Cindy, she’s my friend

WARMUP: Hold plank while we remember SSgt TJ Dudley

Murph-ish style Dora, Cindy played a 3rd wheel the whole workout
– 100 pulls up, high knees with Cindy overhead
– 200 merks, farmers carry up the hill and leave it, run back; partner brings it back
– 300 squats; same thing with Cindy and hill
– Laps around the playground: partner overhead carries Cindy while partner runs the lap, trade places when partner catches up: 10 laps


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Awkward Weight At The SInk

WARMUP: Jog around the parking lot followed by a few exercises.
1min of each of the following:
Ground to overhead
Over the shoulder toss

SLOW asymmetrical farmers carry. With sand bag in one hand, we’ll walk slowly, together, around the parking lot loop switching hands as needed.

Partner up for a round of “catch me if you can” around the large drop-off loop:
Partner 1: Take both sand bags and walk/shuffle until Partner 2 catches you.
Partner 2: 3 burpees then catch Partner 1
Alternate until you complete the loop.

Perfect Merkins (slick): I followed the correction of the PAX and completed this in an 8ct cadence. We did 20…lovely.

3-Tier Suicides: Roughly 40yds and back, 60yds and back then 75yds and back. Every time you return, complete 10 Bent Over Rows

2-Tier Suicides: Like above, this time only 60yds and 75yds. Complete (10) 4ct Flutters upon your return each time.

Sand Bag carry (standard carry position) around the large loop with stops at the corners for:
1st Corner: 10 Dead Lifts
2nd Corner: 10 Hammer Curl into Overhead Press
3rd Corner: 15 Squats
4th Corner: Chest Press


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Acceleration by Association

WARMUP: Yes, these are important

THE THANG: Stolen from Old Bay:
Although I think Big Boys are dumb, so we did flutters instead

Start on west side behind Lowes: 50 Merkins
Run (with short bear crawl) to east side – 45 squats
Run (with short bear crawl) back to west side – 40 LBCs
East side – 35 CCDs
West side – 30 Lunges
East side – 25 big boy sit-ups flutters
West side – 20 wide-arm merkins
East side – 15 bomb jacks
West side – 10 American Hammers
East side – 5 burpees

MARY: not really. We did do some mobility work at the Tesla Chargers.

NMM: Listen, the crew that showed up today outclassed me by miles on many levels. It was an honor to lead. I hope that by continuing to associate with men like these PAX, I can become a better version of myself. Keep posting!

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Curtsey lunge buffet

Warmup: Mosey, windmills, merkins, Moroccan nightclubs, Carolina dry docks, curtsy lunges
The thang: go to light poles. Start with 10 curtsy lunges, next light pole is 20 merkins, next light pole is 30 squats, next light pole is 40 flutters.

Mosey to side of school. EMOM, 10 merkins. While waiting for next minute to start…calf raises. Wall sits and some ab work. Back to COT for mini Mucho Chesto. Finish with hip thingy

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The Yard – 3 Aug 2024

WARMUP: We did.

There was a lot of back and forth down the field and back with 6-inch holds and exercises and such. Threw in some burpees, and partner carries, and bear crawls. It’s all Julie Andrews and my favorite things… that’s for Band Camp…

Went up to the parking lot track and did some more exercises and loops on the track.

– JCruise took a dump on the 50-yard line and blamed it on the dog. Or maybe it was the other way around… I forget
– FunHouse died of dysentery on his way back across the expansive plains to his home, Oregon Trail style…
– Spider-Man changed into his (not present) shirt after the workout…
– Gears went sleeveless to show off his newly acquired Hawaiian tan…
– Maximus was glad we didn’t do 81 burpees to start our workout…
– Tapout (11) carried Headspin for 50 yards, thus reinforcing my statement about being grown f-ing men. But he promises to keep himself in check in front of his mom…
– Time Machine loves ducks. Like, it might be an unhealthy focus of his life…
– Drop Thrill knows how to keep a man humble…
– 3D (if you haven’t noticed) is accelerating whilst shedding his former self…
– Suplex agrees that we don’t use the word “whilst” nearly enough…
– Yoyo Ma was the War Daddy today. He won’t read this, so I can write whatever I want about him…
– Sprocket continues to fill out his rewards card. Just a few more punches and I think he gets one free workout. Or an ice cream cake or something like that…
– Ruby Slippers loved doing a 6-inch hold. I’ll just leave that there.

When truth pulls up next to you in its limo, rolls down the window and asks you if you have any Grey Poupon, you can pass it this report as a substitute.
no poop was actually created or discovered at the 50 or any other yard line.
no Poupon was actually created or discovered at the 50 either…

MARY: No chicks.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.
COT: The 5th Core Principle.

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Went Looking For The Stamp…Found It

WARMUP: Run to the pharmacy, wait, run to the old Hardees, wait.
Captain Thor (1 BBSU : 4 American Hammers-rt side counting = 10:40) and yes, we found the Stamp.
Run to the Town Hall Bldg for a plank series:
Mountain Climbers
Grave Diggers-Rt Side then Left Side
Run to the big, smooth lot for FMFBC:
NUR the long stretches & Bear Crawl the “short stretches”
To the Church steps
Up & Down the steps 2x then 30 correct squats
Up & Down the steps 2x then 20 correct squats
To the next smooth lot, now by FMCOG
Feet on the curb and lean on another PAX for 50 Calf Raises
Get a partner for Partner Pushes:
Each partner pushes a longer stretch and a shorter stretch.
At the corners, do 20 Flutters I/C & 20 Diamond Merkins
Run back to C.O.T. for a little more Mary.

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Feather Duster your lower extremities for Fishstix

WARMUP: This is Sweep, we don’t really do that here.
THE THANG: We ran around a Brayden loop and a Baxter loop and did a lot of burpees and stuff.
MARY: No chicks
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: The 5th Core Principle

My name is Band Camp and I’m handsomer and smarter than most men. It’s a curse I live with and strive to adapt to daily.

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Subbing to the oldies

WARMUP: no messing around and got right to business knowing mumblechatter would be strong. Mosey around parking lot and stopped for cherry pickers, windmills, low slow squat, merkins, imperial walkers.
THE THANG: went to the tire / oil change for some partner work.
Partner 1 AMRAP step ups while partner 2 ran around building. Did this 3x because why not.

Ran through the smell zone to the church for more partner work.

Partner 1 AMRAP decline merkins while partner 2 ran around the circle lot. Did this 2x with round 2 for urkins.

Ran down the street to the fountain for more partner work (and we changed partners at each station I forgot).

Partner 1 flutter while partner 2 NUR up the hill to the fire station (for backdraft) and then ran pack to partner 1. Did this 2x with round 2 being LBC.

Ran up to fire station for 2 min of burpees because…just because.

Back to COT for 3 min of Mary.
MARY: yes, she was done
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter and lots going on
COT: complete

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The Greatest Workout of All Time? Yes.

WARMUP: Probably. No one remembers.
THE THANG: A few rounds of 11s, 7s, and other nonsense.
The REAL nonsense, though, came in the form of setting things right in the naming department. Sadly, in only 45 minutes, I couldn’t get to everyone, but I will tell you the ones I DID get to…
– is now Kerrigan
– is now Insertion Point
– is now Father Time
– is now Mama’s Boy
– is now French Tip
– is now Tickle Me Ebenezer
– is now Agent My Pleasure
– is now Dumpster Juice
– is now Dumpster Juice II: The Revenge of Dumpster Juice
– is now Stateline Vapes
– is now Gender Confusion
– is now Backward Flush/Dude Wipes
– is now Dementia
– is now Halfway
– is now White Boots, and
– is now Twin Peaks

For more on WHY these Pax got new names, you’ll have to ask them, because I only vaguely remember…

This is why you shouldn’t miss when YHC is the Q. NOTHING but good times.

MARY: No chicks
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.
COT: The 5th Core Principle.

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River District meets 6@6

WARMUP: Some of us.
THE THANG: Run – 6miles ish – Munn Rd to Harris to Sam Smith to Dam Rd down Harvest Point then back. Out 3 miles back 3 miles.
MARY: Nope
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yes – CSAUPs COMING_ Adopt – a – Highway litter pick up Aug 10th._ Newsletter.

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