Poop virus

Because it’s 35 degrees and raining, we will warm up
Low Slow Merkins
Peter parkers
Low slow squats
Run a lap

Every Minute on the Minute:
10 burpees
Until failure

After failure:
Run a lap of shame
then 10 Merkins EMOM until failure

After failure:
Run a lap of shame
then 10 squats EMOM until failure

Tie breaker between Dark Helmet, Italian Job, and Battle Bot:
Max dead hang

COT: “on Earth as it is in Heaven”

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1% better at Slow Burn

YHC was honored to be given the Q stick at Slow Burn and challenged the Pax to get 1% better this AM. You see, status quo is comfortable and safe because it is known. Showing up to an AO offers disruption because you do not know what you will encounter from the Q. As a Fort Redwood I dont have tons of new ideas but I do challenge those in attendance to get better as I am confident that this momentum will carry you through the day as it has for me over the years.

Mosey to Persis parking lot and circle up
Windmills x 10
SSH x 20
Mtn x 20
MNC x 10
IW x 10
Lets go!
Mosey to Lowes with (3) stations. At each station, we completed max number of reps for each exercise within a minute. Pax were instructed to use sidewalk chalk to note their number

Station 1

Station 2
Diamond merkins

Station 3
Big Boy

Rinse and repeat but with a caveat to do 1 more rep of each exercise with a partner

Twister on Gas Pumpers
Boogie Nights on LBCs
Barry Manilow on Dying Cockroaches
Assassin on Peter Pointers

Read your newsletter

Prayers for safe travels, new jobs and for grace

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Simple, but not easy

14 at the Sink this morning survived a surprisingly difficult beatdown. Conditions were not terrible for February (40s with a breeze). Here’s what we did.

Warm Up
– 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
– 10 Merkins (IC)
– 10 Mountain Climbers (IC)
Mosey to Gold Hill Rd.
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 15 Curls
– 15 Squats
Mosey to Hubert Graham
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 15 Curls
– 15 Squats
Mosey to Waterloo
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 15 Curls
– 15 Squats
Mosey to Revere Cove
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 10 Curls
– 15 Squats
Mosey to the Traffic Circle
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 10 Curls
– 15 Squats
Mosey to Waterloo
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 10 Curls
– 15 Squats
Shuffle back to COT
2.1 miles, 30 Manmakers, 10 Overhead Press, 75 Curls, 90 Squats

This workout was simple, but not easy. I’m not sure what made it difficult – it was only four exercises done six times over a couple miles, but I think I’m going to feel it later. The beauty of its design was you had the opportunity to converse with the guy next to you between sets and see what is going on in his world. I heard laughs, grunts, celebrations, and struggles. Men shared their hearts but still put in the work. That’s what this is all about – asking the guy next to you how he’s doing. Listening to what he says and note what he doesn’t say. Men suck at asking for help. The signs are there if we know where to look. My encouragement for you is to reach up when you need help. But also, reach down when you have help to give. F3 has the opportunity to literally save lives if we will pour into Fellowship and Faith as much as we do Fitness. Strengthen yourself mentally and spiritually as much as you do physically. Do that and we will change the world: one household at a time.


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SSHx20, Hillbilly Walker x 10, Imperial Walker x 10, Merkin IC x 10, Plank toe touches IC x 5

Ran up the hill
Did the following exercises EMOM.
– Run down and back up the hill EMOM for 10 min
– 15 merkins EMOM for 10.
– 30 squats EMOM for 5 min then down to 20 squats EMOM for the remaining 5
– 5 flying squirrels EMOM for 10 min.

MARY: None

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Music, Merkins, and Moroccan Night Clubs

Six Booters and four Ruckers converged on Ball Room this morning for a music-themed workout. Conditions were cold and wet (33 and foggy). Here’s what we did.

Warm Up
– 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
– 10 Windmills (IC)

Mosey around the lot to the covered walkway in front of the school

The Thang
The workout consisted of nine songs where an exercise was performed until a trigger word started another exercise

Song 1 – “Africa” by Toto
4m 32s of SSHs
Trigger Word: Africa – Burpees (7 total)

Song 2 – “You Can Call Me Al” by Paul Simon
4m 36s of Plank
Trigger Word: Al – Plank Jacks (4 total)

Song 3 – “Wagon Wheel” by Old Crow Medicine Show
3m 56s of Imperial Walkers
Trigger Words: Rock Me – Bomb Jacks (18)

Song 4 – “Another One Bites the Dust” by Queen
3m 43s of Plank
Tigger Word: Dust – Merkins (18)

Song 5 – “The Joker” by Steve Miller Band
3m 39s of American Hammers
Trigger Word: I’m – LBCs (32)

Song 6 – “Pour Some Sugar on Me” by Def Leppard
4m 56s of Moroccan Night Clubs
Trigger Word: Sugar – OH Claps (19)

Song 7 – “Wildflowers” by Tom Petty
3m 14s of Squats
Trigger Word: You – Flying Squirrels (24)

Song 8 – “Hotel California” by The Eagles
6m 32s of Calf Raises
Trigger Word: California – Burpees(4)

Song 9 – “Money for Nothing” by Dire Straits
4m 39s of People’s Chair
Trigger Word: Money – Merkins (17)

Who knew five minutes of Moroccan Night Clubs could wreck you? Today’s beatdown proved you don’t have to run far to get a good workout. Thanks for the opportunity <@U790WHUKC> and happy birthday <@U6AS1MBPG>. And great to catch up with our Ruckers at the end.

Remember to celebrate your wins louder than you mourn your losses. Progress deserves more energy than regret. Should’ve, would’ve, and could’ve steal too much joy. The windshield is larger than the rearview mirror for a reason.


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Run up the Hill “Again”!

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: run over toward school into cul de sac where Decibel had his office. Run down to the bottom of road where street lights are before school. Run back up the hill to cul de sac. Exercises at top and bottom. Repeat 5 times. Not complicated…. it just sucked!

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Push through whether your life is in order or not

– Moroccan nightclubs
– Cherry pickers
– Windmill
– Hillbilly walker
Mosey around loop, karaoke, mosey, karaoke, mosey. Stop at curb and 10 inclined merkins on curb in cadence, mosey over to the pull up bars and 10 low slow squats in cadence.

Grab a cinder block for each man, and mosey with block above your head to the first covering and leave blocks on ground
Head to the bus loop cover for 4 quadrants:
– 5 burpees every time you make it back to the center
– Run to boards:
Board 1 – 40 American Hammers in single count, then lunge walk back to center
Board 2 – 20 bomb jacks, then run back to center
Board 3 – 20 squats, then karaoke back to center
Board 4 – 15 Mike Tyson’s, then Nur back to center

Card game:
Run to other side, pick up a card. Nur back to start and complete the below exercises.

Numbers 1-10, do the number of reps per card:
Hearts – Goblet squats
Clubs – 2-hand upright rows
Diamonds – 2-hand curls
Spades – Cindy swings
A – 5 Man-Makers
K – 10 Lunge squats w/block on shoulders, single count
Q – 15 flutter with press – count on press
J – 20 Plank pull-throughs
Joker – 5 Kraken Man-Makers. Do these yourself or hand to anyone of your choice

20 knee-ups at the bars
1-minute wall sit
20 more knee-ups

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The Safe Sink

WARMUP: A little of this, a little of that…

We took our rucks and sandbags and traveled to the top of gentle slope of the entrance to the school in the hopes of finding a less icy spot. We were disappointed. It was slick most everywhere. Kind of like the top of <@USBP08L1G>‘s (not present) head.

After letting men know that it was ok to feel their feelings, no matter how big they were (TWSS), we all cuddled for a few minutes and affirmed one another’s masculinity. We decided we were both good enough AND smart enough, and we think that people like us.

Then it was basically taking turns releasing our trauma and making space for each other. We even all took turns going to the crying room that Farmers had installed. It was very affirming.

From there we did 3 very thoughtful and mindful rounds of 7s with our rucks on and with our sandbags.

It was a round of manmakers and squats, one of curls and bag ups, and one of merkins and flutters with a press.

Peta reached a whole new level and had a real breakthrough in accessing his inner child.

MARY: We decided it best to just have men present for this session.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The newsletter contains the latest, please avail yourself of this wonderful resource.

COT: The 5th Core Principle

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