Honoring Special Agent Forrest Leamon at HoneyBadger – 8/13/18

24 #HIM joined YHC (25 total) to honor Special Agent Forrest Leamon at the 8-13-18 edition of HoneyBadger.

U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent Forrest Nelson Leamon, 37, assigned to the Foreign-deployed Advisory and Support Team (FAST) Echo was killed October 26th, 2009, while on a counternarcotics mission in Western Afghanistan when the helicopter he was in crashed. He is survived by his wife Ana, his son Luke, his parents, Sue and Richard Leamon, and his sister Heather.


  • Mosey around the parking lot 1 lap
  • 50 Side straddle hops
  • 21 double count windmills
  • Downward dog to honey mooner x3
  • Small arm circles
  • Big arm cirles
  • Reverse small arm circles
  • Reverse big arm circles

Mosey to the pull up bars.

The “Forrest” WOD:

3 rounds for time:

  • 20 L Pull-ups
  • 30 toes to bar
  • 40 burpees
  • 800M run



  • Weekend events honoring #HIMs CSPAN & Rooney
  • #218in18
  • SiteQ Meeting this Wednesday


  • Parents
  • Kids back to school

– Ginsu


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Husky VQ at Honey Badger

It was my pleasure to bring a new look with some “fun” exercises to The Honey Badger.  Everyone knows that although the Honey Badger may be small, it is a tenacious and sometimes vicious creature.  Thank you to all this who came out for my VQ, you all did the Honey Badger proud.  It may not have been easy but you scratched your way though when lesser people would have quit.  This AO is Hero or Hero inspired workouts.  I am inspired by all of those who are willing to put their lives on the line to protect the freedoms we enjoy every day.  It was only fitting to discuss our workout theme which was leadership.  We all know and have varying definitions of leadership such as lead by example etc.. Leadership is the development of a vision, establishing what matter, then articulating why.  Set the direction and inspire others.  Translate vision into reality.  I hope I was able to inspire others to push themselves to do things they did not know were possible.  Make a better you every day.  “Accept the challenges so you can feel the exhilaration of victory.”  Everyone who came and conquered the Honey Badger are licking their lips today because the taste of victory is amazing.

Warmup:  Windmill, Copperhead Squats, Chinook, Sun Gods, Tempo Merkin

10 Chin ups immediately followed by 10 negative release for a 10 second down count each rep. (Wall pushups and wall sits while waiting for bar)

Bleacher Run X3

Tooth Fairy up Stairs then Reverse Bear Crawl down stairs (2 Rounds)   Sweat Angles while waiting for remainder of Pax to complete

Butkus (Rapid step ups) 1 minute on then 30 second rest

Inclined Mountain Climbers 1 minute on then 30 second rest

Reverse Bear Crawl up steps, Jameis Winston Down Steps with 5 dips every step (crap walk feet first), at bottom 10 Ground and Pound Merkins (Fist on ground with thumbs pointing to the sky then push up mimicking tricep extension movement)      (2 Rounds)  Happy Jacks while waiting for remainder of Pax to complete.

Duck Walk Up Stairs (this is low and slow, do not rush.  Should feel great burn, if not get lower and slower)  Run down  (2 Rounds)

Cool Down:  X’s and O’s, X Cross Sit-ups, Captain Therkins (1:4, 2:8, 3:12, 4:16, 5:20), Superman to Canoe without arms or feet hitting the ground.




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Crazy 8s – It can be that bad, right?

31 Pax descended upon Slow Burn for an epic adventure. A #noderate workout plus high humidity had been promised and both were granted on this day.

Personally, YHC loves what the Pax have done in creating moderate workouts across the Fort. As a result of their efforts, we have welcomed many great men who have contributed across all 3 Fs within our region. The success stories are limitless and we are proud of their efforts.

YHC felt a significant responsibility as Q of Slow Burn to lead a workout that would not be defined as moderate but would allow for modification and picking up the 6.  These are the consistent themes from the Q101 document that CSPAN put together some 5+ years ago. Several #truths weigh heavily within this document which are simplicity and scalability. Simplicity as Q is defined as keeping it familiar, less complex and don’t be shy about stealing from others (Jekyll in this case) or backblasts. Scalability as Q is defined as – a scalable workout is one that is tough for the strongest of Pax, while at the same time not over-smoking the back of the pack. All workouts are no drop; without exception. Under no circumstance should we ever leave a Pax alone.

In keeping with these two principles, YHC was to Q a workout that was both simplistic and scalable while ensuring that the Larry Birds got all they could handle.

The Thang

Mosey around Empire Pizza building (the smell was horrible) and back to Empire lot

FYI CSPAN attempted to scare a cat during this sequence…not a good idea!






Mtn Climbers

Mosey to Lowes parking lot – Q dropped the Weinke but Rebel had my back. Thanks!

Crazy 8s – Eight exercises done during each circuit




Squat Jacks




Plank Jacks

Circuit was done with 1 rep (This can’t be that bad, right?!? for each exercise followed by a mosey in a figure 8 pattern around Lowes and Empire lots

Add one rep to each circuit during each of the 8 stops

Mosey back to Lowes for Mary


Big Boys

Gravedigger L and R

Hello Dolly

Superman x 3 (Cant ever remember all of the Sale brothers nicknames!)

Mosey Home


After the 6th round of the circuit, YHC noticed that the Pax were beginning to tire. In an effort to leverage #pride, each man was asked to grab a partner for the exercises to ensure completion. You never want to let a partner down!

Prayers to BTB, praise to Frat Boy, prayers to Maximus on his vacation travels

Sweatie is 7/14 at 6 AM at Footloose – Does anyone really know the details? Thats a true CSAUP!

Thanks to Smithers for his leadership of Slow Burn

Pusher wuz here 7/8/18


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The Big Event – Shovel Flag Handoff

So the hype has been great, and the STRONG showing this morning proved it has value!  26 HIM’s all came out on what was a pretty cold 48 degree March morning (that WIND).

This was not an ordinary workout.  Barry Manilow was handing over the shovel flag to YHC, as I was stepping into the role of Site Q for Slow Burn.  Barry started the workout for the first half, and then we handed off the Q to me for the last half.

I’ll do my best to get Barry’s portion right:

Mosey all the way down to the far side of Lowes and circle up for the following:

  • OH Hand Claps 10x
  • Moroccan Nightclubs 10x
  • LBC 10x
  • Imperial Walker 10x
  • Travolta 10x
  • Dying Cockroach 10x
  • Hillbilly Walker 10x
  • HR Merkins 15x

Mosey to the Triangle Lot

  • Moroccan Nightclubs 10x
  • OH Hand Claps 10x
  • Grave Digger 7×2
  • Squat 10x
  • Mak Tai Jai 10x
  • Knee Tai Jai 10x
  • Calf Raise Regular 10x
  • Calf Raise Toes Out 10x
  • Calf Raise Toes In 10x

Mosey back to the side of Lowes

  • Wall Sit with Pop Out Burpees
  • Bear Crawl/Toy Soldier to the second island and back
  • Wall Sit with Pop Out Burpees

The official Q Handoff….Barry Manilow Done, Smithers is up…

Mosey back to the Triangle Lot for 4 corners, circle up and count off in 4’s

Three different rounds at each corner station.  Finish one round and rotate to the next corner.  Once returning to where you started, perform the next round’s exercises.  The Rounds looked like this:

Round 1:

  • Corner 1 (CORE) – 30 LBC’s in Cadence
  • Corner 2 (UPPER) – 20 Carolina Dry Docks in Cadence
  • Corner 3 (CARDIO) – 30 SSH’s in Cadence
  • Corner 4 (LOWER) – 20 Low Slow Squats in Cadence

Round 2:

  • Corner 1 (CORE) – 15 Flutters in Cadence
  • Corner 2 (UPPER) – 15 Shoulder Taps in Cadence
  • Corner 3 (CARDIO) – 15 Peter Parker’s in Cadence
  • Corner 4 (LOWER) – 15 Calf Raises in Cadence

Round 3:

  • Corner 1 (CORE) – 15 Wheezy Jefferson’s in Cadence
  • Corner 2 (UPPER) – 30 OH Hand Claps in Cadence
  • Corner 3 (CARDIO) – 15 Imperial Walker’s in Cadence
  • Corner 4 (LOWER) – 15 Jump Squats OYO

Mosey back to COT

Countoff (26), Name-O-Rama, Announcements, Prayers, and the Shovel Flag Handoff!

I’m really looking forward to this opportunity as Site Q for Slow Burn.  I will do my best to keep the Q schedule full and diverse, remember it’s a moderate site, but challenge us to push it just a bit more than comfortable (and beyond).


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Working on the Bum-Bum

This was my first kettlebell Q so truth be told I googled “kettlebell circuit workout” and the bulk of the decent sites were ladies teaching how to firm up you “bum-bum’s”… Seemed like we all could use a little help in that department so I plagiarized heavily from these sites…

The disclaimer was disclaimed and we began with a short mosey around the lot with some butt kickers, high knees, side shuffles, and toy soldiers.

We circled up for warm up consisting of:

-25 Side Straddle Hops

-25 Moroccan Night Clubs

-12 Windmill

-12 Imperial Walker

-12 Hillbilly Walker

-12 Goofball (for Geronimo)


We mosey over to the pick-up line curb for the beginning of toning our “Bum-Bum’s”

We completed 2 circuits each consisting of 15 reps of 15 exercises with a lap around the parking lot between every 5 exercises.

-15 Kettlebell Swing

-15 Sumo Squat

-15 Lunge Pass Though (each side)

-15 Calf Raises (I actually raised this to 20 on accident but Dark Helmet kindly reminded me that I had committed to 15 earlier in the description)

-15 Split Squat (squat in a lunge position) – each side


-15 Bent Row (each side)

-15 Shoulder Press (each side)

-15 Curl (each side)

-15 Halo (each direction)

-Drive the Bus for 3 10 counts (bell extended 10 straight, 10 turned to the right, 10 turned to the left)


-15 LBC’s

-15 Flutter

-15 Hello Dolly

-15 Freddy Murcury

-15 Box Cutter



after about 2 cycles we mosey to COT for announcements and prayers


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Good In-vest-ment of time at the Coop

13 PAX with 2-3 pre-runners, 1 Ruck from Dark Helmet, and 1 bright green vest from YHC joined in this suddenly balmy 45F temps, after deep freeze past several days. Several PAX mentioned YHC’s vest (runner jokes), and was removed quickly for being too warm
Mosey in a big Loop around parking lot
COP in big parking lot
  • SSH
  • Windmill
  • Moroccan Night Club
  • 4-count Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Squats
  • Peter Parker
  • Parker Peter
  • 10 Count Honeymooner
Mosey to Concrete football field
Partner up
B.O.M.B (no S – that comes later)
Partner 1 – Exercise
Partner 2 – Run to 50 and Back
  • 50- Burpees
  • 100- Overhead Claps
  • 150- Merkins
  • 200- Big Boy Sit-ups
PAX griped and also encouraged each other through this. We made it through and got better
Mosey to Wall for the “S” (Wall “S”its)
  • PAX Wall-sit while 1 PAX down line in Wave:
    • Burpree
    • 2 Merkins
  • 30 Dips on Curb OYO
  • 30 Calf raises on Curb OYO
Mosey in a big Loop around parking lot
  • American Hammers
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Freddie Mercury
  • Dark Helmet’s Body Destroyer (aka just laid there for 10-count)
  • Protractor
  • LBCs
Birdcage needed .09miles on his Garmin, so we Mosey another lap back to COT
  • Nomad – be thankful. We’re always thankful at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Lets be thankful for 2017, but also be thankful for 2018, and expectant for what is to come.
  • Praise / Prayer – Dark Helmet’s sister has come out, so hopeful for progress
  • Prayer – Squeaky’s daughter has mono and has to be home for 1month

Great AO, Great Pax. Great in-vest-ment of YNC’s time!

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One Year Celebration at The Coop

On my second Q in as many days to celebrate my one year anniversary of F3 I had a much better turnout (Can’t blame Clemson for fartsacking today…)

12 men arrived in the slightly chilly morning air to make themselves better.

A short mosey led us back to where we started to begin warm-up

-25 SSH

-10 Windmill

-10 Imperial Walker

-10 Hillbilly Walker

-25 Moroccan Nightclub

-10 Peter Parker

-10 Parker Peter

-10 Mountain Climber


We then took a short mosey toward the large wall on the side of the school.  This mosey included high knees, some karaoke, and imperial walkers


Once at the wall we completed 3 sets of

-Peoples chair waterfall with each PAX giving a 10 count

-40 OYO dips on the curb

-25 OYO flutter

-Wall Plank-45 degrees-Balls to the Wall each for a 10 count


Once this fun was completed we mosey over the the base of the parking lot near the stadium and partnered up for DORA with one partner running to the top of the parking lot at the stop sign and back with the other completing the exercise.  Total of 100 merkins, 200 squats and 300 LBC


The PAX was much more efficient with the DORA than I had given them credit so we then mosey back to the smooth pavement just past COT for some Mary which included Freddie Mercury, Plank Jacks, LBC’s, X’s and O’s, Mountain Climbers, Dying Cockroach, and the ever popular Body Destroyers


COT with announcements and Prayer Requests.  Please pray for Squeaky’s daughter.

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Smithers VQ at Footloose – Stairway to Heaven

Smithers VQ

The weather was wonderful this fine fall October Morning…it felt just about as thick as ever and I was sweating even before I got out of bed!  Perfect day for my VQ!

As we were standing around talking before everything got kicked off I was amazed by the show of support of all the PAX rolling in one after another, 29 in all.  If only they had known what was coming ;-).

Started off with my first ever disclaimer…then a mosey to the back parking lot at First Baptist for the warmup:

  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Low Slow Squats
  • Windmills
  • Walking Calf Raises (aka how Cakeboss walked to school) to the wall
  • Wall sits for each PAX 10 count

Mosey across the street, down the steps, and across the next street to the parking lot next to Fort Mill Church of God…and wait, what was that in the humid glow of the streetlight?  Was that a board of pain?  Oh yes…

The Thang:

Partner up.  One partner starts the exercise while the other runs across the street and runs the snake on the set of steps…then back to take over the exercises for the partner.

  • 50 Bombjacks
  • 150 LBC’s
  • 200 Monkey Humpers
  • 150 Squats
  • 50 Merkins
  • 200 Calf Raises
  • 200 Side Straddle Hops

CONTROL is the word of the month.  We are all men….it’s in our DNA to want to be in control.  What do we need to find control?  In a car you need good tires…in a house you need a solid foundation.  You need a STRONG BASE…so…we worked on ours today.  Our legs (and a little bit of our core) were the focus…to give us a strong base to improve our control!

That said, we have all experienced things that didn’t go according to plan, and in many cases you could not regain that control no matter how hard you tried.  It is not easy to let go…it is not easy to adapt quickly…at least not all the time.  So, even when we ARE feeling in control we know that it is the Sky Q who has allowed that and trusted our leadership, Aye!  You see, the Sky Q uses us daily…sometimes to help others who are down, and pick them up…sometimes we are there to help those looking to help a brother up and we are the ones who are down.  Then there are the days where things just move right along without much resistance.  Those are the days where we should be letting the Sky Q know how much we appreciate His trust in us, and asking for continued strength to make Him proud!

Mosey back to COT for a quick round of Mary (just one set of flutter kicks) to close out our time.

My biggest fear was getting done WAY too early or not coming anywhere CLOSE to finishing the workout.  Sky Q steered me right in all the decisions, and I think for my first Q to finish with less than 2 minutes to spare…well, I’ll take that any day!

So, in closing…

My legs hurt, how about yours?

Smithers Out

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Summer in Oct.

Since Oct at Block Party has been dedicated to Respect Qs, I decided I would push the envelope a little.  It didn’t help that the weather was consistent with a summer morning, 72 degrees and high humidity!!!

After a short disclaimer we started our mosey around the path stopping at each drill bit for 2 warm up exercises ( crossover leg stretch, WM, Hillbilly Walker, merkin, SSH,  squat). Mosey to the parking lot next to the soccer field above WEP.  Side note, we appreciated the Town leaving the lights on the soccer field lit for our workout.  At the bottom of the lot, partner up and we would have 3 exercises for 2 rounds.  Partner 1 runs the length of the lot and back and Partner 2 does the exercise and then flip flop.  Exercise count was 150,150,100.

Round 1 – Upper body (all need the work except our male model, BC)

  • Merkins
  • Dips
  • Wide Arm Merkins

Round 2 – Lower body

  • Squats
  • Calf Raises
  • Monkey Humpers

By now we were all dripping with sweat and a lot of complaining.  Circled up for 2 exercises (Moroccan night club IC 51x, O/H Clap IC 51x) since this is respect month, I decided to go with my age as the count.

Mosey down the hill a few minutes of Mary (Hello Dolly, Freddie Mercury, American Hammer)

With the word of the month being Control, my first thought of control is being in charge and leading in family, marriage, work or community.  I shared that with my adult(ish) kids it is more difficult to give up control as they are out of college or in college and allow them to accept the control and decisions of their life.  Giving up control is allowing others to make decisions, mentor and allow them to accept the consequences for their decisions.  As a parent we have a natural instinct to step in a be a solver and as our kids age we need to be able to allow them the ability to take some control of their decisions.

We ended with announcements and prayers.  Special prayers for Asphalt for  continued healing, Cake Boss’ sister, marriages, family and Pax looking for work.

Special thanks to Double D for providing the opportunity to Q and the hard work put in by the Pax.  Hope the Respect morning didn’t disappoint.


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Laces out Q’Jacked!!

So today at Laces Out went a little like this. YHC rolled in and then Nomad popped out with his running vest on saying that we were going to run to Gardenia and do hill repeats. YHC looked at Nomad and told him “If I wanted to run Gardenia, I would walk out my front door and run Gardenia”. CSPAN then showed up with the key to track and the Q was officially Jacked.

The Thang

Head down to track. 1 mile warmup followed by some dynamic stretching.

Then 800 (minute rest)
400 (minute rest)
200 (walk the curve)
100 (rest 1 minute)

Repeat as many times as possible until 10 minutes left.

Finished with a half mile cool down (Faster pace for Birdcage) and some stretching.

Meet up with Laces In for COT and BOM

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