Slowburn – Pain Stations +

25 PAX gathered at slowburn for a saucy workout.  We gave a quick disclaimer and welcomed 2 FNG’s.  It wasn’t long and we headed out for a short mosey.  We circled up and I turned over the warm up to Fogarty for his V Q.

Fogarty started us off with some of the usual:

Imperial Walkers
Speedy Windmills
Peter Parkers
Mtn. Climbers
Moroccan night clubs
2 double merkin burpees (where’d that come from?)

Fogarty turned it back over to YHC for another Mosey. I gave a shout out to Quickbooks for his intro that he did a couple of weeks back and I tried to do the same giving a little background on YHC. I’ll spare you all the details. Dark Helmet was observant to realize that my years of marriage did match up to how old my son is. That dude’s sharp! I closed out the intro with Romans 5:4. Look it up, it’s a solid verse on building character.

On that note we moseyed to the back of Lowes for some chalk scribble that was planned for the PAX.

We broke into two groups with 3 stations. Each group started on either far end would do an exercise and sprint to the middle station do an exercise and then return back to their starting point for the next exercise. Instructions seems easier that the PAX wrestled with, but they quickly got the hang of it. Here are the pain stations:

Station 1:
Shoulder Taps
Mtn. Climbers

Middle Station:
Calf Raises
Donkey Kicks

Station 3:
Leg Raises
Hello Dollies

Round 1 15 of exercise run to the middle and then back for the next exercise until all 4 exercises are complete then run to the opposite Station. Do the same thing 15 of each run to the middle. When finisished with 1 and 3 then rinse and repeat with 10 of each exercise. This took us right up to time.

Jailbreak back to COT. Welcome to the fold Moab and Jake Brake FNG’s.

Thanks for the opportunity to serve!

Bass-o Out. <><

TClap |

Slow Burn – Solid to the Core

So, it was a fairly nice morning, especially when you consider it is December 1st!  I was able to workout in shorts and a t-shirt, so really…who can complain about that?

After reading Popeye’s back blast from down in The Rock region from a couple of days ago, it really got me off my six.  I saw that Trucker was scheduled to Q this week, but he posted that he needed a last minute Q change since he was DR last minute for work.  So I set out to plan a good ole’ core workout.  It went a little something like this…

Disclaimer (one FNG), then mosey down to the parking lot below for warmup.


  • Side Straddle Hop – 25
  • Low Slow Squats – 10
  • Windmill – 10
  • Moroccan Nightclubs – 25
  • Cherry Pickers – 10

Mosey to the other end of the strip and circle up.

Gifts – that is the word of the month for December.  We discussed how, especially this time of year when we hear the work gift we think of things…things we get, things we give, things we buy for ourselves…just stuff.  I challenged the PAX to think of the Spiritual Gifts that we all have.  We talked about how God has given us ALL various gifts, and literally everyone has them!

Another gift, is the gift of this F3 Brotherhood, and the unconditional support we all give to each other!  And lastly, my gift to the PAX was a good solid to the core workout 😉

The Thang:

  • LBC’s in cadence – 15
  • Flutter Kicks in cadence – 25
  • Boat/Canoe in cadence – 10

Recover with 10 count

  • LBC’s in cadence – 15
  • Flutter Kicks in cadence – 25
  • Boat/Canoe in cadence – 7

Mosey to the side of Lowes

  • Line up in 4 lines and have a relay race (all out) for half the length of the parking lot.  Boy can these HIMs move!

Two walking 10 counts to the back of Lowes, with a mosey the rest of the way.

  • Hello Dolly in cadence – 25
  • Freddy Mercury in cadence – 25
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups OYO – 10
  • American Hammer in cadence – 15

Mosey over to the wall.

  • People’s Chair with a 10 count (or more) from each of the 29 PAX

Time for a break.

  • Merkins in cadence – 10
  • Diamond Merkins in cadence – 10

Heard from Gilmore a bit about how he got his name, and what F3 has meant to him.  Great story and inspiration!

Back to the core.

  • Hello Dolly in cadence – 25
  • Freddy Mercury in cadence – 25
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups OYO – 10
  • American Hammer in cadence – 15

Mosey to the other side of lowes (working our way back in the direction of COT) for a couple minutes of Mary.

  • Box Cutters
  • Protractor

Mosey back to COT for name-o-rama.  We had one FNG, who was named Elvis (which is a STRONG name)

So, I wore myself out, and am super proud of all the PAX who pushed through this morning and stood together.  It is an honor and a GIFT to be able to Q!  Stay strong, get better, be willing to drop to your knees and accept help…Have a Blessed Week!



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Sweatin’ To The Oldies @ #Slowburn

26 HIM came out for a warmer-and-drier-than-the-day-before “moderate” beatdown.  Welcome and disclaimer given and then I turned it over to Clark Kent for a little VQ Warm Up that went a little something like this:

10x Goofball
10x Windmill
10x Cherry Picker
10x Low Slow Squat
10x Side Straddle Hop

10x Merkin

Polaroid took back over and we moseyed to the back of Lowe’s for 2 rounds of:

30x Dips
Bear Crawl to the line
Lunge back to the rail
30x Calf Raises
Mosey to the side of Lowe’s for 1 round of Deck of Pain
Hearts = SSH
Diamonds = Bomb Jacks
Spades = Merkins
Clubs = Carolina Dry Docks
Jokers = 10 Burpees – – – – Dangerfield pulled the Joker!Mosey to the front of Lowe’s for a quick ab workout:

10x Flutter
10x LBC

Mosey back to the Warm Up circle for some Sweatin’ To The Oldies with
“I Get Around” by The Beach Boys.

Start in a squat and every time “I get around” is said you go up and down.  It’s 2m8s of squattin’ and hopefully the guys were feeling the Slow Burn.

Most of the PAX gave AYG to the Chick Fil-A hill and a mosey back to COT.  Great job!
-Turkey Day Convergence 11/24 0600 @ The Ranch
-Christmas Party 12/1 1830 @ Regal Manor Clubhouse
-Paradise Turkey Giveaway Bring a FROZEN turkey to an AO on Saturday, November 18th. Why? To bless the Paradise Community with turkeys for Thanksgiving. This turkey giveaway will reduce the financial burden for underprivileged families in this neighborhood as they prepare for the holiday. We will also eat lunch with the community during this event to further build relationships with our brothers and sisters in Paradise. Read the pre-blast for details regarding this fruitful event. Contact Deacon with questions.

Pinup prayed us out.

It’s always an honor Q’ing.  Thanks, again, Barry Manilow.  Peace.

TClap |


19 High Impact Men posted for a moderate workout in the misty gloom today. Smuggler made a strong come back, kotter style. Stang lead the second stretch-o-rama which made the Pax grunt like they were in a birthing center. Asphalt came to  COT and blessed us with his powerful testimony.

The Thang:

Strech-o-rama for warm-up

COP: SSH (10x), IW (10x), HBW (20x), Sumo Squats (15x), MC (20x), Jumping Lunges (10x), Swimmers (10x) Freddie Mercuries (15x),

Toy Soldiers, Shuffle Left, Shuffle Right, Back Pedals, Karaoke Left, Karaoke Right, Power Skips

Dips (15x), Extreme CCDs (10x) and LBCs (20x)

Decline Merkins (15x), Extreme CCDs (10x), and Flutters(20x)

Incline Merkins (15x), Extreme CCDs (10x), Heels to Heaven (20x)

Wall Merkins, People’s Chair (3x)

Partner Drills: One partner runs to the light post and back while the other does the following until the team does a total of 100 Merkins, 200 Monkey Humpers, 300 Flutters.

Strech-o-rama for cool down


God is in control. Type A people, like myself, struggle to understand that reality. Reality became very clear when the Colombia Mission Team and I were stranded in Miami right before Irma hit.

I brainstormed solutions to “control” the situation like:

– Get another flight to escape the hurricane (reality check: the airport was closing).

– Take a train (reality check: the train station was closed).

– Find a hotel for shelter (reality check: all local hotels were closed).

We prayed and then escaped the storm by driving in what the media claimed would be 15 mile/hour traffic.

God was in control and His plan was far greater than ours. Instead of 12 men going to Colombia, he sent 17 of us to Florida to help hurricane survivors. Instead of serving 1 organization in Columbia, we served 5 organizations in Florida. Instead of engaging a few donors to raise money for the mission trip, He engaged over 1K people in our church/community to collect supplies for the hurricane survivors in Florida. Instead bringing a few supplies to Colombia (less than the 50 lbs limit), He had us bring over 10K lbs of supplies to  people who needed it in Florida.

I’m glad that God is in control. His plans are far greater than what we can imagine.



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Tour De Lowe’s

26 Men showed up on a glorious Friday morning for a Slow Burn.

Began with a Mosey to the Empire Pizza parking lot for some warm ups.  Line up. High Knee across parking lot, mosey back.  Butt kickers across, mosey back.  Karaoke across, Karaoke back.  Toy Soldiers across, mosey back.

Circle up. SSH x20, Windmill x15, Moroccan Night Club x20, Low Slow Squat x15, Merkins x10.

Short mosey to being the “Tour De Lowe’s”.   Found guardrail behind Lowe’s for stop #1: Dips on guardrail, Calf Raises, Freddy Mercurys, Rinse & Repeat

Continue the Tour De Lowe’s with a mosey to The Wall for stop #2:  Peoples Chair (5x 10 counts), 25 LBCs, Peoples Chair (5x 10 counts), 25 LBCs, Balls to the Wall (3x 10 count, felt much longer thanks to some non-standardized counting), 25 LBCs

Time Out for Zimmern’s first attempt at preaching.  Talked about Control and what things in life we have control over (thoughts, words, actions, reactions, etc) and what things we don’t have control over (spouse, kids, others, job, etc).  Things outside of our control often have a huge impact on our lives.  How do we learn how to control our response towards things outside of our control?  Drop Thrill quotes Proverbs 3:5-6: “ Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”  We need to turn control over to The Lord and trust in Him.  Ask Him for help controlling things that are within our control and help in guiding us with things outside of our control.

Complete the Tour De Lowe’s with a mosey to the front parking lot.  Pax pair up. One Pax starts squats.  Other Pax runs across parking lot.  switch.  Continue to 150 cumulative squats.  Repeat, but with Carolina Dry Docks.

Mosey over for a lightning rounds of 4 corners around Empire Pizza.  Pax counted off by 4’s.  #1 40x Merkins. Mosey to #2. 30x Flutter Kicks.  Bear Crawl to #3. 20x Bomb Jacks. Mosey to #4. 10 Burpees.

Return to COT. Name-o-Rama.  Welcome FNG Bowtie. Announcements. Prayers & Praises. Big Ball of Men.


TClap |

I call this one the rope a dope…

Ok so right off the gate I have to say tagging 30 people is a chore, but I love all of you so I did it anyway. I dont get the opportunity to Q Slow Burn a lot so I am always grateful when the chance arises. One thing that never ceases to amaze me is the amount of folks that go to the Burn. I wanted to bring some things to those folks they may not have been exposed to before. We started as any other day with the disclaimer and identifying the FNG in the crowd EHed by Smithers. Off we went…

The thang

Slow mosey down to the parking lot in front of the old Baxter Fun house. We kicked butts and high knees along the way. Dark Helmet got a little handsy. Circle up for some windmills, merkins, and Moroccan night clubs. The counts ranges from 15-3 depending on my vibe in the air. Mainly I just get tired of the same old 10 or 20 counts. Q tip #1- DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY once in a while

Mosey over to the road leading back towards Armory. Next we were going to work on pacing. The object is to run the same distance over the same time repeatedly. First was a 1 minute run toward Forest Hill church at whatever pace you need to hold to get to 1 mile. So if you are a 5 minute mile guy, then run fast. If you are a 20 minute mile guy, then basically walk. This was a true UVU. We ran for 1 minute out then had a 1 minute rest. Then 1 minute back. Most ended right were we started. Next series was 2 minutes out, 1 minute rest, 2 minutes back. Again, other than Long Shanks, everyone ended close to where they started. This is a great training exercise for anyone trying to figure or work on pacing.

Next we went over to the Lowes sitting wall (or we sit on Lowes, idk). Count off by 1 and 2. Team 1 inch wormed out to a line in the parking lot then mosey back. 2s keep sitting on the wall. Once back switch. We did 2 rotations of this. We then did 2 seriees of bear crawls in this same manor. To cap it off was a series of slow merkins. 3 count down… to 10 I think.

Next we meandered over to another area where to everyone’s surprise we found a kettle bell coarse laid out. Everyone had their opportunity for rows, presses, swings, hay bailers, and curls. Whilst others waiting we did squats and merkins.

For my final trick we moseyed over to the gravelish lot next to Empire pizza. Here we partook in some HIIT style training. 1 minutes ARMAP burpees , rest, then 1 minute AMRAP merkins. COT

Prayers for Spitz to be the sounding board for a youth. Prayers for that boys family. Invergence on the 29th and convergence on the 30th where YHC has part of the call so I hope to see you all there.


So here is where things twisted everyone’s mind. I explained that we had actually performed workouts from 5 different style AO’s in a single Q. The warm ups with low counts and less impact-full exercises is something that can be found at a moderate style workout( Slow Burn/ Footloose). The running where we worked on pace setting is something you can find at Laces out or Clydesdales. The wall sits, inch worm, bear crawl combo was a stereotypical boot camp like Laces in, The Coop, or The Ranch (Constance motion with an elevated degree of difficulty). The KB portion was exactly what you can expect at Armory or Tomahawk. Last but not least the HIIT ARMAP is your Varsity style.

Moderate is a steeping stone on your fitness journey. Be careful not to get complacent and stop challenging yourself. We proved today that 30 men can do 5 styles of workout. Go at your own pace. Just because you “aren’t a runner” doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try a running AO. Just because you dont own a kettle bell doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try a KB AO (there are always extras). Just because you aren’t Pin Up doesn’t mean you should skip a HIIT workout. Push yourself men. The greatest growth comes from the most discomfort.

Challenge was issued of try a new AO this week. Who’s up for a change? I believe in you guys. Ill meet anyone anywhere if they want to try a new AO. Open invitation…

Thanks Barry,

Cage out

TClap |

Tubthumping at Slowburn

I was very happy to see 28 PAX report to Slowburn for my VQ! As promised via Twitter the day before, I did my 28 Merkins during a count-o-rama. No FNG’s. Gave the disclosure and we formed 2 lines for an Indian Run to the warmup at Empire.


Cherry Pickers x10
Slow Windmills x10
Low Slow Squat x10
SSH x10
Goofballs x10 – Dang, y’all looked goofy!

We counted off by 5’s and the 5 teams did an Indian Run to the far side of Lowes for…

The Thang – 5 Stations

  1. Core
    1. Forearm Plank 10 count IC
    2. Captain Morgans 5 each side IC
  2. Legs
    1. Monkey Humpers x10 IC
    2. Tree Huggers 10 count IC
  3. Pecks
    1. Werkins x10 IC
    2. Derkins x10 IC
  4. Arms – Dumbbells Provided
    1. Left Arm Curls x15 IC
    2. Right Arm Curls x15 IC
  5. Abs
    1. Flutter Kicks x10 IC
    2. Sweat Angels x5 IC

Rinse & Repeat

Teams then moseyed, again Indian Style, to Baxter’s Playhouse for some “Tubthumping”. I had the loudspeaker set up to play Chumbawumba’s Tubthumping.
Lady singing = MNC
Guy singing = SSH
“I get knocked down…” = BURPEES! Did you do all 28 burpees?

OYO mosey back to Empire for some stretching and then a mosey back to Chick-fil-A for COT.

Announcements: 9/11 @ Tomahawk Birdcage is requesting PAX to show up for a special Remembrance Workout, Invergence/Convergence last Friday/Saturday in September, Donate underwear for victims of Hurricane Harvey, SpeedforNeed!

Prayers for our Brothers going to Columbia, M’s and 2.0’s, Weather, and all the unspoken requests.

I had a blast.  It’s an honor working out with you guys!  Big Thanks to Barry Manilow for allowing me this VQ opportunity. 

TClap |

SlowBurn_The New Moderate

It is Slow Burn and it would be expected that 30+ show up. It has been debated on the “Moderate” workouts, why are they so popular?? I truly believe that its because we long for fellowship. We enjoy, especially on Friday, the idea of working out….yea maybe, but more importantly conversing and chatting it up with our brethren.
Regardless, moderate does not mean easy. I believe it is modified as needed. Qs do not need to make a workout that kills people, but on the other hand, if we are up at 4:30am to workout…..we should get a workout.
I told the PAX to expect the unexpected. We should not be shocked when sickenss, chaos and things hit us from the side since Life is always full of surprises. Instead, we should have the discipline and character to step up to the challenges before us… a workout or in Life!
The Thang:
Quick 20 SSHs in parking lot
Mosey across to Holiday Inn Express for some Mountain Climbers
Mosey to behind Burger King for some COP
  • Plank
  • Squats
  • Parker Peters
  • Flutters
  • Peter Parkers
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Sumo Squats

Saturday night is one of the most hyped fights since the Tyson era. In that spirit, the PAX and I went a couple of rounds in the office parking lot

Each station for 3 minutes doing the 2 exercises marked on the ground. One time is up, move to next station and next 3 mins. Pain was had by all!!

20-moracan night club
20-squat jabs
10-Peter Parkers
10-broad jumps
10-leg raises
10-ski hops
15-Apollo Ono
Partner Plank
10  1 leg balance toe touch
5 donkey kicks
Mosey back to COT
Talked to the men about expecting the unexpected. I shared about my 52 yr old sister with cancer and facing death. My brother after 25 years of marriage calling it quits. Unexpected life changing events for me and my family. How we deal with this is critical to how we face life daily. Emotions are high, but we should not wait until we are facing these situations to then say….how do I deal with it. Start today to be the man Sky Q intended you to be. Don’t wait till its too late to make yourself better and deal with the things that will come. Get stronger physically, emotionally, spiritually to be able to walk through things and with others!
Welcome FNGs Bearcat and Clark Kent!!!
Colombia Team send off at The Ranch 9/7
Invergence 9/29 Greenway
5yr Convergence 9/30
Prayers for Families, kids, schools and teachers! All spoken and unspoken prayers!
Cake Boss Out!
TClap |

Is there any doubt?

20 Pax posted ’round the Shovel Flag to SlowBurn on a pleasant morning with a spectacular full moon.  Yes, Twister was howling.  The rest of the Pax were ruminating over whether YHC would actually deliver a Moderate workout.  The Disclaimer was offered, including an invitation to modify (upward is fine, too, though no Burpee Challenge pax in the crowd on this particular morning, so no real demand to go that direction).  And then we were off…

The Thang

Mosey to Empire Pizza parking lot

COP — SSHs, Mtn climbers, IWs, Sumo squats, Parker Peters, Moroccan Nightclubs

Mosey to side of former Baxter Playhouse site

People’s Chair for 3 ten-counts
10 Merkins OYO
(Rinse & repeat for 3 cycles total)

AYG sprint to Lowes storage box

Line up at shopping cart return

Crab walk to contractor entrance and bear crawl back

Karaoke to contractor entrance and back

Side shuffle to contractor entrance and back

Circle up for some Mary (request for all pax who have not Q’d to ID themselves and lead an exercise) — Flutter kick, Hello dolly, Box cutters, Freddie Mercury, Rosalita

AYG sprint to Garden Center entrance

COP — Jumping lunge, Peter Parkers, CDDs, Donkey kicks, Wide arm merkins

AYG sprint to contractor entrance

COP — Diamond merkins, Donkey kicks, SSHs

AYG sprint to Storage box

Mosey to Baxter Playhouse entrance

Slow mosey home


Naked man moleskin

The theme for the month of June is #Faith, as in “Oh, yee pax of little faith!”  Yes, there were lots of doubts at the start regarding the intensity of the Weinke.  I have to defer to Site Q, Barry Manilow, for his report.  Low number of reps and many ten counts.  Plus, breaks for some commentary from YHC on Faith and Doubt.  You decide.  The pax were pushed and they pushed themselves — well done, men!

Speaking of Faith, the pax offered contributions throughout on the theme.  Change Order offered how having faith in himself wasn’t quite working out.  When we came to the Trump/Pence office, YHC spoke of likely doubts and probed about Faith.  Vernon responded — God’s in charge he said.  Finally, Twister offered a strong testimony of faith and doubt regarding his brothers in the GRC.  His doubts were met by the faith of his brothers, and he made it to the finish.

Along the way, we identified some new sprinters among the pax, including Destiny, Deep Dish and Change Order.  Strong push, boys!

We also uncovered the identities of several future Qs for Barry Manilow — Optimist, MASH, Vernon, Couples & McGillis.

Thanks to Barry Manilow for the invite.  It is always an honor to lead honorable men.



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