Site vs Site

Well the Site vs Site was CRAZY good thanks to some excellent leadership on both sides of the workout. 0500 launch, 6 Q’s (3 from fire ant, 3 from golden corral) took 10 minutes each. Lutefisk forgot how to flip a coin but managed to have it land in favor of fire ant going first.  The first fire ant Q was Router who took us through a ruck run/pain station. Next up was golden corral’s first Q Mile High who took us on a sprint-fest in the back of HT with some wall work on the legs. Fire ant Q #2 was Cha Ching who put us through some nasty ruck reps.  Golden corral put Bones in charge of some repeating leg work by the green olive – some funky squat jumps that didn’t feel good.  Spiderman finished the fire ant lineup with a terrible idea of bear crawl/crawl bear for what seemed like eternity while the partner did reps with the ruck.  Lutefisk finished it up with the final golden corral Q by starting, and staying, in the plank position for the duration of his 10 minutes.  Dark Helmet notable threw in the towel and to make himself feel better he poked the Q.  I will not forget.  Welcome FNG Thigh Master (not Jane Fonda) but he’s from New York so evidently it’s OK to drop F-bombs whenever and wherever.  All in all 30 PAX came out for a nasty beatdown that was surely a crowd pleaser.  It was an honor to be a part of it and special thank you to the Q’s for stepping up and all of you ruckers for bringing us some extra gear to use.

Final tally of the votes: Fire Ant 15, Golden Corral 11, Tie 3, Bonsai = disqualified for his answer

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Shoulder Work at Quagmire

13 men arrived at Quagmire Monday morning.  After a quick disclaimer and some leg stretches, we ran over to Kohls.


SSH x 25

Imperial Walker x 15

Windmill x 10

Plank Stretches

Next, we began the meat of the workout.  We partnered up for burpee broad jumps.  Partner 1 started with the burpees while Partner 2 ran to the end of the parking lot near Ulta and back to Partner 1 to switch out. The total distance was around 320 yards (20 less than the Bills had in total offense).

I took a few minutes to talk about my grandfather who served in the Navy. He was someone I greatly admired growing up.  He had a strong work ethic and never let his age define him.  When he was in his eighties, he asked my brother and I to come to his house to help him dig a trench.  When we arrived, he was already actively digging the hole himself.  He was a loving and caring husband, father and friend. He passed away at the age of 99, less than six month from the century mark.

Back to the workout, we began a shoulder shuffle from Ulta back to Kohls.  I issued a challenge to push go as far as the pain would allow.  Once exhausted, get up, run to the next store front, and return to the back of the shuffle line.  Cha Ching and Slapshot killed it, they shuffled the full distance 320 yards without a break!

Once complete, we ran back to COT.


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Not really a merkinfest…more a don’t stop movingfest

20 PAX gathered for a Jedi inspired chilly morning at the Swamp.  This Friday AO is a great place to run around, see lots of parking lots, check out stairs and look at the water feature fountain…hard to pass up and a good place to be if you’ve never been.  Quick disclaimer and YHC was shot out of a cannon.  With the first mosey stop at Petsmart, the PAX followed the leader for some parking lot shuffles, karaokes, high knees, and butt kickers before progressing to the previously mentioned fountain.

Prior to getting to the fountain, we stopped in the back parking lot for some warm-ups which included: low slow squats, slow windmills, merkins (all counts of 10).  Given this is a Cha Ching AO, what better way to get the PAX warmed up than a Cha Ching inspired 60 seconds of blood pumping 33 SSH and 7 burpee – rinse and repeat for a 2nd min.  This was followed by some up/down dog stretching and then on to The Thang!

Mosey over to the fountain where it was time to get our merkin on…(not that kind of merkin so calm down).

  • 20 regular merkins
  • 20 wide arm
  • 20 diamond
  • 20 decline
  • 20 ranger
  • 20 incline
  • 20 hand release

After every round of merkins, PAX were instructed to run to the stairs – up, down, back up, then back down and back to the fountain…for the next set of merkins.

Since this was not enough fun, we partnered up and did some Dora with our new partner.

  • 100 bombjacks
  • 200 CDD
  • 300 American Hammers (double count…well, because)

As partner 1 did exercise in the “warm-up” parking lot by the stairs, partner 2 took off to the fountain and did 20 dips before returning and relieving their partner.  This took a good amount of time but the PAX finished American Hammer’s with the 6.

PAX took off towards COT but with 5 or so minutes remaining, MARY was calling our name so we answered the call.  PAX went around clockwise with ab exercises until the bell was rung.

Normal mix at COT, but the highlight of the morning was welcoming FNG, now Chicken Noodle, to the party to join the lineage of other “chicken” inspired PAX.  Thoughts and prayers to all prayers and praises raised.  Thanks as always to Cha Ching for the call…enjoyed every minute of it!


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Hurpee Outbreak at the Quagmire

F3 grows through “addition by division”, this is a true statement and it’s a great thing to be a part of.  The downside is you simply don’t get a chance to get out to some of your original stomping grounds as often as you would like since there are so many choices closer to your home. Long story short, it was great to be out here and lead the other 11 men that showed for the Quagmire this morning.  I love the opportunities I get that brings me to these places (hint hint).

I’ve been working through the Exicon for most of my Q’s lately, it has been a nice change of pace to experience some of the craziness that our PAX have come up with across the nation.  So for better or worse, I give it a shot and see how it goes.  Today was the letter “H”.

We started with a mosey around the back of Best Buy which I guess isn’t normal because I heard some grumblings, but we did some shuffles and toy soldiers along the way and then quickly circled up for a round of Windmills in cadence.

1st routine was a timed “HIIT” exercise.  We only had what ever time we had left after we finished the below exercises to recover.

  • 5 “Hurpees” (Hand-Release Burpee)
  • 10 Hillbilly Squats (IC)
  • 15 Hello Dolly’s (IC)
  • 1 Minute timed x 6 Rounds

We then mosey’d to the parking lot behind the fountain (near the stairs).

2nd routine, which admittedly took longer than I wanted, was “Hindenburg Blimps”, though I ended up cutting the S off the Blimps so we did a “Hindenburg Blimp”.

Hindenburg Blimps are like 4 corners combined with Blimps so I took the parking lot islands and divided them up into 4 corners and we would run/sprint the long sides and bear crawl around the short sides of the islands.

  • Round 1 – 10 Bombjacks x4
  • Round 2 – 20 Lunges x4
  • Round 3 – 30 Incline Merkins x4
  • Round 4 – 40 Monkey Humpers x4
  • Round 5 – 50 Plank Jacks x4

3rd routine, we stayed in the same area and did some “Heartbreak Dora’s”.  Normally we would do this on a hill, but I thought the stairs would substitute nicely.  So we partnered up and did the following while the other PAX would run a normal lap around the parking lot islands and then up and down the stairs before tagging his partner and swapping.

  • 100 Hurpees
  • 200 Big Boy Sit-ups
  • 300 Squats

Nobody was able to get through the final routine, but that was more on me for having too much planned. I think about half of us were working on Squats by the time we finished up and mosey’d back to CoT.


  • Nessie on 10/26!
  • Prayers for Lutefisk and his father battling cancer and Duck Dynasty’s sister who is having complications with her pregnancy.

Thanks for getting me out here Mile High!  I always enjoy it.

Until next time,





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OLAF’S Inchworm Suicide at TheSwamp

Disclaimer was disclaimed and a short mosey was started…. Or so the unsuspecting PAX thought.
So plan is to mosey around the whole outer prerun loop of Rivergate stopping every tenth of a mile to perform an exercise all together in cadance. Once we make it back to Best buy it’s everyman for himself for the next loop. But where does the Inchworm Suicide come in? Glad you asked. Instead of going from one cone to the next you must first go back to the previous cone before proceeding. So start at Best buy and jog to stop sign going towards home depot. Free space ten count, lucky you. Go back to best buy then return past free space and to next cone at turn into homedepot garden section. 10 SSH cadance count style. Next back to cone for free space 10 count then to wall beside Target for 5 over the wall jumps. U get the idea so to save everyone some time bc reading is hard I’ll just list the remaining exercises and post a picture of the workout summary map.

10 burpees to start the party,
Free space 10 count,
10 SSH,
5 wall getovers
10 Merkins,
5 Suicide squats aka goldilocks squats,
10 Chacha merkins,
5 Regular squats,
10 CDD,
5 lunges,
One other uperbody exercise,
10 burpees to end the party.

Warm hugs as promised to all surviving PAX at COT.

Over 4 miles logged by most, suspect the front runners got closer to 4.5miles. Great work gents and thank you to @ChaChing for the opportunity to lead. Until next time
Stay frosty my friends!

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Observations:  13 Pax posted for a hideous workout at Quagmire. Today’s workout looked better on paper but still successfully completed the Board Of Pain. FNG Zoolander fit right in with the mumble chatter. #EPIC

The Thang:

Mosey to Home Depot’s Parking Lot:

SSHs (20x), IWs (20x), Parker Peters (15x), Slow Sumo Squats (15x), WMs (15x), Box Cutters (20x), Windshield Wipers (15x)

Mosey to Kohl’s Parking Lot.

The Buffet Of Pain included the following  exercises. 

  • 100 Yard Dash
  • Jumping Lunges (Double) 
  • Big Boy Sit Ups
  • Wide Arm Merkins
  • Jumping Squats 
  • Burpees
  • American Hammers (Double) 
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Donkey Kicks 
  • Flutter Kicks (Double)
  • Dips
  • Diamond Merkins 


Moleskin: We are constantly feeling good and bad pressures during our journey of life. Life has valleys and peaks with both bad and good experiences. Life is also like a train on parallel tracks, we continually find ourselves between the good track and the bad track. When things go well in life, we are soon challenged with a tragedy or a loss. Remain steadfast. Be aware of when you become unbalanced toward the bad track where evil one awaits. Choose God and move forward.


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Captain Clutch @ the Abyss

We had 7 HIM post at the Abyss today and here’s what went down

Traveling Warm up:

Stop 1:

Side Straddle Hops 


Stop 2:

Hillbilly Walkers

Produce Pickers

Stop 3:

Mountain Climbers 

Peter Parkers

Stop 4: 

Moroccan NIght Clubs

Imperial Walkers

Thing 1:

Dora 1, 2, 3 

100 Bulgarian Split Squats (double count)

200 Dips

300 Incline Merkins

Thing 2:


Jump squats 

Jump Lunges

Mosey back to COT

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Tour De AO

9 Boot Campers braved their Friday for a Lutefisk Q at the Swamp. 3 ruckers and a runner joined up for COT.  Brief disclaimer given with no FNG’s and we were off.  Took a stop in a random parking lot for some COP warm-up activities.  Mosey to the famous Target balls.  Informed PAX that a fellow PAX’s brother was just diagnosed with MS as he was having leg pains.  They feel they caught it early and can do a lot for him to live an active life, so YHC dedicates this workout to Dennis The Menace’s brother!  Having no winkie, YHC decides to have these HIM check out the places at this AO that I have come do despise.  Hence, Target balls.  We did the balls three times over with partners going every other ball with burpees, lunge jumps, squats…. great times. Bad times on your legs.  Mosey to the only hill near the bank.  11’s, burpees up top, dips down below.  Mosey to the fountain for some partner catch me if you can.  Did a few laps ( first one didn’t look so good, poor planning) and got back to COT on time.  Simple, but effective.

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Random Pain at Quagmire

YHC had a busy weekend and no time for winkie writing.  So, just show up and inflict random pain!  Noticed an f3 shirt-wearing HIM but unrecognized.  Eighty Eight is the name, from California. Said PAX lived in Lake Wylie/FM area for a while and moved to CA and mustard seed’ed an AO!  Leadership, AYE!

Quick yet proper disclaimer was given, and a mosey began. Wait, is that Duck Dynasty pulling in? Guess we’ll make a quick lap.  Duck joins, and wait, is that Olaf pulling in? Might as well grab him too!  Off we go for a decent run to an unnamed parking lot. COP had windmills, mountain climbers, produce pickers, werkins, imperial walkers, and a slow lbc with hands & feet touching the ground after each rep. Mosey to the wall between target and home depot.

Split up into two teams. Wall sit while PAX one at a time ran to the other wall, jumped and slapped the wall as high as they could, dropped for 5 merkins, and ran back.  YHC’s team was in an early slump but somehow caught back up FTW. Moseyed to target where we lined up the winners. Each winner chose a partner from the losing team for 2 sets of vacuum cleaners. If you don’t know what they are, you’re lucky. #exicon. Then, kept partner and grouped up about 40 yards apart facing each other. Method of transportation changed, but we met our partner in the middle and knocked out some exercises. Don’t remember exactly what they were but it was cool. Crab walks, bear crawls, crawl bears, burpee broad jumps. Yay.

Next mosey back to the walls for some wall work. Incline on the wall for 10x shoulder taps, followed by feet on the wall for 10x shoulder taps. Wall sit for an apache 10-count for our CA friend eighty eight. BTTW position for 10x double count peter parkers. #crowdpleaser

Mosey to random parking lot for some Captain Thor (thanks Tinsel). Mosey to mattress firm for Jack Webbs. Mosey to Best Buy parking lot for the finale which was 4  lines, bear crawl one at a time to the other end and sprint back for a relay race. Waiting PAX are to do SSH or squats or something to make them better. A little competition never hurt, right?

COT, read newsletter (duh), nessie, prayers for travel, kids, marriages, praise for eighty eight accelerating on vacation (it was like 1-2 am his time). 16 HIM got better on a Monday!

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Lucky 7 PAX showed up today to get better.  Today we were tackling some routines that start with “E” and it Ended up being very Effective.

After the disclaimer we went running towards the back basketball courts throwing in a little side shuffles along the way.  When we arrived we circled up for a quick warm-up.

  • 20 SSH
  • 9 Windmills
  • 10 Low Slow Squats
  • 15 Moroccan Night Clubs

Then we quickly backtracked a bit and lined up at the top of the grassy hill for some “Elevens”

  • 10 Merkins at the top
  • 1 Flying Squirrel at the bottom and then you know the drill
  • Fowards down, backwards up made it more interesting until we finished with 10 Flying Squirrels and 1 Merkin

A few of us finished so I called it just a bit early and off we went back towards the basketball courts/track.  I let the PAX catch their breath a bit while I explained the next routine, “Escalators”

  • 10 Burpees, 2 laps around the track (1/4 mile)
  • 10 Burpees, 20 Bombjacks, 2 laps around the track
  • 10 Burpees, 20 Bombjacks, 30 Merkins, 2 laps around the track
  • 10 Burpees, 20 Bombjacks, 30 Merkins, 40 Squats, 2 laps around the track
  • 10 Burpees, 20 Bombjacks, 30 Merkins, 40 Squats, 50 Lunges, 2 laps around the track

This took up all the remaining time.  Only Bones and YHC was able to get through this, but Copyright wasn’t far behind.  Everyone did a Excellent job though.  The workout was really Efficient and Everyone kept moving until the End.


  • 2.25+ Miles
  • 55 Flying Squirrels
  • 50 Burpees
  • 80 Bombjacks
  • 145 Merkins
  • 80 Squats
  • 50 Lunges
  • A LOT of SWEAT

We wrapped up in typical fashion and announced our LKW CSAUP on 10/26, get your teams of 3 ready!

Prayers for family and loved ones and prayed for what was on our hearts left unsaid in CoT.

Thanks for the Q Copyright, The Abyss is and always will be one of the best spots in Lake Wylie.

Until next time,



TClap |