Mixed CD of favorites

Ran to small part across from Little Caesars for a dynamic warmup.
Toy soldiers, high knees, some other stretch Sasquatch taught us.
SSH, Produce picker, merkins and broga

Ran to Church of Nazareth on Harris for stair work. Cycle consist of up and down twice.
Each step each foot
Right leg only
Left leg only
Skip a step
Skip two steps
Bunny hop

Next ran to tan to small garden down by Springs building.
10 step ups each leg
10 derkins
10 dips

10 dirty myrtles
10 Mike Tyson’s

10 dirty myrtles
5 Mike Tyson’s

Next moves down to wall by parking lot across from COT
Wall sit – 3 10 second counts
Jog to curb and back
Wall sit – 30 seconds
Jog to curb
LBCs -20 INC
Wall Sit – 30 seconds

Last stop to the hill across from COT
Quadzilla until time expires
Merkins at the top and Big Boy sit-ups

Funhouse was the only one to complete all 7 rounds before time expired.


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Sandbag Toss

THE THANG: Shuffle with sandbag 1 mile out; toss the sandbag back to COT
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cannoli Run this weekend, Newsletter
COT: Continued prayer for Vuvu and his family, prayers for all our students and teachers and parents as the school year winds down, prayers for Eby family as they try to locate Kevin.

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Coach says Don’t Quit!

The inevitable confusion of a new AO meeting in a different parking lot of a familiar place led to YHC almost being late. For those attending in the future, parking for The Coaches Box is next to the actual coaches box at the baseball field. Also known as the band practice field with the painted football field on the parking lot.

Given that YHC showed up confused, it seemed like a good idea to start with a mosey toward the other two parking lots typically utilized at FMHS. As soon as we reached that lot we saw a black Jeep confusingly creeping along. After parking in a random spot, we picked up Cheddah and continued our mosey to the school entrance.

– SSH x30
– Imperial Walker x15
– Merkin x10
– “what the hell are these called, oh yeah” Moroccan Nightclubs x15
– Dips on the benches x10

Most back to the band practice field.

Band practice field:
– Bear crawl to the 10 – 1 Burpee
– Crawl bear back
– Bear crawl to the 20 – 2 Burpees
– Crawl bear back
– Continue to the 50 – 5 burpees
– Crawl bear back from the 50
– Run past the 50 to the 40 – 6 burpees
– Nur back
– Continue for the whole field finishing with 10 burpees and a Nur back to the start

This took way longer than expected so the second half of the weinke was cut short.

Mosey to the pull up bars (3 rounds)
– 10 pull ups (decrease by 1 each round)
– 20 merkins (decrease by 2 each round)
– 30 American Hammers (decrease by 3 each round)

– Doty Run this weekend
– Cannoli run next weekend

Thank you Cyclops for the opportunity! As he said, we started the day 3-0!!!

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Warming up the Canollis


Run to kingsley. do one mile loop as many times as you can before time runs out. every half mile increase speed to 5k pace for about 60 seconds.

read newsletter for important announcements.

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Manion WOD in torrential rain

WARMUP: start moving before the rain
THE THANG: 29 back squats with rucks and sandbags, 400 meter ruck
Repeat 7 times

By the time we started the first 400 meter ruck and monsoon hit us and we could see rivers running by our side on the hill.

We finished strong right before 6am

MARY: one last 400 meter ruck

ANNOUNCEMENTS: amrap for autism is happening at Chupacabra next Friday feo this that missed it on 4/22

COT: prayers for healing and love

Tinsel, out

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Currahee is the hardest AO in The Fort and we’re going to prove it!

Low slow squat

Partner up – 1 sandbag per group
20 manmakers
20 thrusters with sandbag

March to the hill
At “Basecamp”
10 manmakers
10 thrusters

If you have a sandbag, ATTACK the hill
If not:
20 merkins
20 squats
RUN up the hill

Take a breather at the top, return to bottom, switch and repeat

Return to COT
We were a few minutes behind getting to COT. Taking the hill twice can be done in under an hour, just skip the pre-manmakers/thrusters

We were already 8 minutes late to COT


Prayers for Luka

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The Cheese Grater

It was a beautiful morning in The Fort where 12 men chose to do the AKA moderately difficult thing and accelerate.

Quick disclaimer and warmup and we we’re off.

The Thang:
Jack Webb 4 – 40 V-Ups and 1- 10 supemans 🦸‍♂️.

Mode of transportation between cones was an Partner Indian Bear Craw across the parking lot.

Back to COT for prayers and praises.


Back to COT

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Handstands, burpees, and bear crawls oh my!

Mozy to the wall
Low Slow Squat
CDD and chill

Balls to the wall
It was at this point Sasquatch joined us
10 handstand pushups OYO
People’s chair
10 wall squats
Balls to the wall
10 handstand pushups OYO
20 burpees

mozy to roundabout
bear crawl around roundabout
20 burpees – to control the amount of chatter. There are people sleeping in those apartments ya know.
A2G (deep squat) for the 6

mozy to second roundabout
bear crawl around roundabout. Turns out this one is bigger. Who knew?
Olaf joined the group
20 more burpees to keep em quiet
Plank for the 6

mozy back to first roundabout
crab walk around
Plank for the 6

Mozy back to Red Bowl
3 corners, 10 reps each:
1) Big Boys and 2count Flutters
2) Burpees!!
3) Jump Squats and Bomb Jacks
The pattern was 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, etc.
Funhouse joined us somewhere in here

Flutters, Peter Parkers, and LBCs

Men’s shelter next week – Battle Bot
Blood Drive – 3D
Cannoli run
New 3rd F on Wednesdays – Kaiser
4/20 Partake – Battle Bot
Download “In Love While Parenting” App. It’s free – Olaf


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Burpee 420 spring training – AKA in March

WARMUP: SSH, wmills, tappy taps, merkins… ddogs to hmooners to arm raises – both arms, yes BOTH arms.
THE THANG: benchwork- step ups, derkins
A Sweetest 16s – burpee & sumo squat madness.
MARY: 3 minutes of Mary. Some held onto the ball until the buzzer
ANNOUNCEMENTS: AKA apparently started 3 days ago, even though we still have 2 days of March. read your newsletter
COT: yes

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