Why am I out here?

Warmup: all in cadence
– 10 Moroccan nightclubs
– 12 cherry pickers
– 10 windmills
– 10 hillbilly walkers
Mosey, stop at curb and do 10 incline merkins on curb in cadence
Mosey to church parking lot, 10 low slow squats in cadence
4 corners of pain and some burpees
All corners start with 50 reps each, exercises stay the same each time around
– Corner 1: squats, then run to corner 2
– Corner 2: diamond merkins, then crawl bear to corner 3
– Corner 3: bomb jacks, then nur to corner 4
– Corner 4: big boys, then bear crawl to concrete parking lot in front of church and do 5 burpees
– Repeat. Reps go down to 40, then 30, 20, 10. Burpees stay at 5 each time

MARY: flutters, American hammers

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The Puertorican Nightmare

WARMUP: Pre Run/Walk for some, then disclaimer given with shared route and counted 15 HIMs
THE THANG: The Route roughly +3.5 miles:
Founders to Munn Rd, Left on Munn, Left on Harris St, gingerly cross over Hwy 21, Left on Jackson, and Left on Hwy 160 towards COT. Some ran trails, some did not, some ran in pairs and some did not. All Pax accounted for at the end.
MARY: She was absent yet again!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: July 4th Convergence, July 4th Bethel Men’s Shelter (Venmo Donations please), 10th Year Anniversary at Slow Burn ( is on Q), 6/28 Acceleration Project, and Sign Up for Lawn Care duty at Fort Mill Care Center.
COT: Look after each other, we are the family we choose to be.

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12 Days of Christmas… In July… In June…

WARMUP: Did some SSH, Windmills, Moroccan Nightclubs, Imperial Walkers and Hillbilly Walkers
THE THANG: 12 days of Christmas style with a lap around the pickup loop. Got in a little over 2 miles total distance
1- Kraken Burpees
2- Jump Squats
3- Merkins (4 count)
4- LBC (4 count)
5- Burpees
6- Low Slow Squat
7- Shoulder Taps
8- V Ups
9- Dry Docks
10- Flutter
11- Superman’s
12- Jump Lunges

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots of CSAUPs coming up

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Circuit of Circuits

WARMUP: windmills, SSH, Moroccan night club, butt kickers, hi knees, disco club (side ways run)
THE THANG: 3 circuits. Each repeats 3 times, adding 5 to each rep every repeat
1st circuit 10 mericans, 10 big boys, 10 SSH. On your own.
2nd circuit 10 dips, 10 shoulder taps, bear crawls. Add extra if you finish before your team of three so you all finish each workout at the same time.
3rd circuit 10 squats, 10 flutter kicks, 10 heels to sky. In cadence with your team of 3
Added some burpees to help keep mumblechatter down
Qsource: shared leadership. Work together as a team, and trust your team to do their part. Teams work better when everyone can be relied on
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter smack talk
COT: prayers and praises

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B.O.T wants a HIVE Hat

WARMUP: SSH, CP, IW, we ran to the far side of the parking lot with kettlebells and Olaf lead us in some stretches
21-15-9 WOD
21 left arm clean snatches
21 jump over burpees
21 right arm clean snatches
21jump over burpees
15 left arm clean snatches
15 jump over burpees
15 right arm clean snatches
15 jump over burpees
9 left arm clean snatches
9 jump over burpees
9 right arm clean snatches
9 jump over burpees

Ran to the end of the parking lot with bells did some squats and lunges. Ran back to COT
COT: Closed in prayer

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Clydesdales Sutton Rd Loop

THE THANG: 4.5 mi loop…North on 160, left on Sutton, left into the Sutton Place neighborhood at the New Grey Rock Rd light, right turns at each cross street (3 total) got us to Sam Smith Rd, left on Sam Smith, left on Harris, left on Munn, right on 160 and back to COT.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sign up for FM Care Center yard work.
COT: Prayers for healing and safe travels.

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Colosseum 6-18-24

Imperial Walkers
hillbilly Walkers
Tappy Taps

Light Jog
Wall sits while a PAX does an inchworm to curb and back
At the track, do exercise then run a lap
– 12 o clock – 50 squats
– 3 o clock – 50 merkins
– 6 o clock – 50 dips
– 9 o clock – 50 mountain climbers
The Grinder at the entrance to GHMS
– Partner Up: Partner 1 do a bear crawl up to the next light
– Partner 2: run to the next light and come back to get your partner and run back to the light
– Switch – Partner 2 does Bear crawl, Partner 1 runs
– When Partner 1 starts again, do Crab Walk. Switch back to Bear Crawl at next cycle.

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Turd Burglar

WARMUP: Windmill, IW, HW, MNC
4 quarter-mile laps around the parking lot for a total of 1 mile. Stopped every quarter of a lap and did 10 reps of one exercise Burpees, Squats, Merkins, Big Boys x 4 for a total of 40 of each throughout the mile.

Partner Dora
Timer: One pax runs ~ 300 yards while the other pax does reps of an exercise.

50 – Step Up Burpees
100 – Squats
100 – Merkins
100 – SSH
100 – Plank Jacks
100 – LBCs
100 – Derkins
MARY: Flutter Kicks , Freddie Mercury,
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Batman said read your Newsletter
COT: Closed us out in prayer.

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WARMUP: SSH, cherry picker, imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers. (Or vice versa) , arm circles forward and backward
THE THANG: mosey over to Walgreens
10 burpees one corner, bear crawl to next corner
20 hello dolly’s, lieutenant dans to next corner
30 CDD, bear crawl
40 flutters, lieutenant dans
Repeat once
Mosey over near COT
Four corners
1 burpee in center
5 squats
5 merkins
5 Bobby Hurley
5 flying squirrels
2 burpees
10 squats
10 merkins
10 Bobby Hurley
10 flying squirrels
3 burpees
15 squats
15 merkins
15 Bobby Hurley
15 flying squirrel
MARY: she was present

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