Purple Unicorns with Glitter Accents

Nice morning at The Armory.

Ran the bells across the lot. dropped and circled for a warm-up.
walkers (Imperial/Hillbilly), merkins, squats, LBC, Rinse & R.

7 boards set out. Rotate from one board to the next with a short run in between. Boards had bell exercise 15 count, both sides (L & R), non-bell exercise, finished by a 10 count bell exercise, both sides.

Returned across the lot with the boards and flipped the one at a time until time ran out.

Lots of lifting.

Thanks for the opportunity, first bell Q in many, many years.

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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7 for the 7 WOD

WARMUP: SSH, low slow squats, Moroccan night clubs, low slow merkins
THE THANG: 7 rounds of 7 reps of each of the following 7 exercises:
Right arm curl
Left arm curl
Overhead  Tricep extension two hands
Overhead press two hands
Gobble squat
Swings two hands
High pulls two hands

Run up hill to Munn Rd after each cicle (7 times)

Definitely not a stationary kettlebell workout.

MARY: Ab lab
COT: stays at COT

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where is kermit?

After a HC from kermit the night before he was no where to be found at 0500.

At 0500, 6 PAX did a short loop through Kingsley with plan to stick around and see if he showed by 0515. Yup, and so we had 7 for the morning.

THE THANG: ruck around kingsley/LPl/sunbelt for 3 miles with stops for IC exercises about every 5 minutes.

squats, merkins, shoulder taps, irkins, OH shoulder press, curls, bent over rows, calf raises

MARY: more squats

thanks for the opportunity Sprocket

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Pitt’s Birthday

WARMUP: mosy to the back of the school. SSH, MNC, Arm Swings
4 Rounds
12- squats
12 – merkins
12 – mnt climbers
12 – inch worms
Mosey to the fieldhouse and back

3 rds of 20 reps -15 reps -10 reps
Squat Thrust
Mosey to the fieldhouse and back

AMAPs 30 sec on 15 sec rest
Set 1
Speed Skater
S.S. Hops
Bomb Jacks
Mnt Climbers

Set 2
Russian Twists
Flutter Kicks

Mosey back to COT

MARY: None

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jaeger, Bethel Mens Shelter, Mental Health Awareness is coming up,
COT: Closed out in prayer

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38 Specials borderline triumphant return to the Gloom

it was my borderline triumph at return of the gloom after having injured my ankle back on January 31st! I would have felt like it was a lot more triumphant if during the first side startle hot my ankle didn’t tell me I had to stop doing these pretty quickly.
WARMUP: SSH, low slow squat, windmill
round one
count off and pair up for a simple DORA. 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBC. the partner not doing reps farmer carries both bells ~60m (it really adds up over time)
round two
everyone grabbed their bells and walk to the north end of the parking lot. where a deck of cards with all of the faces removed dictated what we would do next. hearts were curls, clubs were shoulder, press, diamonds or chest press, and spades were deadlifts. any jokers were a run up the hill and every six cards we would mosey down to the end of the parking lot back. unfortunately my shuffling skills were terrible because both Jokers ended up being at the bottom . I noticed this and very secretly inserted one of the jokers into the middle of the deck but not high enough. apparently that we would get to it, much to everyone’s great annoyance
MARY: 60 seconds of flutter with a chest press
ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots of sea sops and events coming up
COT: asked everyone to think about responsibilities that they may not want or may feel a bit of animosity toward and reflect on why and how to deflect or reduce the stress they feel from that

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Respawn of Tomahawk

WARMUP: 4:45 Prerun (Sherlock was conspicuously absent)

THE THANG: Disclaimer was disclaimed and the PAX were instructed to carry ~150lbs of extra coupons in addition to their bells on an Indian Run to the workout location…

The PAX moseyed their way on a poor form Indian Run to the field/hill adjacent to the basketball arena and circled up for the main event…a KB and Coupon Jacobs Ladder

PAX completed 10 reps of each exercise:
– KB Swings
– Single Arm Overhead Press (each arm)
– Overhead Tricep Extension
– Curls (each arm)
– Upright Rows
– Lawnmower Pulls (each arm)
– Merkins (1 hand on bell, switch halfway)
– Alternating Lunges (each leg)
– KB Goblet Squats
– KB Calf Raises

All of the coupons were picked up and moved to the top of the hill for 1 burpee, before returning all of the coupons back to the bottom of the hill

Rinse and repeat (reducing the KB and increasing the Burpee rep count by 1)

The PAX completed 5 rounds (45 reps of each exercise and 10 burpees) before needing to return to COT with all of the KBs and Coupons (0.6 miles round trip).

Great work by all! Glad to see the return of an OG AO in The Fort!!!

Thanks Birdcage for the opportunity!!!

MARY: We watched the Bushwood PAX complete some, too gassed to care!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Rooster, Burpees and BBQ, The Jaegar are all coming up; read your newsletter
COT: what was shared in COT stays in COT – show to know!!

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Seneca’s 4 lessons

WARMUP: Bank parking lot – windmills, imperial and hillbilly walkers, 5 burpees, low slow squats with Moroccan night clubs while holding the squat, side straddle hops

THE THANG: 4 stations – 4 lessons
Station 1 – Partner Dora – 50 hello dollys and 100 4-count flutters

Lesson 1 – Associate only with those who improve you.

Station 2 – 7’s on the hill of WEP parking lot – H/R merkins at the bottom, squats at the top

Lesson 2 – Value your time more than your possessions.

Station 3 – The wall parking lot – 4 corners nurring or side shuffling between stations.
10 merkins, 20 LBCs, 10 diamonds, 20 box cutters – repeated the loop twice, b it bclock expired on the second loop.

Lesson 3 – we suffer more in imagination than reality

Station 4 – Parking Lot on the top of the hill across from COT. Fitting that a train whistle blew when we started this one.

7 minutes of burpees with breaks in between
13 – minute 1
12 – minute 2
11 – minute 3
10 – minute 4
9 – minute 5
8 – minute 6
7 – minute 7

Lesson 4 – The greatest remedy for anger is delay.

Mosey down the hill to COT.

MARY: no time – too busy finishing burpees


COT: Core principle #5 was executed

Thanks for the call out, Kermit.


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What a BIG Kettlebell!

WARMUP: SSH, Arm Circles, Low Slow squats, Merkins, NightClubs
THE THANG: Kettlebell switch- 12 guys picked a parking spot : 3 exercises in each spot : Move to next spot when completed and complete flutters while last pax Completed Toy soldiers on his way to the vacated spot at the end of the line. 10 reps each exercised : Round 1 – swings, squat jumps and Mike Tyson:
Round 2 : Curls, BombJax, and Dips.
We used the parking block for dips and Mike Tyson.
Head back for COT @ 5:57am.

MARY: none – out of time.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Mens shelter, Newsletter, CSAUP, and Service opportunities.
COT: Prayers

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VDay ladder of death

WARMUP: some exercises in Cadence. Wall sit with bearcrawl to the end of the line, first round things while bearcrawl things we were thankful for. Next round, things we need to improve upon.
THE THANG: parking spaces numbered 100-5 by 10s. Complete 100 run to the end, run back to 90, do exercise, run to end and back to 80, continued all the way to 5 burpees and then started back at 100 with 10 less.
MARY: no time
COT: hug your loved ones

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