3 min drills

WARMUP: SSH, IW, plank Jax, hillbilly walkers

Warm up

3 min drills
Plank Jax

Big Boys
Jump Squats

Calf Raises
Flying Squirrel

Hand Release
Hello Dolly
Jump rope

Lap around building


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8 counts to quit

SSH x15
IW x10
HW x10
Slow count merkin x15
Mosey to basketball hoops
Carioca down and back
Toy soldier
High knees
Butt kickers
Run the entire light post hill with 1 burpee at each light pole
Mosey back

8 count burpees in cadence every time
10 8-count burpees
Bear crawl
Lunge walk
Crawl bear
Modified due to the food truck delivery

30 Bulgarian split squats (15 each leg)
Run to cones and back
20 Jump squats
To cones and back
10 tuck jumps
Down and back

Modified for time to:
30 Bulgarian split squats
20 jump squats
10 tuck jumps
With no break….that was hard

Headed towards COT
6 – 8 count burpees
5 – 8 count burpees
Hello Dolly
4 – 8 count burpees
Some yoga to close

9/24 – trash pickup
10/22 – Diabetes fundraiser at Amor

Praise for a great 10-year celebration
Prayers for teachers and students hitting a stride
Prayers for DD’s father-in-law

Often all that’s necessary to succeed is to just not quit. But often I’ll quit on my parenting priorities because a screen is easier, or I’ll quit on house work cause there will be more laundry tomorrow….why do I refuse to quit on 8-count burpees, but don’t transfer that over to other areas of my life? Need to work on transferring the durability we build on the gloom to my entire life

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Wally World

WARMUP: Few PAX rubbed their shins and scratched this or that
THE THANG: The PAX ran west on 160 to approximately Wal-Mart and back
MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bourbon 🥃 Tasting and Clay Shoot
COT: Praise for 10th anniversary, paise to Eddie, prayers for our schools and our administrative teams at our schools

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10 Year Convergence

Ten year celebration came to a close this morning with a convergence at WEP. 12 men came earlier for a run to support Operation Sweet Tooth. 84 men attended the main event with three great HIM leading the workout: CSPAN, Maximum, and WWL. No warm-ups this morning. CSPAN took his group around the block with various stops along the way. Seven reps of Flying Squirrels, Merkins, and Sit-ups. WWL had playtime at the playground. Burpees and Pull-ups along with running fast around the playground. Did I mention Power Skips? Maximum had a simple plan. Run backwards up the hill many times and destroy your abs with American Hammers.
We closed the chapter on the first 10 years.
Monday begin the next.
The future is bright.
How will you contribute to the next 10 years?
Make an impact.

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Slo Burn 🔥 So Slow

WARMUP: Stretch, Merks, Cherry Pickers. SSH, Squats,
THE THANG: HIIT – One minute sessions – 5 total. (Merks, Derks, Squats, Dips) – Ladder work with Squats, Merks, Donkey Kicks) Closed out with 4 corners with a Pax choosing the cadence and exercise.
MARY: 3 mins of Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Final Countdown and 10yr Anniversary, Community Svc Opportunity 9-24-22.
COT: Prayers for healing, Marriage, Family, Pax.

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The Final Countdown

The day finally arrived for our CSAUP, The FInal Countdown. The rainy weather was not ideal, but it helped keep the temperature and humidity down for ideal running conditions. 67 men participated in the event. Most groups participated in the relay. Ruckers and trail runners fought the elements and got their work done to.
Relay details:   The first Pax will run 3 miles and return to the starting point.  The 1st and 2nd Pax will run 3 miles and return to the starting point. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd runner will run the final 3 miles.  Each route will be unique.  If you get lost, just run 3 miles and return back to the park.

Total miles:  3+3+3 = 10 F3 math   (Runner 1 – 9 miles, Runner 2 – 6 miles, Runner 3 – 3 miles)

Inspiring stuff this morning. River Rat’s 2.0s ran the course like it was a lap around the track. Lots of guys ran distances they have never run before.
We’ve got a good pool of runners for the upcoming Dam to Dam Relay.

Great job by everyone this morning!

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Remembering Badger

Thirty-five of Fort Mill’s finest gathered at Springfield Elementary to honor a brother who left us too early:  Matt Giesler, aka Badger.   Matt was originally from Wisconsin but made his home in SC with his wife Becky and his three children Brayden, Ashlyn, and Carsten.   Badger was a neighbor and friend to me, Decibel, Trucker, and Jiffy, and this morning, his fellow brothers of The Fort joined us for a brisk morning workout.  Here is what we did:

The Thang:

Senator Tressel led the pax on a short lap around the drop-off lane of Springfield Elementary before ending up in the adjacent field for COP.

All in double count cadence:

SSH x 25, IW x 25, merkin x 10, windmill x 15, mountain climber x 25, Freddie Merc x 25, hello dolly x 25, squat x 25

Line up next to the set of cones:

Round 1:  Lungewalk to 1st cone, 5 squats, continue to 2nd cone, 10 squats, continue to 3rd cone, 15 squats, run backwards to the start.

Round 2:  Bear crawl to 1st cone, 5 squats, ….., run backward to the start

Round 3:  Run to the last cone, 10 burpees, and run backward to the start

Handoff to Decibel:

Do the following exercises with a lap around the field between each:

LBCs  X39

Heals to Heaven x25


Naked Man Moleskin

ST’s comments:

I was truly touched by the number of men who showed up today to honor Badger.  I know that many of the men did not know him, but it meant a lot to us to have such a large group together as we remembered Badger.    It was another reminder to me of what a special thing we have at F3 here in Fort Mill and how much my F3 brothers mean to me.

Decibel’s thoughts:
It is hard to believe that it has been 4 years since Badger went to be in heaven.  I
was blessed to spend time with him prior to his passing.  We talked about him
being saved and how important that was to him.  He let me know that his M was a
big reason he was saved but also saw my family’s reaction to losing our
daughter and son and our dependence on God at that time.  I am saying this to let
you know as Christians people watch our actions and want to make sure our
actions match our words.  I encourage every Christian brother in F3 to live out
your faith and in times of need lean on God just like Badger did in his time.
My M and I received a letter from Badger.  In that letter he mentioned F3 and the
support he and his family received after the diagnosis.  I remember him just being
in awe of all the people that were praying for him.  He was so touched by this
community that he asked that I make sure that his boys get involved in F3.  They
would have been there today, but his youngest wasn’t feeling well. To have 35
men in our community support Badger is amazing.
Badger was a man I respected to the utmost.  He was not a guy that sought
attention or glory, but he was always there when you needed him.  He loved his
family and was a loyal friend.  I am still in awe of how he bravely prepared to walk
into heaven.  It was so comforting to know he was going to see Jesus.  He told
me many times that he would take care of our babies (Elizabeth Grace and
Garrett) until we met up with him.  Badger was a great Father and I know he is
having a blast with my kids in heaven.
Let us all take this time to pour into, support, love on and encourage our F3
brothers. Then take that momentum and turn it to our families.  Then take that
momentum and pour it out on the least and the lost in our community.  Badger
knew that God had a purpose for him and that purpose was to spread the word of
God’s Grace and Love.  Let’s make that happen for him.

Prayers and Praises – as spoken during COT

Announcements:  F3 The Fort 10 year anniversary starts this week.  Check Slack for the schedule of events.


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Mack Daddy debut

WARMUP: Mosey towards athletic entrance hill

SSH, IW, WM, Mtn Climbers, MNC all in cadence

Part 1:
Progressive light pole work with CDDs, Plank Jacks, Air Squats

pole 1: 5reps each exercise, pole 2: 10reps each exercise, etc. finished at pole 5 with 25reps each exercise

After last pole, took brief pause to talk 5 core principles of F3

Mosey back to school overhang to find dry land

Part 2:
Lazy Dora 1, 2, 3
partner up-
partner 1 performs 10 merkins while partner 2 planks, switch and repeat to 100 total merkins

partner 1 performs 20 monkey humpers while partner 2 wall sits, switch and repeat to 200 total monkey humpers

partner 1 performs 30 LBCs while partner 2 holds laying 6in leg raise, switch and repeat to 300 total LBCs

MARY: Flutters, AHs, Hello Dolly to finish off

ANNOUNCEMENTS: welcome FNG Mack Daddy

10 yr anniversary stuff kicks off tomorrow for PAINtheon Games 0500

COT: Be There.

Miss you Shower Curtain. Keep getting better brother – See you soon

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Thanks Slapshot for letting me Q the morning after Penn State season opener that didn’t end till after midnight…at least we WON! So seeing that football season is here, incorporated some of my son’s HS football training into the weinke.

COP: SSH (Bonasi was shocked this was the first exercise), windmills, IW, LSS. Counts were in touchdown points.

Still in COP, crowd favorite: Up / Downs

Mossy to HT side wall, wall sits while PAX sprint to O’Reilys building and complete 1 burpee.

Mossy to back of Express Oli for 10 steps up per leg

Mossy to bottom of road to Evolve Apartments. Run the hill to Tega Cay Drive 6 times (points for a touchdown), and for extra point, ran the grass hill.

Round of Flutters and leg raises

Another round of Up / Downs

Score was tied with 2 minutes left, ran the hill 3xs.

Round of Merkins

Mossy to back of O’Reilys for 10 more step ups, 14 irkins, 7 derkins

Mossy to wall for repeat wall sit/burpees

Mossy to COT for last round of Up / Downs and abs lead by Bonsai and Skipper (I think)

Thanks for oportunity!

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SlowBurn: What’s your number…Go get it!

Mosey, shuffle, toy soldier, bear crawl, moracan night club,l
20sec on 10sec rest
Leg lifts
Sumo squats
Wide arm Merkins
Donkey Kicks
Squat jumps
Plank punch
Read Newsletter
COT: was glorious!!

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