Shieldlock Q at The Fort

WARMUP: Destiny took the Pax thru some stretches that included warm up exercises.
THE THANG: Rebel broke out a Dora that offered the Pax 100 Wide Arm Merks 200 Dry docks 300 Dips 400 Flutters
Bass offered up some Wall work w bear crawls and lined up in plank positions and knocked out mtn climbers, walk around building w some incline merkins, around building again w flutters around building again with wall sits again with curls.
Fogerty closed us out with a quick round of 5s ( Bombjax and Merks) w the hill at the entrance then finished w 3 mins of Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many discussed including Coffeeteria- Dam to Dam fundraising
COT: prayers and praises around the COT.

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It’s only a Party when it’s a BlockParty

Mosey around the block from veterans park with stops at Front founders
Back founders
Old subway and behind Hobos where
Walkers Sumos, Merkins, LBCs and some burpees took place

Ten exercises in ten parking spaces 10 reps each
Perform the exercise move then move to right
After 10th space take lap around parking lot
4-5 rounds were completed

Leg lifts
Sumo squats
Wide arm Merkins
Donkey Kicks
Squat jumps
Plank punch

Mosey back to COT
3 rounds of Mary performed
1mi untie of side straddle hops

HIM Camp
D2D24 signups

Prayers and Praises were mentioned

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1 Q 2 Q 3Qs 4Qs at The Yard

WARMUP: Bitcoin took us thru the disclaimer and a solid Warmup, complete with Imperial Walkers Hilly Billy Walkers, Wind Mills Cherry Pickers, which all began w a mosey.

The Thang:

Old bay grabbed the Q stick and walked us thru his maze of cones.  Some Pax paid attention and some Pax (well) not so much…
Old Bay
Zig-Zag Cone Course
– Line up for run through cone course by all (backwards run to start)
– Partner up (size not matter)
– Partner 1 does stationary exercise while partner 2 does moving exercises through the cone course
– Flapjack and then plank up until six is in
– Proceed to next round

1. LBCs –> lunges
2. American Hammer–>bunny hops
3. Peter Parkers –> karaoke
4. Flutters –> toy soliders
5. Hello Dollys –> backwards lunges
6. Low Plank –> butt kickers (2x)
Fogerty grabbed the Q and lead the Pax onto the Turf football field for a full 100yd ladder at every 10 yd markers.  Each pax added a rep up until mid field and then removed one rep until they reached the other goal line. Pax stated with 1 bombjax and 1 merkin at the 10yd line….2 of each at the 20, 3 of each at the 30yd line…Pax made their way back to the original goal line with same cadence but this time it was squats with overhead clap. Pax headed back to COT when Buddy ( Cousin Eddie son) took the Q stick and led the entire group back to COT w some butt kickers, Grapevine switching sides, Hops and finally a mosey to Circle up for 3 mins of Mary. Buddy did not relinquish the Q stick and led the pax in a round of Big Boys until time was called. Mumblechatter erupted around the 15th rep….but we were all better for it !! Nice job Buddy!!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: stuff the bus, HIM camp next weekend and a round of prayers / praises from every pax.
Bass took us out in prayer.

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Stuff the Bus Convergence

Ran over to parking lot behind football fields
SSH – all exercises were to 20 INC
1 burpee
2 burpees
Cherry Pickers
3 burpees
4 burpees
Moroccan Night Club
5 Burpees
Imperial walkers
6 burpees
7 burpees
8 burpees
9 burpees
10 burpees

Throughout the workout we had pax share about different opportunities we have within The Fort to serve our community. We had the following speak (Fogerty – Trash Pickup, Cousin Eddy – Bethel Men’s shelter, Jiffy – FM Care Center, Stuff the Bus)

Partner Up
Round 1 –
Flying Squirrels
Inch worm merkins

Round 2
Big boy sit-ups
Jump Squats
Wide arm merkins

We have an amazing opportunity in The Fort to impact our community. We have pax impacting our community through service. Challenge was raised, if you aren’t actively impacting the community, why not?

It was an honor to be able to lead the workout this morning. This was diffident from most workouts because of the number of times we stopped to talk. However I felt it important to share with the guys what is happening around them. We also were able to congratulate Double D in his hand off of Nantan to Esso. Double D, thank you for you service to the pax. You have always been someone who ask the tough questions that challenge us and I thank you for that and what you did for our Region during your reign as Nantan. Esso, I look forward where you are going to take us and your energy to lead. We have a bright future ahead.

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Whetstone not Wet Stone

Cohiba led warmup where we ran to front of Elementary School and commenced with COP

Hand off to Kaiser where we ran bball courts behind middle school and performed a modified Dora
-dips, irkins, big boys

Hand off to CakeBoss
Mosey to side of elementary school

Partner one big boys
Partner two bear crawl

Partner one leg raises
Partner two bear crawl

Partner one LBCs
Partner two bear crawl

Partner one hellos dollys
Partner two suicide sprint

Partner one something
Partner two suicide sprint

Mosey to driveway for gasers between light poles
Last one all the way to COT

8/4: Convergence
8/5: Stuff the bus

Prayers and Praises recognized

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Smokin Tour of Pain

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Broga, Strawberry Pickers, and Imperial Walkers
THE THANG: Mosey to four corners by church. Performed exercises at four corners at end of each street being 10 reps of Merkins, Squats, Big Boy Sit Ups, and Mountain Climbers with 1 Burpee when coming back to four corners. Completed 2 rounds of each exercise with 3.5 miles.
MARY: Didn’t have enough time.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Friday Convergence, Stuff the Bus, and HIM Camp
COT: Prayers and Praises

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On the AO hunt

WARMUP: count off
THE THANG: run through Baxter down by mushroom pool, then all the way down to STL, then to Colosseum, then back to COT…and any extra laps / miles. 4-5 for runners, 2-3 for those rucking folks.
MARY: nada
ANNOUNCEMENTS: stuff that bus
COT: praying for our boy drop!

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Almost forgot about this sizzling morning on TGI Friday

After a thorough disclaimer from YHC, we moseyed over to the Lowes parking lots open section for some Warm-O-Rama with,

Side Straddle Hop
Produce Pickers
Hillbilly Walkers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walk

For the moleskin,
7s running from one end of the Lowe’s parking lot to the middle with,
CDD & Squats
Merkins & Lunges
Shoulder Taps & Monkey Humpers
Mountain Climbers & Bomb Jacks

Time for some partner Dora’s, 50 each
Freddie Mercurys
Flutter Kicks
Heels to the sky
Big Boys (Extra Credit for those high performing HIMs)

Mosey to Shovel flag for some Marys:
PAX Choice for last 8 minutes

Announcements: Blood Drive & read newsletter
Prayers and Praises (said & unsaid)

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Car – dee – OH using a Ladder

WARMUP: SSH, Cherry Pickers, Merks, night clubs, LBCs Squats
Toy Soldiers
THE THANG: Cones were placed out along a long road in order to complete a ladder – adding one rep at each cone. We had 8 cones. Squats in Cadence, Merks, Bobby Hurleys
Pax moved to Middle school bus line and completed 5 rounds – BombJax was the buyin – 1 bombjack, to start and adding 1 rep each round – then make ur way down the road stopping at cones premarked with reps and exercise- 5 total stops. 5 Burps, 6 Donkey Kicks, 7 Diamond Merks, 8 Big Boys, 9 Bob Hurley, 10 LBCs
Head back to begin. Round 2-5
MARY 3 mins of Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Stuff the Bus Convergence and welcome new FNG – TimeMachine (EH’d Bandcamp)
COT: yes – Prayers for health, marriage, travel, patience, and family

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