15 pounder

WARMUP: Did some stretching and had a nice Indian run

Did some time at the small wall/firepit with various sets of muscle exciters. Got in lots of kettlebell swings, lawnmower pulls and laps in between.

KB Swings
Lawnmower pulls
Triceps extensions
Halo circles
Hillbilly walkers w bell


LBC w bell
KB Swings


KB Swings
Tricept extensions
Around the World


Lawmower pulls
Clean press
Halo circles
KB swings


Around the world
Shoulder presses


Lawnmower pulls
Tricept extensions
Clean press


Then, pass the duitchie, where we all got to feel Tesh mammoth and Destiny’ 15 pounder.

COT: Mentioned a few things in the newsletter including FM Care Center lawn sign up, Pusher bringing back Q Source

Prayers for Destiny’s colleague with health issues, Band Camp’s church for VBS (for seeds to be planted) and for Pusher’s daughter Emma and surgery/recovery for torn ACL.

Good crew this morning. Lots of good mumble chatter. Missed Battle Bot…..Appreciate the opportunity to lead!

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The Twister

WARMUP: Full Body Warm Up
THE THANG: The Twister 🌪. A workout specific to SlowBurn 🔥 where Pax perform a DORA @ the exchange building on Market St.
MARY: Beach Body Abs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Fort Mill Care Center-Opportunities to serve and help with the lawn maintenance all summer.
COT: Prayers for Pax traveling on Vacation

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A Happy Hour Hustle

WARMUP: Happy Hour brought his Cleveland charm and hockey player grit today as he delivered a solid warm up, including burpees, merkins and big boys among others. He had the pax laughing and Slapshot doling out compliments in his AAR. Thanks for stepping up! Great work!

Mosey to picnic area for some 11s with Dips and Derkins. Bobber led the Mumblechatter about some crazy Merkin count from Shady at Bushwood, but nobody listened. Poppins dutifully nodded next to Bobber as any good Site Q would do to make the pax feel welcome.

Mosey to soccer field for Leg Day!
Run all the way across the field stopping at three light poles for 10-20-30 reps of an exercise then sprint to the end. wait for the six then repeat on the way back with the next exercise .

Calf raises
Backward lunges
Apollo Onos
Ski jumps

Partner up:
Partner 1 run around the entry loop
Partner 2 burpees
Flapjack and work toward 100 reps combined

Omaha after 2 rounds to squeeze in some Mary

Flutter kicks

Bethel shelter team is full!
F3 Dads starts Sat 6/11 (with popsicles and Slapshot in Q)
QSource starts up 6/21 at Baxter Starbucks 6.20-6.45
The Swamp’s last day at Rivergate is Fri 6/10. It moves to McGospel site (TC HT) as of 6/17.

COT: Great energy among the group today! Good to see the strong support for Happy Hour. Can’t wait to see his first full Q! Message today around Hope was aimed at challenging each of us to reflect on where we place our hope — is it your own ability, government, employer, money, your friends, family, etc….they will fail you. They’re all human constructs and thus flawed and faulty. Dig deep and anchor your hope in something/someone outside yourself and the everyday world you see around you. For me, that’s my creator, who loved me and believed in me before I ever took a breath. Find that solid rock that won’t fail you.

Thanks to all, especially Poppins and Happy Hour this morning.

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A little baseball at the Burn

WARMUP: 2 Ruckers launched and a short mosey followed by a few exercises. An attempt to do a Hillbilly March followed by an Indian run.
THE THANG: A wall sit with pax rotating merkins. A ladder of jacks exercises. A few innings of baseball with pain stations as bases.
MARY: Did a burpee wave.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the newsletter and get to The Yard!
COT: Lord’s Prayer and 15 seconds of silence.

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Moderate is a state of mind

WARMUP: 50% 60 yard runs from one end of the AO host parking lot to the other. After each run we performed SSH, Squats, Seal Jacks, Merkins, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters
THE THANG: We strolled over to another, smoother parking lot to endure the pain. Partnered up and gave the PAX 3 pain stations in the shape of a triangle with each pain station being about 30-40 yards apart. Merkin station, Squat Station, and Step-Up Station. Group that starts at the Merkin station performs 10 merkins and then travels to the next pain station to relieve the PAX. So forth and so on we went for 3 rounds.
Next we performed an Indian Bear Crawl for about 40 yards.
Followed that fun with a short ab lab: 20 – Gas Pumpers, 20 LBCs ( legs straight up in the air with arms reaching for feet when crunching ), & 20 Box Cutters.
Time to hit the legs again with some TUT – TimeUnderTension. Partner up again, partners have to complete a combined total of 100 lunges – 10 lunges for 5 sets. While one partner does a set of 10 lunges the other partner holds the Al Gore position, keep alternating until you reach the 100 rep count.
Followed that up with another ablab: 10 BigBoys, then go immediately into 10 Straight Leg Lifts, and then go immediately into 10 V-Ups.
Next up, more bear crawls with a Paula Abdul routine. Found a row of parking spaces about 15-20 spaces long. Pax start out bear crawling 2 lines, when reaching the 2nd line you perform 2 merkins, you then crawl bear back 1 line and perform 1 merkin. Keep going until you reach the end.
Last, but not least, you guys brag on your ‘running with pushups’. Well this group did Sprints with Pushups. 3 – 50 yard sprints – all out. As soon as PAX reached the other side we had to drop immediately and perform: 1st Sprint – 13 Merkins, 2nd Sprint 11 Merkins, 3rd Sprint 9 merkins. The plan was to do 4 sprints total but time ran out, which I’m glad because SmallWorld would have had to carry me back to COT.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter on 6/9.
COT: Prayers for marriages, families going through transitions, ChangeOrders dad, and others. Question to the PAX in prayer – What are you pursuing? Thanks to SmallWorld for the opportunity to lead. Take care and God bless fellas.

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You should be dancing, yeah

Mosey to the running tracks
Side Straddle Hop
Produce Pickers
Hillbilly Walkers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers

Mosey on the Running track
Mosey to Second basketball court, lungewalk back
Mosey to Second basketball court, Toy Soldier walk back
Sprint to the second basketball court, lungewalk back.

Mosey to the parking lot to one of the four pain stations, mosey/brisk walk between them after completing listed exercises. Rinse and Repeat.

Pain station # 1:
25 Mountain Climbers
25 Plank Jacks
25 Squats

Pain station # 2:
25 Merkins
20 Lunges
25 SSH

Pain station # 3:
25 Calf raises
50 Skipping without rope
50 LBCs

Pain station # 4:
15 Freddie Mercury

(PAX Choice)

Flutter Kicks
American Hammers
Freddie Mercury
Gas Pumpers
Carolina Dry Dock


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Bed Pan Anyone? Can I Get A Towel? Star!

We did 12 Days of Christmas in the rain.  Some rucked separately. Here’s the bootcamp:

1- Run to the back and back to cover.
2- Mak Tar Gis. How to spell?
3-Greg Jump squats
5-Diamond merkins
6-Imperial walkers
8-Slow flutters
9-Low slow squats
10-Lunges (10 each leg)

Welcome FNGs Bed Pan and The Admiral!

The Thrill is gone!

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Mostly Respectables

WARMUP: Imperil walkers Followed by LBC’s Followed by Low Slow Squats
THE THANG: The Chunk of the workout was: 7 light post. 5 merkins at each light post. Transportation was running to each. Once you get to next light post you must run back to the beginning and do 5 merkins at every light post ect ect. the fore runners where Fogerty, Bassomatic, The Twister and Senator Tressel

After we completed there was a nice hill next to the drive and I decided lets go exploring. so we made our way to the bottom where 5 of us stayed and did mountain climbers (Senator Tressel call by the way) while the other 4 Pax NURED up the gravel hill. Once at the top they yelled down to us and we NURED up the gravel hill while they did 10 Burpees. Once we made it to the top we did 10 burpees. By the time we finished the Burpees the 45 min clock was looming in so we made our way back to COT.
Once we arrived we got on our six and just spent 2 min in the quite listening, smelling the air, and just being still. we are way to often on the go and never take time to just be and be in that moment.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your news letter, Trash Pick up
COT: Prayers.

Once again grateful for the opportunity to Q

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PGA Championship at Slowburn

Moseyed over to the driving range where we performed a few exercises like SSH and the walker brothers. Then moved to the putter green where we did a few yoga moves to make sure we were limber so we could hit the long ball

For those who are not golf fans, the PGA Championship is being played this weekend at Southern Hills Country Club in Tulsa OK. With that I decided to design a workout around golf. Using the scorecard for the tournament I used Par as the means of travel between tee to green and yds as reps. For instance, Par 4, 465 would mean we ran to the green, roughly 50 yds, then did 4 flying squirrels for the 100s and 65 American Hammers. The 100s was always Flying Squirrels. The other exercise changed each hole.

Par 3 and 5 you NUR between tee to green.

“Lightning”was seen so we had to stop after 17, but pax didn’t seem to mind to skip the last hole and head for COT
MARY: no time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter

COT:prayers for Change Orders dad and family, prayers for Spark Plugs sister for successful surgery, prayers for Cable Guy’s family as they continue to mourn the loss of his son and grief they are working through.

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