
11 pax posted at Alcatraz on another warm humid day.
This co-Q was the third Q in my birthday Trifecta (Ranch #1, Varsity was #2).

First Q at bat was Ruby Slippers who gave the disclaimer and warmup:
Cherry pickers, windmills, Peter parkers, parker peters (10x IC).

Thang 1: HIIT
At the playground area of Runde park.  Pax split into three groups. Exercise for 1 minute the groups move to next station.
station 1: pull ups (dead hang if you can’t do anymore)
station 2: Step ups
station 3: LBC
Next iteration was:
station 1: pull up and toes to bar (dead hang if you can’t do anymore)
station 2: Lunges
station 3: flutters
Next iteration:
station 1: Do one pull up and hold at the top.  Goal is 1 min; do a slow negative pull up if needed but hang on to the bars.
station 2: Lunges
station 3: V-ups

Thang 2: Field Sprints (with Merkins)
Pax line up on the outfield
Run at 50% for first 30 feet, then sprint/100% to end of the outfield.
Pax do 20 merkins.
Do the same run routine described above. At end pax do 18 merkins.
Rinse and repeat downwards to two merkins.

Q transition to Harry Carry.

Started with a run as a group in the surrounding neighborhood.  Simple loop of approximately ½ mile. Returned to Runde Park’s lot.

Thang 3: Prison Yard Burpees
Pax split into two groups.  Each group has a basketball half-court as their prison yard.
Groups start in corner 1 does 10 burpees.  Then bear crawl (alternate method allowed was lunge walk) to next corner and do 9 burpees.  Proceed with the descending count of burpees and bear crawls until 1 burpee is reached.

Run again as a group, different route, hit the hill on Tara Tea Drive. Distance of about 1/3 mile. Return to Runde Park’s lot.

Thang 4: Bear vs Crab Soccer
Done on a basketball court.  Cones used at each end to mark a ‘goal’.
Split pax in two teams
15lb slam ball is mid court
Team 1 bear crawls only, Team 2 crab walks only
Get the ball and try to score
One team did score, don’t remember who.  We did switch animals at some point.

Game was called when a bear tried to eat a crab.

Non-Mary: Monkey Humpers, Imperial walkers (both 10xIC).

Fini. COT

It was quite a spectacle to see pax go after the slam ball and had some scrums too.  A few pax were even able to ‘throw’ the slam ball…may have to modify the rules for future games.  This was good clean fun.
Quite a great way to end my Trifecta of Q’s.  Great group of HIMs we have in our region.

TClap |

Coupons & Rucks…and a surprise

About 1.5wks out from the CLT GTE, we had most of the guys bring sandbags for Currahee. Here’s what we did last week:

Slick: Mosey the loop, Wind Mills, Freddy Mercury’s, Flutters

Rucks overhead movement for ~ 200yds, then rucks on for a shuffle back to the starting point.

Rucks on and grab all the coupons for a .25mi ruck. Drop the coupons.
Bear Crawl a bit then Crawl Bear a bit, back
Overhead Press / Ruck Swings / Flutters w/ a press

Rucks on and grab all the coupons for a .25mi ruck. Drop the coupons.
Duck Walk a bit then Walk Duck a bit, back
Curls / Upright Rows / Bent over rows

Rucks on and grab all the coupons for another movement. Drop the coupons.
Al Gore w/ Cherry Pickers / Tricep Extensions / OH Press / Plank

Rucks on and grab all the coupons for another movement. Drop the coupons.
Merkins / Peter Parkers / Mountain Climbers / Mike Tysons

Then out came the deck of cards. This time, it was modified and only included cards 7-10 so the eventual count was 34 of these…#moderate:

Clubs: Slow Flutters
Hearts: Curls
Diamonds: Mountain Climbers
Spades: Merkins

COT with us all offering a prayer request.
It was a good one.


TClap |

Casualties carry at Currahee

Today’s non moderate ruck WOD brought some mumble chatter at the beginning but then most of us got gassed and out of breath so barely any words were being said.

buy in: 1/4 mile run, 50 BBSU.. main event: one mile carrying casualties (ladders loaded with sandbags for 240# and 230#) with Tabata every two minutes, stop, put casualty down, 10 push-ups with ruck on alternating with 10 squats with ruck on. Pick up casualty and keep moving. We finished the mile in 33 minutes :muscle:, buy out: 1/4 mile run and 50 BBSU, Tabata clock was still ticking so more push-ups every two minutes. Endex: 1/2 mile ruck with sandbags, switching bags with partner every time the alarm went off.  Totals: movement 2 miles, +- 200 merkins, +- 80 squats.
Great push everyone!!


TClap |

Burpee Bizarre

We had 11 men show up on Wednesday at Pantheon.  After the disclaimer, we ran around the parking lot to get the blood flowing.  Next, we circled up for some warm-up exercises (SSH, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Plank Stretches).

We began the difficult part of the workout.  For the next 10 minutes, we would do 10 burpees each minute with a five second rest in between each set.  After completion, we ran around the big loop to the front of the school.  We did a series of exercises in cadence (Squats, LBCs, Lunges, Flutters) running between the cross walks after each one.

Next, we returned to the top of the parking lot and repeated the 10 minute burpee exercise.  It was difficult, but most completed the burpees, a total of 200.

Great job by everyone.  Today we showed how much we can do when you are surrounded by others who want to improve themselves.

TClap |

3/4 mile tractor tire flip with rucks on

Ruck Q #2 on heavy training week for Dirty Myrtle.

The plan was simple, try to get one mile of tire flipping and sand bag toss rotating between PAX… there was 3 of us so it made things much more interesting.

While PAX #1 flips the tire 5 times, the other two will toss the sandbags, we had a 40# and a 60#; about 8 minutes (1/8 of a mile) into it, I realized that we will never move fast enough to complete the 1 mile tire flip if we kept tossing the sandbags so we abandoned them and started a new rotation, one tire flip per PAX and move to the side, we started moving much faster… did I mention we had our rucks on? yeah, that made it a bit more complicated.

The synergy between the 3 of us was great, we pushed ourselves completely out of our comfort zones and kept hustling to meet our goal,  we had to pick up our sandbags on the way back to COT and tossed them along the tire flipping (add 1/8 of a mile of sandbag tossing)  we are only human and couldn’t reach the mile but this morning the accomplishment was great,  we reached 3/4 of a mile with one minute to spare, we did some LBC’s and were done for the day… legs were shivering, forearms pulsating, but we walked (or barely walked) better than when we got there at 0515.  BIG PROPS to Divac and IT for not giving up!!!

Prayers for balance with our families and our jobs.

Tinsel out… until my third Q of the week

TClap |

One mile “Casualty” carrying

Last week of heavy training before Dirty Myrtle and I have 3 Q’s lined up back to back starting with this one.

7 Pax showed up for some Tinsel Utensils WOD; two multi-position ladders were used as stretchers with two sandbags each, main goal was to complete 1 mile “casualty” carrying around the school, ladders were loaded with sandbags and each PAX had a ruck on so off we went.

At minute 2 an alarm went off on my phone , drop the ladders and it was time for 5 merkins with rucks on, complete the task, pickup the casualties and keep moving towards our one mile goal, at minute 4 alarm went off again, drop the ladders and time for 5 more merkins, so we went tabata style and every 2 minutes we had to drop the load and do 5 merkins (about 145-150 merkins total) lots of mumble chatter.

Once we reached our one mile goal around minute 35 and we changed our transportation mode; we switched the ladders to the A frame position and two PAX will carry them while the rest will carry the sandbags.. and yes, Tabata was still present so every two minutes we dropped the loads, did 5 merkins and rotate weights.

Went around the field and the back of the school and reached COT with les than 5 minutes to spare, time for AB LAB, we did some flutters with ruck press and noneless we heard the alarm one more time so 5 more merkins (slick) it felt really good to not have the ruck on for these 5 last merkins, one more minute for more flutters and we hot 0600.

Thank you to all the PAX that showed up to do the harder thing, we had a visit from Royale and WIld Thing from Lake Wylie and I’m sure they “enjoyed” the beatdown.

Thanks to Divac for the opportunity to lead!!

Tinsel out… until the next day…

TClap |

Sandbags and a few tests at Currahee

Currahee (April 13, 2021)

The term Currahee, as suggested by Site Q, Divac, references a Cherokee word meaning “Stand alone together.” This is the motto of the 506th Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division made known to most of us civilians through the HBO series, Band of Brothers. Over the last few months, Currahee has become synonymous with more difficult and become an AO where you come to be tested. With that understanding, it was now my responsibility as the Q for this morning to bring it.

Earlier in the week, I put the call out for this rendition to be a “heavy” version meaning, if you had a sandbag, bring it. Whether it was a 40lb, 120lb or a log, bring it. The PAX didn’t disappoint. This picture is before Site Q Divac dropped his 2 onto the pile.

Disclaimer for the 13 PAX: Check

Move ourselves and the coupons over to the turn in the drop-off lane.

Slick: SSH, Mountain Climbers, Windmills, 8ct Burpees, ½ the PAX sprint one way and back while the other ½ sprint the other way and back.

Explanation that during events, the Cadre’s will be yelling at you, testing you and giving you difficult time hacks to test the team. Utilizing a common test, the PAX had 10 seconds to empty their ruck of its contents. Penalty, 5 burpees. PAX then had 20 seconds to fill it back up…pass.
Do it again. 10 seconds to empty = fail, penalty. 15 seconds to fill = fail, penalty.

Ruck up and move all sandbags to the back of the school, drop in the center of the group.

10 Merkins / 20 Peter Parkers / 30 Slow Squats

Sandbags to the front of the school

10 Merkins / 20 Curls / 30 Flutters w/ Press

10 seconds to empty the ruck / 15 seconds to fill the ruck…penalty

Sandbags to the back of the school

10 Merkins / 20 OH Press / 30 High Pulls

Sandbags to the front of the school

Heels to Heaven

Man Makers

American Hammers

Groups of 3 run 30yds, slick while rest of the PAX plank. Complete till everyone goes through.


TClap |

Chupacabra 4.9.2021

Catch up BB 4/5.

YHC was all alone until 0514 when Divac rolled up with this Brother-in-law, Blockhead. I was ready to mail it in until then… fortunately they kept me accountable.


We worked through a painfully time consuming pyramid that took the entire 45 minutes of Chupacabra. It was great.


No Strap Privilege Ruck around lot


Pyramid work. Do round one with 5 reps, do round two with 5 reps, add second exercise at 10 reps. Work up to all five movements 5-25 reps. Work back down by eliminating. We made it 75% of the way through.


Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear Pyramid – 5 spaces BC/CB

5 8-Count Body Builders

10 Lunge w/OH hold

15 Ruck Thrusters

20 Flutters w/press

25 Curls

Ruck w/OH Hold to COT


Punch List out.

TClap |

Pantheon Pain

38 Special asked for a substiq and YHC answered the call

After a proper disclaimer, went into immediate COP then ran a mile to TC Baptist parking lot for vacuum cleaners until fail (flapjack for partner to do the same). An old fashion Dora with the running partner doing bear crawls up and jog back. head back to COT area but do burpee broad jumps the length of the school and reverse was a squat accumulator. pillar 1 was one squat and duck walk to the second pillar. then 2 squats duck walk to the third, etc, all the way up to 11. knocked out some ab exercises to finish it up.

PAX were beat down and satisfied, to my pleasure.  Thanks 38 for the opportunity!

TClap |

Meat and Potatoes

YHC had the privilege to have the last Q of Fire Ant before the AO moves and is rebranded as “Currahee.” Plenty of good memories at FA, but Currahee will not disappoint with the new 0500 start time. 

Wegmans and YHC took a clown car to meet up with Repeat for an 0445 pre-ruck. Apparently pre rucking is the thing to do… as IT/Divac and Maximus/Olaf were also getting after it prior to our launch. 

We circled back to the shovel flag and the PAX were arriving in full force. Maximus knows how to bring the crowds for his Golden Corral Q. A few PAX decided to join YHC for the ruck portion. 

Maximus eloquently disclaimed the disclaimer, and we parted ways. 


Quick Warm Up Ruck/Shuffle to the YMCA Field

YHC started moving some tires around and Bonsai yells out “those tires have COVID.” Fortunately the intent was to use them as distance markers… nice try there Bonsai, but I ain’t no spring chicken. 


Iteration 1:

“Mosher” – 4 Rounds 

14 Ruck (Front Rack Position) Front Squats

25ft Lunge Walk w/ OH Hold

14 Strict Press

25f Bear Crawl w/ Ruck Drag

Plank hold w/feet on tire while the 6 finishes up


Iteration 2:

“Time Fuse”

50 Ruck Get Ups

50 Ruck Curls

50 Ruck Squats (Ruck On)

50 Ruck Swings

*Stop and perform 3 ruck burpees every 2 minutes.

YHC had an interval timer and was happy to announce the burpees every two minutes. The rain really picked up about halfway through this iteration. Thanks to Bonsai’s request – we remained slightly dryer by working out on the high ground in the field. Slightly…

Start heading back to COT via Lake Vista Blvd 


Iteration 3:


P1 Farmer Carry both rucks, P2 perform 10 Merkins. Chase, flap jack. 

Proceed to BoA ATM – Perform 10 Ruck Merkins together.

Shuffle back to COT – 4 minutes remain.


Iteration 4:


End with 5’s (the younger cousin of 7’s) of Burpees/Manmakers in front of Bubbles N’ Bows 

Complete. What a doozy! At this point everywhere on the ground was a puddle. There was no “damp” pavement. We were drenched. Felt like a kid again.



Dam to Damn Bar this weekend! Hit up Alcatraz to double down!

The Yeti is waiting for you to sign up. First weekend in March.



Praise for words of wisdom and the opportunity to learn from Pax who have gone before us in our current stages.

Prayers and praise for Splinter’s recovery after donating a kidney to a friend.

Prayers for those unspoken things that sit so deep in our hearts.


Divac, thanks for the nod – looking forward to embracing the suck at Currahee!

Punch list out.

TClap |