“Brick” Walls of Terror at Block Party

8 at Block Party for a balmy morning with some lively mumble chatter.


Read the monthly theme to engage in the discussion.


Warm up – Mosey to Anne Springs parking lot for some Rugby Sprints with SSH, Merkins, Goof Balls and Mountain Climbers
The thang – Dora-like with partner on the high wall
– 50 Wall climbs
– 20 Handstands
– 50 Spider-Man’s
Mosey to courtyard x3 increasing by 5 each time
  • 5/10/15 – step ups
  • 10/15/20 – derkins
  • 15/20/25 – dips
Cool Down by going back to the wall for some sits with arm flutters, then morrocan night clubs and finally overhead claps
Return to WEP for some MARY
Pleasure to lead
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The Fort – We are on a “Journey” and looking for “Hook Ups”.

18 men came to The Fort for an extremely hyped beat down by YHC on the twitter machine. Ginsu is off of the machine so I had to hype it up even more. I think everyone got their money’s worth and here is what happened.

Standing right in the parking lot:

Seal Jacks
Wind Mills
Imperial Walkers

3 lines at stairway to heaven
Run/lunges every other pole

Mosey to Hill

Back to stairway to heaven
1-suicide 4 poles
2-sumo squats
-calf raises
-Backward lunges

As we were working out, I asked the men about getting extremely good hook ups. No we were not talking dates or “women”, but events and special treatment. I heard things like Masters Tickets and Playing Augusta and Meet and Greet with front row tickets at concerts. YHC was able to be on the track at the Daytona 500 right next to the drivers…..was totally wild. Point is we felt special and privileged.  I told the men that the best hook up available to every single one of us is when JESUS escorts us through to heaven. All of us will have our day in front of the big guy and the invite to all of us from Jesus today is, are you with me or against me?? Does he know you? I’d be happy to discuss with anyone about this hookup because it happens on this side of eternity…..not at the ticket window!

Hand off to Ginsu

Ginsu focused on the Journey and taking in everything along the way. The good and bad builds us into the men we are. The choices we make and lessons learn can make all the difference.

Mosey to Springs building and find wall
-People’s chair
-Muscle Ups-10counts with hold

Mosey to parking lot
-Broad jump Burpees 3 islands (50yards), Run back

-bear crawl 4 step then Merkin, 3 islands (50yards), Run back

Mosey to playground
2-run lap
3 rounds


Thanks Bonsai for the Q

We carried a piece of wood the whole workout called The 6 as a reminder of servant leadership and that by picking up the 6 we are developing future leaders.

Qsource LDP led by Old Bay after COT

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Smashing Taboo on this Election Tuesday

Today 11 men  joined together in the unseasonably warm but wet aftermath of a heavy rain that preceded us.  Plenty of puddles to step in but lots of good fellowship to counteract the wet.  My apologies to Long Shanks for getting his shoes wet by moseying through the fields

Message:  The challenge during partner activities was to engage in the taboo… to engage in dialogue around politics and religion.  The great deceiver has created societal roles that it is taboo to talk about politics or religion because he knows when we talk about difference, when we talk about our own pain and suffering that what we usually find is commonality, hope and support that he doesn’t want you to find.  This month take a leap of faith and make yourself vulnerable by speaking about something on your heart that you wouldn’t normally speak about. Find healing, support and hope in the men around you.


Started with some stretching… because we are old (except Falcon Crest but he played along)

Moseyed past the smelly trash can to the back parking lot for some Rugby sprints that included SSH, CCDs, Merkins, Sumo Squats, Hill Billy Walkers and maybe a couple others.

Mosey to the side HT wall for some wall sits and bear crawls from one end to the other (that is one long wall……….)

Mosey to Grace parking lot for the Starfish which included 8 pain stations within 1 Min. on and 15 seconds of transition which we did two rounds of that included 50#, 30#, 25# weights and a 10# ball.

This morning was a good work out but great fellowship among the pax.  It was a lot of fun connecting but also sweating!  Special call out to my partner, Old Bay,  for the good conversation on politics and religion.  I’m better because of the conversation.  Aye!


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Deck of Burpees

I always appreciate the opportunity to lead a workout.  I’ve also enjoyed #Pantheon each time I’ve been there.  Its a solid AO, with a lot of opportunity/locations to dish out the pain!

I decided with this workout, that I wanted to go simple.  Every time someone brings a deck of cards, I always think it will be easy and inevitably end up completely gassed.

5:15 Disclaimer and off we went…


Mosey around the parking lot with some dynamic stretching.  Circle up and run through several warm-up exercises.  The usual suspects were there: SSH, Imperial Walkers, SSH, Hill Billy Walkers, SSGH, Merkins, Planks, etc.  You get the drill.

The Thang:

So cards it was – although with a slight twist.  Rather than each suit representing an exercise, the suit and the number/face card provided a matrix that was used to dish out more varied pain…

Each PAX took turns selecting a card from the deck and looking up the exercise on my phone (a bit hard to read).


[H] Hearts [D] Diamonds [C] Clubs [S] Spades AND # on card = number of reps; J, Q, K = 15 reps

2-5: [any suit]: burpees (56 in total)

6: [H] Merkins; [D] Diamond Merkins; [C] Wide Arm Merkins; [S] Hand Release Merkins

7: [H] Low Slow Squats; [D] Ground Touch Squats; [C] Sumo Squats; [S] Squats

8: [H] Alternating Lunges; [D] Alternating Reverse Lunges; [C] Alternating Jump Lunges; [S] Speed Skater (Apollo Ono)

9: [H] Calf Raise (both legs); [D] Tuck Jumps; [C] Single Leg Calf Raise (L); [S] Single Leg Calf Raise (R)

10: [H] Table Dips; [D] Shoulder Taps; [C] Crab Cakes; [S] PAX choice

J: [H] BCs; [D] Flutter Kicks; [C] Dying Cockroach; [S] V-ups

Q: [H] Heels to Heaven; [D] X’s and O’s; [C] Big Boy Sit-ups; [S] Protractor

K: [H] Scissor Kicks; [D] Weezie Jefferson; [C] Rosalita; [S] Plank Waterfall (each PAX 15 count)

A: [any suit] 2 line Suicides

This took us right up to time for COT.  Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama, Announcement, Prayers/Praises, BOM.

As always thanks for the opportunity and the push!

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the BLIMPS Casino

13 PAX and ideal weather conditions on hand.

Mosey run to front of middle school
Warm up:
SSH (IC 12x)
Imperial Walker (IC 12x)
Windmill (IC 12x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12x)
LSS (IC 12x)
Merkin (IC 12x)
Peter Parker (IC 12x)
Plank stretches
Run to back side of elementary school
For a portion of this run: Railroad Ties routine: PAX low plank and person at back of line runs/jumps over them. Cycle through like an indian run.

At back of the middle school:
Thang 1: Blackjacks
start w/ 1 Merkin
run to other side do 20 LBC’s
Run back and do 2 Merkins
run to other side do 19 LBC’s
procced until 20 merkins and 1 LBC
The casino closed this blackjack table a bit early (at ten mins) to accommodate other events. Most Pax got to 15 merkins. Recommend doing Elevens (not 21’s) next time.

Run to next pain station (short distance)
Thang 2: BLIMPS (Cones spaced 15-20 yds apart)
Start at cone 1- B for burpee, do 5 of them
Run to cone 1 – L for lunge, do 10 each leg
Run to cone 2 – I for Imperial Walkers, do 15
Run to cone 3 – M for Merkins, do 20
Run to cone 4 – P for Peter Parkers do 25 (modification)
Run to cone 5 – S for Squats, do 30
rinse and repeat until time is called
Run to COT area

Thang 3: plank routine
Sally gets up/down (Moby song)
Start with low plank
High plank on the “up”
Low plank on the “down”
Thiry-one changes during the 3:22 duration of the song.


Announcements: Fast 5k on 10/27; CAH charity event this Saturday 10/20.
Prayers for healing of loved ones and guidance to the healers in charge of their care.

Great words of encouragement shared amongst all PAX. Don’t forget these timely favorites:
“A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success”
“Fall seven times, stand up eight”

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Always Ready

Maximus at a “Moderate?” I mean, c’mon, Slow Burn isn’t always moderate. That said, I appreciate the opportunity to Q no matter the AO so thank you Smithers for thinking of me. I tried to honor the AO by pushing the PAX and keeping everyone together.

So here it is:

Warm up jog to the lot next to Lowe’s for a warm-up circle of:

SSH (Only for Trucker), Imperial walkers, Wide-Arm Merkins, Donkey Kicks and 10 Burpees (more to come)

Line up shoulder to shoulder on the wall in the peoples’ chair position

Starting at one end, we’d lunge walk to the other end of the peoples’ chair wall.

Next series, PAX line up shoulder to shoulder in a plank position with their feet on the all. Starting at one end, the PAX would bear crawl to the other end.

Jog around the back of Lowe’s heading toward the ever-changing car repair shop. The interesting thing here is that while finishing the jog, I heard a conversation between Chicken Hawk and Wide-Right where the latter mentioned he hasn’t Q’d yet and was interested in getting on a Q schedule. So, I did an about face, confirmed what I thought I heard and gave him the opportunity as soon as we circled up in the repair lot. After a brief mention to the PAX regarding the Q change for the next several minutes, I think he led us in the following:

LBC’s, Mountain Climbers, 10 Burpees Dips, Derkins Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, SSH and 5 Burpees…he then handed it back to me.

Now, jog to the large lot on the other side and circle up:

Flutter kicks w/ a press

Box Cutters then reverse box cutters

A short 3-tier suicide series with jump squats as you return to the starting line.

So that was in; we keep the group together, encourage the chatter and give a man his opportunity to lead us. Just another day in THE FORT.

Leave no man behind but leave no man as you found him.


TClap |

9/11 Tribute

Sep‎ ‎12 at ‎7‎:‎40‎ ‎PM

Nine HIM showed up in the gloom to post and pay tribute to all of the people impacted by the events of 09/11/2001. Two mosey lines were formed throughout the workout to pay respect to the twin towers. Exercises were done in single counts of 9 then 11.

Moseyed over to the far parking lot to by the entrance to warm up:

1.       9 & 11 single count side straddle hops

2.       9 & 11 single count wind mills

3.       9 & 11 single count squats

4.       9 & 11 single count hillbilly walkers

5.       9 & 11 single count donkey kicks

6.       9 & 11 single count dancing bears

Moseyed off the school grounds to a parking lot up the hill.

1.       9 & 11 single count big boy sit ups in pairs.

2.       Bear crawled across the parking lot

3.       Curb planked our way back

4.       Lunges across the parking lot

5.       Bear crawled back

Moseyed further up the hill to see four cones setup for a workout called “Field of Dreams”. Mentioned what is more American than baseball, and Long Shanks responded football (I think I have to agree with that).

Field of Dreams – Split up into two groups. One person ran from cone to cone while the rest of the group uniformly did the same exercise. When everyone in the group had their turn at running, the exercise was switched.

–          1st Base – Burpees

–          2nd Base – Flutters

–          3rd Base – Squats

–          Home Plate – Side Straddle Hops

Brought everyone in to talk about the events of 9-11.

–         I think it is safe to say that all of us remember exactly where we were that morning. What we were doing. Who we were with. My own personal experience with 9-11 was taking one of the last path trains into the towers after the first plane struck the building. As myself and thousands of other people were running out of the building, one of the things that I will never forget is witnessing all of the first responders running in (fireman, policeman, EMT). What kind of courage and sacrifice that must have taken. I challenged everyone to pay that sacrifice forward in their own lives.

Moseyed back down the hill back towards the Colosseum. We stopped at the bottom of the hill and spoke about that day in more detail.

Moseyed further up the hill towards the school for some more burpees (it is September).

–          9 big boy sit ups

–          9 burpees

–          11 big boy sit ups

–          11 burpees

Moseyed over to the wall

–          9 count around the horn for some wall sits

–          11 count for balls to the wall

Moseyed back to COT for some prayers and praises.

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Labor Day Hero VQ!

First time… nervous… big stage at Honey Badger… I was cornered by Dark Helmet last Monday to lead. And by cornered I mean he casually asked if I would lead, and I said yes. I can say I didn’t get much sleep out of fear for sleeping in and missing the opportunity. Welp, I made it and so did 12 other PAX.

The clock struck 5:00, and we were off.

Warm Up

MOSEY 600 Yards
SSH x 30
Windmill x 15
Moroccan Night Clubs x 20
Low Slow Squat x 15
Mountain Climbers x 21

The Thang:

Hero WOD in tribute to Petty Officer Second Class Danny Dietz of the Navy SEALs – Posthumous Navy Cross Recipient

Jun 28, 2005. Operation Red Wings. A mission inserting four Navy SEALs into the Afghan Mountains in an attempt to eliminate a Taliban threat. Outnumbered once they were compromised, they descended the hills in search of cover.

Dietz was hit multiple times in his torso yet continued to fight on. He was finally killed when hit in the head.

Dietz was the first of the group to be killed, followed by Murphy, then Axelson. Marcus Luttrell was able to escape to a village where he was cared for until they could send word to a local marine base.

Danny Dietz was KIA during Operation Red Wings alongside Lt. Michael Murphy, Petty Officer Second Class Matthew Axelson, and 16 other Special Forces who were shot down in a Chinook Helicopter while attempting an extraction. This took place in a mountainous region of Afghanistan and was an attempt to quell a Taliban threat. Though the mission was deemed one of the greatest losses in Special Forces history, it paved the way for more success in the war on terror in the Middle East. It is because of missions like these that we are able to enjoy the freedoms we sometimes take for granted; if it weren’t for these brave men we wouldn’t have what we have today. I hope that today we honored their sacrifice through our small amount of pain.

10 Rounds

200M Run
5 Pull-Ups
10 KB Swings
15 Goblet Squats
20 Merkins

Since it was my VQ (and I obviously didn’t realize the kind of animals I’d be working with), we finished a liiiiittle bit earlier than anticipated. About 20 minutes. Whoops! Needless to say we jumped into some Mary.

LBCs (Led by Dark Helmet because I was too busy lagging behind in my WOD)
Rosalitas (Also led by Dark Helmet)
Flutter Kicks
Hello Dolly’s
Heels to the Heavens

We got up for a nicely paced 400M run, then headed back to the hill near the pull up bars for some timely Quadzillas! New to me, not to the group. They were welcomed with groans.

We circled back to the COT to do some last second Weighted Flutter Kicks. Phew! We made it! First VQ complete. Nerves relieved.

Number off (13), Name-a-Rama, announcements, praise/prayers.

Spiderman is celebrating 13 years of marriage today (Sep 3rd), good on you!

Invergence is coming 9/21/18 at Rush Pavilion, 5:30PM. DON’T bring a box of fried chicken. Apparently some people don’t like chicken.

PAX who showed up.

Harry Carry
Dark Helmet
Long Shanks
Dirty Harry
Punch List

A few animals stayed around for a 6:30 Maltz Challenge as well as some #HIM from other AO’s. Needless to say, it was a sweaty morning filled with camaraderie and pain.

Thanks to all for giving me the opportunity to lead in the company of leaders! Looking forward to next time.

Punch List out.

TClap |

Lovely Trees and Grass

7 Pax weren’t scared off by Jekyll’s twitter warnings that there would be lots of pain and grass (and most assuredly not the dry kind).  Weather was low 70’s and humid. Speculation swirled that the low attendance was due to F3Dads camp and the “Run Your A– Off August” contingent that had likely posted to TheYard.  But what we lacked in quantity, we more than made up for in quality of Pax.
YHC had the first half, so I issued the disclaimer and then asked everyone close their eyes for a brief period of time.  Upon opening, pax were remind that the word of the month is “presence”, and to think about where their mind was during the 30 seconds of eyes being closed.  Did their mind stay present, in the here-and-now?  Or where they thinking about the past, or the future, or just some other place or problem?
We moseyed to one of the Spring parking lots for some warmup:
  • SSH x25
  • Mountain Climbers x15
  • Dips x10
  • Peter Parkers x10
Mosey to row of trees across 160 (beside old 21).  Pax found a small stack of cones at the “first” tree, and we stopped there for a few moments.  YHC discussed more on “presence”.  The exercises with the trees went as follows.  By the way, YHC stole this idea from CSPAN who did this about 3 years ago at this same location (and a different topic).
  • Top cone pick from stack.
  • Pax held Al Gore while YHC read a question regarding “presence” (from the word of the month document).
  • Exercise read from the cone and pax performed one rep of the exercise at the first tree
  • Pax ran to 2nd tree and did 2 reps, then 3rd tree (3 reps), 4th tree (4 reps), and so on.
  • At 12th tree, after 12 reps done, pax planked until 6 arrived.
  • Together we ran back to the first tree.
We repeated thru 4 exercises before we ran out of time.  Here where the exercise and question pairs.
  1. Flying Squirrels – What memories do you have of your parents and your time with them? Were they fully present? How did their presence or lack thereof make you feel?
  2. Squats – Do you have any memories of a special person in your life that was fully present? How did that person make you feel?
  3. Crab Jacks – What distracts you most from being present?
  4. Run Stance Switch – How have you learned to be more present in your relationships? What have you learned about being present with God?
Quick follow up thoughts about “presence”, then hand off to Jekyll.
Mosey back to WEP, to the bottom of the hill famous for ladders, so that we could do….(drumroll please) some ladders.  But first, we did a review of the 5 core principles.  Just for fun, Jekyll had us do 5 burpees after the first principle recited, then 4 after the 2nd, 3, after the 3rd, then 2, then 1, and then back to 5 burpees.
The ladder work then began:
  1. Ladder 1: Squats and Donkey Kicks (to/from 11) with normal run up and down hill
  2. Ladder 2: LBCs and Merkins (to/from 7) with uphill run being backwards
  3. Ladder 3: pax choice:  American Hammers (thanks Mary Lou) and Bomb Jacks (thanks BandCamp) (to/from 7) with uphill climb being bear crawls
And just when we thought we were all completely smoked, Jekyll wrapped it up with 3 rounds of Makhtar N’Diayes (10x, 10x, 15x), with plank series in between each set.
Naked Man Moleskin
Very strong showing by all pax today. As I mentioned at the workout and on Twitter following, Jekyll did not let up as we neared the end of the workout.  Rather, with 5 minutes left, he gathered us to encourage a strong finish.  It certainly was not what any of us wanted to hear, but it’s what we needed to hear, and we are all better for it.
Long Shanks earned extra credit by running in and running out to the workout.  The workout mileage itself was north of 2.5 miles according to Strava.  T-claps also goes to Youts for digging deep to finish strong.
TClap |

Operation CSPAN Send off Convergence 8/18/18

So the Lord said to Moses, “Take Joshua son of Nun, a man in whom is the spirit of leadership, and lay your hand on him.” Numbers 27:18

Join us in The Fort to celebrate a Man that has the spirit of leadership in him and let’s get better with him and pray over him as he begins a new chapter and leads in new ways.

CSPAN has not only been a leader in The Fort, but across F3 Nation. Please come from all regions and show this respectable how much he has impacted you.

CSPAN has mentored, sharpened and shield-locked with so many and we now look forward to see how he continues to do this in new surroundings and invigorates a new crop of PAX for the Nation.

Event Details:

NAME: Operation CSPAN Send off Convergence

WHEN:  8/18/2018 ; 0630–0730

WHERE:  Fort MIll High School Bob Jones Stadium – 335 Munn Rd E, Fort Mill, SC 29715


  • Man Card
  • Heart for Invigorating Male Leadership
  • Shovel Flags from All AOs

What to Expect:

  • 1 Hour Boot-camp Style workout (NO OTHER OPTIONS TODAY)
  • Park as close to Stadium lot as possible
  • 4 Qs leading
    • World Wide Leader
    • Double D
    • Long Shanks
    • Dredd
  • COT
    • Count
    • Name-o-Rama
    • FNG Naming if needed
    • Words for CSPAN
    • Prayers & Praises
    • Ball Of Man
  • Coffeeteria
    • 0745
    • Panera Bread Patio – 1309 Broadcloth st suite 103, Fort Mill
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