F3 The Fort Thanksgiving Convergence 2017

70 Men came today to burn calories so they can eat whatever they want the rest of the day. Ok, maybe that was my reasoning, but most came because the know in order to get better, even in being Gratful, it is best when being challenged by your brothers. We all came to get better and realize this great thing we have called F3 and give thanks!
Santini Opening with warm up both physically and mentally with some leadership principles
Split off into the various groups!
4 went for for a Run
  • Drile (F3-Wapner)
    Mozy to the front of SFES, high knees, toy soldiers, Butt kickers, and Knees to chest.
    Mozy to front of SFMS, circled up…Side straddle hop, Merkins, Cherry Pickers, and Moroccan Nightclub
    Mozy to SFMS bus loop …high knees, toy soldiers, Butt kickers, and Knees to chest.
    Circled up.. Flutter Kicks and Low Slow Squats, America Hammer and Low Slow Squats, Merkins and Windmills, mountain climbers and windmills
    Mozy to back of SFES, circled up…Peter Parker’s and Side Straddle Hop, Plank and windmill, shoulder taps and Low Slow Squats, LBCs and Moroccan Nightclub
    Then rinse and repeated the above sequence…before joining the other groups at COT
    Lil E—Bootcamp Q
    Mosey to the parking lot in the rear of school and circle up. SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Squats
  • The thang
    • 10 cones set up in a line spaced about 10 paces apart. Each cone had an exercise and rep count on them. Do exercises on the first cone and run a lap of the parking lot. Once you complete the lap do the first cone and the second cone and then run a lap. Repeat this adding the next cone until all 10 are complete. Here were the exercises in order from first to last:
    • Burpees x 10
    • Bombjacks x 10
    • LBCs x 25
    • Merkins x 20
    • Jump Squats x 10
    • Flutter kicks x 40
    • CDDs x 20
    • Lunges x 20
    • Mtn Climbers x 20
    • Monkey Humpers x 20

Majority of the pax finished in the Lunges lap with a few speedsters out in front on the mtn climbers. Mosey back to the front of the school for some Freddy Mercury’s and Rosalitas.

After that met up with the Moderate and Black diamond groups for COT.

Everyone put out great effort today and really pushed themselves.


Witch Hunt—Black Diamond Q

Not even a trip to the hospital the night before with a pregnant wife could keep me away from this Thanksgiving workout. Shout out to Royale and Cha Ching for stepping up to help me out. Luckily I made it and we put in work.
We stared by counting off by 4 creating 4 teams.
Each team will compete to complete as many burpees as possible in 2-minutes with a catch. You can only do 10 at a time before you most complete 20 reps of ab exercise. 2 rounds:
1.) Burpees with LBCs (Somehow Bounce House was able to do 50 burpees. That dude is not human.)
2.) Burpees with Knee Tuck with crunchy frogs
Winners plank while losers perform 10 Kraken Burpees.
Blood was flowing so we moseyed to the hill by the middle school for some broken down burpees. Catch was that we had 20 minutes for everyone to complete. If everyone doesnt finish within the time then group does 25 Burpees.
Here was the setup:
Run Hill 10 times. (1 Hill Run = Up & Down)

5 Squat Jumps
5  Plank w\ Shoulder Taps
5 Merkins
5 Froggers
5 Squat Jumps

Run Hill 8 times.

10 Squat Jumps
10 Plank w\ Shoulder Taps
10 Merkins
10 Froggers
10 Squat jumps

Run Hill 6 times.

15 Squat Jumps
15 Plank w\ Shoulder Taps
15 Merkins
15 Froggers
15 Squat jumps

Run Hill 4 time.

20 Squat Jumps
20 Plank w\ Shoulder Taps
20 Merkins
20 Froggers
20 Squat jumps

Run Hill 2 time

25 Squat Jumps
25 Plank w\ Shoulder Taps
25 Merkins
25 Froggers
25 Squat jumps

With some great teamwork by the Pax everyone completed within the 20 minutes so no penalty was given.

I attempted to have Backdraft give us a 10-count however  he responded “There are no 10 counts during the Black Diamond.” So no 10 count and a quick mosey back to the parking lot for the 10 Minute 100 Burpee Challenge:

Complete 10 1-minute rounds of burpees in the following set scheme. Any time left over in the round is yours for rest. (typically PAX finish the set between 25 and 40 seconds)

Rd1- 8

Rd2- 9

Rd3- 10

Rd4- 11





Rd9- 9

Rd10- 8

Total – 100

Amazing work by all the Pax. I didn’t pull any punches with this setup for the Black Diamond and the Pax took it on without hesitation. We all survived and are better for it.

Thanks to Ginsu and Cake Boss for the opportunity to lead.

Pusher with closing remarks and finding #Victory 

Prayers & Praises

Thank you F3 The Fort

Cake Boss

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Clydesdales – Value Run

Not much to add.  We had 3 options Value loop to Walmart, a trail run through Baxter and a pineapple run through Baxter.  All were safe and returned without any skid marks. Peace out!

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Mixed Up Miles

8 pax posted to #LacesOut for a morning of speed training measured by who could start sweating the soonest.  It didn’t take long, with shirts coming off after the first cycle.

The Thang

COP warm up — SSH, Mtn climbers, Parker Peters, Windmills, Hillbilly walkers

Karaoke across football field

Butt kickers and toy soldiers back across

Run 1 mile at 2nd F pace

Line up on track at 50 yd line on home side

Part 1: Run 2 laps counterclockwise
Part 2: Jog 1/2 lap to 50 yd line on visitor side
Part 3: Turn around and run 1 lap clockwise
Part 4: Jog 1/2 lap back to 50 yd line on home side
Total = 1 mile
(Rinse & repeat 4 total cycles or 4 miles)




Solid work by all pax today in the steamy gloom.  5 miles total and plenty of sweat.  Metabolism was cranking for hours afterward.

Thanks to STH for the invite!  You were missed!


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Windjammer Glory Run

Record breaking 16 PAX at Tempo.  Dash to Windjammer and Back was The Thang.  Lots of 2ndF during the 1stF with a 3rdF pause in the middle to give thanks to Sky Q at the Windjammer Dock.


View post on imgur.com


Aging Parents, Marriages, Job Situations.

Much thanks given to Sky-Q at the dock this morning… Praise to the King.



G-Fit tomorrow at 1900

CAH Guidance Saturday Sept 2 at 1600

Invergence Sept 29th

Read Your Newsletter

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8/11/17 Swamp Style

Conditions were sweaty and humid…it felt like August in South Carolina

Gekko was the running and nobody ran with #HIM

Cornhole had 10 for his Ruck Q

I had 11 for the bootcamp

13 stayed for Romans 4 that Gekko Q’d

All had fun, you should have been there…

TClap |

100 Degrees of Suck

It was Wednesday and it was hot!  Perfect time for my annual(?) Q at Run & Gun.  Following  a grueling itinerary of coast-to-coast travel over the prior 5 days, I was in deep need of a strong dose of 1st and 2nd F interaction.  This AO is the ideal spot for recharging following a morning in the Smartsack.  Two adventurous R&G regulars posted for the festivities.  With an abbreviated Disclaimer, the sweatfest began.

The Thang

COP — Mtn climbers x10, Parker Peters x10, Merkins x10, Peter Parkers x10, Bombjacks x10 OYO, Karaoke

Meandering run through Baxter neighborhood to the two-story office building at Market/Sutton intersection, run up stairs on one end, across second level, back down stairs and muster on ground level in the shade in the circular center section.

Time for the fun to begin.

10 Bombjacks OYO run center stairway & back down other center stairway
20 Bombjacks OYO run center stairway & back down other center stairway 2x
30 Bombjacks OYO run center stairway & back down other center stairway 3x
40 Bombjacks OYO run center stairway & back down other center stairway 4x

Mainframe spied a water fountain on 2nd level so we moseyed upstairs as part of recovery only to find it dry….was it a mirage?

40 Merkins OYO run center stairway & back down other center stairway 4x
30 Merkins OYO run center stairway & back down other center stairway 3x
20 Merkins OYO run center stairway & back down other center stairway 2x
10 Merkins OYO run center stairway & back down other center stairway

Mosey to Allison Park near Community House, suck down some warm water, splash some warm water from fountain on head, then mosey to playground in the shade

Surprise sighting of Geppetto in the woods!

30 Dips OYO
20 Dips OYO
10 Dips OYO

Run back home


Naked Man Moleskin

Well, it was not 100 degrees officially, but I have to think the heat index was pushing that level.  The sweat came flowing quickly…and didn’t even let up during 2nd F.

It was great to be out at R&G again.  My mind and body scream at the thought of after-work workouts.  Almost 30 yrs of working out in the early AM gloom have conditioned me to think that is the only time to exercise.  Each time I post at R&G (which is admittedly rare), I am reminded of the value of breaking routine.  Corruption, please call me out periodically going forward!

We missed Bolt who was at the Beach.  We also missed Cable Guy for the 1st F portion…he continues to reside on the IR.  It was good to see him (and especially good to see him in good spirits) at Grapevine for Brewteria afterward.

Thanks to Corruption for his continued leadership and the regulars that keep R&G alive!  And thanks for the invite to Q.

TClap |

BackBlast from Run ‘N Gun – July 5, 2017

Standard crowd (4) at RNG tonight, but we had a good time. Joining me was Corruption, Mainframe, & Goose. Here goes:

Mosey a few blocks over to the elementary school for a warmup.


  • 30 Side straddle hops
  • 10 double count Windmills
  • 20 double count Merkins
  • 20 4-count LBCs
  • 20 Mountain Climbers
  • 30 Low Slow Squats
  • 30 Moroccan Night Clubs

Mosey to the other side of the lot & partner up (difficult to do with only 4 PAX).


  • Partner 1 runs to the end of the street and does 5 burpees, Partner 2 does LBCs until P1 returns. Switch places and do same.
  • Partner 1 runs to the end of the street and does 5 burpees, Partner 2 elbow planks until P1 returns. Switch places and do same.
  • Partner 1 runs to the end of the street and does 5 burpees, Partner 2 does Flutters until P1 returns. Switch places and do same.
  • Partner 1 runs to the end of the street and does 10 Merkins, Partner 2 does LBCs until P1 returns. Switch places and do same.
  • Partner 1 runs to the end of the street and does 10 Merkins, Partner 2 elbow planks until P1 returns. Switch places and do same.
  • Partner 1 runs to the end of the street and does 10 Merkins, Partner 2 does Flutters until P1 returns. Switch places and do same.

Mosey back to the field next to the Y.

  • Captain Thors to 7×28
  • Sprint
  • 20 double count Peter Parkers
  • Sprint
  • 20 LBCs
  • 10 Boats and Canoes
  • 20 Mac-tar-jais (no clue how you spell that)

Mosey to COT

Praise for health for Goose, prayers for Ginsu’s father in law, prayers for Corruption’s friend.

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