Christmas Convergence

Broke out into two groups. Half went with Soup to Nuts to the football field and half went with Sprocket to the grass field
Warmups were done at the workout sites
Soup2Nuts thang at the football field: Partner Dora
50 burpees
75 WWI Situps
75 Squats
75 Merkins
75 American Hammers
200 Clave Boss Clave Raises
75 Dips
Timer: bear crawl 20 yards; run 30 yards; run back 50 yards to workout area

Sprocket thang at the grass field: Wheel Spoke

Center Hub: 5 burpees

Spoke 1: Rd.1 25 merkins bear crawl to center hub; Rd.2 50 squats broad jump to center hub; Rd.3 40 lunges crawl bear to center hub

Spoke 2: Rd.1 25 Bomb jacks, bear crawl to the center hub; Rd.2 80 mountain climbers, broad jump to the center hub; Rd.3 50 shoulder taps, crawl bear to the center hub

Spoke 3: Rd.1 50 American hammers, bear crawl to the center hub; Rd.2 100 calf raises, broad jump to the center hub; Rd.3 100 Side straddle hops, crawl bear to the center hub

Spoke 4: Rd.1 100 Flutter Kicks, bear crawl to the center hub; Rd.2 80 mountain climbers, broad jump to the center hub; Rd.3 50 LBCs, crawl bear to the center hub

After 26 minutes Group 1 and Group2 swapped workout sites and did the workout.

MARY: None

COT: Cake Boss closed us out in prayer

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Game of Crazy 8’s

WARMUP: ssh imperials hillbillies mosey around block
THE THANG: game of crazy 8 deck of pain. 8’s were a lap, rest of decks were either 19 or 20 reps
MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: come to AO The Hive for KB on Friday!

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Pre-Convergence Convergence

There were Ruckers and runners.

Barry Manilow led the runners for 5+ miles around The Fort.

The bootcampers were led first by Maximus with a SSH x Merkin combo x2 to warm up.
After a quick warm up, the weinke was
10 merkins, 10 mountain climbers (double count) at each of the 9 swings around the park. When done and waiting on the 6 to fill in, hold an Al Gore. To wrap up, starting at the bottom of the grassy hill from the parking lot, flutter kicks, then burpees at the top of the hill.

Cake Boss took second shift with playtime at the playground.
Partnering up, one partner does squats, while the other runs around the playground. Then flapjack. Next was pull ups/merkins following the same format. To wrap up, keeping the same partner, one bear crawled across the field and run back, while the other did flutters. Flap jack until 3 rounds were done.

Fogerty took us home with some 11’s and hill repeats.
At the bottom of the hill with the statue, started with 10 merkins and bombjacks. Half way up the hill, 5 burpees, then 1 squat and big boy sit-up. No burpee on the way back down the hill. Repeat until 11’s are done cutting out the burpees when you hit 5 & 6.

This was a fun 60 min bootcamp.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Clave Boss & convergence in 12/23. Happy Birthday Walker. Tallawah is officially closed for good.


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Tentatively titled “The Watchmen”.

Partner up for 4 x 4-minute AMRAPs
Burpees: Partners alternate reps
Bear crawl: 1 partner forward, 1 backward (swap at fatigue)
Reverse Burpess: Partners alternate reps
Run: 1 partner forward, 1 backward (swap at fatigue)

Repeat entire circuit.

Moral of the workout? Make sure someone has eyes out when you are in a vulnerable position.

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4 hour wo in 1 hour

WARMUP: Moseyed out of the parking lot, up the hill, and to the back parking lots across the street. All in cadence, WMx7, 1 Burpee, CPx7, 2 Burpees, HWx7, 3 Burpees, MCx7, 4 Burpees, SSHx10, 5 Burpees
THE THANG: Moseyed to the front of the Pike Electric building to use the short brick wall to hang a leg on.
Thang#1 – Complete rep count of the 1st exercise and then move right into the 2nd exercise. 1 minute intervals with 10-15 second break in between each round. Completed 3 rounds
1st exercise: BSSx10 each leg
2nd exercise: Jump Squats

Moseyed to the big grassy hill in front of Pike Electric.

Thang #2 – BearCrawl 20 paces then switch to CrawlBear for 20 paces. Keep switching every 20 paces until you reach the parking lot at the top. CrawlBearing up that steep hill was a crowd pleaser.

Thang #3 – Stay in the parking lot where we finished our BearCrawl/CrawlBear journey. Instructed PAX to move into the straight arm plank position.
Held plank for 20 seconds then instructed PAX to remove right hand from the ground. Held for the Qs 10 count, back to normal plank and performed PeterParkersx10inCadence. Held plank and asked PAX to remove left hand. Held for the Qs 10 count, back to normal plank and performed ParkerPertersx10inCadence. You get the idea as we proceeded to remove left leg followed by MCx10inCadence and then remove right leg followed by PJx10inCadence.

Moseyed to the HOBO’s parking lot.

Thang #4 – Time under Tension. Partner up. Partner #1 performs 10 merkins while Partner #2 holds 6 inches. At the completion of Partner #1s 10 merkins you switch. Keep switching until you reach an accumulative rep count of 100.

Moseyed to The Print shop pullup bar area.

Thang #5 – Partner up, Partner #1 performs 10 pullups ( max ) and then hangs until Partner #2 completes 20 Step-Ups on the picnic tables. Go back and forth until the team reaches an accumulative rep count of 200 step-ups. Lots of complaining at this point.

Moseyed to the Freedom Park parking lot

Thang #6 – Time under Tension routine again. This time Partner #1 performs 10 straight lower leg lifts while Partner #2 holds 6 inches. Repeat back and forth until an accumulative rep count of 100 is completed.

Moseyed to the small asphalt area in front of Pike Electric building.

Thang #7 – Partner up again. Complete 5 minutes of burpees. Partner #1 completes 1 burpee while partner #2 watches. Then partner #2 completes 1 burpee while partner #1 watches. Go back and forth for 5 minutes. Stole this one from Tesh during his Watchmen themed workout at The Ranch.

Moseyed to the back parking lot where we conducted our warm-ups.

Thang #8 – Time under Tension routine, again. Partner #1 performs 10 jump squats while partner #2 holds the AlGore. Go back and forth until you complete an accumulative rep count of 100.

Moseyed back to COT area

Thang #9 – Instructed PAX to lay down for some Superman poses. Conducted 2 – 10 count sets of each pose. Arms straight and forward and legs together, next pose was arms in field goal position with legs slightly spread apart, next pose was arms in airplane position with legs moved wider apart, next pose was arms in jumper position with legs spread wide apart.

MARY: LBCx20inCadence, 20 Reverse Crunches
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Show to know.

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Bubbles VQ

WARMUP: Side straddle hop, Moroccan night club, Hillbilly walker, stretch
THE THANG: Mosey to field, Merkin, big boy, Windmill, AYG Mosey to opposite end, Shoulder tap, Squat, LBC, rinse and repeat add 5
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Childhood Celebrity Crush Mumblechatter

WARMUP: SSH, Cherry Pickers, Imperial Walkers
THE THANG: Jog from Flag to Opposite Corner of Lot for some Pain Stations:
10 Reps each per Stations
Tricep Pulls
Squat Jacks
Bent Over Chest Rows
Over Head SB Throws
KB Swings
KB Squats
Flutter Kick w/Chest Press
Shoulder Taps
Reverse Lunges

All stations = 1 Round
After each Round move over to the Side Shuffle vs Skip Lap
Rinse and Repeat
MARY: She was missed !
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Shank w/Stang, Bethel Service, and reminder to read your newsletter !
COT: Always Stays in COT !!!

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Staying Warm at The Ranch

WARMUP: SSHx30InCadence, run to the front of the school with buttkickers, high knees, and karoake on both sides.
THE THANG: Arrived at the front of the school after warmups and quickly started to work.
Round #1 – 4 sets – Leg Day HIIT – Complete rep count of 1st exercise and then move right into the 2nd exercise and continue until time is called. Each set is 1 minute with 10sec of rest after the 1st set, then 15sec after the 2nd, and so on.
1st exercise was BSSx10 each leg
2nd exercise was Alt Jumping Lunges

After 4 sets were completed of the above we moseyed to one of the back parking lots behind the school.
Round #2 – Started on one end of the lot and made it to the other end by bearcrawling 2 spaces forward- stop to perform 2 Diamond Merkins, then crawlbear one space back and perform 1 Diamond Merkin. Lots of grumbling as it was a longer parking lot than I remembered.
After completion of the above we moseyed to the playground Round #3 – Performed same routine as the 1st round but with different exercises.
1st exercise – 10xPullups
2nd exercise – V-Ups
After completion of the above we moseyed to the backside bus loop. Split the group into 3s.
Round #4 – Half the circle by placing 2 PAX on both sides, they both start to perform burpees. 3rd PAX on the team runs from PAX#1 to PAX#2. When he reaches PAX#2 the 3rd PAX stays put and starts to perform burpees while PAX#2 runs to PAX#1. Performed this routine for 7 minutes.
MARY: 10xLBCInCadence, 15 Straight Lower Leg Lifts
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter

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Let’s Make the Fort Sore again

WARMUP: yes. you’d be crazy not to

(most finished in 35ish)
(got in 1.5ish rounds, only 8.5 left to go…)

Was hard today. YHC is especially struck by 1st Lt. Clovis Ray leaving a job in investment banking at age 32 for an Army commission.

Prayers for those that still miss 1st Lt. Clovis Ray and SFC Daniel Crabtree at their Thanksgiving table every year.

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