What Lacks in Creativity…

Call it “coincidental”, impeccable luck, dumb luck, divine appointment, proper Site-Q planning or option “F”, None of the Above but I was fortunate to have the Q at the Swamp today; the morning of our region’s Invergence. If the PAX were grumpy this evening due to not having a decent workout to start their day, that would be on my shoulders. I was really hoping to not let that happen.

So when 19 other men rolled in for an even 20, I had to take note of who might need the extra push. Once the mental note was made (and it shall remain mental), I recognized we’d have to get some distance in before jumping right in and even try to gas people a little here and there.

Disclaimer was uttered and again, my request was made: “All of you are carrying something with you this morning. My request is that you be present for the next 45mins, engage, push and be present with us, here.”

We then…moseyed. Made our way the long way (as if there’s a short way) over to the Kohl’s parking lot mixing in Butt Kickers, High Knees, Toy Soldiers and a few rounds of Sprints (yes, on a warm up mosey).

Circle Up for 7 reps in cadence of each of the following:

Wide-Arm Merkins

Regular Merkins

Diamond Merkins

Mountain Climbers

Peter Parkers

Parker Peters

Then 5 Burpees

2 Lines for an Indian Run around the entire Kohl’s/Kirklands/Ulta, etc building coming back to the Ulta parking lot (can’t believe a beauty supply store just made its way into the BB…TWICE).

Then our typical warm up: Slow Wind Mills, Slow Squats

Catch Me If You Can with a partner and incorporating 10 Carolina Dry Docks and 10 Monkey Humpers when your partner catches you. Make the parking lot lap 3 times. Word to the wise, if you’re partnered with B.O.T., mandate that he jogs or shoot, walks…#speedy.

Circle Up for 7 more reps in cadence of each of the following:

Wide-Arm Merkins

Regular Merkins

Diamond Merkins

Mountain Climbers

Peter Parkers

Parker Peters

Then, mosey to the Old Navy parking lot and line up on a white line

Crab Walk 20 yards, 20 dips, crab walk back, 20 Dips


Mosey to the Best Buy parking lot

3 reps each:

Wide-Arm Merkins

Regular Merkins

Diamond Merkins



See you at the Invergence tonight and the 1st Convergence tomorrow (Sat) followed by Q-Source.



TClap |

Jell-O Arms

Normally Pantheon is a Site for running and I thought that I would change it up so I came up with this coupon workout to change up the scenery.

The Thang

I had a short mosey to the back of the school to the location of the work out. I showed them a cone location to identify the stopping point for the running portion of this partner workout. There where 4 stations for this Modified Dora. I had the PAX partner up and count off to space out the PAX so they wouldn’t be on top of each other. The count for this Dora was everything was a rep of 200

Station 1 was curls. I had paver coupons and partner 1 would rep out curls while partner 2 ran to the cone and back. The fun part was I didn’t mention to the PAX that there where 3 different size coupons so there was a lot of chatter going on.

Station 2 was shoulder taps. Partner 1 would take said paver and tap one side of the shoulder then lift overhead to other shoulder. Counting only one side as a rep. Partner 2 would of course be running.

Station 3 was at the swings. This was a upside down Merican. While holding the chains of the swings with back on the ground and feet somewhat extended you would pull up making your chest hit the seat of the swing and lowering back down. Partner 2 ran.

Station 4 was curls to overhead press. Self explanatory. Partner 2 ran.

As I had about 10 minutes left I had the PAX circle up with a low squat and hold and delivered a message. My message focused on something that I saw on Twitter about 12th man ministry. It was about positive reinforcement. It just hit something in me and challenged the PAX to go back home and for the rest of the week use this positive reinforcement at least once a day on someone close. Your M, your 2.0’s, or even just yourself. We are in a world today that we don’t do this enough and when you hear it, it just means something. It may take someone out of a funk or hole their in and just give them something they needed to hear. So if you’re reading this I challenge YOU to do the same. Be a leader and this is a great way to build leadership and gain someones respect.

After the message we did a nice long mosey around the school and fields back to COT. With all above being done we managed to get roughly 2-2.5 miles in and totally roast our arms. Good luck today fellow PAX on recovery and see you next time.

TClap |

I Love Cindy

Borrowed part of this #beatdown from  Dirty Pipes down at F3JOCO. Visited those guys at the Mad Mule in Benson NC and this workout just called for testing in The FORT.   Little did I know it would end up taking 12 cinder blocks, 4 pavers, 1 sandbag, and 3 rucks to accomplish the workout.  Having prepped and arrived early to setup I could see the headlamps of the pre-runners making early morning laps. All Set to COT for bring some pain. HOLY COW!!! The cars just kept rolling in to the lot. Clown Car after Clown car.  Thank goodness Copyright brought more cinder blocks than requested.

Quick Disclaimer and we are off. Had to tote the extra supplies with us as we ran to warmup.  Much appreciate the support of guys that jumped on the extra weight.

Mosey to the Fountain

Circle up.

SSH x 20     MNC x 20    Hillbilly Walkers x 15

Imperial Walker x 15     Weed Pickers x 15

Fountain work

Derkins x 15 OYO

Dips x 20 OYO

Irkins x 20 OYO

Decline Diamonds x 20

It ain’t fun unless you do it twice.

The Thang I Love Cindy

Partner up–6 stations

Station 1  OH press Max reps

Station 2  Blocked BBS Max Reps

Station 3 Block Squats Max reps

Station 4 Curls 1 block or 2 pavers Max reps

Station 5 Tricep Press 1 block or 2 pavers Max Reps

Station 6 GTOs Max reps

Partner 1 does max reps while Partner 2 runs 4 cone suicide. Plank the 6 rotate upon completion of group.

Talk to Group about Doubt in their lives.

Read- Pray- Surround Yourself with those to talk it out with. Don’t go into seclusion.

Partner Carry back to COT only ~600yrds—-It was awesome and the PAX loved it!.

Not sure what Punchlist and Lutefisk were going for with the midrift shirts in the Name-O-Rama but hey, You do You Bros!

Thanks for the Tap to Lead Cha-Ching. Awesome experience to lead a literal HERD of PAX through the Swamp.

Duck Out!

TClap |

Burning Down The Colosseum

Gladly accepted the Q request from Jekyll a month ago for an AO i had never posted to.  He told me the Qs really bring the pain. Visited the week prior to get the lay of the land and he was not joking. With that I couldn’t slack off. 26 PAX 3 FNG got after it in the Gloom this morning. Really dig these MONSTER number  Workouts.

Here’s how it went down.

Mosey up to second Left turn to Parking spaces.

Bone the Fish.

3 Shuffle Right 3 Shuffle Left 3 Karaoke 1-1-1–Really crazy to do this with these numbers.


SSHx15 MNCx15  Hillbilly Walkers x 15

Imperial Walkersx15 Dips x 15

The Thang

9 exercise stations 20 reps per. Except #1. Thanks Pothole! Mode of travel listed at each station for return to middle. All returns to middle do 5 burpees- Mosey to next station

Station 1- Abs 30 American Hammers Ct 1 side- Sprint to light pole/cone 5 Low Slow Sprint to next station

Station 2- Legs 20 Block Squats – Bear Crawl to Center

Station 3- Arms 20 Wide Arm Merkins– Bear Crawl to Center

Station 4- Abs 20 10 Peter Parkers/ 10 Parker Peters- Bear Crawl to Center

Station 5-Combo Al Gore w/bricks  10 Lateral Raise 10 Lateral Row = 20 reps Sprint to cone – 5 merkins Sprint to next station

Station 6- Arms 20 GTOs Ground to Overhead- Crawl Bear to center—–Really how does a Pax break a cinderblock in half????

Station 7-Abs 20 War Hammers combo WWII sit-up 1x American hammer- Crawl Bear to Center

Station 8- Legs 20 Monkey Humpers  Wheel Barrow to center and switch after burpees to station 9

Station 9- Pass the Ruck- Stand Back to back and pass back and forth in circular motion 20x  Mosey to center.

Rinse and Repeat

All PAX completed roughly 1.5 rounds. From the mumble chatter throughout the #Beatdown it appeared to be successful.

Return to COT to name the FNGs and hand off the Shovel flag.

Thanks Again for the Opportunity to lead.

Good Luck Hardwood and Great work Jekyll. Will see me more regularly at the Colosseum.

Duck Out!

TClap |

Mile High Special at Quagmire

This was a Q I was looking forward to.  It marked my 1 year anniversary with F3 and it was at the A/O that I started at.  Not only was it my 1 year anniversary but some #HIM by the name of Jedi offered me to be the site Q.  This is an offer I could not turn down as this is one of the hardest A/O’s in the region and is in the middle of The Fort and Lake Wylie.

My F3 journey so far has been one of the best journey’s of my life.  I dropped a ton of weight (I am below 200 LBS for the first time in 20 years), I am in MUCH better shape than I was a year ago and I can kinda sorta hang with all the beasts in our region.  My life is far from perfect nor will it ever be but F3 has introduced me to a plethora of men that I am happy to call brothers and friends.


I pulled up into the parking lot with Lutefisk only to notice there were 20 men there ready to go! If you have Q’d a workout before you know all about the Qdrenaline and that kicked in right away for me.  After saying the disclaimer we were off.

Mosey from Chick Fil A to behind Home depot (0.4 – 0.5 miles).  Circle up.

  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • 10 Merkins in cadence
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • 10 Merkins in Cadence

Mosey to the alley

  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Balls to the wall 60 seconds

Mosey over to the parking lot by the stairs.  There I instructed the PAX to partner up.

The next set was inspired from a Cha Ching BB.  We were going to do 11’s but the one we usually do is both exercises have to add up to 11’s, in this case we did one rep of each exercise and climbed up to 11.

The exercises were Burpees & Merkins.  Method of transportation was bear crawls there and crab walk back. 

Round 1

  • Start with 1 Burpee
  • Bear Crawl to the end of the parking lot
  • 1 Merkin
  • Crab Walk back to starting point

Round 2

  • 2 Burpees
  • Bear Crawl to the end of the parking lot
  • 2 Merkins
  • Crab Walk back to starting point

You get the gist…. all the way up to 11.  Rounds 8, 9, 10 & 11 is where the partners came into play and the method of transportation changes from bear crawls and crab walks to wheelbarrows.  By about round 6 or 7 I never imagined 23 men could be that quiet in a workout.  The plan was working.  A few groups finished early so we did a few laps around the parking lot and then some squats.  With about 3 minutes left and all groups finishing the thang we moseyed back to COT.  

Router lead us of with a 40 or 50 count of American Hammers and I finished it off with a 20 count of Flutters all in cadence.

We named our FNG – Mighty Mouse.

Jedi handed off the shovel flag and I thanked him for the opportunity and his leadership at Quagmire for the last 14 months.

Went through announcements, prayers, praises and I asked Jedi to take us out with a prayer.

Needless to say, everyone got their money’s worth and went home better men.



TClap |

The Pantheon Claw

It was another fine morning at the Pantheon. 70F and 90% humidity. Just the kind of morning that makes the fart sack look even better than normal.  But 12 HIM valiantly defeated the FS this morning in order to gather in the gloom.  2 of them launched a ruck about 5 minutes before the official start time, and YHC will dedicate very little more time to their cause.  They can write up their own backblast if they want to advertise just how awesome their morning was.


We started with a brief disclaimer.  Then ran clockwise around the school to the south lot for 20 SSH, 10 windmills, and 20 Moroccan Night Club.

That dora

Another mosey to the BB court for a quick bit of Dora.  The PAX paired up and shared. 100 pushups, 200 squats, and 300 LBC.  The runner would trot on down to the other side of the court, perform 2 burpees, then run back to tag their partner.

t stance walking

When that was done YHC showed the T Stance Walk to the PAX, which was to be performed the 25′ or so from the end line to the end of that free throw circle thingy.  I will describe below.  However, during my extremely eloquent demo and explanation, a TWSS was released in response to “It should feel weird, but won’t be too hard”.  As we all know, the only prescription for a TWSS is 5 burpees…  I thought it was Tardy who was responsible for our added betterment, but we found out that Lutefisk was the sponsor of our delight.

Open T Stance Walk:

  1. Start with R Foot at a 45º angle to the right
  2. Step L foot so that it is in line with the R toes, L foot is at a 90º angle to the left
  3. Dip down until knee is on the ground, 90% weight on L foot
  4. At this point your R knee should brush your left ankle, and your R ankle off the ground
  5. Stand up and repeat, zig zagging just a bit as you follow a straight path

On the way back, Closed T stance walk.  This time instead of pointing the feet 45º out/away, point them 45º in/across the body

This was done twice. There was some mumblecomplainchatter.

When finished we moseyed over to the amphitheater for the main event.


The map produced of this particular exercise:

PAX started from the bottom (the thumb) and ran along each of the concrete paths.  Stopping at the end of each to perform a quick set before going to the next finger.  When returning to the thumb, they did LBCs.

Round 1
5 merkins
5 squats
5 monkey humpers
bear crawl there and back for the final finger
40 LBCs at the thumb

Round 2
10 merkins
10 squats
10 monkey humpers
bear crawl there and back for the final finger
60 LBCs at the thumb

There was JUST enough time to do one more round!

Round 3
15 merkins
15 squats
15 monkey humpers
bear crawl there and back for the final finger
And immediately mosey back to COT!


Back at COT YHC stopped to get his phone for name-o-rama.  And to take a breath…  There were some announcements, praises and prayers.  A few minutes after disbanding, the ruckers showed up and more fist bumps were administered.

TClap |

Rugby Sprints and Ab Work Work Great Together

It was a beautiful morning in the middle of the Teeter parking lot.  10 solid upstanding young men decided to choose the harder thing and push ourselves and each other (quite literally).  With YHC on Q you knew there were going to be some sprinting involved (hey – stick with a winner).  Asked the pax to think of one person that needed help from them today.  With that – the disclaimer was stated and off we went.

The Thang:

Little baby mosey up to the Grace Presbyterian parking lot.

Active WarmUp (European Soccer Team Style) :  High Knees, Butt Kickers, Slide to the Right, Slide to the Right, Toy Soldiers, Dipping Birds, World Wide Leaders (Power Skips – Trademark), Open the Gate, Close the Gate, Long Strides.

Presto – you’re warm

Little COP for some Ab Lab – Fluttes, LBC’s with your feet on the ground, Hello Dolly’s, Fredrick Mercury’s, More Flutters, etc.

Rugby Sprints (so predictable!) x 5 with Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Peter Park’s, Parker Pete’s, LBC’s.

Walk it off to get the heart rate down.

Then run (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) it back again x 5 with more ground exercises that I don’t remember.

Ab Lab Exercises were done at this point.

Huddle up, gents!  Take a knee.

YHC asked to think of someone that needs something from us TODAY!  (Not tomorrow – Not after breakfast)  It could be anything:  Help, To Listen, Attention, Time Together, An Apology, Forgiveness.  Think of that one person who you can serve today.  Service doesn’t have to be a huge production or program – it can be a simple task for one person in your life.

Back to the beat down.

Let’s go with the extra long bear crawls – haven’t done them in a while.  Then let’s do it again.  So cool!  Any fast bears got to do some burpees while waiting for the six.  Even cooler!

More Ab Lab Exercises were done at this point.

How about some Partner/Push/Sprint/Push with a Flap Jack and a Rinse and Repeat?  People were super psyched.

Hows about we head back to the COT general area for some more Ab Lab exercises to finish ‘er up?!?  Sounds fantastic.


Asked the pax to follow through today.  Reach out to the one person in their life.  M, 2.0, family member, co-worker, neighbor, someone!  That is what service can look like.  That is what male community leadership can look like.  It can be simple tasks.  Just need to do it to get the ball rolling and help spread to others.  Aye!

Read your newsletter.  Endx.

TClap |

Smiles for Miles

Going to start off saying I REALLY hate running, but when you get together with a good group of guys you just don’t think about what your doing you just do. That is what happened today. I took a Sub-Q at the Swamp and knew that this was a great place to get some running done. I’ve posted here many times within my 5 months of joining F3, and this place has always given me the ability to excel in running. So I figured that is what I’m going to base my Q off of. RUNNING.

So here is the workout.

LOTS of running. To be precise 3.14, but whose counting.

We mosey to Home Depot for a quick warm up.

Some windmills, Moroccan night clubs,  and some Imperial Walkers.

After the quick warm up we did a lot of running. We hit Pain Stations at Kohl’s, Ulta Beauty, Old Navy, and at Mattress Store. At these locations we did various exercises focused on abs and chest only. These were OYO stations. Counts varied from 5-30 depending on workout. Always hitting both body parts at each station. Sometimes twice. That was just the first lap. That’s right we completed 2 laps around the Swamp.

Hitting the second lap we did Pain Stations at Kohl’s, and Ulta Beauty with again doing ab and chest work outs. After Ulta Beauty, running low on time we made our round back to COT running up 160 to the CVS entrance and back to Best Buy.

These guys did awesome. Without having the accountability and push of each other this could have sucked more so than it did. When I started I couldn’t even run 1 mile without walking some. With the push of all these guys at all AO’s I can do a lot more than I ever thought I could. This Q is an example of that. Again as I stated above I HATE running, but with these guys it’s not running it’s just something I really don’t have words for other than family time.

TClap |

Dont forget Leg Day at Pantheon

I saw on Twitter a need for a Q at Pantheon.  THIS time, I was home and healthy to get to a great site that is in the neighborhood.  Pantheon has it all the pain stations needed.  We got to most.

COP- Dynamic.  End line to end line with exercises on each side: squat, merkin, MC, PP, PP, arm circles

The Thang

Picnic benches with P1 for wall sits and P2 for step ups, one legged lungs and dips

Bear crawl series with P1 crawling P2 doing one legged calf crosses.  Flapjack 4x

Head to stadium/area for 11’s with Donkey kicks and squats

Naked Man Moleskin

Been a while since I have been to the great AO that is Pantheon.  Usually traveling or an off day.  Going to need to look at rearranging schedule.  you should too.  Great to see men I dont post with that often- Quack Attack/Bolt/Bear Gryils.  Even better to see new-ish guys carrying posting and particularly in TC: Lox, Trace ,BOT, and Mach 3.  Time to get these guys ready to Q workouts.

We talked about the #Flux and how life can be a sine wave.  Know that when we are in a down cycle, recognize what are the triggers but know that the good is around the corner.


TClap |

Reminisce about the “Pain”theon

I haven’t been to one of my old favorite AOs in WAY to long.  We start to get spoiled with so many great  F3 options that it gets easy to stay close to home. I love Funhouse’s idea of Ass Kickin’ April and getting out to 30 different AOs during the month.  I challenge each of you to answer the call and post to a different AO and meet some new PAX once every few weeks!

So when I was asked to Q again at the Pantheon I answered the call.  I started DMing some of the Lake Wylie guys to see if they wanted to come with me and we had several show up this morning too!  I was quite surprised to see 24 PAX there at 5:15…. two were FNGs EH’d by Bones and two were 2.0s that Uber brought with him.  The FNGs were named “Grout” and “Safe Word”, respectively.  ALL of them did great on a challenging workout today.  Sorry to the 6 men that were cut out of the video Namorama.  I recalled 3 from my terrible memory, but 3 have been left off the tags…comment below and I’ll add you.

The Thang

Long disclaimer with new FNGs

Dynamic Warmup Lap

COP with SSHs – Imperial Walkers – CDDs – LS Squats – Merkins – Windmills – Mountain Climbers

I pulled some of my old favorite Weinkes from the Pantheon and put them together.

Evolution #1

Took two lanterns with me and we moseyed to the graded hill on the NE corner. Love that hill area and we did “8s” (because 7s is too hard of math for me it seems..)

Bottom of Hill 1 Bomb Jack

Top 7 Merkins

up and down the hill switching until you hit 7 Bomb jacks and 1 merkin

Evolution #2

I celebrated my one year anniversary back in 2016 at the Pantheon as Q.  I pulled out this terrible idea and we did it again.

Burpee Celebration

I counted in year 1 that I went to 147 workouts that year.  We would do the following.

17 burpees to start

Complete a lap in the parking lot

10 burpees at the start until we completed 13 laps. (10 x 13 = 130) + 17 = 147 burpees

With only 25 minutes of time that was a little ambitious.  Many finished 9 laps.  Some +/- 1 lap…

6am back to COT

Got to name our FNGs, Todd and Jason…both did great today.  Todd went first, said something about having a safe word after a pineapples reference that came from living in Hawaii…that was it for him…

Jason does sales somehow related to tile splash or tiles…Grout stuck!

Announcements – Prayers and time to go!

Thanks Bear Grylls and Fish Sticks for having me come out and share.  I really enjoyed being a part of the Pillars of Pantheon series as well!  Great idea and addition.

An Honor to Lead,




TClap |