Hills hills hills

THE THANG: Run over to the school
Run hill repeats back and forth from school to bank parking lot, 10 merkins and 15 squats at each stop
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter

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A Little of This and a Little of That

On a brisk morning in the gloom we began by heading to the soccer fields.

Butt Kickers, HIgh Knees, Karaoke, Other direction, NUR.

Mosey to parking lot by playground:

SSH x15, plank, Peter Parker x15, Honey Mooner, Down Dog, Parker Peter x15, Honey Mooner, Down Dog, IW x20

To the playground

10 Pull ups, 20 Merkins, 20 swing knee ups, One Lap around the parking lot, Rinse and Repeat, Rinse and Repeat.

Mosey to parking lot with big island.  Bear Crawl, Crab Walk, Crawl Bear and Walk Crab.  Stopping  3x for AB LAB.

Mosey to side of school:  Peoples Chair (person on each end does 5 burpees and repeat until all have done them), BTW (10 count each person down the wall), rinse and repeat.

At picnic tables and 10 step ups each leg.

It was great getting out to the Ranch.  Seeing some HIM that I don’t regularly see.

Thanks to Mainframe for the opportunity.


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Phone Battery Died

WARMUP: Mosey to the front of CRHS – IW, HW, Merkins
Jogged the bus loop in front of the school 1 lap = 0.7 miles
As a group did a 4 exercise Tabata, 40s of work with 11 sec rest in between exercises

Mnt Climbers
Bomb Jacks
Shoulder Taps
Flying Squirrel

Ran a lap
Peter Parkers

Ran a lap
American Hammers

Returned to COT total mileage was 2.75 to 3.0 for all

MARY: No time
COT: Closed in Prayer

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Whiteville Christmas lights

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: run to downtown go through whiteville park up and over to cvs on Steele street all the way to Williamson street turn right work way back to Panera.

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WARMUP: Mosey to the gym entrance – windmills (I/C & trucker-approved) and Cherry pickers (I/C). Mosey to the back of the school at bus loop – imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers and low slow squats with Moroccan night clubs all in cadence. Mosey to benches for dips I/C and Bulgarian split squats (Single count)

THE THANG: at the poles varying exercises of 11’s were completed in pairs. Mode of transport between the poles was lunge walking and lieutenant Dan’s. Every 3 sets or so – YHC called mosey around the car loop.

After completing the poles pax moseyed to the basketball court for four corners of 11 & 11 – notable callout of gas pumpers at one corner by twister.

From there – PAX Moseyed to the dumpster where pax did 20 d/c monkey humpers (facing footloose of course).

Mosey to gym entrance for dips and a little Broga- but just a little.

Mosey to cot for Mary

MARY: a few of airborne’s hip exercises and a inner thigh stretch brought us to 0600

COT: 5th core principle

Thanks for the call Boogie Down. Always an honor to lead.


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There and back again, a runner’s tale

THE THANG: ran oven to gold hill middle and back, with the route going through Baxter and earth fare parking lot
COT: praises to be thankful for!

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Only 11 on Black Friday?

WARMUP: Intro and then mosey to the Lowes parking lot for warm ups. MNC, Produce Pickers, Windmills. Mosey to another corner of Lowes for Up and Down Dog, plank stretches and Mountain climbers. Continued to the Thang.
THE THANG: Four Corners. Round 1- 12 Big Boys then bear crawl, 12 Big Boys then nur, 12 Big Boys then crawl Bear, ended with 12 Big Boys then run.
Round 2- 12 flying Squirrels then Karaoke, 12 flying Squirrels then nur, 12 flying Squirrels then Karaoke, finally 12 flying Squirrels then run.
Message: asked everyone to say what they were thankful for on Thanksgiving.
Ran to the back of the building where Empire is located for some wall sits, balls to the wall and more wall sits. Ran back in front of F45 for some monkey humpers then back to COT for Mary.
MARY: Flutters, hammers, Burpees, MT with Wine Makers and lbc.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Golf, D2D, Party and team competition
COT: Prayers for family, marriages and those traveling.

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Bass down under

Theme was to stay together. Short mosey down the hill to a dry spot for some Broga. Threw in a couple of mtn climbers and WAM. We stayed together and did a slight mosey to the base of the hill where the fun started.

7s was the call starting with 1 squat run up the hill to the stop sign and do 6 merkins. They key was to stay together. This is where the fun started with the Aussie accent for the remainder of the workout.

All right mates once we finish with the 7s we headed to the crikey pull up bars. Did a quick 5 and hit the blocks (Cindy blocks that is) for some down under beat down. The call was wall sits for undisclosed moment of time. We did 3 sets of curls with a wall sits in between and did I mention block on the legs makes a nice table for shrimp on the barbie. Followed that up with overhead presses.

It was time to make another move up another hill to the benches where we watched Ruby Slippers pick up garbage. Better to leave it better than what you found it. Time for a little Aussie AMRAP to firm up the pax. The call was 1 minute of decline merkins (lots of complaint with that one), then dips, step ups, calf raises or was it 🦘 raises not sure. Then finished off with the 1minute of burpee finally. Back to COT

No Mary cause Rebel doesn’t like to get wet.

Thanks for the opportunity Cakeboss

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