Dealer’s Choice: Shovel Flag hand-off at The Ballroom

A beautiful early fall morning with a bright moon called some hearty soles to the “new” Ballroom. Q-drenaline was surging in my veins as the cars kept rolling in. YHC was proud to have my 2.1, Pigeon roll out of the fartsack to join us. As no FNGs were present, an abbreviated disclaimer was offered. Off we went.

Mosey to inbound carpool lines and circle up. COP: (all IC), SSH *20, Windmills * 15, Merkins * 10, Pater Parkers * 10, Plank-o-Rama (As hard as I try, YHC still can’t get execute the hand/foot in the air combo), Squats * 20, MNC*25. Now that we’re warmed up, mosey to the gym wall. Before we got to the wall sits, YHC offered a few words on Leadership: F3 is an incredible opportunity to hone your leadership skills. As I am also a scout leader, F3 has sharpened my abilities and made me much more comfortable taking on the mantle of leadership.

Wall-sits while Pax on each end run out of line, do 5 squats, return and next man goes. Repeat, but this time each Pax does 5 Bombjacks. Nice form by Twister and Anchorman had a nice vertical. Now that the hammys are sufficiently smoked, mosey to the staff parking lot, under the bright lights for:

Deck O Pain: Each Pax draws a card and the group does the number of exercises on the card. Exercises were based upon the suit shown on each card as follows: Hearts = merkins, Clubs = squats, Diamonds = LBCs, Spades = Bombjacks. Each time a 10 is drawn, everyone run a lap around the lot. This is an easy “set it and forget it” piece and gets everyone engaged in the workout. Newer Pax get a chance to practice calling out the cadence and can gain some confidence in their leadership skills. Some quality mumblechatter followed along with an inordinate amount of merkins. We made it to about card 42 when YHC called an Omaha and had us run one more lap. After that, mosey back to COT.

Before the announcements, YHC offered a quote that I really enjoyed on Leadership:

Men make history, and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better. – Harry S. Truman

 That really hit home- having the courage to lead and building my skills are areas that I often fall short on. But sharpening iron alongside my brothers will help me to progress in these areas.

Announcements: upcoming Invergence and Convergence, G-fit workout on Fridays, read your newsletter. Prayer and a praise for our scout leaders of Pack 250, other prayers for Houston, F3 Columbia team and injured Pax. Cake Boss took us out with an awesome, prayerful giving of thanks for the leadership shown by fellow Pax and asking that we each become the leader that our Father meant us to be.

Before we got to Prayers, the Shovel Flag for the Ballroom was officially passed off to YHC as the new Site Q. I was honored when Cake Boss asked me to take over for him. Big shoes to fill there, but this is always a solid group of supportive Pax, so just know that I’ll be reaching out to each of you to get on the schedule. Thanks also go out to Change Order for leading this AO for many years. One reason I was glad when Cake Boss approached me about taking over as site Q was that I had thought about it when Change Order had been looking for someone months ago. Probably should have stepped up then, but opportunity came knocking again. As always, color me honored and humbled. See y’all in The Gloom.

Short Sale out.


TClap |

Tubthumping at Slowburn

I was very happy to see 28 PAX report to Slowburn for my VQ! As promised via Twitter the day before, I did my 28 Merkins during a count-o-rama. No FNG’s. Gave the disclosure and we formed 2 lines for an Indian Run to the warmup at Empire.


Cherry Pickers x10
Slow Windmills x10
Low Slow Squat x10
SSH x10
Goofballs x10 – Dang, y’all looked goofy!

We counted off by 5’s and the 5 teams did an Indian Run to the far side of Lowes for…

The Thang – 5 Stations

  1. Core
    1. Forearm Plank 10 count IC
    2. Captain Morgans 5 each side IC
  2. Legs
    1. Monkey Humpers x10 IC
    2. Tree Huggers 10 count IC
  3. Pecks
    1. Werkins x10 IC
    2. Derkins x10 IC
  4. Arms – Dumbbells Provided
    1. Left Arm Curls x15 IC
    2. Right Arm Curls x15 IC
  5. Abs
    1. Flutter Kicks x10 IC
    2. Sweat Angels x5 IC

Rinse & Repeat

Teams then moseyed, again Indian Style, to Baxter’s Playhouse for some “Tubthumping”. I had the loudspeaker set up to play Chumbawumba’s Tubthumping.
Lady singing = MNC
Guy singing = SSH
“I get knocked down…” = BURPEES! Did you do all 28 burpees?

OYO mosey back to Empire for some stretching and then a mosey back to Chick-fil-A for COT.

Announcements: 9/11 @ Tomahawk Birdcage is requesting PAX to show up for a special Remembrance Workout, Invergence/Convergence last Friday/Saturday in September, Donate underwear for victims of Hurricane Harvey, SpeedforNeed!

Prayers for our Brothers going to Columbia, M’s and 2.0’s, Weather, and all the unspoken requests.

I had a blast.  It’s an honor working out with you guys!  Big Thanks to Barry Manilow for allowing me this VQ opportunity. 

TClap |

Clydesdales – Value Run

Not much to add.  We had 3 options Value loop to Walmart, a trail run through Baxter and a pineapple run through Baxter.  All were safe and returned without any skid marks. Peace out!

TClap |

22 for lessons on Self and Spiritual Discipline




Little baby arm circles 10 IC

Windmill 10 IC

Low slow squat 10 IC



Mosey to the bridge

Irkin then inch worm to the right to the end

Dip then crab craw back to the center

Meet back in the middle talk about spiritual discipline


Secrecy: not making our good deeds known, let god take receive attention. This is something i have been trying to work on and not to boast about what i have done but to allow him to receive the glory


Submission: to allow gods will to free us of our burdens & cares so we can follow Jesus. My testimony was when my daughter was diagnosed with cancer i gave it all to him and the worry and stress was gone something amazing.


Soul Friendship: engaging with fellow disciples of Jesus in prayerful conversation or spiritual practices. A great example is wet stone partner and i encourage you to be a part of that program


Mosey to the wall and stairs

Peoples chair with some arm straight out, overhead pumps 2 teams

1 from each team runs up the steps and back down

Feel the burn


Mosey to the left side of the school to open parking lot


2 teams, 1 team runs together around the parking lot while team 2 preforms exercise till the 6 is back then team 2 runs



Fire hydrants left leg (lift your leg up like a dog pees on a fire hydrant) thanks to my ST. Simmons brothers for that one


Fire hydrants right leg


Worse worse worse LBC ( start in LBC position right elbow to left knee then right elbow to left elbow to right knee then preform crunch) now you know how it got its name, thanks to my ST. Simmons brothers for that one too


Plank jacks


Bomb jacks


Calf raises


Next came a little word on self-discipline


Self-discipline: the ability to control one’s feelings & overcome one’s weakness. This one I struggle with especially sweets in the house I lack this and need to improve on it.

Will Power: control exerted to something or to restrain and impulse. I have taking on the Ragnar this year which a year ago I would have said you are crazy if you think I am going to attempt that. My mind set now is I am going to crush this race with my fellow brothers. So Saturday rolled around I choose not to stay and watch the fight that was so hyped up but to wake up and run at 5:45 in the morning to train for this race. Mind over matter

Determination: firmness of purpose

Mosey to cot

For some AB Lab

Start with American hammers IC


Freddy Mecury IC

LBC IC TCLAPS to the FNG (PSYCHO) perfect cadence count


22 at the BALLROOM

1 FNG (psycho)


Prayers and praises


As always a pleasure to lead a great group of HIMS

Fantastic work gentlemen

TClap |

Lazy Dora and Triple 5s at the Yard

I’m late in getting this up so I’m just going to focus on what we did.
Mosey to behind elementary school – 25 SSHs, 10 WMs, 10 IWs
Mosey to near end of access road – 15 Mountain Climbers, 10 Peter Parkers, 10 Parker Peters
Mosey half way back – Fuzzy memory on these
Mosey to loop behind ES. Partner up for some lazy Dora.
100 Merkins – One partner does 10 while other holds plank, then flip and keep repeating to 100.
200 LBCS – One partner does 20 while other holds legs 6″, then flip up to 200.
300 Squats – One partner does 25 while other holds Al Gore (hug a tree or how to take a grumper in the woods). Flip it up to 300.
Most agreed Dora isn’t really that lazy.
Mosey over to b-ball area and split into 2 groups. Each group is inside one of the painted squares for some triple 5s.
Set 1 – 5 Diamond Merkins, 5 Plank punches, 5 Jump Squats, 5 Xs-Os, Run/Slide/Run Backwards/Slide around square – Repeat 5 times.
Set 2 – 5 CDDs, 5 Plank Jacks, 5 Jump Squats, 5 V-Ups, lunge walk from one side of square to other – Repeat 5 times.
Set 3 – 5 Merkins, 5 Donkey kicks, 5 Jump Squats, 5 Toe touch LBCs, Run/Slide/Run Backwards/Slide around square – Repeat 5 times.
Circle up, each PAX is doing lunges. One PAX does 2 burpees, then resumes lunges. PAX to his right does 2 burpees, etc all the way around the circle twice.
Time was almost up so we moseyed back to the cars for some crab cakes. Crab walk position and then touch right hand to left foot, left hand to right foot. It’s always kind of fun to see who’s not coordinated.

Lots of great mumblechatter, mostly from Twister. But great effort by all the PAX including Mash’s 2.0 Radar. It is always an honor to lead the PAX. Thanks Hasselhoff for the opportunity.

TClap |

80’s/90’s Themed High School Sports

SSH 15
Mtn Climbers 15
Squats 15
windmill 15
Moroccan night club 25
The Thang:  (football style)
Monkey rolls for 30 secs
butt rolls 30 secs
chop and drop 30 secs
squat thrust 10
Discussed discipline and what that means to the Pax
Turned over to Bonsai for basketball style workout
Moseyed over to First Baptist Church back parking lot
Ran suicide with a twist up the hill
(Start running backward to first line)
– first line 10 merkins
– second line 20 squats
– third line 30 LBCs
– fourth line 40 toe taps
(After completing each exercise return back to start running forward)
10 merkins in cadence
Single leg hop to next row of parking spaces and back
Switch and repeat
Next split up in two groups
Group 1 – work their way through the cones setup with the defensive slide
Group 2 – merkins until the 6 completes the defensive slide
Rinse and Repeat
Group 2 – Bobby Hurley’s until 6 gets back
Move over to the wall for 20 jump wall taps
Mosey back to COT
Anchorman I appreciate the opportunity to lead and it was a great idea to
incorporate High School sports.
In case you can’t figure it out Destiny was the one in high school in the 80’s.  Just saying – All most respectable.
TClap |

New Beginnings, Building Bridges at The Ballroom

Preamble – New Beginnings

When The Ballroom moved from its founding location behind The Mirror Room on Gold Hill Rd to Pleasant Knoll Elementary School down the road, then to PKMS, it was both exciting and sad for many. A shiny new pair of shoes is always nice, but sometimes those old ones fit just right. The spirit of F3 was cultivated and spread in the grounds there. Many a PAX laid alot of sweat marks all around the old locale, some not as much as others but enough to leave a mark. Some merlot was donated to the groundwater supply as well. There were alot of painful and fun 1st F beatdowns, moderate or not, administered there. We celebrated there. We consoled there. We held each other up in times of need there. We supported and pushed each other there. We made each other better there. We converged there and sent a much loved young man away to serve his country abroad there. We welcomed many new faces there. There were alot of great 2nd and 3rd Fs forged there. Iron was sharpened there. Leaders were invigorated there.  Part of the fabric of F3 nation was woven there. The old locale will always have a special place for those who were there.

As is the same with Fort Mill itself, F3 is always expanding. Always improving. Always evolving. You will never reach new grounds until you commit to pushing off of the dock. Too much traffic and congestion, it was becoming dangerous for the PAX. It was time to find a new AO locale for The Ballroom. First it was Pleasant Knoll Elementary School (PKES). A few workouts were held there, led by some great Qs. But for anyone who has driven by the sparkling new Pleasant Knoll Middle School (PKMS) from its initial ground clearing through construction to completion, it was obvious this was going to be the crown jewel of middle schools (for now) in Fort Mill’s outstanding school system. Make no doubts about it, we were all hoping this would become an AO.  It was reconned one morning. The new site is incredible – HUGE, brand new still with that new construction smell, and FULL of options to challenge the PAX in many ways. The decision was made. This was it. PKMS was to be the new AO for The Ballroom – and it may get a new name as well. New site, new F3 memories to come. New Beginnings.

Time to Git ‘Er Dun

When Cake Boss asked me to Q a WO at The Ballroom, I could not say Aye quick enough. I showed up at a little after 5, and there were quite a few folks already there, ready to get after it. A great turnout of great PAX. Alot of good conversation building up to the start. It is a great group of PAX here. A few late stragglers came in right at the buzzer. Time to git ‘er dun!

No FNGs, disclaimer was made, and off we went….

Mosey from the main parking lot meandering around the long, curving driveway. Slow a bit for some toy soldiers, then gather at an intersection near the new football field. COP:

  • SSH x 20
  • WM x 20
  • Imperial-Hillbilly Walker – start w IW w one leg, plant leg back down then do HW w same leg – right leg up to left elbow, back down, right leg up to right elbow, back down counts as one rep. Did 10 or so reps .
  • MNC x 20
  • Peter Parker x 10
  • Parker Peter x 10

Quick discussion on on discipline (see NMM). Mosey over to the football field. Vernon’s playground. Blows my mind that this is a middle school field!! Incredible. Vernon made sure to keep us off the new track and not mess up the turf too bad. It was clear, dark, and the stars were out. It was amazing. This is part of the reason why many of us love the early morning routines.

Main Event

On the artificial turf football field. It sets goals and boundaries. Starting right at the 0 yd goal line at one corner post, do an exercise OYO, transition to another exercise. Total of 5 exercises at 20yds apart, moderate HIIT style. Aim is to get to the other goal line 100yds away. Exercises and transitions:

  1. 100 yds – Merkins
  2. Lunge walk transition
  3. 80 yds – LBCs
  4. Bear crawl transition
  5. 60 yds – LSS
  6. Crab walk transition
  7. 40 yds – CDDs
  8. Lunge walk
  9. 20 yds – AHs
  10. Sprint AYG to goal

> Start at 20 reps of each exercise OYO. No stopping until you get to the end. 10 second breather then mosey over in various ways to other side of field. Repeat cycle in decreasing reps 15, then 10, then 5. In the end the PAX did 50 of each exercise and transitioned 400 yds.

The PAX did great! Alot of mumblechatter, laughter, and pushing and encouraging each other on. This is what it is all about. Thank you all for starting each other’s day off right.

After we brushed off the little black rubber pellets that seemed to get all over us (which Old Bay did not seem too fond of),  we moseyed back towards the school. Up and around to the back of the school where there is a long, tall, well-lit wall that is just PERFECT for wall work.

  • People’s chair to slow 10 count, 3 reps
  • BTTW  to slow 10 count, 3 reps

Behind the school next to where we did the wall work is something quite unique for this school…..a long steel and concrete foot bridge from the school proper to the athletic fields that crosses a large, deep ravine. This is quite symbolic for the theme of the month in my opinion. We stopped in the middle of the bridge to drive home my point on discipline. See NMM. We then moseyed back in a two line slow Indian run back to the COT. After AP&P, Cake Boss led us out with an amazing prayer as is usual for him.

Announcements, Prayers, and Praises:.
* Read your newsletter!
* CAH Guidance back to Saturdays starting on 9/2 at 4pm
* CAH Burpee Challenge – almost $3K collected!! Still some outstanding commitments. Please pay what you’ve pledged.
* Nun Run coming up – if you are not aware of Speed for Need, please read up. An AMAZING initiative. Vuvuzela’s son, among others, will experience the pure joy it brings. An incredible thing. Consider participating, or at the least donating to this worthy cause.
* Prayers for Cornerstone’s Emma as well as his M.
* Prayers for other M’s going through various struggles
* Prayers for injured and struggling PAX
* Prayers for kids going back to school
* Praises for PAX pushing themselves to get better in whatever way

NMM – Building Bridges

The theme of this dwindling month is discipline. It’s a strong word that affects many aspects of our lives. There is discipline of guidance, teaching, or mentoring others in order to attain desired behavior or help foster positive growth in others. There is also the idea of having discipline or self-discipline and holding yourself accountable to an established standard, doctrine or expectation. To me, it is how you structure your mind, heart, and soul. Discipline gives you the boundaries in which you operate, much like the gridiron football field we were on for this workout. It provides the structure through which you build upon in order to achieve. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.

Keep in mind the ‘goals’ and ‘accomplishments’ are not just worldly pursuits such as winning a game, getting a degree, completing a marathon, making more money, or getting a promotion at work. Yes, greater applied discipline will definitely help in those pursuits. But they could be more inter/intra-personal, spiritual goals of:

  • Having a better relationship with God
  • Living the word of The Gospel more
  • Having a better relationship with your parents, M,  2.0’s, family, and/or friends
  • Becoming more reliable, accountable for others in your life
  • Having a better control over your ‘demons’ so to speak, however you may define that word
  • Overcoming personal obstacles towards improvement of your mind, body, heart, soul

As we stood on that bridge at the school, I again mentioned to the PAX that discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments. I challenged the PAX to examine their lives, think of any goal(s) of where they want to be, and see what bridges they need to build, what structure do they need in order to get there. In the past I have been told I have good self discipline, but I know I have some bridges that people don’t see that need to be built. I have self confidence issues, I can be socially insecure, I do not have as good of a relationship with God as I would like, I am not as open and available to family and friends as I used to be, I could be a better husband to my M, I still have some anger issues that arise every now and then, and I could be a better disciplinarian to my own kids. The introduction of F3 in my life has helped me immensely in those areas, but there is still work to do. If you look deep and get past the wall of denial, we all have bridges to build or restore.

If you set a goal, no matter how lofty it may seem, it will be the bridge of discipline that will help get you there. Plus, those accomplishments are easier to attain when you have help, and you will never be alone if you have Sky Q in your heart and soul. Having the self-restraint, courage and perseverance which comes from the pursuit and strength provided by God is true, everlasting discipline. The bridges you will build will last forever.

Let’s build some bridges.

Thank you Cake Boss for the opportunity to lead.
God bless,

TClap |

Overflow of Pax at Slow Burn

28 men battled the humidity this morning and welcomed FNG “Ace” to the Pax who was head locked by Wheels!  Nice job by all moderating up or down depending on your need.



  • We all have struggles with disciplining ourselves.  Maybe for you it is the harsh  words spoken, diet, gossip, eyes wandering, pornography, envy, serving in your marriage, serving and teaching your kids or serving the least of those in our community.  Whatever it is there  is Hope!
  • Bottom line – you can’t do it by yourself.  I find that my discipline gets better when I move closer to the Word and further from the world.  Find a guy to lock shields with to walk in life together
  • Warm up by Wheels – Wheels got his tires warmed up again after being a cotter for too many months.  In promptu Q by Wheels with some SSH, Squats, Merkins, Windmills… nice job stepping up to lead. 


  • Running warm up – Various running, side shuffle, karaoke and sprint varities
  • 3 minutes of Mary
  • Partner up/ Pair off – Joust (lunge walk, bear crawl) 3 rounds
  • Pentagon of Pain (split into five groups) – do each exercise on the cone (10x). Run to middle 5 merkins, clock wise go the next cone and back to the middle with 5 merkins.  Until each exercise is done 1x.  Rinse and Repeat

It is always and honor and privilege to lead the pax in a work out.  Thank you to Barry Manilo on having the opportunity to serve the men of The Fort Pax.


TClap |

Mid-term Exam @ the Coop

23 Men arrived with lots of chatter and welcome to FNG “Horse Shoe” and the EH by Couter inviting the intern out.  It was a beautiful day at the Coop for a Mid-Term Exam to remind ourselves of the word that we chose at the beginning of the year and to challenge our selves to finish strong.  

For those that chose a word at the beginning of the year… how is it going?  What have you learned? How are you approaching life differently?

For me… My word is Wisdom and I struggle for perspective and often lose my way and need to be anchor and guided.  The verse that has been shown to me to help is below:

Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. – Ephesians 5:21

The Thang:

 –  Warm up… Thank you Pitts for stepping up and leading us through a series of warm up exercises!!  Nice leadership and excellent cadence! 

(mosey to band parking lot)

Power skip to 50 yard line and back

10 min Amrap

  •    5 burpees
  •    10 donkey kicks
  •    15 bomb jacks
  •    Sprint to 50 yard line and back after each round

  – bear crawl / Merkin ladder (1+ merkin every 10 yards) to 50 yard line and back

  – lunge walk/jump squat ladder (1+ jump squat every 10 yards)

Mosey to the NaFo wall for some wall sits and a bit of balls to the wall

3 minute Amrap

  –  5 – Flying squirrels

   – 5 – mountain climbers

   – 5 – Carolina dry docks

It was an honor and privilege to lead and thank you to Sugarbug for the opportunity.

TClap |

Farewell to Fred Astaire or Goodbye Ballroom

17 gathered to bid farewell to the Ballroom with visits to classic site areas and two games of frogger.  (Written on iPad at 23,000 feet)


The thang


warm up – no clear recall on what that was

Mosey to Founders parking lot. With partner do two sets of squats and crunches whilst partner runs around building

Mosey to Publix while engaging frogger   50 calf raises and 15 merkins

Mosey to coupon pile with stop for bear crawls and merkins on the very moist grass

With partner and coupon complete curls, presses, one armed rows, and triceps extensions while partner runs up and down hill

Mosey back to warehouse wall while playing frogger across Gold Hill road

With partner wall sits while partner scales two,retaining walls – 2x

Return to COT via retaining walls with finish of 25 SSH


Freedom means being able to,choose but also requires the acceptance of consequences




TClap |