Running like the Wind….I mean in the wind😁

WARMUP: Set our watches
Run through neighborhood to Forest do a couple loops and run back

Stretch a little

Read newsletter
Pray often and be kind and rewind

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Group Therapy

WARMUP: Ran to back parking lot of middle school for a quick set of exercises and some broga. Exercises included SSH, windmill, low slow squat, Maracan night clubs, toy soldiers and butt kickers.

Bonsai portion of the Q:
Nur to rock bed down by light post to grab a rock for the following.
20 INC overhead chest press
15 INC chest press on your six
15 INC lat raises
15 INC curls

Sir Top Hat portion:
Moved back up to half wall behind elementary for 8’s. It’s been a while since he has been to a workout so he forgot we could only count to 7.
Burpee and muscle ups on wall

STH had a few extra minutes left because all the men were such studs and cruised right through the workout without a problem.
Wall sits with 15 heel raises mixed in for two cycles.

Weezer’s portion:
Mini Dora
75 merkins
100 squats – most of us didn’t listen very well and did 125
125 LBCs.

Cyclops portion:
Back down to the light poles, Long Duck was expressing his displeasure about how we kept moving him around back and forth between locations.
Each light pole – 9 merkins, 12 squats. I think we got to 4 before time to head to COT. On the way back to COT, Cyclops thought we should do 5 more burpees, but Barkley, Rebound and YHC bat flipped and kept running. We wanted to make sure we made it in time.

No time
Blood drive, D2D fundraiser
Marriage, Super Squirrels family,

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Shield Lock Circuits of Fun

WARMUP: on the field w/Bonsai – SSH’s, Windmills (professional cadence) and a bit of broga….but just a bit.
THE THANG: bonsai – merkin mile – lap 1 – 8 merkins every 100 yards, lap 2 – 6 merkins every 100 yards, lap 3 – 4 merkins every 100 yards. Lap 4 – 2 merkins every 100 yards. Total of 1 mile and 80
Merkins. Flutters until the 6 arrives.

Bonsai Hands off to sir topham hat

Mosey to pull up bars: 10 pull ups 5 merkins, 8 pull ups 10 merkins, 6 pull ups 15 merkins, 4 pull ups 20 merkins, 2 pull ups 25 merkins

We’re now at too many pull ups and 155 merkins, for those keeping score at home.

LBC’s and Freddy’s in cadence until the 6 finishes and hand off to Weezer

Circled the islands of the parking lot around COT – pax could choose transport between bear crawls, crab walks and lunges. Once returned, 20 d/c gas pumpers I/C. Circle again with karaoke or side shuffle and do big boy sit-ups I/C. One more circle either jogging or nurring and upon returning a hand off to YHC

Mosey back toward pull up bars but passing them to the hill for 7’s – krakens at the bottom and squats at the top. PAX completed most of them before 0600 summoned us to COT

Total merkin count – all of them.

MARY: no time
COT: 5th core principle

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Off Brand Biscuit

Run to Doby’s Bridge Elementary – take the long way

teacher parking lot is the fast loop
around the school is a slow loop
most did 3ish, some did 4
meet where the cafeteria folks park for the pacer test. If you’re out during the pacer test, take the short loop. When cafeteria worker rolls in, it’s time for us to leave. We got to 38 rounds of the pacer test: Maximus, LTrain, and YHC were left standing.

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Options at Flight Plan

WARMUP: Route explanations
Option 1: WalMart loop
Option 2: 4 miler through Baxter with a few hills
Option 3: 5 miler through Baxter with a few hills
MARY: Nope-It’s a running AO
ANNOUNCEMENTS: HIM camp, Litter pickup
COT: Had to be there.

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