Strength in Motion, Buckets of Pain and Cinderblock Regret

Pre-Workout Prep

Pulled into the gloom at 4:45 AM—silent, still, and completely void of movement. With no one in sight, I set up three lanes with four stations each:
• Cone 1: 5-gallon buckets filled with bricks for farmer carries
• Cone 2: Cinderblocks
• Cone 3: Sandbags
• Cone 4: More cinderblocks

Then it hit me—I was 15 minutes early. The start time was 5:15, not 5:00. So, a slow mosey to the COT area, where I linked up with Farmers Only and Brawley. Soon enough, the PAX began to roll in, ready to put in work.

At 5:15 on the dot, we launched. Disclaimer was given, and movement began.

Warmup (Buy-In)
• 25 Cinderblock Thrusters
• 25 Sandbag Throws
• 25 Bucket Squats

The Thang

PAX counted off into two teams, then received their marching orders: Work through each station in rotation, with a farmer carry serving as the movement driver.

Round 1
• Cone 1: Farmer carry buckets (approx. 0.05 miles)
• Cone 2: Sandbag Squats
• Cone 3: Cinderblock Front Raises
• Cone 4: Cinderblock Overhead Press

Partner 1 carried the two 5-gallon buckets down to the cone and back while the remaining PAX worked at their respective stations. Upon return, everyone rotated stations.

Round 2
• Cone 1: Farmer carry buckets
• Cone 2: Sandbag Bent Over Rows
• Cone 3: Cinderblock Curls to Press
• Cone 4: Cinderblock Tricep Extensions

Round 3
• Cone 1: Farmer carry buckets
• Cone 2: Sandbag Curls
• Cone 3: Cinderblock Manmakers
• Cone 4: Cinderblock Swings

Rinse and repeat—we cycled back to Round 1 and got about halfway through before time called.

Finisher (Buy-Out)
• 25 Cinderblock Thrusters
• 25 Sandbag Throws
• 25 Bucket Squats

Quick clean-up, then straight to COT.

COT (Circle of Trust)

• Convergence Friday
• The Jäger on Saturday, plus the check giveaway
• Fast 5K for Luka
• Read your newsletter for more details

• Health concerns for many family members
• Mental health struggles among the PAX and their loved ones
• Gratitude for the men who showed up, held each other accountable, and pushed through the work

Final Thoughts

No wasted reps. No shortcuts. Just men showing up in the gloom, embracing the grind, and getting stronger together. Iron sharpens iron.


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WARMUP: around the world
good morning
some fake yoga

Barbarian to Press
8 reps for 5 rounds
in between rounds:
1. bear crawl – lunge walk back
2. crawl bear – reverse lunge walk back
3. bear crawl w/ bell – lunge walk back w/ bell
4. crawl bear w/ bell (sucked) – reverse lunge walk back (sucked more) (JWOW about fell over)

Bulgarian Split Squat and Cleans

Waiter carry back to COT
Right Hand: Row, Clean, Swing, Snatch
Left Hand: Row, Clean, Swing, Snatch

again time was limited. Quack Attack is probably right about me.

3/14 Convergence @ the hive
3/15 Jäger @ GHMS
4/12 Luka Fast 5 @ PKMS

COT: Was held

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Bring Your Wife to F3 Day

Shady led the Pax out of Runde Park to the circle at the end of Windward Drive for windmills, cherry pickers, yoga type back stretches,Peter Parkers and Parker Peters. The Pax then ran back to Runde and met up at the parking lot.
Shady gave each man a tennis ball and instructed us to write our wives’ first initial on the ball. That ball would stay with us for the rest of the workout.

Dora with your wife as your partner. From the playground, we did the following exercises and ran to the back of the basketball court and back between each set.
50 pullups (set of 10)
100 decline merkins (set of 20)
150 step ups were planned, but we ran out of time.

Hand off to Senator
Circle up on the right ball field

Lt Dan (1 knee tar jai, 4 squats) to 10 (crowd pleaser)
Line up along the concession stand wall for people’s chair. While the rest of the Pax sat, 2 ran to the outfield fence, hopped over, ran up the hill, did 3 burpees, and ran back
Balls to the wall hold for 20 secs, move to 1/2 way down for 20 secs

Return to the circle for the <@UJGS2BBQD> killer hip flexor routine

LBC x 20, Hello Dolly x 20, Boat and Canoe x 3
Finish up with the Body Destroyer

Trash pick up today on route 21 (thank you <@U0617222M3M> for your continued commitment to this). Jaeger next week, various other (READ YOUR NEWSLETTER)

Prayers for <@U686LEPLH> in the loss of his mom. Another Pax in the loss of his father. We prayed for several family members and friends of the Pax with cancer and other serious ailments. Prayers for safe travels for <@UN6PTD007> and his family to WI.

<@UGRNYPPUM> always brings something unique to his Qs, and his idea of having a tennis ball with our wives’ initials was a good reminder of how lucky we are to have our spouses. YHC and Shady picked up the Q spot as last minute subs for our friend <@UN3JKG18C> who will be handing off site Q duties in two weeks. Thank you for your leadership, my friend. It was a beautiful morning at Runde and always a pleasure to lead the Pax on Saturday mornings. We are truly lucky Men of the Fort!

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Hold on to your balls

Everybody issued a soccer ball to keep for the duration.

Run with ball. Then hop with ball between ankles past all the fit freaks of f45.

Circle up w the usual, but make sure you include your ball.

Take a break and dribble ball around lot.

More circle of the usual.

Dribble ball again.

Hop ball back towards cot and engage in a crazy 8.


Hop back towards cot and return your blue ball.

The end.

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Simple but painful

Run to the school back entrance but first male 2 stops for merkins.

The thang: 10 light poles. 1st light pole is for 5 burpees, run to second pole and do 27 squats and 27 merkins. Back to first pole and repeat 5 burpees. Run to second pole and do 24 squats and 24 merkins, back to first pole and repeat burpees. Keep going to the next paul and back to the first one reducing the number of squats and merkins by 3.

Run back to COT after finish all 10 poles for a total of 3.5 to 4 miles for everyone.

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4 Corners of Arms & Abs

WARMUP: Obligitory SSH, Windmills and Imperial Walkers
THE THANG: 3 rounds of 4 corners. Mode of transport between each was decided on the fly. After a round, run a lap around the parking lot. 90 of AMRAP at each corner. Lots of Arms and Abs work this morning.
MARY: Not much time, so just a light A-frame stretch.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lot’s of things going on in March.
COT: Prayers for <@U686LEPLH> and his mom. Kids, travel & Bethel.

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Around The Fort to Return The Pond to Its Roots

WARMUP: Skip to the Thang.
THE THANG: In an effort to return Minnow Pond to its roots, we ran, stopped for exercises, ran, stopped for exercises, repeat. I will write the stop then the qty & category of exercises.
Fort Mill Pharmacy-3 Core Exercises
Jackson St/Sidney Johnson-3 Upper
Harris St-3 Lower

First Flat up the Harris St hill-2 Core
Massey St-2 Upper
Bottom of Massey-2 Lower

Up Main St to Leroy St-1 Core
Leroy/Summersby-1 Upper
Back to Leroy-1 Lower

Back to COT for a few more core exercises

All got 3.5+mi. 1 got 4mi.

MARY: See above
COT: 5th Core Principle

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Clyde Glides

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence(s), Bot send-off, Clydesdales is moving! New locatio: FMHS by football stadium
COT: Prayers & praise circle, group prayer over Basso’s Mission Trip to Guatemala :pray:

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KB Mile

WARMUP: plank position… upward<>downward dog, merkins, updog<>downdog, plank jacks, upward<>downward, dog peter parkers, upward<>downward dog
THE THANG: weights 10-35lbs used (pax choice)… run the Kettlebell mile (around all the stop signs of the Earthfare lot and behind Earthfare 3x) holding the weight on one side and switching hands as many times as desired… once finished leave bell on Earthfare sidewalk…

Run to SouthState Bank 6 burpees
Run back to your KB and 6 snatches each side
Run to Firebirds and 12 dips on bench
Run back to your KB and 6 snatches each side
Run to FifthThird Bank and 6 burpees
Run back to your KB and 6 snatches each side
Run behind Arby’s and 12 hand release merkins
Run back to your KB and 6 snatches each side

Rinse and Repeat (not the KB mile) except 3 snatches each side this time… then pick up the 6…

SURPRISE!!! We did 1/4 mile with our KBs to finish the workout. That was a crowd pleaser.

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