That claw thing

WARMUP: Mosey to the Amphitheater
THE THANG: Run up the sidewalks to each of the 4 points doing 1 BBSU at the end of each. Run back down the sidewalk to the bottom for 3 burpees. then 2 BBSU and 6 burpees. At the top of the circuit on the sixth round it was time to head back to CoT.
That’s 84 BBs and 45 burpees with 2 miles
MARY: Juliet choose to plank for a sixty count.
Minuteman had us doing a superman impression
Incoming called seal jacks
Naked and Afraid was not afraid of gas pumpers
YHC called window wipers and then flutters to run out the clock
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 10 year, charity shoot, golf, bourbon tasting
COT: Prayers offered for kids, marriage, health (physical and mental), and PAX posting

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A Deep Flush

It was a beautiful morning in The Fort for 9 HIM to get decked by the cards of pain!

Quick warmup and off to the cards. The weinke was as follows:

A = Run a lap
K = Murder Bunny with Bell
Q = Bear Crawl with Bell
J = 10 Man Makers
♦️ = Curls
❤️ = V-Ups
♠️ = Snatch
♣️ = Squats

We got through 75% of the deck, but there was 100% of pain.

– JWow

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Happy Independence Day India

Peter Parkers

Farmer’s carry to big parking lot

In celebration of India’s Independence 75 years ago today, we started things off with 75 kettlebell swings

Split into 2 groups:
Lighter bells – 30lb and under
heavier bells – over 30 lbs

1 minute each exercise
Heavy bells:
Chest Presses
Lawnmower pulls

Light bells:
Tricep Extensions
Shoulder presses
Clave Raises
High Pulls

Farmer’s carry around the parking lot. Drop your bell, and switch groups.

2 full rounds of this, then between rounds 2 and 3, we added 1 minute of LBCs and 5 man makers to each lineup.

Bonsai called for Merkins, then we held the bottom until time was up

Prayers for the first day of school today in the Fort. Prayers for teachers, parents, students.
Praise for DaVinci’s step father

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Hey, carry my bell will ya?

WARMUP: 10 count of things, then 15 count of same things
THE THANG: we all swapped carrying the 25 lb bell around for fun. Did BOMBS at unity church circle. 10-15-20-25, a full Jack Webb and then a run around the block for good measure. Mr Kettlebell enjoyed the tour.

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Heavy metal, heavy things


Line up the bells heaviest to lightest

Mosey to grab cinderblocks


Originally, the intention was to have a group working with 2 kettlebells and another group working with cinderblocks. Since there were 12 kettlebells and 6 PAX, we were all able to work together.

PAX were encouraged to grab 2 heavy bells and rucks or sandbags to get some serious strength training in.


Team Iron:
Bigger muscle groups – with 2 bells
3 sets each. 10 reps
Chest Presses
Swings (one bell)

Team Concrete:
Smaller muscle groups – with a cinder block
3 sets each. 20 reps
Tricep extensions
Shoulder presses
Clave raises
High pulls

We returned the cinderblocks and made it back to COT right at 0600



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Partner Work Up The Hill

Mosey around “pick up” line to back parking lot.
Moroccan Night Club
Slow Low Squat
Peter Parker’s
Downward Dog
Honey Mooner
Wide Arm Merkins

Mosey over to the “Hill”
Asked all PAX to grab a partner
Partner work from light pole to light pole. Partner 1 began “movement” while partner 2 ran to next light pole and back. When they returned they switched and Partner 2 began “movement” while Partner 1 ran to light pole and back. Continue to switch until pair reaches light pole.
“Movements”: Bear Crawl, Lunge Walk, Crab Walk, Burpee Broad Jumps, Crawl Bear, NUR, Karaoke x2
Once we reached the top we reversed down the hill. We went as a group and stopped when 1st PAX reached the next light pole.
A couple of minutes to close out the workout.
Read your Newsletter. Ruck with Pothole for charity.
Prayers for children and safe travels.

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Dora & the Hill

The mumble chatter was strong from the start this morning & never ceased. It helped cut the thickness of the air.

Short mosey to the FMPD parking lot for some SSH’s, Windmills, Moroccan NC’s & LSS’s

Mosey’d over to Massey St & up the hill to the parking lot.
Since we were 5-strong, split into two groups for a Dora of 100x Merkins, 200x LBCs & 300x Squats.
First group ran down & back up the hill while the 2nd group whittled away at the reps. Flapjack until all were complete.
Some Bear Crawling & Lunges over & back across the top parking lot.
Mosey over to parking lot behind Hobos for more Bear Crawls & Lunges.
Ran back to FBChurch for Mary until time.

MARY: Yes – 10x Gas Pumpers > Double-Crunch LBCs > Dynamic-Count Box Cutters > Flutters > Catalina Wine Mixers. Closed w/5x Burpees.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter. Lot’s coming up w/10yr anniversary & multiple CSAUP offerings.

COT: Praises & Prayers all around. Post next week with @Dojo on Q!

Thanks to @Small World for the opportunity to lead!

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WARMUP: First, we warmed up.
THE THANG: Then we did a lot of kettlebell stuff and ran a little.
MOSTLY, we listened to what might have been the worst playlist ever conceived. From the marginally incestuous Osmonds, to the Killers, to what was probably the biggest surprise which was Wilford Freaking Brimley. The diabeetus commercial guy you say? Yes. Beloved actor who starred in the 1985 hit movie Cocoon? Yes. He’s a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Well, he was when he was alive, yes… but please tell me THAT isn’t the thing that you find most surprising. He has albums. Of music. Where he sings. Doesn’t that shake you a little more to your core? I mean… even just a little? And to add insult to injury (and trust me, his singing was injurious), there’s not a single freaking song on his album about DIABETES TESTING SUPPLIES. Seriously, lean into your strengths, Wilford. WTF? You know diabetes supplies like no other… and yet you choose to sing about someone’s silver-haired daddy…? I’m not sure what to think anymore… I’m not sure this world was meant for me…
MARY: Once again, girls aren’t allowed. Core Principle #2.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.
COT: Core Principle #5

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Partner B.L.I.M.P.S. and a pair of Jacks

– SSH x20
– Windmills x10
– Mountain Climbers x10
– Hill Billy Walkers x10
– Low Slow Squat x10
– SSH x10
Partner B.L.I.M.P.S. Round 1
1. B – Bomb jacks ==> Broadjumps
2. L – LBCs ==> Lunges
3. I -Imperial Walkers ==> High Knee
4. M – Merkins ==> Mosey
5. P – Plank Punches ==> Power Skip
6. S – SSH ==> Shuffle Left/Right

People’s Chair with Jack Reachers (2x)
Jack Webb 1:4 – to 10

Pax choice (American Hammers, Gas Pumper, Makhtar N’Diayes, Grave diggers, forgot the others)


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Independence Day 1776 Challenge

Good morning America! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Soupy muggy morning. We had one FNG EH’d by Beaker, so the full disclaimer was disclaimed and off we went to the NaFo track.

WARMUP: None. Got right into it.

The Main Event: The 1776 Challenge
7 laps of 400m along with 1776 exercises as follows (everything single count unless otherwise noted):
* 50 burpees
* 100 calf raises (50 regular, 50 toes out)
* 100 ski abs (double count)
>> Run 400m
* 100 ‘merkins
* 100 LSS
* 100 LBC
>> Run 400m
* 100 CDD
* 100 jump squat
* 100 American hammer (DC)
>> Run 400m
* 100 OH clap
* 100 mountain climbers (DC)
* 100 hello dolly
>> Run 400m
* 100 wide-arm merkin
* 100 jump lunge (DC)
* 100 flutter kicks (DC)
>> Run 100m
* 100 plank shoulder taps (DC)
* 100 hillbilly walkers
** Badger Challenge (optional, level-up) – 100m crab walk
* 100 SSH
** Badger Challenge (optional, level-up) – 100m bear crawl
>> Run 400m
* 26 burpees
>> Run 400m

It was a total sweat fest this morning, but so worth it. Not much mumblechatter after a while, but A LOT of pain. The fellowship helped alot…..seeing your fellow PAX push through things makes you want to push as well. Thank you everyone for the push!

Capped it all off with a gorgeous sunrise and Pledge of Allegiance at COT, along with some announcements and P&Ps.

Special kudos for Clickbait for opening up his home for anyone who does not have anywhere or anyone to go celebrate the holiday with. #HIM

7-4-1776 was a BIG day in the history of this world. Not only is it the birth of our great nation, but it was a loud exclamation to the world that freedom reigns and is worth fighting for. We exercise our freedoms every day whether we know it or not, from being able to wake up early and go work out with like-minded men, voice our opinions on whatever topic in however means, practice whatever religion or belief system we choose, or choose not to practice any type religion or belief system – all without fear of persecution. There are some people in this country who are challenging these various freedoms, not knowing that they themselves are exercising the constitutionally guaranteed right to challenge the status quo and advocate change. Many countries would severely persecute that type of vocality. Yet we as a nation allow and even foster it, for through adversity, change, and pain comes growth, wisdom, and strength.

During your various Independence Day celebrations please take time out to give thanks for the many things we have (i.e., blessings) as well as our many various freedoms, however you may define them, including – IMO most importantly – the freedom to speak up and make change happen, however large or small the magnitude, scope, and/or scale. That’s what happened on 7-4-1776, on a great scale and magnitude, and has continued since. The United States of America as a whole is never stagnant, it is always evolving. Hopefully for the better. It is by no means perfect either (what made of man is?), but it could most definitely be worse in many many ways. It is up to each one of us, exercising our various freedoms, to ensure we as a nation continue to move forward and get better in some way every day. Change happens through action, not just words. The mission behind F3 is to plant. serve, and grow small workout groups for the purpose of invigorating male community leadership. Keep at it, continue to BE the change you want to see in this world through not just your words but your actions. Give it away, for when you do YOU help facilitate positive change in others.

Have a happy and safe Independence Day. Happy Birthday America!

Thank you for the opportunity to lead. Blessed and thankful for every one of you F3 The Fort PAX that are in my life. SYITG.

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