Off My 4th Point of Contact to Q

The disclaimer was remembered, although, I was reminded that it was incomplete. F3 cannot be sued.
Moseyed to the HD parking lot – High knees, butt-kickers etc. Karoke is not a good warmup if you are nursing plantar facitis.
Circled up for IW, HW, Morrocan NC, Plank/Down dog/Honeymooner and slow/old-man/windmills.
Moseyed to the back of Target where the bad ideas started – probably as a result of being a slug for sometime. We did several rounds of 7’s between the walls, by the dumpster; interrupted by the Peoples’ Chair. Rd 1 – Mode: Bearcrawl, Peter Parkers and Parker Peters. Rd 2 – Mode: Lungewalk, Monkey Humpers and Squat Jumps. Rd 3 – Mode: Crabwalks, Rosalitas and Freddie Mercury. Rd 4 – Mode: Hop, Calf-raises and Bomb Jacks.
Moseyed 10 feet to long, back wall of Target for Peoples’ Chair and Donkey Webbs. After the previous bad ideas Donkey Webbs were a badder idea.
Moseyed to Best Buy for a brief taste of core exercises. I needed the core to start working of my large sit-up muscle.
COT: Prayers for families and loss of loved ones and for difficult conversations to be had with friends. Praises for new jobs and wedding anniversaries.
The word for May is mentorship. We saw examples this morning – young men, mentored by fathers and friends holding friends accountable. Pastor Tony Evans has a quote – “We are born male, but we choose to be men”. Maxim #3 in “Mansfield’s Book of Manly Men”: is “Manly Men, build Manly men.”
Thank you Jedi for getting me out of bed with the opportunity to Q. It is always an honor. Tater.

TClap |

The Art of Merkin Cadence…

What is more difficult than doing 20 merkins first thing in the morning? Trying to do 20 merkins first thing in the morning in cadence and remembering to breathe! I was doing well until I hit merkin #11 and it was downhill from there. I got to 19 and decided that breathing was more important than following my weinke to a T.  After catching my breath and drastically cutting down on my already small warm-up, I decided to go ahead and mozy over to the band parking lot to begin our workout. Here’s how it went down…

The Thang:

William Wallace #1

PAX breaks up into even groups, dispersing to four corners with radio in the middle playing 90″s grunge. (make sure you know exactly how to do the routine so that explanations come easy!) While each person holds a plank, one group member does a bear crawl to the center for 20 triceps merkins and then run back to the group. Each man does each exercise once. Next is 20 big boy sit-ups, 20 LBC’s, and 20 squats. That is a long plank hold!

We then took a quick break to talk about something that was weighing on my mind so I thought I would share with PAX. From time to time I get a feeling that I should reach out to a certain person and it will nag at me until I finally give that person a call or have some quality face-to-face time with them. I feel like it is God telling me that that person needs me for some reason. I encouraged the PAX to not let this feeling pass you by and to reach out to someone if they’ve been on your mind.

William Wallace #2

Instead of holding plank, PAX stayed in Al Gore position throughout.

Bear crawl to center for 20 wide arm merkins, 20 LBC’s, 20 big boy sit-ups, and 20 calf raises.

on to the last portion of our routine…

Partner up, size matters

Lazy Doras

100 total merkin to be done in a rotating fashion. One does 10 merkin while the other holds plank until you reach 100. Partner carry to the next position and alternate between 100 squat jumps while partner does flutter kicks. Partner carry again to next position and 100 LBC’s while partner holds squat.

Thank goodness we didn’t get to the 50 burpees and superman holds!

Mozy back to COT where we finished the workout with our 40’s (40 merkins, 40 LBC’s, 40 Squats, 40 bomb jacks)

Name-o-rama, announcements and prayers.

It was a great workout with a great group of men and we were all able to get better!

Thanks so much for the opportunity to lead, Lil E!




TClap |

Is There a Name for That? GC, 4.9.19

It’s been a long time since YHC had the opportunity to Q at the region’s buffet of pain. When the call came out requesting my service, I readily accepted and then immediately forgot about it. Good thing our buddy Lutefisk has that reminder email set up!

A few brave (read: ill informed) PAX pre-ran before the group of 10 – scratch that, 11 when Duck Dynasty came in hot – gathered for the disclaimer at 0515. Once that was done, we set off on a mosey around the parking lot for a string-of-pearls style warmup.

Moseys included side shuffles, high knees, butt kickers, toy soldiers, and forward-moving hillbilly squat walkers. Every little bit we stopped for a warmup exercise or two.

Pearl 1: 25 SSH + 5 burpees

Pearl 2: 10 Windmills + 5 burpees

Pearl 3: 20 Moroccan Night Clubs + 5 burpees

Mosey up to the church parking lot for the fun. Basic plan: circuit work done as a group. Exercise, run a lap, exercise, run a lap, and so on. Each round of the circuit gets progressively harder and therefore more enjoyable.

Circuit 1

  • Round 1
    • Jumping Lunges (20 in cadence)
    • Merkins (15 in cadence)
    • High Knees (100 – 50 per leg)
  • Round 2
    • Jumping Lunge half turns (10 in candence I think)
    • Diamond Merkins (15 in cadence I think)
    • High Knees (100 – 50 per leg…this I’m sure of)
  • Round 3
    • 3-pulse Lunge Jumps (20 in cadence; drop into lunge and pulse three times “Thigh Master” style, then jump and switch legs)
    • Slo-mo Merkins (10 in cadence; 5 count down, 5 count hold at the bottom, 5 count up)
    • High Knees (100 – 50 per leg)

Circuit 2

  • Round 1
    • Squat Jumps (15 in cadence I think)
    • Carolina Dry Docks (20 in cadence)
    • Run Lunge High Knee Skip (5 per leg; do a runner’s lunge with hands on the ground, back leg comes forward and through as you jump up, same leg goes back behind as you come back down to runner’s lunge)
  • Round 2
    • 3-pulse Sumo Squat Jump (10 in cadence, same idea as 3-pulse jump lunges above)
    • Dive Bomber Merkins (10 in cadence) RUN TO COT
    • Run Lunge High Knee Skip (5 per leg)

Circuit 3

  • We only got to one round here, with no running between…
    • DaVinci cartwheels (20 – 10 per leg; check the exicon as these are there)
    • Donkey Dogs (10 per leg; one-legged downward dog, the leg that is up comes forward to same-side elbow, then back in the air)
    • Burpees (15)

And that’s 0600. Already in COT, so quick count, name-o-rama, announcements, and prayers.

No big message to share today. Proud of the guys. We got at least 2.5 miles of running mixed in among all the other stuff. It looks like there are some exercises that could use a name, so I’m open to suggestions.

Always an honor to lead. Thanks for the opportunity, Lutefisk.



TClap |

Tabata Time at the Quagmire

Monday morning and the start of a new business week.  It was finally warm, 64 degrees… and with that warmth comes humidity!  I haven’t been to Quagmire in too long, that standard excuse about passing other AOs to get to another one.  But being invited by Jedi to Q had me up early and ready to go!  It was a welcome sight to see our Weasel Shaker and his merry men show up for ass-kickin’ April as an added bonus.  I’m sure they did not enjoy themselves today.  More coming at the Poopdeck Thursday!

With 17 guys ready to start I gave the disclaimer.  Great to see Meltdown and The Admiral up at it early… (two FNGs from last week!) We started to run…and run…and run.

So we stopped all the way over on the other end of Rivergate, close to the Trulent banking center. We did a circle lap half way to our destination to gather the group back together and not let them pull too far apart.  There were a few PAX begging for it to stop.  Maybe they shouldn’t have pre-ran today?  (You know who you are) But we got to run a few circle laps while the 6 made it in for COP.


IWs – Windmills – Merkins – SSHs – Peter Parkers – Some broga in between some of those.

Evolution #1

Had to grab my speaker that I’d hidden in a bush. Informed the guys we would be doing 10 minutes of Tabata with 20 seconds on 10 seconds off.  Each of these exercises would be done 4 times in a row.

1.  Lunges

2. Ranger Merkins

3. Bombjacks

4. Flutters

5. Burpees

I played some loud rough music to keep the blood flowing during this session.  It was much harder than this write-up sounds.  After we finished, I asked a couple guys to give us an “Apache 10 count”.  Kenyan just brought this back from Rock Hill to his Q at the Deep on Saturday.  The PAX giving the 10 count shares some stuff about himself. Family, who EH’d, how long doing F3, etc.  I really liked that idea and Funhouse, Bones, and Cornhole  got to share.

Mosey to Evolution #2

Long run back behind Home Depot

We sat on the wall while each end would run to the long hall, sprint down it and return.  Then the next PAX 2×2 would go. That took longer than I thought so people’s chair was painful.

Next BTTW 30 count

People Chair with the ends doing 5 jump squats

20 Mike Tyson’s OYO on the wall

BTTW 30 count

People’s chair with 5 Merkins

Only 5 minutes left, moseyed back to COT.

Had 2 minutes to spare some AB Lab to finish the morning.

Announcements: Read your newsletter and check twitter/slack.

Prayers for families and my son who swallowed  a part of a toothpick Sunday that got stuck in his throat.  Hoping there was no more damage internally.  As of Monday night he seems better.

An honor to lead




TClap |

Old School Slug Fest at the Corral

Man, I have to give props to our boy Lutefisk for taking over this AO as Site Q and really elevating the attendance and holy cow the consistent FNG’s rolling up here.  It’s so great to see, and likely the only reason I got 14 to come out to my Slug Fest of a Q.

After taking it easy for a week post P200, I decided to turn it on and give the pax a reason for getting up so early.

Warm up was quick – side straddle hops x20, windmlls x 10 and we were off for the real warm-up:

  • Burpee Mile – from COT, I led the pax on a very brisk mosey behind the Teeter, through the apartment complex, up the steep hill, out to 160, down to the gas station and back through the Teeter parking lot and ended back at the steep hill out back.
      • The kicker was that we stopped every 0.2 of a mile and knocked out 5 burpees along the way.  Finished w/ 25 burpees, and then tacked on 5 more just for good measure and a round 30 count.

Next up, a simple Dora…on the hill…with burpees.  We partnered up on the level ground about 3/4 up the hill near the fire station and I informed the pax:

  • Partner 1 runs down the hill, knocks out 5 burpees, and back pedals up the hill.  Meanwhile, the partner not running works on the rep count of the following exercises (partners switch on and off as they complete the hill) –
      • Merkins x100
      • Jump Squats x200
      • Crunchy Frog (Witchhunt special) x300 (we may have cut this off at 200 count)

This stunk.  Back pedaling hills is evil.  Once we finished there, the wounded pax were led back over to the Teeter parking lot via another mosey.  Next up, the Jedi version of Jack Webbs – holy smoke show:

  • On the curb – 1 dip per 4 crab cakes…up to 10 dips / 40 crab cakes.  I  never want to do another crab cake again.  So many crab cakes – appropriate given it’s Golden Corral.  Arms were toast.

From there, we did side shuffle suicides on the full length parking lot which brought my heart rate to 110% of what it’s supposed to do and finished w/ 1 min to spare at COT where we knocked out 11 merkins, 10 diamonds, 9 merkins and 8 diamonds.

Encouraged the pax to read up on Jedi’s Muggo posting about his Greatest Fear and then spoke briefly on something that’s been on my heart .

What would you do differently throughout your day / week / life if you lived eternally focused and NOT from a temporal perspective?  How might you interact w/ your kids or wife or those around you differently?  How might you come to practice more patience / endurance?  Would your timing expectations change?  How might your desires / things you’re asking God for change?

Appreciate all the pax that shared prayer requests and came out to play this fine Tuesday morning.  I was definitely sore so hope each and every one of them walked away in better spirits and a little vomity.

Cha Ching

TClap |

No Pity on the Fools at Quagmire

Jedi here, stepping in for Mr. T to get his backblast from April 1 posted…

Vinny was the scheduled Q, and even mentioned this to Mr. T Sunday morning. Much to Mr. T’s surprise, Vinny called him up late Sunday night requesting a substi-Q. This late change of plans caused for some confusion in the wee hours of Monday morning, but at 0515 Mr. T took control, gave a disclaimer (with some assistance), and off we went.

Mosey around to Sport Clips parking lot with some high knees, butt kickers, and shuffles along the way. That was the warm up. For the rest of the workout, Mr. T rolled out the dice, of which there were four. Simple rules: roll the dice, he’d announce and lead the exercise to some pre-determined number that may or may not be a multiple of 10, rinse and repeat.


4 – low slow squats

5 – mountain climber

6 – Freddie mercury

7 – LBC

8 – You Call It

9 – Rosalita

10 – American Hammer

11 – Peters on the wall (Peter Parkers in BTTW position, not the other possible definition)

12 – People’s Chair

13 – You Call It

14 – Crab walk/bear walk the circle

15 – Run (to a new location; we did this a few times, ending up in front of Home Depot, outside Just Fresh, in front of Tuesday Morning, and outside Casual Pint)

16 – High Knee Skip

17 – Plank hip dips (on your elbows)

18 – Side plank, arm (and leg) high, both sides

19 – You Call It

20 – Plank hands to elbows

21 – Peter Parker/Parker Peter

22 – Hello Dolly

23 – You Call It

24 – Burpees

With four dice, you can assume most of our rolls ended up in the middle numbers.

Return to COT for number-o-rama, name-o-rama, announcements-o-rama (not actually a thing), and praises and prayers.

Welcome (no longer an) FNG, The Admiral.

Mr. T would like to thank Vinny for the opportunity. It’s difficult to tell if there was sarcasm in his text saying as much.

I would like to thank Mr. T for stepping up. I know it’s been hard for him to get out and post consistently lately, but it’s always good to see him. It’s probably especially difficult to come back and Q after not Qing for a long time. I think it was safe to say he was a bit nervous, but he still took control and led the PAX through a solid beatdown for a Monday morning. It was also great to see the PAX gather together and encourage him throughout the workout.

TClap |

Spring workout at the Buffet of pain Golden Corral

Great morning and great weather!

8 strong came out to get stronger

Nice mosey for a half mile to warm up


Seal Jacks 15

Slow Merkins 10

Slow Squats 15

Peter Parker 15

Parker Peter 15

MKC 15

mosey for a big loop

15 Burpees

Partner up size does not matter

Each partner sprints 2 short laps 2 times while partner 1 does squats meet up and do 10 handslap merkins (Repeat 5 times each for a total of 100 hand slap merkins)

All Mosey for a big lap

15 Burpees

Partner up and do squats while the other partner sprints 2 laps. Meet up and do 10 hand slap big boy situps (Repeat 5 times each)

Mosey for a big lap

5 Burpees



TClap |

Shovel flag hand off at LacesIn

15 Pax sounded the call and hit LacesIn on this brisk morning while 4 Pax hit the track for LacesOut.

The Thang

YHC ran through the disclaimer and then handed off Cyclops to get the party started.  I think Cyclops may have said Mosey, but it was basically a sprint from the stadium parking lot to the band parking lot.

COP – all in cadence.  Moroccan Night Clubs x 16, Baby Arm Circles foward and backwards x 16, SSH x 32, windmills x 16, Merkins x 8

Mosey back to The Hive’s parking lot and start at first light pole for 64 squats, mosey to light pole across parking lot for 32 walking lunges.  Mosey to next light pole for 16 calf raises regular, 16 calf raises with toes pointed in and 16 with toes pointed out.  Mosey back across parking lot to light pole for 8 box cutters, 4 bomb jacks and 2 burpees.  Do same exercises in reverse starting with the 2 burpees and working back up.

Hand off back to YHC.  I had planned on some NCAA march madness trivia and life got in the way, so just settled for one question.  Who has won the most titles and how many?  Bonsai and Offset combined for correct answer of UCLA with 11.  In honor of UCLA’s 11 titles we did 11’s with burpees and squat jumps.  Lined up on curb to start with 10 burpees ran to 2nd light pole for 1 squat jump, back to curb for 9 burpees then back to light pole for 2 squat jumps.  Continue until you are 1 burpee and 10 squat jumps.

Mosey back to stadium parking lot for 6 minutes of mary all exercises in cadence to 10.  LBCs with feet on the ground, lbcs with feet raised (normal), lbcs with right leg straight, lbcs with left leg extend, and dying cockroaches.


Christina Latini Memorial 8k in Huntersville on 3/30.  If you cannot make that they are doing a virtual 8k at Alcatraz.

T-claps to Cyclops as he takes over as site Q of LacesIn.  Very excited to see what he will do as new site Q!  Also, much appreciated to everyone that has come out or Q’d at LacesIn the past couple of years.  You have made posting each Thursday enjoyable.

TClap |

Survive and Advance

Lutefisk was put on the IR this week and YHC felt called to respond to his call for a substitute Q at Golden Corral. Disclaimers were delivered to a crowd of 14 HIMs – Gekko took a 5-mile ish mosey in preparation for this weekend’s long training run (aka P200). The remaining PAX moseyed off for a March Madness themed workout with many reps.

COT – all I/C (note the counts and their march madness like numbers)
Moroccan Night clubs x Sweet 16
Arm circles forward and backward x Sweet 16
SSH x 32 (just because…..)
Windmills x Sweet 16
Mountain Climbers X Sweet 16
Merkins D/C X Elite 8
Honeymooners, planks, salutations to the right and left with a few 6-inch holds dome for 10 counts of varying length

Mosey to the Brackets. Disclaimer – Like the NCAA’s – some brackets are more difficult than others. Regardless of the challenge, the mission is the same – survive and advance. All exercises were completed twice (or until YHC called time)- the first round was descending down the list and the second was ascending up the list – 64-32-16-8-4-2-2-4-8-16-32-64.

Bracket #1 – East region
64- Squats
32 – Shoulder taps
16- Dips
8- Burpees
4 – Hello Dollys
2 – Dying Cockroach

Bracket #2 – West region
64- Squats
32 – Clave raises – 32 inner, 32 outer and 32 middle: 96 total – just because………
16- Burpees
8- Lunge walks (per leg)
4 – Dying Cockraoch
2 – LBC’s

Bracket #3 – Midwest region
64- Flutters (single count)
32 – Merkins (single count)
16- Burpees
8- Boxcutters
4 – Flying squirrels (just for C-SPAN)
2 – Burpees

Bracket #4 – South region
64 – LBC’s
32 – Dying Cockroaches (Single count)
16- Walking Lunges (per leg)
8- Burpees
12 – Clave Raises – 4 inner, 4 outer and 4 middle
2 – LBC’s

The last round finished at 5:58 – just in time to hustle back to COT, but jailbreak did not need to be called.


Operation Sweettooth 8k in Huntersville 3-30-19.  Support Olive.  VIrtual run from Alcatraz at 6:30 AM the same day.   Questions – Change Order

Paradise Reading Center Monday & Wednesdays – Bethlehem Baptist Church 4:00 PM – great way to fill the 3rd F – Questions – Crabcakes and Copay

Read your newsletter

Prayers:   One year to the week of Badger’s diagnosis and 10 months this Thursday since he went to be with Sky Q.  Lift up his M and 2.0’s

It is an honor to be a part of such a terrific group of HIMs who are committed to accelerating.  I was glad to come out of the bullpen for this Q.  And to those considering stepping up to Q for the first time (or not), to steal a phrase from Nike – just do it.  In the COT, thanks was given for our group of F3.  Our ability to push one another past our comfort zones and get comfortable with discomfort is a privilege that should be treated as a blessing – let’s accept it as such and see it for the springboard of growth it is meant to serve.



TClap |

Tinsel Utensils at Golden Corral

Perfect weather to bring out some toys to play, I did my regular 4 stations setup where each stations works a particular group of muscles. After the disclaimer we did a quick run and started our warm up:


Moroccan night clubs

Low Slow Squats

Mountain Climbers

Low Slow Merkin

The plan was to finish a full 4 station circuit within 22 minutes and we did, after completion of a station you had to  bear crawl the next one. stations were setup as follow:


30 LBC’s

30 Rosalitas

30 Sledgehammer swings (15 each side)

40 Heel Touches SC

40 Dying Roach SC

20 slam ball to ground with 20# ball


10 burpees

10  Tire flips

20  Monkey Humpers

20 lunges SC

30 low squat (touch the ground with hand)

50 calf raises


10 diamond merkins

15 wide arm merkins

20 regular merkins

30 battle rope wave SC

40 Shoulder taps

40 plank jack



10 man makers

15 biceps curls

20 bent over row

25 overhead press

30 triceps extension

40 shoulder shrug

After about 32 minutes we were done with a full circuit and had the visit of the legendary captain Thor, 1 Big Boy Sit Up and 4 American Hammers, progressive to 10 BBSU and 40 AH, lots of whining during this exercise, one PAX was even offered some cheese to go along with that whine!! After we finished captain Thor it was time to stretch out our backs with superman, we did 2×25 count. With about 5 minutes to spare we lined up next to what used to be Fort Mill BBQ and did some sprints all the way across to the end of the parking lot, after 5 sprints PAX where smoked but we had one minute left so we went for a 6th sprint, not sure if PAX liked it since there was lots of mumble chatter.

We moseyed back to COT for announcements, prayers and praises.

Great push by everyone, good mix of legs, core and upper body work.

Tinsel out…

TClap |