Did You Pass the Test? APFT at MP

Pledge of Allegiance at 05:14
WARMUP: Quick warmup in the parking lot of the following:
– 20 SSH 4 ct
– 10 windmills 4 ct
– 15 imperial walkers 4 ct
– 15 MNC 4 ct

Runners and ruckers went running and rucking. The bootcampers ran to corner of Confederate and Main.
2 mile timed run, 2 min BBSU AYG, 2 min merkins AYG. Scoring is based on age.
Started off with the 2 mile run. Loop was down main, left onto Academy, left onto Monroe White, left onto Confederate, back to start. That’s about .47 mile. Did 4 loops of that. End was down Academy at the Loom parking lot to get the full 2 miles. It is not completely flat loop, but that’s as flat as you can get in the MP area.
Next up we did merkins, then finally BBSU.
We had extra time, so we went to Print Shop for 2 mins AYG pull-ups.
That gave us about 5-6 min before COT. Ran back to COT for some Mary.
MARY: 5 min worth of ab/core work
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter, get involved.
COT: Alot lifted up.
My mom passed away on Tues 3/3. She was 91. She had a pretty rough childhood. Raised by her dad who immigrated from Portugal as a teen, her mom left when she was 6. Her oldest sibling sister was 9 at that time and became the mom for everyone. He had anger issues among other things and abused them regularly, but he also provided the best he could and kept the family unit together. There were more good times than bad, but the bad was really bad. She could have easily brought those demons into our lives as children, for children who are abused often become abusers when they are adults, but instead she and all her siblings chose to break that chain and live in love as much as possible. It takes a strong person to do that, break those chains. I am forever thankful she did. She touched a LOT of lives by this, living in love. She was an amazing, strong, loving, caring woman, who near always put others ahead of her. She is the embodiment of living in love. That’s what I ask of you all. We are given choices every moment in our lives, every day. Choose to live in love whenever possible. That will leave a lasting impact more than anything else you do.

Blessings and SYITG,

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Hold on to your balls

Everybody issued a soccer ball to keep for the duration.

Run with ball. Then hop with ball between ankles past all the fit freaks of f45.

Circle up w the usual, but make sure you include your ball.

Take a break and dribble ball around lot.

More circle of the usual.

Dribble ball again.

Hop ball back towards cot and engage in a crazy 8.


Hop back towards cot and return your blue ball.

The end.

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Back last! Rucking VQ with GAME!

WARMUP: SSH and the Kasbah #2s
THE THANG: 12 was the rep count for all work to honor LEOs including my nephew. Ruck over to railing facing the lake and some hopping merkins until we got to the stairs. Up the stairs and over to the Marriott where we talked about Gratitude and Attitude then did some Russian Tap Dancers and LSS. Rucked to Sunbelt and talked about Maintaining focus and Energy. Rucked the perimeter of the parking lot and up to the roundabout. There, we did some calls raisers and slightly inclined merkins. Rucked back up the hill toward Panera passing around <@U02JMD0EKS8>’s 60 pounder. Rucked through the quiet zone again then back for some Mary. It felt quite contrary but we did some BB Crunches, Protractors and finally some body destroyers. The PAX were very gracious and kind.
MARY: Not Wild Eyed Crazy but yes, she popped on.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: <@U02JMD0EKS8> Bon Voyage March 1st, <#C040E2ZA943> March 8th, Convergence at <#C02P7E6JT55> on March 14th and the <#C03J56KFVAA> #Jaeger March 15th.
COT: Prayers for health and for strength. Prayers for the families of those who lost loved ones. Praises for Gratitude including the PAX and new jobs.

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Run route = y trail then up 6th crossing to Sutton, left on Sutton, right on mills, left on gardenia, right on morris hunt, right on dowling, then up the hill in Berkshire, then back to start via Richard’s crossing

the ruckers went were ruckers go

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Broga and Mosey New TV Series

WARMUP: Mosey Up Massey Hill
1mile run

30min Broga

1mile Run

3min Broga

1mile run with 4 pain stations
5 burpees
10 CCDs
15 Sumo Squats

MARY: Broga
Yeager….Do It
Be the friend even when others are not

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All of Them!

WARMUP: Disclaimer loosened up the vocal cords
THE THANG: run out Richard Crossing to Front St, turn left to Berkshire, so 2 laps, return on Front/Richards Crossing

Message at end referred to 33 yr anniversary for me/M last wk and question from Pirate about what was the hardest phase. As Cyclops would say “all of them” AND they’ve also ALL been the best phase. How can you adjust your mindset to “both/and” and away from the “either/or” nature our culture seems to impose?

MARY: nope, she stayed in fartsack
ANNOUNCEMENTS: March 14 convergence, March 1 final Battle Bot Q at Alcatraz
COT: Davinci, wedding anniversary

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The Sheldon Cooper

I picked up the substitute Q stick from <@UN6PTD007> as he’s DR this week and he picked up one of mine from a few weeks ago.

WARMUP: Mosey over to the track. The obligatory SSH, Morrocan nightclubs, windmills

THE THANG: The Sheldon Cooper. 10 rounds of descending reps. Run a lap around the track, perform 10 burpees, 10 squats, 10 merkins and 10 big boys. Continue this pattern and decrease your rep count by one after each lap.

This was intentionally chosen so that each pax could push themselves as hard as they could, regardless of the pax around them. This provided some good fellowship for a few and the ability to go hard for others.

MARY: Planks and Peter Parkers

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D, Jaeger, Convergence. Read the Newsletter

COT: Prayers for new job opportunities, health, and healing.

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I think you’ll be okay, they’re covered in a thin candy shell


Holy schnikes, we had 18 PAX for a Tommy Boy quote run. We ran Massey, to Harris, to Audrey, to Main in a loop with Derkins, Dips, Clave Raises, CDDs, V-Ups, and Big Boys. We had runners and ruckers.


On the heavier side, HIMs shared prayers that are really rocking their personal lives and I thank you for sharing. The COT is what makes us unique and allows those hard conversations to happen. This community has your back. Thanks for showing up today to get better. Thanks for letting me lead these men into Thursday.

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Dancing the Tariffs Away

Imperial Walkers
Low slow squats
Hillbilly Walkers
Plank with some stretching

Mosey to front of school
12 Dips
5 step ups each leg
3 rounds
Mosey to back of school
Wall sit while 1 PAX goes up and down stairs
20 quick steps
5 irkins
15 quick steps
5 irkins
10 quick steps
5 irkins
Mosey to football field
10 squats
Lunge walk 10 yard
10 merkins
Mosey back to goal
10 squats
Lunge walk to 20 yard
10 merkins
Mosey back to goal

Rinse and repeat to the 50
2nd round
Same distances
Reverse lunge walk
Sumo squats
Plank jacks
Reverse mosey to goal line

Freddy mercurys
Read Newsletter
By not accepting God’s free gift of Grace we trample on the sacrifice he has provided for us.
Let’s instead honor the sacrifice and accept that free gift which is in our best interests :pray: :fire: :point_up_2: :raised_hands:

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