Slow Burn Deck of Pain

The morning started out cooler than yesterday…and everyone noticed that right away. That’s okay, because what I had in store would keep everyone warm enough without question.

Started out with the standard disclaimer, then moseyed down the hill for the warm-up.

  • Butt Kickers
  • High Knees
  • Circle up
  • SSH’s
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Windmills
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Hillbilly Walkers

Mosey over to the side lot for the Thang.  Now, when we got over there the PAX saw the deck of cards and immediately knew what was coming.  I set the ground rules:

Aces are 1, Face cards are 10, we will use the value of the card and do that many sets of 10 of a given exercise, and each suite for that card will determine what exercise would be done.

We did 4 rounds in total, with a lap around the building in between rounds.

Round 1 – CORE; Round 2 – UPPER BODY; Round 3 – LOWER BODY; Round 4 – CARDIO with the ultimate goal to provide a solid and challenging total body workout!

So, we started out with a face card that meant we had to get after it right out of the gate with 100 box cutters.  And the mumble chatter turned at that very first exercise of round 1 ;-).

Overall, we did hundreds of exercises, some more than others, but the exercises completed for each round were as follows:

  • LBC’s (Hearts) – We did about 60
  • Flutter Kicks (Clubs) – We did 100
  • Box Cutters (Spades) – We did 100
  • American Hammers (Diamonds) – We did 80

Run a lap around the building

  • Merkins (Hearts) – We did 80 or 90
  • Carolina Dry Docks (Clubs) – I think we did 70
  • Moroccan Night Clubs (Spades) – I think we did 40
  • Overhead Hand Claps (Diamonds) – I think we did 50

Run a lap around the building

  • Squats (Hearts) – I can’t remember how many we did
  • Monkey Humpers (Clubs) – We did 100
  • Apollo Ohno’s (Spades) – I think we did 40 or 50
  • Lunges (Diamonds) – We did 10 each leg

Run a lap around the parking lot to save time and get the last round in

  • Peter Parkers (Hearts) – I think we did 40 or 50
  • Mountain Climbers (Clubs) – I think we were in the 30 or 40 range
  • SSH’s (Spades) – We did 80
  • Parker Peters (Diamonds) – I think we did 20

Mosey back up to COT

There was a lot of complaining, but I was really proud of all the PAX as they pushed through the pain and discomfort and came out their comfort zone.  Moderate is a state of mind, and I will admit that a lot of times I tell myself I can’t do something, but then when pushed by the PAX I find out, hey, it hurt like crazy, but yes, I can do that!  Today it was my turn to lead the PAX and push them.  I’m feeling it for sure now, and I know they all are too…but I wouldn’t change it for the world!


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Yahtzee Culture Club Style

So, Culture Club came out completely prepared as usual.  Always love attending one of his workouts!  This Friday morning we played Yahtzee in a way I personally never have before.

The basics were one PAX called out an exercise from the bottom list seen above, and the remaining PAX did that exercise while the first PAX took his three rolls for Yahtzee.  Once the points were written on the tape, then the blue tape was removed to reveal which exercise would be performed, and the reps would be the amount of the score written in.  If the exercise under the blue tape was highlighted in green it meant that for the next round, instead of choosing an exercise from the bottom list, the PAX would run a lap around the parking lot.

If you have not been out to participate in a Culture Club workout, I highly suggest you plan for it.  He has certainly set a high bar of excellence, at least in my book 😉.

Smithers – Out

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Last Minute Q at Footloose with a promise of no stairs

So I took the Q at the last minute to help out Beacon, and during the initial twitter planning there was a request made for no stairs, so I decided to make today’s beat down leg friendly in the event any P200 guys were going to post.

So we started out with a quick disclaimer, and then a short mosey to the entrance on the left side of the church where we circled up for a warm-up:

  • SSH’s in cadence – 25
  • Overhead hand claps in cadence – 25
  • Windmill in cadence – 10
  • Moroccan Nightclubs in cadence – 25
  • Cherry Pickers in cadence – 10

Mosey to the back lot under the overhang for the start of the main course

  • LBC’s in cadence – 15
  • Flutter Kicks in Cadence – 25
  • Boat/Canoe single count – 10

A quick discussion on the word of the month (Abide).  We discussed how one of the critical components to being able to abide in something is trust.  Then once the trust is established we need to relinquish control and trust in whom we abide (specifically in Christ)

Rinse and Repeat

Took a quick mosey around the parking lot, then over to the wall for some People’s Chair

  • Each PAX popped out of the chair for 3 strong burpees, starting at both ends and working to the center

Around the corner for some more core work:

  • Hello Dolly’s in cadence – 20
  • Freddy Mercury in cadence – 20
  • Big Boy Sit-ups single count – 10
  • American Hammer in cadence – 20

Back around the corner for some more People’s Chair

  • Each PAX popped out of the chair for three strong bombjacks, starting at both ends and working to the center.

A quick on the spot question to Lugnut asking how he got his name and what F3 has meant to him, then back around the corner for some upper body work:

  • Merkins in cadence – 10
  • Diamond Merkins in cadence – 10
  • Carolina Dry Docks in cadence – 10
  • Wide arm Merkins in cadence – 10

Rinse and Repeat

Mosey around the parking lot and back to under the overhang.  Another quick on the spot question to Spitz asking how he got his name and what F3 has meant to him, then a lightning round of core work:

  • LBC’s in cadence – 15
  • Flutter Kicks in Cadence – 20
  • Hello Dolly’s in cadence – 20

Mosey back to COT for a bit of stretching lead by Kilbasa

Done.  All that planning for a P200 friendly workout and the only one remotely interested was Anchorman who started training for the P200 today 😉

Smithers – Out

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Milkshakes at Tomahawk

I love a good Twitter Storm… a little chatter and we had a pretty strong showing for a Monday. Milder weather probably didn’t hurt anything either… Let’s get to it:

Warm up lap around the outer loop of the parking lot

Circle up in middle of lot:
10 x windmill
10 x merkins
10 x squats
15 x SSH
10 x Moroccan Nightclubs

Grab your bell and go around school to small back parking lot.

AMRAP is the name of the game today… As Many Reps As POSSIBLE… You define possible for yourself, but I 100% promise you are capable of more than your mind thinks you are.

Very simple… 40lb. Sandbag is hoisted on to a Pax shoulders, and he runs about 150 yards down and back. This man is the timer. Do the exercise on the cone until the sandbag runner gets back, then rotate to the next cone.

Goblet Squats
KB Front Hold
Flutters with press
Clean and press (L then R)
KB Swings
Around the World (or Slingshot)

If you want to know what’s in a man’s head, watch his actions for a bit… We will eventually always betray what is inside us. I had hard work on the mind over the last few days, so I attempted to bring it to the Pax. After a couple rounds, though, I think I had quitting on my mind… I gave some inspiring blah, blah, blah at the start about working hard and how we were going to do as many reps as POSSIBLE, and how we should push and so on and so on… I ran fast when it was my turn… I lifted the heavy things… but I didn’t do it with the intensity and purpose that I knew I should/could have… I keep saying, “The hard work of this world will not be done by weak men.” I know it’s true, but I think I’m not even close to strong enough yet. Fortunately, I don’t have to be yet.

Helmet, out.


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4 Corners at the Ballroom

We had 22 PAX at the Ballroom for some 4 corners work.  We took a short mosey with some toy soldiers and high knees thrown in there and headed toward the back parking.  Before starting out we had a brief intro on the theme of the month Victory. YHC challenged the PAX to think of where you are seeking victory.  The place where we most need victory is in our relationship with Christ.  With that seed planted we started our COP with COP consisted of SSH, windmills, Moroccan knight clubs, Merkins and a few Yoga exercises.

Now on to the meat and potatoes.  Did I say we were doing 4 corners? Yeah, I thought so.  In each corner there was a list of 4 exercises.  Make a lap for each # return to the middle for 5 burpees or bomb-jacks.  The 4 rounds were as follows:

15 Reps. for each exercise:

  1. LBC’s, Flutters, Hello Dolly’s, and American Hammers
  2. Calf Raises, lunges, Sumo Squats, and regular Squats
  3. Peter Parkers, Mtn. Climbers, SSH, Parker Peters
  4. Shoulder Taps, John Travolta’s, CDD’s, and Merkins

Back to the center for some encouragement on victory.

20 Reps for each exercise:

  1. LBC’s, Flutters, Hello Dolly’s, and American Hammers
  2. Peter Parkers, Mtn. Climbers, SSH, Parker Peters

Mossy back to COT.  We ended up doing 10 additional for a “That’s what she said comment” although no one owned up to it.  The ballroom moderate ended up being not so moderate. Didn’t hear any complaints.  Thanks for the opportunity!


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Tour De Lowe’s

26 Men showed up on a glorious Friday morning for a Slow Burn.

Began with a Mosey to the Empire Pizza parking lot for some warm ups.  Line up. High Knee across parking lot, mosey back.  Butt kickers across, mosey back.  Karaoke across, Karaoke back.  Toy Soldiers across, mosey back.

Circle up. SSH x20, Windmill x15, Moroccan Night Club x20, Low Slow Squat x15, Merkins x10.

Short mosey to being the “Tour De Lowe’s”.   Found guardrail behind Lowe’s for stop #1: Dips on guardrail, Calf Raises, Freddy Mercurys, Rinse & Repeat

Continue the Tour De Lowe’s with a mosey to The Wall for stop #2:  Peoples Chair (5x 10 counts), 25 LBCs, Peoples Chair (5x 10 counts), 25 LBCs, Balls to the Wall (3x 10 count, felt much longer thanks to some non-standardized counting), 25 LBCs

Time Out for Zimmern’s first attempt at preaching.  Talked about Control and what things in life we have control over (thoughts, words, actions, reactions, etc) and what things we don’t have control over (spouse, kids, others, job, etc).  Things outside of our control often have a huge impact on our lives.  How do we learn how to control our response towards things outside of our control?  Drop Thrill quotes Proverbs 3:5-6: “ Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”  We need to turn control over to The Lord and trust in Him.  Ask Him for help controlling things that are within our control and help in guiding us with things outside of our control.

Complete the Tour De Lowe’s with a mosey to the front parking lot.  Pax pair up. One Pax starts squats.  Other Pax runs across parking lot.  switch.  Continue to 150 cumulative squats.  Repeat, but with Carolina Dry Docks.

Mosey over for a lightning rounds of 4 corners around Empire Pizza.  Pax counted off by 4’s.  #1 40x Merkins. Mosey to #2. 30x Flutter Kicks.  Bear Crawl to #3. 20x Bomb Jacks. Mosey to #4. 10 Burpees.

Return to COT. Name-o-Rama.  Welcome FNG Bowtie. Announcements. Prayers & Praises. Big Ball of Men.


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Why you wanna give me a run-around?

24 PAX gave me a run-around Thursday morning at Footloose.  Tuesday, I made it very clear to both PAX that were listening that Thursday, we would be running … a lot.

I rolled in with 3 minutes to spare, thanks too  … who cares, the Weinke was laminated, and I was loaded for bear.

1 FNG to welcome, a little mumbling, a disclaimer and we were off …

The thang:

Mosey around the main lot, then out to the road, down the hill and a tricky left before the big hill to the big church lot.

Line up for dynamic warm up
Squat walkers
Knee ups
Toy soldier
Windmill walkers
Bear crawl
Patrick Swayze (karaoke L&R, powerskip, backwards run arms out)
Inch Worm
Jonah Hill (3 broad jumps, 3 merkins x 7)

Mosey to the lot across the street, circle-up (ish)
IC: CDDx10, Travoltax10, Squatx10, 2 burpees OYO
Mosey up the stairs to the First Baptist back lot, spot #1
IC: LBCsx10, MNCx10, Monkey Humpersx10, 2 burpees OYO
Mosey around lot a bit to spot #2
IC: Flutterx10, Bombjackx10, Dying Cockroachx10, 2 burpees OYO
Mosey around the lot a bit to spot #3 near grass
IC: Hello Dollyx10 (shout out to Hef), Scorpion DD, KneeTar Jaix10, 2 burpees OYO
Mosey out the front to the church lot across form the fire station
IC: Rosalitax10, Merkinx10, Hillbilly Walkerx10, 2 burpees OYO
Mosey to small lot across from Hardees
IC: Freddiex10, Mahktar Jaix10, Calf Raisex10, 2 burpees OYO
Mosey … Down on Mainstreet … Down on Mainstreeeeeet to the courthouse lot around the corner
IC: Shoulder Tapsx10, Overhead Clapsx60, Imp Walkerx10, 2 burpees OYO
Mosey all the way back to where we started in the large church lot, lots of love and mumble chatter here since we went by what everyone thought was COT, but I saw 6 minutes left …
IC: Russian Twistsx10, Plank Jacksx10, SSHx10, no burpees this time

Back to COT

The skinny on this one was that we kept moving, nothing harsh, I didn’t have to carry Dark Helmet up 40 flights of stairs with a cinder block on each wrist (or whatever he makes you do), 10 counts were walking 10 counts, on your 6, on your feet, in a plank, on your feet. No rest, 45 minutes of exercise.

Welcome FNG Popper, EH’ed by a friend in F3 Columbia

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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9/11 Memorial- We will never forget

I never let on this workout would be fun. I never said come for a easy moderate start to your week. I did however make clear we would be honoring those fallen. The paxs arrived to pay tribute. We were going to attempt something I had doubts we would complete, but we were darn sure going to try.

The Thang

Opened with a different kind of disclaimer. Today we weren’t going to modify. Today we would just stop if you needed and your brothers would pick up were you left off. Today, we honored every person that lost a life on this day 16 years ago. We weren’t going to half ass anything, they deserve everything we have.

Quick lap around the parking lot then stop at the flag. Pledge of Allegiance was said. Mosey to middle of parking lot. We split into 2 groups (1 with 5 and one with 4). Some of the exercises would be completed as a team total and some were as an entire group.  We began…

With your team complete 125 burpees for all those who never said goodbye to their loved ones inside the Pentagon.

Next we ran a fast lap and back at it. Then 246 sit ups with the bell for all those who never made it to their destination on flights 93, 77, 175, and ll. Then a hot lap around parking lot.

Next was 2 buprees each for the paramedics lost while they tried to save others. Then 60 shoulder presses with your team for the police officers who lost their life. Hot lap around parking lot.

We then did 343 goblet squats with our team, one for every firefighter that never returned home that day. Hot lap around parking lot

Next was 614 KB Swings with your team. These were for the people in Tower 2. They never went home to their wife, their husband, their daughter, their son. Hot lap around lot

For those that didn’t escape the collapse of Tower 1, we did 1402 bent over rows as a group. Another hot lap

Time was running short. We had remembered all those individually, now we would remember and honor them as a whole. For those inside the towers we did 2606 LCB’s as a group. COT


What I didn’t put above is that most shared their story. After every hot lap someone shared how they remember the news this 16 years ago. As you can image, everyone remembered it perfectly. Everyone knows were they were, we know how we felt, we can still feel those feelings today. To be honest, its hard for me to even write this without tearing up. I remember the images of people jumping from buildings in a desperate act of hopelessness. I remember the images of first responders covered in ash dragging bloodied people away from the scene. I remember the almost instant feelings of hate I had for the cowards that carried out this act. I also remember the resolve it brought America. In the days that followed the were one Nation…under God. Every car had an American flag on it, every house, every everything. This act of terror brought us together and made our resolve even stronger.

Thank you for everyone that came out today. I know it was hard and I couldn’t be any prouder at how hard everyone worked. No one half assed anything and left it all there this morning. By my best guess each person did 27 burpees, 50 sit ups with the bell, 15 shoulder presses, 100 goblet squats, 150 KB swings, 160 rows, 300 LBC’s, and 1.75 miles at about a 7 minute mile pace.

Prayers for Geronimo starts his new job soon, Sauerkrauts sister starts cemo soon, and prayers for all those affected by Hurricanes Irma and Harvey.

There is few things I love more than this country. God Bless the USA


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Nothing but light poles

Back to Back Q’s are always my favorite. Especially when I had 8 hours to prepare. Kielbasa took the day off so I jumped on the chance to Q on what I still consider to be home turf. Vernon walked up confidently with what I came to find out was an FNG. I instantly Omaha’d from my original set LOL. Didn’t want to scare him off day one.

I gave the disclaimer (just showing off for the new guy) and off we went. Short mosey around the parking lot then on to the proverbial stretches. Moroccan night clubs, imperial walkers, and merkins. To end the merkins Airborne held 6″…..

Grab the bells and ran down to the mild of 9 light poles lining the entrance road to the school. Starting from the entrance going all 9 light poles toward the school the exercises were as follows.

10 Gunslingers, 20 flutters , 30 tri-extensions, 40 goblet squats, 40 American Hammers, 40 LBC, 30 Curls, 20 KB Swings, 10 plank flys

We started in the middle at the Hammers. We did those then went to the next pole to get the LBC’s. Then we went back 2 poles and hit the Hammers again and then squats. Next it was back toward the school for Hammers, LBC’s, then Curls. You may be catching on by now…..Next was back accross them all toward the entrance for LBC’s, Hammers, Squats, and Tri-extensions.

This went on and on until we reached the flutters on the entrance side and the flys on the school side. We almost made all of the poles but after what amounted to 1.5 miles of running with the bell and something to the order of 300 Hammers with the bell we were all toast. COT time

Prayers for our country, Texas folks affected by the storm, and our group.


I am not the preachy type. I’m more the “is that a Greek God” in human form type. But, with a new comer in the crowd I felt compelled to speak today. Somewhere around light pole 14 we paused for me to drop the truth. What started as a normal F3 speech quickly transformed and I found I was speaking to myself. I started to describe our group as follows.

We are just normal guys. What gets most of us is the freeness of the event. Most guys do anything thats free LOL. That’s at least what it starts as…..we are a band of brothers for a greater cause. When you wake up always know we are there in the gloom waiting on you. When someone Q’s understand they want you to not only be physically stronger, but mentally and spiritually as well. This group has brought me to heights I never thought achievable. Hell, I ran a fricking half marathon and the P200 at 250 pounds. Yea the physical conditioning helped, but the most valuable asset of all is every single member of this group. When I ran those events I thought of all my brothers running ahead of me, with me, and encouraging me from behind.

If you come here to work out then basically you’ve missed everything. You can do that on your own time for free at your community gym. Get plugged in, hit the 3rd Fs, volunteer, go to convergences, get in Whetstone. Basically in Birdcage language…sh*t or get off the pot.

Well now that its out I can get preachy I expect a flood of messages about me speaking at events. I offer an F3 discount, just be sure to mention the special promo code CSPANISOLD

Thanks Sauerkraut – even though you weren’t there

Welcome FNG Neo- Vernon must not like you to bring you to one of my Q’s

Respectfully, Birdcage

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SlowBurn_The New Moderate

It is Slow Burn and it would be expected that 30+ show up. It has been debated on the “Moderate” workouts, why are they so popular?? I truly believe that its because we long for fellowship. We enjoy, especially on Friday, the idea of working out….yea maybe, but more importantly conversing and chatting it up with our brethren.
Regardless, moderate does not mean easy. I believe it is modified as needed. Qs do not need to make a workout that kills people, but on the other hand, if we are up at 4:30am to workout…..we should get a workout.
I told the PAX to expect the unexpected. We should not be shocked when sickenss, chaos and things hit us from the side since Life is always full of surprises. Instead, we should have the discipline and character to step up to the challenges before us… a workout or in Life!
The Thang:
Quick 20 SSHs in parking lot
Mosey across to Holiday Inn Express for some Mountain Climbers
Mosey to behind Burger King for some COP
  • Plank
  • Squats
  • Parker Peters
  • Flutters
  • Peter Parkers
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Sumo Squats

Saturday night is one of the most hyped fights since the Tyson era. In that spirit, the PAX and I went a couple of rounds in the office parking lot

Each station for 3 minutes doing the 2 exercises marked on the ground. One time is up, move to next station and next 3 mins. Pain was had by all!!

20-moracan night club
20-squat jabs
10-Peter Parkers
10-broad jumps
10-leg raises
10-ski hops
15-Apollo Ono
Partner Plank
10  1 leg balance toe touch
5 donkey kicks
Mosey back to COT
Talked to the men about expecting the unexpected. I shared about my 52 yr old sister with cancer and facing death. My brother after 25 years of marriage calling it quits. Unexpected life changing events for me and my family. How we deal with this is critical to how we face life daily. Emotions are high, but we should not wait until we are facing these situations to then say….how do I deal with it. Start today to be the man Sky Q intended you to be. Don’t wait till its too late to make yourself better and deal with the things that will come. Get stronger physically, emotionally, spiritually to be able to walk through things and with others!
Welcome FNGs Bearcat and Clark Kent!!!
Colombia Team send off at The Ranch 9/7
Invergence 9/29 Greenway
5yr Convergence 9/30
Prayers for Families, kids, schools and teachers! All spoken and unspoken prayers!
Cake Boss Out!
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