All I heard was run and push-ups

THE THANG: start from COT and run to school, up the hill with light posts, turn around at stop sign, and run back to COT.

Start out at 10k pace for first 1/4 mile, 1k pace for next 1/4 mile, then 25 merkins (so 25 merkins every .5 miles.

Rinse and repeat.

Looking at 3-5 miles for 150-300 merkins.

You’re welcome.

MARY: quick 30 seconds at the end.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter worthy
COT: Luka, family health, Grassy’s wife for some quick recovery!

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Wrapping up AKA#4

WARMUP: SSH X 30, Imperial Walker X 15, Squat X 15, Merkin X 10, Lunge X 15, Mountain Climer X 15, Dry Docks X 10, Burpees X 10, Monkey Humpers X 15, SSH X 30
THE THANG: Mosey to band lot, HIIT workout. 45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest. 4 rounds of each. Merkins, Squats, Burpees, Mountain Climbers. Mosey to Pull up bars. Try to get 4 sets of: Pull Ups – 5, Dry Docks – 20, Big Boys – 20, Diamonds – 10. Mosey to front parking lot for Mary.
MARY: All X25 – Flutters, Hello Dolly, Freddy Mercury, Rosalittas, Box Cutter. Mosey back to COT for cool down stretch.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cannoli run, blood drive
COT: Prayers for FNG StageLeft for his upcoming move, Luka and Vuvazella. Thanks to all the PAX that supported AKA#4.

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Whetstone WOD

Disclaimer: By participating in an F3 workout, you assume the risks inherent in doing so. I am not a professional. F3 makes no representations of any kind regarding your safety. Asked to share about whetstone and my experiences, here we go…

1. DORA: Rebel
– challenged me in areas I struggle: alcohol, devoting time to my M, getting my family to Church consistently
– Asks for progress updates every time we meet
– Sets the example for how to be a better man

Reporting Progress
+ 200 merkins
+ 200 big boys
+ 200 squats
+ 200 LBC’s
– Bear crawl/power-skips

2. Partner run: Pusher AKA Big Question Eddie
– pushes me to think bigger; act better
– Always comes back when I ghost, some may be shocked to learn that F3 didn’t immediately stick with me!!
– Sets the example for how to be a better man

Big Questions
+ Run to 160 and back, ask big questions of each other: who’s your whetstone? Who could be your stone/blade? What do you need in a whetstone relationship?

3. Partner transport: Long Duck
– full of stories and antidotes to frame your mind for the positive, I.e. attitude card
– Carried me in some of my struggles with alcohol and anger
– Pours himself into others to help them and himself
– Sets the example for how to be a better man

Carrying your man
+ partner carry, 2 laps
+ wheelbarrow, 1 lap
– repeat

4. Closing: Key takeaways
– find what you need in a stone, plus seek to share wisdom with a blade (it makes you a better man)
– Be open with them, get vulnerable
– You can have more than one stone, learn lessons from all relationships
– Find someone that sets the example for how to be a better man

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Don’t be a 🐱

WARMUP: Pledge of Allegiance
THE THANG: AL loop down to skipper turn right, right on Still, left on 21. 10 merkins and 10 squats at every turn. 2 loops a little over 4mi. For the 🐱’s little loop around Main Street. For the record there were on 2 non-🐱in the group roll-off and old bay
MARY: nada
COT: Luca, Atticus, Package and others.

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Good coffee is the key to any good morning

Lots of fit guys forgot to read the Q schedule, lesson learned.

warm up by the bank, lil’ bit of this, lil’ bit of that

other side of the bank for a 5-10-15-20-25 accumulator from one side of the small lot to the other. Mode of transport, bear crawl, exercises included SSH, merkins, jump squats, shoulder taps, BB sits

to the new lot by the new natural food store, highly recommend, nice size lot. accumulator up and down 10, 10-20, 10-20-30, 10-20-30, 10-20, 10. Exercises included BB sits, Travoltas, Monkey Humpers, mode of transportation on paper was Toy Soldier, until Punchlist went to the crawl bear, many others followed suite (a spectacular example of modify as needed when there is an old slow guy on Q)

to the side of Subway for a wall sit and a couple pop out burpees

to Hobo’s-ish for a few Mahktar N’Diayes and Kneetar N’diayes

the we went to the ABC store and did some sprints

to Loom-ish for step-up and dips

Back to COT, Mary included the dying cockroach

My thanks to Kermit for the opportunity

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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