title. It was ab a squad central. We moseyed around the parking lot before moving into some left over right and reverse stretches, ssh, Imperial and HillBilly walkers (all IC). We moseyed to the basket ball courts then came back to some people’s chairs while I relayed some inspiration from my recent trip to the Grand Canyon. We had Lt. Dan show up to the end of the basketball area, more moseying then do some Doras featuring squats, biblgboys, and LBC. Mosey wall sit with the rest of the story. Calf raises, merkins and inclined version. Mosey. COT for more ssh and a couple others. Not bad for no prep work.

TripleLindy out

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Mega Tight Mile

I had the pleasure of Qing the High Intensity workout at Shipwreck this morning! 10 pax accepted the challenge and I wanted to make sure to deliver what they signed up for. We did a variation of a merciless mile, but this one was different…It was a Mega Tight Mile.

We ran down to the track and COP lasted about 15 sec just to give instructions. The HIT workout is only 30min so we got right to work!

Mega Tight Mile looked like this: 4 cones placed around the track at each cone you stop and do work!

Lap 1: 10’s

10 Burpees

10 Plank Jack Merkins

10 Tuck Jumps

At the end of Lap 1 you completed 40 reps of each exercise.

Lap 2: 20’s

20 Ski Ab’s (Counting only middle)

20 High Knees with a Twist (High knees but touch opposite elbow to knee…basically a standing Freddy Mercury)

20 Front Back Jumps (Jump forward, Jump Backward)

At the end of Lap 2 you completed 80 reps of each exercise.

Lap 3: 30’s 

30 Mountain Climbers (Double Count)

30 Plank Jack Shoulder Taps (As you do shoulder taps your legs spread apart while holding plank)

30 Squat Jumps

At the end of Lap 3 you completed 120 reps of each exercise.

Almost Done Finish Strong!!

Lap 4: Time Challenge

To finish our Mega Tight Mile I challenged the Pax to give it all they got!

For the last lap all you have to do is run!…but the catch is if you don’t finish your lap in under 2:15 you owe us 20 burpees!

Lucky all the pax are mega tough so everyone fished in under 2:00min so no burpees were done.

Instead we finished the workout with some ab work

In Cadence 10 Box Cutters, 10 V-Crunch.

Congrats You did  it!

After completion we met up with the Moderate Workout guys for Name-o-Rama, FNG naming, and Prayers a praises.

Shout out to 3 FNG’s QT, Airwolf, and Bartman

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Clutch at the Crows Nest

Had 16 HIM this morning at the Crow’s Nest

We started out with a typical warm up consisting of:

SSH, 5 Bur-pees, Windmills, 4 Bur-pees, Moroccan Night Clubs, 3 Bur-pees, Produce Pickers, 2 Bur-pees, Hillbilly Walkers, and yes you guessed it, one last Bur-pee

We took the long Mosey to the back to get started on the THANG:

DORA 1,2,3,2,1


Bulgarian split squats




Next on the agenda was going to be MONSTER 11’s on the “Green Monster” (Hill for those that may not know) BUT we were getting close to time so we went with the MINI MONSTER 11’s instead on the, less steep although just as long, hill nearer to the parking lot.

The 11’s consisted of CDDs at the top and Bur-pees at the bottom, but due to time constraints (and a few gassed PAX, namely me) I called an audible halfway through and we finished the 11’s with CDDs top and bottom.

Final mosey back to beginning for a refreshing round of stretches then we called it done.

Announcements: Invergence-Convergence , Block and Bears 5k

Prayers / Praises: Radars son turned 16 over the weekend, prayers for students and teachers starting back to school

Welcome FNG Dough Boy!

Thanks Ice for the oppertunity to lead!

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