Creative Assembly ( Tesh )

WARMUP: Side Straddle Hops ( 10 ), Diamond Merkins ( 5 ), Front Straddle Hope Seal Jacks ( 10 ), Regular Merkins ( 5 ), Side Straddle Hop Press Jacks ( 10 ), Wide Grip Merkins ( 5 ).

1 2 3 4
REPS 20 15 12 8 Cardio
Strength KB Hip Swing KB HS Front Raise KB HS FR Press KB HS FR P – Tri-X SSH Press
Core 30 Secs Skull Crunch SitUp SitupBoat SitUpBoat Scissor A Frame Crunch
Strength Chair Hold 1/2 Sumo 1/2 Sumo UpRow 1/2 Sumo UpRow Curl High Knee Jaw Breaker
Core 30 Secs Plank Hold 1 arm PetPark – L 1 arm PetPark – R SuperMan ISO MTN Climbers
Strength 1 arm Supin Row – L 1 arm Supin Row – R Shrug ScapTrap Side Lunge Bus Driver

MARY: I forget what this is, loopy lexicon!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 on Good Morning America today at 1pm EST, Bourbon Tasting, Bourbon Trail Race in May.

COT: Prayers for Lookouts son’s shoulder surgery and seizures, Prayers for 3d’s Mother’s Knee Surgery, Praise for Uhaul’s family chemo recovery.

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moderateish at footloose

WARMUP: mosey, SSH, low slow squats, merkins
THE THANG: played Charge (everyone’s a winner). We went over 1.75miles more burpees than desired and put in work.
MARY: plank Jack’s, burpees,
COT: prayers for marriages and fighting the selfish desires to focus on my agenda rather than helping others.

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Head -Shoulder -Shoulders -knees OH No

4 Corners of weeping WEP

Warm up:
15 SSH
15 Wind Mills

Mosey to WEP

4 Corners of Pain!
All corners are 25 reps of each

Lap 1: Hand Release Merkins, MtN Climbers (Double Count)
Lap 2: LBC, Flutters (Double Count)
Lap 3: Squats, Lunges (Double Count)

We didn’t make it to lap 4 but we ended with 10 Burpee’s

Mosey back to COT

Praise for Funhouses son coming to visit. Prayers for safe travels for my in laws and for my daughter Kaylie who will be dedicated this Sunday

-Yard Sale

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Count the right only

WARMUP: mosey brogaish things, @reaper stuff, few other things
THE THANG: a little 4 corners around the track 15ish was the count for all. Mostly for those requiring right side counts only. Merkins, mtn climbers, shoulder taps. Little mosey squats calf raises and monkey humpers; mosey then SSH seal jacks and overhead claps; mosey abs stuff big boys weezy Jefferson’s and that other exercise I couldn’t remember yeah bicycle somethin. Mosey over to benches for dirkins and dips. Did a pledge of allegiance somewhere in there with some rebel merkins
MARY: not much time left for American hammers and upright flutters. Oh yeah those were Freddy mercurys we did earlier.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: finally Fogertys trash pick.
COT: marriages and health concerns for a few.

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Band Camp Tabata Kettle Bell WO

WARMUP: Started the Motivator, but Pax were unruly and we stopped after 5.
Tabata 40/20
Performed 2 rounds of each row below before moving to the next exercises.
Burpee jump over / over shoulder toss
Chest press / overheads
Squats with sandbag / deadlift
Curls / triceps
Lawn mower / upright rows
Swings / front pat raises
LBC / leg raises
Bulgarian Split Squats / Calf raises

Since we didn’t finish the rest of the motivator we had about 5 minutes left so we finished with the following

2 Broadway Burpees – ask BOB and training wheels
10 curls
10 squats

Repeat until 6:00


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Deck of Awesomeness

Mosey to FM Church of God…SSH, Low slow squats, seal jacks and Moroccan nightclubs. Mosey to FM Baptist rear parking lot.

Deck of cards: Hearts = Merkin. Spades = BBSU. Diamonds = Lunge. Clubs = Crab cakes. Joker = 15 burpees. 2s = Lap around parking lot. PAX made it through 90% of the deck before DOAH decided to “help” by selecting new cards for the remainder of the WO. As punishment for DOAH’s “help,” we pivoted to 7’s on the Withers St hill. Jump Squats at the bottom and merkins at the top.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many options for community leadership coming up in the next few months.


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Boys in Toyland

WARMUP: We did some stuff around the SF then crossed the street to find better pavement and church cameras for Monkey Humpers

THE THANG: We moseyed behind the church where the pax found a stack of toys and chalk. Each pax picked a partner and together they picked a toy and then set up a station with an exercise. Partner 1 did the exercise while Partner 2 ran a short loop. Flapjack. Then move to next station with Partner. After completing all stations, we changed partners and stations, made up new exercises and repeated the cycle.

MARY: We split Mary between the back lot and the SF lot. Cousin Eddie earned his War Baby label for the morning by pushing the pax a little extra with BBSU x20 as we closed out.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Trash pick up Sat, clown car Sat for COLA 10yr, CPR training Sat

COT: The open-ended weinke today was aimed at sparking some creativity among the pax and inspiring potential Site Qs. Our 4th core principle is “peer led in a rotating fashion” and that applies to Site Qs as well as to workout Qs. I look forward to the day when I’ll take a Shovel Flag once again. Our Site Qs lead right on the front lines — it’s not easy…and that’s why it’s so important and so fulfilling!!!

Thanks to Dojo for his leadership and the opportunity to carry The flag this am!

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bells with the boys!!!

WARMUP: CHERRY PICKERS, windmill, side straddle hop
THE THANG: Goblet clean X10 each arm
Goblet squat low and slow x10
Bent over row x10 each arm
Murder bunny 10 meters and return
Turkish get up .25….. x10 each side
American hammer way too fast for those with something heavy x15
Lunge walk with a pass thru…. 10 meters there 10 meters back
Plank drag x10 on each arm.
Shower curtain slide… 10 meters there 10 meters back
Trade your weight with another pax Rinse and repeat

MARY: @battlebot asked me to q in the ambulance,
@hardwood was confused from the start,
@longduck paid for coffee
@showercurtain wrote his first backblast
Everybody had something to say and plenty to do!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter!!!
COT: No prayer requests. Praise to the good Lord for giving us another day!

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Cone Course and Slow Dirty McDeuce

No running – just normal stuff with a little stretching

Partner work: Partner 1 does stationary exercise while partner 2 does a moving exercise through cone course.
1. LBCs –> lunges
2. American Hammer–>bunny hops
3. Peter Parkers –> karaoke
4. Squats –> backwards lunges
5. Flutters –> High Knees then Butt Kickers
6. Imperial Walkers–> broad jumps
7. Bombjacks —> shuffle

Slow Dirty McDeuce – 12x, slow 4 count
Set 1
– Wide arm Merkins
– Squats

Set 2
– Dry Docks
– Flutter Kicks
– Calf Raises

Set 3
– Irkins
– Step lunges
– Weezy Jefferson

Set 4 – Out of time…

Great work, men!

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Don’t Call it a Comeback

14 HIMs gathered with YHC on this cool morning at the Armory to celebrate a return to a KB workout for me. Some came to celebrate, some came to ridicule and some were just curious. Nonetheless, I was prepared with a Weinke and ready to get after it and get better.

The Thang

Uhaul started the music with a request for 80’s rap. Some glorious songs were played. Thanks Uhaul!

Mosey to the other side of the parking lot


SSH x 20
MNC x 10
IW x 10
Hillbillies x 10
Mtn climbers x 10
Windmills x 10
Mixed in Burpee ladder to 5 throughout

Mosey back to the KBs and Partner up

Tabata workout for 1 minute

Partner 1 does exercise while Partner 2 rests then switch

Round 1
KB swings/Military Press
Goblet squats/Lunge w Exchange
Merkins/Bench press
Take a lap

Round 2
Switch exercises
Take a lap

Round 3
Bent over rows/CDD
Jump squats/bombjacks
Mtn Climbers/Plank jacks
Take a lap

Round 4
Switch exercises

Round 5
Redo Round 1 since YHC messed it up

1 minute of Mary

YHC got off to a slow start with the Q and added 30 seconds to the Tabata to ensure each Pax got 3 rounds. Will do better next time

– Prayers for Dave and Marianne from Jwow
– Anniversaries this week for Dojo and Maximus
-Patience for Bonsai dealing with teen girls
-Respectable birthday for Santini
– Praise for Emma back at dance

– Jwow gave me a KB. Thanks buddy!
– Dojo is someone who is accelerating. Keep up the great work!

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