The Respectables take over The Fort

Long Duck and YHC had the Q at The Fort on Saturday.  Long Duck gave the disclaimer and quietly mentioned that we would be running (same for the second half).

We circled up in the church parking lot for warm-ups (SSHs, Windmills, Imperial Walkers). Next, the instructions:

  • Run to Main Street and back
    • Exercises in parking lot
      • 10 Burpees
      • 20 Merkins
      • 11 Big Boy Situps
    • Rinse and repeat 3 times

Long Duck  shared his personal journey and the significance of the numbers used for the repetitions.

Next, hand off to Fishsticks. Short message about never giving up.

We ran to the warehouse parking lot on Wither street.  If you haven’t been there, it is at the top of a hill.  We ran down the hill and at each right turn, we performed the following exercises (Carolina Dry Docks, Squats, and LBCs – 10 each), ran back to the warehouse parking lot for another set of the exercises.  Rinse and repeat until we reached Tom Hall Street.

Great job by all!

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We Stand Alone Together

We Stand Alone Together

B.L.U.F. – Changes are coming to Fire Ant.  New start time – 0500.  New location – Tega Cay Elementary School.  New name – Currahee.  Launch date is Feb 2.  Read on to understand the why.

The purpose of this change is to establish a ruck AO that is purposefully built to be a harder option.  This will be THE place to come to prepare for your ruck events.  Even if you are not doing an event it will be the place to show up when you are ready to put in max effort and push yourself beyond what you thought you were capable of.  As I stated when I first took over Fire Ant, this is the not the place to come “to get some miles”.  There are other options, very good ones mind you, for that (if you haven’t been to Sole to Soul you are missing out).  This AO is built around purposefully seeking pain and discomfort because we know it is only through these things that we can truly grow.  Let me explain each change a bit more…

Schedule is 0500 – 0600 each Tuesday.  There is a lot that can be done in this extra 15 minutes.  Rather it be allowing for greater distance to be covered or just extra pain the 1-hour format asks a bit more from the Pax and requires a bit more of the Q resulting in growth.

New location is Tega Cay Elementary School.  New location is better suited for more ruck style pain.  Available options, for those who haven’t visited Pantheon, include a very large field, hills, plenty of parking lot, on site coupons, short travel to Tega Cay trails (more hills) and the playground set in the back.  I too will miss seeing the guys at Golden Corral, but this change will allow Ruckers to stretch themselves beyond what is available now I believe.

New name (effective Feb 2) is Currahee.  If you are not familiar with this word, I highly recommend watching Band of Brothers.  It is a Native American word meaning “to stand alone” or “to stand alone together”.  When the paratroopers were first getting established the 506th Airborne Regiment were training at Fort Benning, Georgia.  They would run 3 miles up and 3 miles down Currahee mountain.  This was a brutal test of strength and endurance and truly only the strongest would make it.  That is the tone the new Currahee AO will set.  We stand alone together (not as individuals) and apart from others as we choose to do the harder thing – the thing that even we didn’t think was possible all in an effort to be an elite group of men ready to take on whatever comes at us.

So…if this excites or intrigues you then prepare yourself and be ready to post each week to embrace the pain and the discomfort and ultimately the strength that comes from it.  See you Feb 2 0500 Tega Cay Elementary School.  1-2-3 Currahee!

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OTB #1 with Rucks & Sand bags

Physically, we put in the work. Due to the suck we endured together, like hearing each other struggle through the sand bag evolutions, and other things you can read about below, there is a little bit tighter of a bond. Hard stuff builds the bond and on this Thursday morning, it was time to build.

After the planning committee did their work, we rolled into the AO with the following 60min throwdown:

Rucks consisting of the standard weight
60lb & 80lb sand bags

1mi run (slick)

To the field which was about 55yds, side to side:
It didn’t take long but this is where we realized this would be no mailed-in workout.
With rucks on, grab a sand bag. Throw the sand bag several times until you get about 5-7yds out (about 2 throws) then do a man-maker with your sand bag (mind you, you’re ruck is still on your back). As you stopped to do your man-makers, you added 1 more every time.

25 Flutters w/ Ruck Press I/C

For the return trip, it’d be a sand bag toss (with your ruck on) then when you get overtop the bag, execute (1) 8ct Body Builder.

Run across the field and back (slick)

25 Flutters w/ Ruck Press I/C

Ruck on – bear crawl to the other end however this time, you’re dragging the sand bag, too.

25 Flutters w/ Ruck Press I/C

Ruck on – crawl bear back to the other end, however this time, you’re pulling the sand bag, too.

Run across the field and back (slick)

Finish with a 1mi run (slick)

It was challenging but it was necessary.

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Are You Committed?

YHC had the honor to share the Q with Dark Helmet in celebration of his six years in F3. The disclaimer was disclaimed and the group split between The Fort and Milkshake. Here’s what we did:

  • 10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
  • 10 MNCs, Overhead Claps, Raise the Roofs, Little Baby Arm Circles (IC)

Mosey to the back parking lot

  • 20 Burpees
  • Lap
  • 40 Merkins
  • Lap
  • 60 Squats
  • Lap
  • 80 Little Baby Arm Circles
  • Lap
  • 100 Calf Raises
  • Lap
  • 80 LBCs
  • Lap
  • 60 American Hammers
  • Lap
  • 20 Burpees

Transition to Dark Helmet

For DOAH’s half, we ran around downtown to various parking lots for mumblechatter, Burpees, Bear Crawls, Flutters, and a myriad of other “fun” things. At each stop, he spoke to the 5 Core Principles, the Credo, and various other lessons on becoming a better man through F3. He’s an example of how a man can change if he commits.

So, are you committed? Without commitment, nothing happens. Commitment is required for any gains; gains in your fitness, faith, marriage, work, and life. Commitment is not a feeling. It’s a requirement to get through the hard times. We post in the heat, cold, rain, or shine. Why? Because doing the hard thing at the hard times prepares you for the the future. Commitment isn’t always easy, but it’s necessary to get you prepared for the next hard thing. You can’t get out of something that you don’t put into.

Six years ago, DOAH made the first commitment to daily investment into his fitness. Because of his efforts, he’s down over 50 pounds and up hundreds of new friends. He’s a better husband, father, and leader. What’s his secret? Commitment to betterment – the daily red pill. You have to commit if you want to see gains. Get after it, fellas. Today’s your day. Take it!


Italian Job

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Maximus’ half

Mosey on Confederate St to Main St then back to lot to turn left onto Monroe White St up to Tom Hall then back to the lot.
SSH x 10
Carolina Dry Docks (CDD) x 10
Peter Parkers x 10
CDD x 10
Parker Peters x 10
CDD x 10
3mins of Cherry Pickers & dumping them in the bucket
Up the Church steps and down, up and down, then up to Tom Hall then back to the lot.
Overhead Clap x 10
Merkins x 10
Overhead Press x 10
Diamond Merkins
Overhead Clap
3-tier suicides with 5 burpees at the end
5mins of Cherry Pickers & dumping them into the bucket

Tesh’s half

Mosey to the big CoG parking lot.

Suicides from the sidewalk to the middle of each row of parking spaces (3 progressions), and when you get past each line, chest to ground, hope back over the line, chest to ground, run back.

Honeymooners from hell (I can’t explain), one ab exercise [dying cockroach, JLo, flutter, snap-crackle-pop, freddy mercs]

Repeat 5 times.  Combination of redlining your heart rate and then simulating a 1 rep max on your core.  (If you’re Johnny Utah, chest to ground means 3 merkins…)

Mosey back to COT. (Air humpers with feet on the wall along the way.)

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Beatdown at #TheFort

10 Forters and 2 Milkshakers in #TheFort COT. Longshanks and YHC split the #TheFort Q. I knew that my weinke would be a bit easier than Longshanks’, because he’s a beast, so I took the first half.

Jog around the parking lot and to the Municipal Lot near the railcar for the warmup.
10x SSH
10x Imperial Walkers
10x Hillbilly Walkers
10x Tempo Squats
10x Tempo Merkins
10x Mountain Climbers
Downward Dog
10x Peter Parkers

A quick jog to the scent of bacon and we played 4 corners. Improper Pig to Fort Mill Animal Hospital to The Cutting Room to Hobo’s.
Round 1: 10x Monkey Humpers and 10x Carolina Dry Docks (every other stop)
Round 2: 10x Merkins and 10x Big Boy Situps
Round 3: 10x Flutters and 10x Rosalitas

Another jog down Academy Street to Fort Mill Church of God for some partner Dora.
100 Merkins
200 Dry Docks
300 Squats

Longshanks gave us a minute or two to stretch/recover for his beatdown.

We had 2 options: 1)includes burpees or 2)includes burpees The consensus was option 2 (Bounty Hunter tried to convince us Option 1 would be better).
To the Hill for some Burpee Repeats
Bottom of hill for 10x Burpees
Top of the hill for 10x Burpees
Bottom of hill for 9 Burpees
Top of hill for 9 Burpees
All the way down to 1 and 1.

I definitely modified to deconstructed burpees and still Tesh lapped me a couple of times. I’m pretty sure he did an extra 50 Burpees.
We had time for a few sets of Ab exercises: Dying Cockroaches, Gas Pumpers, and Big Boy Situps and then a slow mosey back to COT.

NMM: Work hard and do your best. My F3 brothers are inspirational and push me to work harder. For that I am extremely appreciative. I lift each of you up daily and give thanks for our time together.

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pre_blast_METTLE FORGER_new_gear_AO


I’d like to make available the training gear I’ve accumulated as part of my personal training venture to the Pax of The Fort and start a new Gear AO!

What:  Dealers ( Q ) choice gear AO.

Where: 12:15 pm on Fridays at Turner Field parking lot in Tega Cay.  45 minutes in length.  Inaugural workout on Friday, 10/23.

Why:  To serve the Pax who have flexibility to work from home or may not be early risers.  To reinvigorate Kotters or recruit new FNG’s who need a shieldlock.

How:  the Weinke could include the gear in my trailer or based on the Q’s of the day preference like kettlebell, ruck, or a combination of all.  I will assist the Q’s in setup.

Special Bonus:  a commemorative patch will be awarded to the first 10 Pax who post!


What gear will Bear Grylls make available to the Q’s?

    • The contents of my trailer include sandbags, kettlebells, dumbells, barbells, slam balls, TRX, battle ropes, jump boxes, bench, water jugs, squat rack, strength sled, speed and agility equipment and resistance bands.  A full gear list will be provided to Q’s so they can build their Weinke.

What if the weather turns bad, will the equipment be ruined?

    • Most of the equipment is rubber-coated, however, we won’t use any bare metal items if there is precipitation.  The Q of the day can always revert to a run or boot-camp model.  There is a soccer and baseball field at Turner which provides many pain-station options.

Other questions and concerns can be sent to Twitter at F3_BearGrylls or on Slack.


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Just. Keep. Posting.

On a crisp 48 degree morning, a similar # of pax posted for a convergence at The Fort/Milkshake to commemorate 8 yrs of pain and impact in the Gloom of Fort Mill, SC and elsewhere in York County.   The occasion drew pax from Rock Hill, Metro and Raleigh.

The Thang

Double D led a warm up with yog to the Church of God parking lot plus some Carioca

COP — Mtn Climbers, Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Monkey Humpers, SSH, Seal Jacks, Merkins

Hand off to Jekyll

Yog up the hill to the rug factory lot and a re-introduction to, yes, you guessed it  — The Board Pain!!!

See photo for the Weinke from here….or check your soreness today (Sunday) for those who were present.  A Jekyll Classic!  Heard at F3 from Redwood @Santini “I’ve been avoiding this Board for years…100 Burpees!!”

Yog back home


Naked Man Moleskin

8 years…Is that a long time?  Well, the average time of degree completion for US college students is 6 years.  Only 50% of startups make it to the 5th year mark.  So, I suppose 8 years qualifies as something of a landmark.  At the same time, I don’t personally remember much about being 8 years old.  What about the 8 years from 2-10 years old?  Or maybe 10-18 years old?  Yes, I remember more…and if I had my way I’d like to forget some of those moments!

Well, I can remember quite a bit of the past 8 years.  I quite clearly remember 9.29.12…a date etched in my memory like my wedding day, my daughters’ birth dates and my birthday.

As I reflect back on 8 years of #Impact delivered by the men of F3TheFort, what really matters is 10.06.12 and 10.13.12.  You see, those were the Saturdays when pax returned to WEP for week 2 and week 3.  And FNGs posted for their own personal version of #TheLaunch.  And then Saturdays became Tuesdays, too.  And then a short time later they also became Thursdays.   In the end, what matters the most is not what happened in the past, but what happens today.  Or what will happen tomorrow when pax post to one of 30+ workouts across Fort Mill/Tega Cay or 70+ workouts across York County.

Just. Keep. Posting.  The one true constant across life is #Change.  Since 2012, I’ve moved to a different house,  nurtured two chicks out of the nest, collected a paycheck from two additional employers and traversed through a lot of ups and downs.  One of my rocks during this period has been the community of #HIMs known as F3TheFort.  You’ve been steady in your acceptance of me each time I post.  And along the way, you’ve revealed to me more and more parts of myself as you’ve revealed parts of yourself.  I know I’m all the better for it, and so is my family.  I’m pretty certain you’re better too.  And in the process our town, county and country are also better.

So, yes, we should take heart in what’s transpired over the past 8 years.  It is remarkable.  It is a blessing.  Some might call it a miracle….or miracles.  And the only way to honor this fruit and express our gratitude to God and the men who’ve contributed (past and present) is to Just. Keep. Posting.  Because if a day ever comes when no one posts…well…let’s Just. Keep. Posting.

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The site formally known as The COOP.

Let me start off by saying cancer sucks. It took one of our PAX last week and I am still mad about it. Jay Griggs known in the gloom as Cash, 51 battled this aweful disease on and off for about two years. He left behind his wife Christine and two kids Katie (14) and Will (12). We came together today to do a workout for him and also to rename this AO in his honor. We wanted to give a name that if someone who didnt know Cash would ask we could explain that the name was in his honor and keep Jays legacy in The Fort going. More on the name at the end.
We statrted with a disclaimer and quick dynamic warmup.
51 SSHs in cadence.
Mosey down the hill for some instructions.
3 cones at bottom of hill. do the first cone run up hill to nafo crosswalk do 10 bombjacks, run back to pull up bars do 5 pull ups, run down to bottom of hill for the next cone, keep repeating until YHC stops the group.
Cone 1- Merkins and Squats
Cone 2- CDDs and American Hammers
Cone 3- Alternating lunges and Alternating Shoulder taps
At each of the cones we did a total between the two exercises 51 reps.
Mosey back to Cot.
We took this time to let the Pax know the AO formally known as The Coop was now to be known as Ring of Fire. One of Jonny Cashs greatest hits. So when someone says how did this palce get the name we can explain.
Announcements and naming of FNG.
FNG- Sappin Patel- Spam
reach out to funhouse to help with at risk middle school kids on their off days from school_ takes palce at forest hill church.
8th annual anniversary party of the Fort. held Oct 2nd 630-930 at 3399 Pleasant Rd. Convergence the following morning at 0630 first baptist fort mill.
for the family of Cash.
marriages and keeping real with raising shorties.
Backdraft Out.

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Never Forget. 9/11/01. The Hive.

Never Forget. 9/11/01. The Hive.

Light stretch- mosey to shovel flag. Stats on losses that tragic day, and remember we are still losing people everyday from issues caused on that day. Pledge of Allegiance.
Dynamic warm-up.
Circle up with bells.
20 single handed KB swings each hand – 10 Merkins, repeat down to 8, 6, 4, 2 on the merkins.
Take a lap
Complete the following exercises
KB Squat, Snatch Press, Alternating Lunge, Merkin with hand on bell, single arm curls r and l. first set 20, second 15, third 10, forth 5.
Mosey for a lap.
Circle up for abs.
Prayers for kids and teachers.

Prayers to Cash and lifting up his family as he lost his battle with cancer. JAY GRIGGS 52 CASH.

Never Forget.

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