- QIC: Trucker
- When: 07/07/2022
- Pax: Band Camp, Bones, Cobra Kai, Cohiba, Cousin Eddie, Decibel, Falcon Crest, Fishsticks, Fogerty, Grinder, Kermit, Macguyver, Mainframe, Maximus, Olaf, Rebel, Repeat, Senator Tressel, Shady, Short Sale, Sir Topham Hat, skipper, Sugar Daddy
- Posted In: Minnow Pond
YHC was honored to Q minnow pond on my actual 50th (RESPECT) birthday. since the theme is 50, the route was a loop with 5 pain stations with 3 exercises of 10reps (to equal 50 reps per exercise and lap). Goal was 5 laps for the gazelles.
The stations were at Main/Tom Hall, Tom Hall/Withers, Withers/Confederate, Withers/Watson, and Railroad/Main.
Unfortunately I scheduled skin cancer surgery 2 days prior without thinking about the implications. Doctor requested I not exercise for 2 weeks but I couldn’t resist. Reason why I mention this is as a Public Service Announcement: use sun screen all year long and always reapply daily to avoid skin cancer.
TClap |