Ballroom abs

YHC had the honor of leading some #HIM’s through a WO that allowed the PAX the ability to dial up or down their intensity. It’s important to recognize PAX levels of intensity when Q’ing so that you can ensure each PAX pushes one self to their acceptable level.

COP: SSH’s, IW, Windmills, LSS, big arm circles, and CDD (all in different cadence)

Mossy to bottom of hill at the backside of the PKMS gym.

At the bench 2 rounds of 10 reps each: Step ups each leg, dips, derkins, erkins.

Mossy to fire hydrant to where PAX chooses their intensity. Either NUR, Run, or walk for 11’s. Top of hill 10 Left Leg Scorpion merkins, run back to bottom for 1 Right Leg Scorpion merkin..rinse repeat till 11’s. If PAX finished early they went and picked up the 6.

Mossy back to benches for another 2 rounds of the same.

On the 6 for some marry – a crowd pleaser.

13 Hello Dollies right into 13 Rosaletta’s, right into 10 Hello Dollies and 10 Rosaletta’s, right into 5 of each without dropping feet to ground. Then box cutters, then flutters, then LBCs and finish with flutters.

Sprint to top of hill and come back for the six, mossy to COT for 15 more merkins.


Prayers and praises where plentiful from Cake Boss 2.0 doctor news, to my co-worker and daughter Morvan and Mila, to Spark Plug’s daughter, to my 2.0 Evan.

Thanks all!!

TClap |

Q & Co-Q (VQ) with Skipper

The guy has been on a strong trajectory, we call it acceleration, since coming onto the F3 scene a few months ago. After some advertising and excitement, 13 additional PAX joined SKIPPER and YHC, 15 total, for a Block Party throw down.

Announcement of the Qs…check
I surely hope they got their money’s worth. If not, don’t do the following.
Skipper took the PAX on the warmup run to FMCOG for
Low Slow Squats
Moroccan Night Clubs

Maximus on Q for the DECK OF CARDS!
Diamonds = Diamond Merkins
Hearts = Carolina Dry Docks
Clubs = V-Ups
Spades = Merkins
Jokers, of which there were 4 = 20 Sumo Squats

We didn’t make it all the way through the deck but here’s what we completed:
90 Diamond Merkins
104 Carolina Dry Docks
96 V-Ups
93 Merkins

Hand off to Skipper!!
From the corner of Withers and Academy, run hill repeats up Withers to Watson Street, yes, that hill. It was a ladder with squats at the top and burpees at the top. He’s a sick, sick man.

Mosey back to COT for the final round(s) of Mary.

Great morning to have these guys supporting Skipper’s VQ. Careful, his official, full 45min VQ is on March 30 at Golden Corral!

This COT stuck out to me due to the vulnerability by the guys. This was a true representation of what we have here and man, was it good. So blessed we are.

Skipper & Maximus

TClap |


YHC was honored to be granted the Q Spot for Slow Burn on the mildest morning of the week.  The rising temperatures likely led to increased turnouts throughout the week so as YHC sidewalk chalked the finishing touches on the workout and pulled up to COT, it was great to see a big number of HIMs gathered to start of the morning.

All PAX were disclaimed and assured that YHC was absolutely not a professional.  Risk was assumed by all present and off we moseyed to the warm-up:

COP consisted of the following exercises in varying quantities:  Windmills (Trucker-approved), Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, Side Straddle Hops, PAX remained in the plank position for the following: Merkins, Down dog, Up dog, Mountain Climbers, Peter Parkers, Shoulder taps, a 6-inch hold for a notably slow 10-count given by Trucker and the warm up was complete.  PAX moseyed to the Hampton Inn entrance were partner Dora was to commence:

50-100-150 – Merkins, LBC’s & Flutters

16 PAX made for even splits into groups of 4, which fit nicely with the 4 corner stations that were about to commence.  PAX counted off and miraculously all remembered their numbers as we moseyed to 4-corner land for 10-20-30’s.  Mode of transportation between stations varied and some PAX were displeased and modified.

PAX completed roughly 6 stations in total , did all exercises together in their assigned groups and rotated in clockwise fashion.

Station 1 – 10 bombjacks, 20 diamond merkins, 30 flutters and crawl bear to station 2

Station 2 – 10 burpees, 20 merkins, 30 Rosalitas and lunge walk to station 3

Station 3 – 10 bombjacks, 20 shoulder taps, 30 boxcutters and bear crawl to station 4

Station 4 – 10 burpees, 20 werkins, 30 Hello Dollys and NUR to station 1

YHC called time at 0556 and PAX moseyed to the Empire Pizza wall.  People’s Chair was held and each PAX spoke of a blessing for which they were thankful.  There were many.   After all sounded off we moseyed to COT for announcements, prayers and praises.

Announcements –

T-Claps to Curious George for taking the Q reins on Fort Mill Care Center and to Assassin for his leadership in this effort.  Sign up genius to post soon.

April 13 – Pancake breakfast celebrating 1-year anniversary of the Bubble.  T-Claps to Twister for spearheading this 2nd F event.

Prayers were offered for the schools beginning back full time Monday.  Praises to all the teachers, administrators and those who were part of this effort.

NMM – Blessings come in all forms.  As we slowly lift from the depths of this pandemic, YHC has found the simplicity of an ordinary day to be one of the greatest blessings there is.  Having the ability to get up, exercise and improve in all facets of our lives is something we all must embrace.  The effect that has on others around us is often greater than the effect on ourselves.

Thanks to Twister for the opportunity to lead.

With Gratitude,


TClap |

Fountain of Pain

Chill morning, two days after the Yeti and eight men showed up for the workout.  Olaf and Tesla ran 2 miles before the workout.  After a quick disclaimer, we took a couple steps back and did the following warm up exercises:  SSH x 20, Imperial Walkers x 12, Windmills x 10.

Next, we moseyed 1/2 mile to the second traffic circle for a round of Dora.  The exercises:  100 Jump Squats, 200 Lunges, and 300 LBCs.  While Partner 1 did the exercises, Partner 2 ran to Old Navy and back, switched up  with partner when returned.

Once we finished with Dora, we moseyed over to the fountain. There were exercises (burpees, step ups, dips, hand release merkins)  written in chalk at each of the four entrances into the fountain area.  Two of the exercises were performed when passing through the fountain area.  There were also exercises written at each traffic circle (squats, bomb jacks), American Burger (Flutters), and Just Fresh (LBCs).  The goal was to complete as many exercises before 0600.

Back to COT.   I believe there was a call for burpees when I went to grab my phone.


Great job everyone!

TClap |

Ripple Effect

15 PAX gathered to defeat the fartsack on a chilly but hospitable Thursday AM in the gloom.

Here’s what we did:

PAX were disclaimed and moseying commenced to the top of the hill at the high school entrance.  We did the following exercises in varying quantities in cadence:

Low slow squats, Moroccan night clubs in the people’s chair, 5 burpees OYO, imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers, windmills (Trucker approved), merkins, a few down dog and up dog stretches and we commenced/moseyed  to the Main Event – part one

1 – Jacob’s Ladder – 7’s were called – Kracken Burpees at the bottom and a run to the top for squats.  PAX finished at the top of the hill, planked and, when the 6 arrived, recovered and moseyed to Main Event – Part 2

2 – East or West – PAX were divided in teams of 2 and Bobber was given the choice to take his team (1) to the east field or the west field.  Choosing West, team 1 moseyed to the end zone and team 2 to the East end zone.

PAX performed the following exercises at each yard line in a head to head competition.  PAX ran to the specified yard line, did the exercise and nur’d back to the goal line each time

Team East – 10 diamond merkins, 20 burpees, 30 lunges, 40 squats, 50 SSH’s, 40 shoulder taps, 30 flutters, 20 burpees, 10 werkins.  Team leaders reached the red zone, but not the end zone

Team West – 10 kracken burpees, 20 bombjacks, 30 SSH’s, 40 Hello Dolly’s, 50 flutters, 40 Rosalitas, 30 burpees, 20 boxcutters, 10 kracken burpees.  Team leaders reached the red zone here too.

Time was called at 0556 to allow for mosey time to COT at 0600.

Announcements were made about this thing called the Yeti and a blood drive on 3-10.

Prayers were offered up and praises as well.

NMM – Ripple Effect – In our lives we encounter opportunities to make an impact numerous times a day.  Yet an “ordinary” moment to us could be an opportunity to make a moment extraordinary for someone else.  Holding a door for someone else, paying for a cup of coffee for the person behind you in a drive thru.  If you’ve ever been an a position to do for someone else, the feeling of doing so can bring about a joy to us and a lift the other person could be desperately needing.  Or, better yet, it may inspire the person you helped to do the same for another, and another, and another.  Our ripple effect can be an inspiring light to others if we allow it to be.  So let it.  YHC thanks Slap Shot for the call to the bullpen.  It’s always an honor to lead and a privilege to serve.

Cascade your influence well, men.  It makes a difference.  And greater than we’ll likely ever realize.

With Gratitude,



TClap |

Q vs Q Week 1 – The JOC

Backblast! Q vs Q Week 1
Date: 3/3/2021
AO: #3-w-the-joc
PAX: @River Rat @Fresh Prince @Bill Nye @Italian Job @JAG @Schrute Hardwood, Maximus, Esso, Ruby Slippers, Punch List, Tinsel, Harry Carry, Trucker, Fish Sticks
FNGs: 0
Q: @Bill Nye and Maximus
Count: 15
Week 1 Update: 1- Bill Nye:
The parking lot beside the AO is divided into 6 parts. The PAX ran to the bottom of the parking lot and did 10 burpees before bearcrawling up to the next level.
Each level repeated all previous excerices and then added a new exercise to the ladder.
10 burpees- 50 total
20 v ups- 60 total
30 merkins- 90 total
40 squats- 80 total
50 LBCs- 50 totalRound 1- Maximus:
Shoulder Smoker: Carolina Dry Docks, Bear Crawl, Wide Arm Merkins, Crawl Bear, Peter Parker, Bear Crawl, Diamond Merkins, Ski AbsRound 3- Bill Nye
I assumed that oxygen deprivation would be kicking in at this point so I made this part simple. 11s. Run up the hill for prison cell burpees, run back down the hill for Ripstick squats.
Prison cell burpee- Merikin, lift your left leg towards your chest, merkin, lift your right leg towards your chest, merkin, jump up, overhead clap. That’s one.
Ripstick squats- Assume the AL Gore position. Perform a calf raise, pausing at the top. That’s one.Round 2- Maximus:
Starting at point on the Criterium Track closest to the parking lot:
Sprint 1/4mi: Rabbits (first to finish the sprint) do Burpees until the six completes 5 Burpees
Sprint 1/4mi: Rabbits do Merkins until the six completes 10 Merkins
Sprint 1/4mi: Once we finished this sprint, we were running out of time so we made our way to C.O.T.NMM:
This morning I(Bill Nye) got to meet several new brothers and I also led half of a pretty good beat down. It was a pleasure to push and sweat with my brothers from both sides of the river. Also, Maximus is a beast and I am looking forward to working out with him again soon. Get After It men! (edited) 
TClap |

Finding Cindy

The cars really poured in this morning….

25 PAX Present

Changed my plans a bit….Modify as necessary, right?

SSH in cadence….had to part the waters for River Rat’s arrival
Burpees in cadence. I think we hit 18
Imperial Walkers in cadence 15ish

Brisk Mosey to the Church of God

Hillbilly Walkers
Some Yoga
Mountain Climbers
Slow Count Merkins (always a crowd pleaser)
A few burpees in cadence

Mosey through all the brick stairs at the Church of God
Plank it up in First Baptist Parking Lot
Some More Yoga (squats)

Bear Crawl with additive Merkins at each parking line
1-2-3-4-5-6 (total 21)
distance – a long way to bear crawl
Al Gore
Cossack Squats

Brisk Mosey up to the Rug factory

More Yoga? Yep
33 Monkey Humpers in cadence (nobody liked this)
Some burpees in cadence

Brisk Mosey to Sisk Memorial Parking Lot to find Cinder Blocks
(There’s a reason it’s called Block Party)
Thang:- divided into groups of 3
– Three Stations: Manmakers, plank, run to bottom of Massey hill and back
Had time for everyone to do one rotation (probably 15-20ish manmakers)

7 Additional Burpees in cadence
11 Bomb Jacks

Mosey with the blocks back to COT


Quote for the day from Thoreau’s Journal August 5 1891 ““The question is not what you look at, but what you see.”

A word on today’s naming: the Q takes responsibility for the outcome. That was me today. On naming an FNG, I went with “Dude Wipes” as a suggestion thrown out. Not the worst name, but was not right for this FNG.

It didn’t feel right. I did a poor job reading his body language. I should have vetoed it. Not my best moment as Q. We’ll rename this FNG.

When we’re on Q, we are charged to take responsibility. In this moment, I accepted responsibility for the outcome of the naming. In the future, I’ll take responsibility fearlessly when convicted. Even (especially?) when that conviction appears as a still small voice. If that means going against the flow of the PAX, so be it. After all, that’s a leader’s job: influencing movement towards advantage. Sometimes we gotta row upstream. I should have rowed harder today, and that’s on nobody but me.

Besides, none of the PAX wanted to do that many burpees or monkey humpers anyway. So if I go with a name they’re not happy with, it’s just more of the same from the 1st F side of the morning.

Welcome – unnamed FNG, It’ll be good to post with you again soon.
Welcome – Barrel Age, I think you brought out a lot of PAX to support you today!

Prayers for the kids, teachers, and parents of the FMSD as they plan for a return to school 5 days a week at all levels.

Band Camp Dismissed

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WWII Murph

Audie L Murphy

First Lieutenant, US Army

Major, Texas Army National Guard

Audie Leon Murphy (20 June 1925 – 28 May 1971) was an American soldier, actor, songwriter, and rancher. He was one of the most decorated American combat soldiers of World War II. He received every military combat award for valor available from the U.S. Army, as well as French and Belgian awards for heroism. Murphy received the Medal of Honor for valor that he demonstrated at the age of 19 for single-handedly holding off a company of German soldiers for an hour at the Colmar Pocket in France in January 1945, then leading a successful counterattack while wounded and out of ammunition. 

He fought in Africa, Italy, France, Belgium, Germany, and Austria, receiving the Purple Heart three times, the Bronze Star twice, the Silver Star twice, and of course the Medal of Honor. When asked why he jumped onto a flaming anti tank gun to fight off a company of Germans (while killing 50+), Audie responded with “They were killing my friends.”

Later in his life. To draw attention to the problems of returning Korean War and Vietnam War veterans, Murphy spoke out candidly about his own problems with posttraumatic stress disorder.[99] It was known during Murphy’s lifetime as “battle fatigue” and “shell shock“, terminology that dated back to World War I. He called on the government to give increased consideration and study to the emotional impact of combat experiences, and to extend health care benefits to war veterans.[100][101] As a result of legislation introduced by U.S. Congressman Olin Teague five months after Murphy’s death in 1971, the Audie L. Murphy Memorial VA Hospital[102] in San Antonio, now a part of the South Texas Veterans Health Care System, was dedicated in 1973.


200 Yard Bear Crawl

100 Burpees

200 Merkins

300 Squats

200 Yard Bear Crawl

We honored Audie Murphy through the pain that is above. Strong work Shield and Trucker.

Punch List out.

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Golden Corral…GOTTA GO

It was raining and the temps were dropping throughout the morning but as discussed with several PAX, it’s mornings like this when memories are made and durability is built.

In the end, 22 PAX posted this morning with 13 for this final Golden Corral of edition in January. It started a little something like this…

50 Fast SSH
10 Jump Squats
10 Merkins
10 Burpees

Run to TCES: ~1.2mi
Jack Webb: 1 Merkin : 4 Overhead Claps (Total of 10:40)
10 Burpees

Run to TC Baptist Church: ~.8mi
Wide Arm Merkins
1 V-Up : 4 Flutters I/C (Total of 5:20)

Run back to Teeter:
Al Gore’s followed by baby squats
15 Mike Tysons
5 Burpees

Run to the end of the center
More Mike Tysons & SSH

Move to another storefront


Until next time…Maximus

TClap |

Army Staff Sgt. Paul M. Neff II

Today we honored Army Staff Sgt. Paul M. Neff II, 30, who died November 7, 2003 serving during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Paul was assigned to 5th Battalion, 101st Aviation Regiment, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), based in Fort Campbell, Ky.; killed in action when a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter was shot down Nov. 7 in Tikrit, Iraq. Neff was one of six soldiers killed in the incident. He was assigned to the 101st Airborne Division based in Fort Campbell, Ky. He was a graduate of Fort Mill High School.

After the disclaimer, we put on our rucks and headed over to the pull up bars.

Three Rounds:

Pull-ups                           10 reps

Balls to the Wall           10 second hold


Next, we headed to the field, the end zone was our starting point. Exercises with ruck:

  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Flutters
  • Lunge walk 10 yards
  • Drop ruck, run to far end zone
  • Rinse and repeat until reach opposite end zone

Heading back to original starting point, exercises with ruck:

  • Plank pull thru – 10 yards
  • 10 Clean and press
  • Drop ruck, run to far end zone
  • Rinse and repeat until reach opposite end zone

Thanks for the opportunity.

Great job by everyone!

TClap |