4 corner….ish 4-11-23

WARMUP: Mosey to the middle school loop for:

Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Seal Jacks, Side Straddle Hops and of course burpees in between – working down 5-4-3-2-1

THE THANG: 4-11-23 – at each corner:

Round 1 – 11 burpees and 23 squats

In between – Wall sits with gratitude

Round 2 – 11 merkins and 23 lunges

In between – BTTW with gratitude

Round 3 – 4 burpees, 11 merkins and 23 side straddle hops

On the way back to COT – burpees at light poles – just because.

MARY: no time
COT: 5th core principle

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Four Corners

WARMUP: SSH, MNC, Windmills, HBW, IW
Four corners work on the soccer field.
Ruck Shuffle to one corner did the exercise marked on the cone
Bear crawled to the next corner did the exercise marked on the cone
Ruck Shuffle to one corner did the exercise marked on the cone
Bear crawled to the next corner did the exercise marked on the cone
Repeat repeated cycle around the field 5 fimes
COT: Closed in prayer

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AKA meets BOP

17 men showed up at The Stockade this morning for AKA Friday. Quick disclaimer and warm-ups consisted of SSHs, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, and Plank Stretches. Mosey around the parking lot for the main event, Board of Pain. Men have laughed, men have cried, but no man has ever completed all exercises within a 45-minute period.
Today, we would tackle the board as a two-man team, split the reps into two rounds. Once the team completed the exercise, we ran a lap. Exercises listed below:

Round 1

Burpees – 50
Calf Raises – 75
Ski Abs – 50
Merkins – 50
Deep Squats – 50
LBCs – 100
Carolina Dry Docks – 50
Russian Twists – 50
Mac Tar Jai– 50
Jump Squats – 50
Mountain Climbers – 50
Shoulder Raises – 100
Mary Catherines – 50
Hello Dolly – 100
Wide Arm Merkins – 50
Squat Jacks – 50
Flutters– 50
Burpees – 50

Round 2

Repeat Round 1

Some of the team made it to the second round complaining about the burpee count. Farthest team made it to Ski Abs. Great work men!

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Play time is over

WARMUP: it’s sweep the leg. We did a burpee ladder instead on way to school drive. Starting with 1 worked our way up to 5 then back down performing the burpees at each light pole on way down Dave gibson, we also stopped every so often to perform exercises IC waiting for 6

THE THANG: short version of longest mile with using light poles, lunge walk to 1st pole, then bear crawl to 2nd then crab walk to 3rd.
We all picked up 6 before moseying to back of school by bottom of hill where YHC did not provide very clear instructions at start so had to run around and update pax as we went. but we started 11s with HR Merkins (10) and BombJacks (1) at last pole top of hill. Plan was to drop a pole each lap so it would get progressively shorter think the gazelles got up to round 6 or 7 but we still ran out of time, and a couple PAX got back a min or two late

MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas party, lots of Saturday CSAUPS coming up, PnP tomorrow, HIM camp. We named hashbrowns

COT: yep!

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Get Right at Acceleration Project

13 Pax gathered for a downpainment prior to the Acceleration Project and to Get Right for the day. The goal is to grow in every area of your life, not necessarily by leaps and bounds, but inch by inch. The idea of getting 1% better is what ultimately leads to becoming a pro and preparing for the unexpected.

The Thang

Mosey to church parking lot

5 burpees then run to island
30 SSH + 4 burpees then run to island
15 IW + 3 burpees then run to island
10 merkins + 2 burpees then run to island
10 windmills + 1 burpee then run to island
5 burpees

Discuss the impact of Get Right in all 3 Fs

Mosey to FM Baptist lot and grab chalk

Each pax completed one round of each exercise for time and then were challenged to do at least 1 more in round 2

Wide arm merkins
Donkey kicks
Big boys

Mosey home for a quick Mary

COT: Happy Easter

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Good Cop ,Bad Cop

WARMUP: Morrocan Nightclubs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills and Low Slow Squats
THE THANG: We did 5 rounds of :
40 SSH
All exercises completed is a round and after each round we ran the busloop in front of Springfield Middle School.

MARY: None
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel shelter and read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and praises

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Dave Lyle to Gold Hill and back????


THE THANG: 1.75 out and back for a total of 3.5 miles. Option to add on 2 loops around the very large building for another half mile.
MARY: Yes – handful of the fast runners
ANNOUNCEMENTS: CSAUP, Bethel Men’s Shelter, Litter Pick up coming soon, Canoli Run….
COT:Well done well attended and knocked out in a timely manner.

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Good Mornings x 10

Disruption in the form of Olaf arrived around this time and removed to large metal poles from the bed of his truck.

Windmill x 10
Calve Stretch
MNC x 10


Mosey to Walgreens. Pax completed a March Madness bracket special, completing:

64 SSH
32 LBC’s
16 Merkins
8 Bobby Hurleys  
4 Burpees
2 Big Boys
1 Diamond Merkin

*1 lap around Walgreens after completion of each exercise.

Mosey to Grace church parking lot. In honor of 11 seed Duquesne, completed a round of 11’s with Merkins and Big Boys. Olaf continued to kindly share coupons.

Next completed a static round of 6’s in honor of the fallen 6 seed (including my own SC Gamecocks). Bobby Hurley’s and Lunges.

Mosey back to COT. Finished up with about 4 minutes of Mary.

Thanks to all who showed and the opportunity to lead! Go Dukes and all the other disruptors to status quo!


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Composition notebooks, Red Truck Men, a lot of site promotion

COT: Indeed

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