If you do it long enough, you’ll feel it

WARMUP: quick disclaimer when YHC identified no new pax, got a quick raise of hands on “new’ish” Pax that may not have Q’d a lot since this was Q school themed. Also a refresher for how Qs need to lead. Took off on a mosey down the hill to the school parking lot. Once we got there, did a few exercises in cadence, with the commands to be used for all Qs. One thing to remember is to give the commands with authority and ensure they are clear. If you screw up the words, that can always be improved, but with the right authority and simple instruction, that will at least make the men follow you. Last Call got to practice calling cadence for the group – he did just fine.

Back up the hill for a quick stop at the pull up bars. Lesson here was rinse and repeat can be your friend and standing in the middle facing the Pax is a good way to deliver instruction. We did 4 sets of 3 pull ups followed by 3 burpees. Everyone loved it.
THE THANG: We ran all the way to the band parking lot and we stopped along the way. Goal here was to stop and plank or big a tree to not lose the 6.

Once we got to the band parking lot, there were exercises, see picture, that had 2 pieces of paper on both sidelines. We started at the top and did 1 exercise, then ran to the other side where we started with that exercise. Then moved our way down the list to the next exercises.

We focused on cadence counting, OYO, single vs double count or exercises that are in cadence 4 count. When we got to shoulder presses / raise the roof, 50 was the number and we decided double count would work because raising the roof is easy…unless you do a lot. Of course the burn begins to take effect. Lesson here is stick to your Q plan and modify as the Q as needed, but don’t Q it if you can’t do it.
MARY: Ran back to COT where Rumbling and Marty called out a few exercises in cadence – they also did just fine.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter for sure
COT: completed with a round the horn CSPAN special

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From the Ballroom Archives

The rain was coming down at the Ballroom. Mosey to the cover at the front of the school. <@UGND8G4TD> informed me the rain would stop at 5:30, he was correct, as usual.
Puller from the archives, this workout was also executed 7-10-2018.
with counts of 10-15 (depending on my wandering mind)
imperial walker, windmill, morrocan NC, LBC, hillbilly walker, weed puller, OH clap, dying cockroach, stationary toy soldier, richard simmons, LS squat
<@U5KHMNAG4> decided to show up, welcome
hello dolly, travolta, scorpion DD
to cheat death, and/or pulled muscles, etc, we mosey to a slick parking lot and do some crossing drills
karaoke L, karaoke R, high knees, power skip, butt kickers, squat walkers, bear crawl, 50%, 75%, 100%
next we mosey, and find a string of lights, we might have stopped at every light, maybe every other (once again, wandering mind)
We did 3 different rounds of: exercise 1, mosey, exercise 1&2, mosey, exercise 1,2&3, mosey, exercise 1,2,3&4.
1. OH clap, donkey kicks, squat jumps, HR merkins
2. morrocan NC, plank jacks, monkey humpers, Mahktar N’Diayes
3. arm circles, flying squirrel, stationary lunge, Kneetar N’Diayes
MARY: I had a girlfriend named Mary in my first year of college
ANNOUNCEMENTS: yes, primary focus on the BBQ/Bourbon event Friday
COT: of course

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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A quick jaunt to Tega Cay

All you get is an explanation of the Thang
Run to Stonecrest, then up Hubert Graham to Tega Cay Drive. If you’re fast, go take a lap around their parking lot.
At the first traffic light 5 merkins and 5 BBSU. Add another 5 at each light and the traffic circle. On the way back take 5 off (5 ,10, 15, 20, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5)
MARY: none
Bourbon Tasting, Bethel Mens on Thursday, Thanksgiving Convergence, Christmas Party, Christmas Eve Convergence
Talked about trust. Trust each other to make better leaders of each other.

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Where’s Grout?


Mosey to the entrance of Pike Engineering for -2s of Derkins & Dips
Q3.10 Consistency – “The Consistent Leader is constant and regular in everything he does. His followers are drawn to him because his steadiness provides a safe harbor from the howling winds of Chaos and Flux that blow periodically through their own lives. He is their rock.”

Mosey to Print Shop for -1s of pull ups and knee ups.

Mosey to First Baptist Parking Lot
Plank it up – “Strong Routines are the framework of Consistency.” We in F3 know what to do. Wake up and exercise, everyday, We shouldn’t have to think about it, just do it. Remove unnecessary decisions, and create routines.
4 corners.
• First lap included 10 merkins at each cone
• Second lap included 20 squats at each cone
• Third lap included all of the reps – 10 merkins, 20 squats

A couple of teenagers stumbled upon us in the parking lot and joined in on the fun. We asked what they knew about F3 and appropriately answered “Yall are crazy.” A brief intro to F3 was given, and they were named Nastradamus and The Cobbler. Nastsradamus runs cross country and stayed with us to the next stop.

“The Virtuous Leader focuses on bandwidth not perfection.” Reminded the PAX that consistency will help minimize the flux in our life. This isn’t about perfection, but about limiting the lows in our life. The things that keep us away from a healthy lifestyle that enables us to lead.

Mosey to Massey Hill.
7s at the Massey Hill. CDDs and Peter Parkers.

MARY: Flutters to 0730hrs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots – Beers for Beetus, Pints & Padres, Bourbon & BBQ, Christmas Party
COT: Stays in COT

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Hills with an airborne ending

Plank variety to downdog<>updog

Run to print shop, SSH in cadence, 5 pull-ups, 5 T2B.
0.5 mile loop… beneath FMcog awning = 3 burpees and 5 jump squats, then run behind the church and to the stairs, run up the stairs, 15 dips on picnic tables, down the stairs and then up the hill to 1st Baptist parking lot for 10 single count Peter Parker’s from elbow plank and 5 side plank dips each side, run back down to hill to FMcog awning and repeat…
Run back to print shop for 5 pull-ups and 5 T2B, run back to COT for Mary and airbornes.

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Walmart Run

Trail Route
Road Route was a round-trip run to Walmart not for a honey do list which was around 4.5+ miles, shorter route was a little past the post office
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Party, Volunteers to help out in WNC.
COT: Prayers for people impacted by storms

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Throwdown at The Yard

Statement of the F3 Mission, F3 Core Principles, F3 Credo
WARMUP: 2 laps around the parking lot with a few exercises to follow.
We ran the rows of the parking lot, increasing by 5 reps at each column, starting at 5, then 10, 15, 20, 25.
On one end, Carolina Dry Docks and the other, Mountain Climbers with running in between.

Make our way to the football field and line up on one end zone:
Run 20yds, NUR 10yds, perform 1 burpee.
Run 20yds, NUR 10yds, then 2 burpees.
Run 20yds, NUR 10yds, then 3 burpees.
Do this all the way to the other end zone then finish with 10 burpees as a group.
Crawl Bear back to the starting end zone. Lots of moaning initiated by the ‘ol Crawl Bear trick.
Captain Thor: 1 Big Boy Sit Up & 4 American Hammers.
2 Big Boy Sit Ups & 8 American Hammers.
All the way up to 10:40.
MARY: See above
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Multiple fundraisers and the Christmas Party…DO IT.
COT: 5th Core Principle.

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Figure it out

WARMUP: gathered up, ran to the top of the hill and into the parking lot. Quick round of SSH, 5 burpees, more SSH and 4 burpees. Low slow squat and some hillbilly walkers. Ran down the hill and to WEP playground.
THE THANG: Partner up for some Dora.
– 100 pull ups (realized there weren’t any pull up bars so you figured it out)
– 200 merkins
– 300 squats
– Timer was partner running around the playground

Ran to engineering parking lot in the front and found the wall. Did a wall sit where the pax held the sit while we went down line and did 5 press ups on the wall, 2x.

Wrapped by going to the big hill and did this 3x up and down.

MARY: we did this for about 2 min.
COT: of course

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