Circle of Pain

WARMUP: Probably
THE THANG: Stood in a circle and played with two small bells. Periodically ran a lap
MARY: More bell work
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Battle Bot, Bethel, Garbage, Convergence, Jager
COT: Lots of family in out hearts today

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Return of the Mack -Bubba don’t slack so liberty did

Arm circles

15 minute oyo 10 rep intervals
Bicep curl
Tricep extension
Upright row

Upright row
Arm extensions

Merkins on bell
LBC w bell
Flutters w bell


Alcatraz convergence
Garbage pickup
Hive convergence


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GoRuck’s Valentine’s Day Massacre

Straight from the email inbox, delivered from GoRuck’s Tribe workouts, we performed The Valentine’s Day Massacre-Post Mortem (or most of it, at least)
WARMUP: Carry all sand bags to our starting point for a few of the typical warmup exercises.
Buy-In: 100 Sandbag Back Squats
Then, 4 Rounds:
200m Sandbag Shuffle
20 Sandbag Clean & Front Toss
20 Bear Crawl Sandbag Drags (each drag=1)
20 Sandbag Shoulder-to-Shoulders (each side=1)
Cash-Out: 100 Sandbag Front Squats (Punchlist did finish, I did not)

2 Things happened this morning that I greatly appreciate:
1. When starting round 4, it appeared that I had enough time to complete so I made a comment about taking my foot off the gas. Band Camp then said he’d murder me if I let up, I’m paraphrasing. I appreciate the reminder that just because I’ve done good work before, it’s not a hall pass to coast into the perceived finish line.
2. While executing the Cash-Out Squats, I was nearing squat #20 and my form was beginning to suffer. I was leaning forward at the waist and compromising form. Seeing this, Punchlist called me out by name stating my error noting this was not the proper way to perform a squat, especially with the added weight of a sandbag. This means a ton to me because that translates to someone caring enough about me to not let me live incorrectly. You may roll your eyes at the connection but I could have easily continued my incorrect squats and have nothing happen. Or, I could’ve easily injured myself. Regardless, I wasn’t realizing the benefit of doing the hard work and PL saw that. I appreciate that.

MARY: Assumed it was included in the above.
COT: 5th Core Principle

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Touchdown! … Or not

– Moroccan nightclubs
– Cherry pickers
– Windmill
– Hillbilly walker
Mosey down the hill to the football stadium. Stop at curb and 10 inclined merkins on curb in cadence, mosey, 10 calf raises on curb in cadence, mosey

Head to the football field parking for 4 corners:
– 2 burpees every time you make it back to the center
– Run to boards:
Board 1 – 40 American Hammers in single count, then bear crawl back to center
Board 2 – 15 bomb jacks, then run back to center
Board 3 – 20 squats, then karaoke back to center
Board 4 – 15 Mike Tyson’s, then Nur back to center

Head to football field for some 10 yard intervals
– run forward to 10 yard line and do one burpee, then nur to start and complete exercise
– Run forward to 20 yard line and do 2 burpees, then nur to start and complete exercise
– Repeat for 100 yards

Exercises per 10 yards :
– 10 Mike Tysons
– 20 leg raises
– 30 low slow squats
– 40 diamond merkins
– 50 American hammers – single count
– 60 Carolina Dry Docks
– 70 squats
– 80 merkins
– 90 LBC’s – proper form – per <@UGU3XR5RP>
– 100 calf raises

MARY: flutters and LBC’s

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Twister will be Q @6@6 every week

The Twister claims 26 is a record. The site Q confirmed.

Also confirmed, a handful of guys showed to begin training for D2D

WARMUP: Probably a lot of hugging
THE THANG: running, with fly-bys at The Fort
MARY: no
ANNOUNCEMENTS: eat your Wheaties
COT: pre

Good luck to all at D2D

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Bucket of pain, Trivia and Wheelbarrow

Overhead clap, Moroccan night club, side saddle hope and squats
Bucket of pain / trivia with wheelbarrow push
– pick an exercise card / trivia question, announce the exercise for the group, nur to the wheelbarrow, push the wheelbarrow up and down the incline, bear crawl back to the group.
– Ask the trivia question. Wrong answer = 5 burpees. We did a lot of burpees. C was the most common answer.
– Repeat process until all PAX had fun with the wheelbarrow.

Partner exercise
– 40 burpees
– 60 Merkins
– 80 Squats
– 100 LBCs
– 120 Side straddle hop
– Repeat

Returned to COT.
– D2D
– Bethel men’s shelter
– Convergence for Battle bot


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Feeling the Need for Speed

WARMUP: Ran over to CRHS via The Dominion hood
THE THANG: Tracks were locked up, so we used the parking lot outside the football field to do 400m ladder intervals speed work
1 lap hard (5K pace or faster), 1 lap off (easy pace, just don’t walk it)
2 laps hard, 1 off
3 laps hard, 1 off
4 laps hard, 1 off
Then decend back down to 1 hard, 1 off
Most got in at least 4 miles total. Solid work by everyone.
MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read the newsletter and get involved!
COT: a lot of P&P lifted up.
Thanks Time Machine for the opportunity to lead.
SYITG. Blessings,

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