21’s , 25’s, Shuffles and Word of the Year

Thankful for the men that posted this morning, particularly those that faced challenges or just didn’t feel up to it as they went to bed last night. I wasn’t sure how many would show, with temps dropping into the 30’s after a somewhat “warm” week.  T-Claps to Spitz, who put in a couple of miles with a pre-run prior to #Footloose.

The Thang

With disclosures shared, we moseyed to the side (basketball) lot for warm-up, although some claim it was coldest spot at the AO due to wind.

SSH x 15

Imperial Walker x 15

Low Slow Squat x 15

Arm Circles Sequence (Tiny Circles Forward x 10 , Tiny Circles Backward x 10, Big Circles Forward x 10)

Monkey Humpers x 10

Plank Sequence

21’s – This  is a GREAT exercise. It gets everyone on the same page, focused on what we are doing and what we came out to do. Straight from http://f3nation.com/exercises/  : In unison PAX does 2-count side straddle hop and counts reps 1-5 out load. Reps 6-21 are all mental and everyone must stop together at 21. If anyone stops early or goes over Q has PAX perform penalty workout of Q’s choice.    

Since we are overachievers, we did these as 4-count.  First try, resulted in “penalty” of 5 Burpees OYO. The second set resulted in a flawless finish by the PAX, aided by Spitz’s “STOP” at the end of 21 reps.

Mosey to small lot, beside football field, to see if we could find a spot with a little more wind.

A moderate version of 35’s, 25’s was the same concept but with fewer reps. Complete the exercise at each corner with 25 reps, next round is 20, and so on, until final set is 5 reps.

Carolina Dry Dock



Mountain Climber

This took a while longer than I expected and I was going to audible the last set (of 5), but the PAX was having none of it! I appreciate everyone wanting to complete the rotation and see the set through to the end.

Mosey to benches. Wall sit to wait on the six.
Six in and we hit the parking/lane dividers.

Run up 2 cones, shuffle, up 2 cones , shuffle to the end.

Turn around and side shuffle through each cone. (leg burner)



Lots of good mumblechatter this morning, but we were able to stay focused on why we climbed out of bed and came to a workout in 30-something degree weather….to get better. Hopefully, Spitz finds a nice place to take the M to celebrate 22 years. Congrats!

T-claps to Caddy Shack and Magnum for posting after what sounded like really tough, tiring weeks. T-claps to Skate or Die for encouraging and bringing out BridgeGate. And to BridgeGate for posting again. It doesn’t get easier, you get better.

Several PAX shared their “one word” for 2018 and I hope you all have yours. Kindness, we each have an opportunity to display this, but  subconsciously choose another route, such as  apathy. We should challenge ourselves to display kindness at every appropriate opportunity. Sustain, this is the time of year where everyone decides to make big, sweeping changes. The challenge lies in our ability to sustain those changes. Sticking with small, DAILY, changes is how you get there. Rome wasn’t built in a day. It didn’t crumble in a day either. Just win each day and you’ll get to your goal. Action, stop getting ready to get ready. Step toward whatever it is that you want to do and take action. Goals without action are just dreams.

#LeanIn.  One thing for sure is that we will all face challenges. At work, at home, physical, mental, spiritual, financial, the list goes on and on. Be the man that leans into the challenge. Face it and take it on the same as you do a workout. Don’t shy away from it.

Prayers for all those that expressed them in COT and for those that were unspoken.

As always, I appreciate the opportunity to Q. I am humbled and strengthened by the support of the PAX. For Iron to Sharpen Iron, it must be strong.

See you in the Gloom.




TClap |

Pre-Joe Davis and 6 PAX words

Dynamic warm up of lunge twists, toy soldiers, back extension/inch crawl, arm circles and shoulder pulls.  Mosey to  field 1, take a lap and circle up.
 COP, all in cadence:
  • SSH x 40, Merkin x 10, IW x 20, CDD x 20, Slow Squat x 20, Crunchy frog x 10, Makhtar Jai x 20, Windmill x 10, Diamond merkins x 15, LBC x 25
  • Mosey to playground and split into 2 groups:
  • Group 1 does 10 pull ups while group 2 does 20 dips (flapjack).  Repeat two more times.
  • Mosey to the concession stand wall:
     Peoples chair with overhead hand clamps, recover and shake ’em out
     Lunge walk to the end of the infield, and then jog back
     Peoples chair part 2 with overhead hand claps
     Crabwalk to the end of the infield
Hand off to Bolt
  • Figuring in the cold, this was the running part of the workout. 5 cones were evenly distributed across the entire parking lot. With many going to Joe Davis, we targeted 20 “movement” minutes.
  • The layout was to run to each cone and do a designated exercise x5 with a full length parking lot sprint back. The catch was each PAX took turns picking the exercise for each run. During each ‘rest’ after every sprint, PAX took turns giving their word of the year with a brief explanation and goals that applied to that word.
  • While I do not remember which 6 exercises were chosen, burpees were definitely in there. And I assure you, we did not get cold for those 20 minutes.
  • The words of the 6 PAX were as follows (thank you to CrabCakes for helping remember the words at our kids’ basketball game):
  1. Open – Sugar Daddy
  2. Joy – Crab Cakes
  3. Enjoy – Tesh
  4. Shady – (Positive)
  5. Smuggler – Consistent 


Seek – Bolt – I expanded on my word and let the PAX know I want to seek to improve in all 3 F’s, but especially on the 3rd F. I need to seek to take advantage of the resources available through F3. I need to be more willing to reach out to seek assistance to improve physically, mentally and spiritually. Especially though on the 3rd F, as a ‘seeker’, I need to reach out and ask the PAX for assistance. If you have read this far and wish to extend your experience to me, please reach out and do so.
Announcements, prayers and praises were fairly quick with a dash to Joe Davis!
Noting here I got to spend time with Sparkplug at Joe Davis who I normally only see every so often at Alacatraz! Good talks, Sparkplug.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead. Apologies to Senator Tressel who quickly turned around his end of the BB and the delay was all my own!
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Frosty Footloose

11 PAX gathered in about 18 frosty degrees at Footloose.  The most important thing is that they showed up!!!  That is the first step – show up!  Great job.

The work:

A brief disclaimer followed by Windmills and SSHs with a mosey to a church parking lot.  YHC has no idea which church it was as there are about three or four within rock throwing distance.

The main work was centered on a triangle – enough of the four corners – we went with the triangle symbolized by the triangle of pain, the Illuminati or the Taco Bell Stacker.

Three stations, with three rounds at each station with legs, abs and upper body.  After each rotation the PAX ran up and down the church stairs.  On round followed by a brief moleskin and then rinse and repeat.

With time still permitting and the temp only dropping the PAX serpentined the stairs followed by 50 calf raises.  With still more glorious time remaining,  we Indian ran to downtown FM and back to our COT.

We prayed for Squeaky’s daughter as well as Reece and Maggie – Mr. Clean’s 2.0s.


The moleskin:

When I was in college one of my room mates uncles was a priest.  Often, on Sunday, he would call and if we answered (no cell phones in 1981) he would ask whoever answered if we had been to Mass.  When I said no, he asked why.  Why?  Because, I said, I got nothing out of it.

Well, he said, it isn’t about you.  It is about you supporting the others are that are there.  By your mere presence you may mean something to someone.  And . . . maybe, you will benefit.

It is the same with posting in  the gloom – we are there to support each other.  To lend encouragement, a hand when someone is down, to offer advice (its free so its worth what you paid) and to just be there.


That’s all – Twister out.

TClap |

Freezing in the New Year

Due to lack of sleep and poor early morning math I was driving like I robbed a bank to get to the Colosseum when I realized I was arriving at 5:00 not 5:15 for some reason..: once there I was able to relax for an eternity and hope at least someone else showed up for the day…

Thankfully 2 somebodies did and we were able to get going, although it did complicate things like “circling up” and “partner up”

Mosey to the back lot for warm up

-25 SSH

-10 Windmill

-25 Moroccan Nightclub

-10 Peter Parker

-10 Parker Peter

-10 Mountain Climber

-High knees, Karaoke, Shuffle and Toy Soldiers


Mosey to back wall

-3 sets of People’s Chair (1 minute), 40 dips, 40 flutter (double count)

-Jacobs Ladder with 10 Americans hammer (double count) then over the wall then 1 donkey kick then back. 9 AH and 2 Donkey, etc…


Mosey to flag pole for individual laps with the other PAX doing exercise.




Mosey to start point for some Mary and COT

Announcement… It’s cold but everyone else is a sad bunch of clowns for not showing up…

TClap |

The launch of Pathfinder

  • QIC: SkateOrDie
  • When: 01/02/2018
  • Posted In: The Fort

What started as a need for an accountability partner and an option close to home has morphed into a weekly run group bouncing week to week through different neighborhoods along Dobys Bridge Road. That run group has grown and is ready for its next transformation. We are excited to announce the launch of “Pathfinder”, a new running AO, on Tuesday, January 2, 2018. This Tuesday morning run group is open to the PAX of F3 (and FNGs!) and will launch at 5:15 each week from the location of the Q’s choosing. We typically run between 4-5 miles, but vary that based on location and the PAX present.

Message me on Twitter for details @SkateOrDieF3.

TClap |

Frozen: The Fort Version – Let It Go – 12/30/17

12 men met on the frozen tundra that was Walter Elisha this morning to get better. Freebird led the first half of the workout and Ginsu closed it out. Motivational words were given re: purpose & intentionality heading in to the new year.


Mosey to the field

  • 21 side straddle hops
  • 10 slow windmills
  • 21 side straddle hops
  • 11 monkey humpers
  • 21 side straddle hops
  • 10 merkins

The Thing

Mosey to the playground & partner up

  • Partner 1 – run a lap around the playground
  • Partner 2 – toe taps on the playground barrier
  • Flip flop
  • Rinse & repeat 3x

Mosey to the tree line

  • Lunge to the first tree
  • crab walk to second
  • lunge to 3rd
  • crab walk to 4th
  • lunge to 5th
  • crab walk to 6th
  • mosey back to start

Hand off to Ginsu

  • 10 burpees OYO
  • 10 Merkins OYO

Mosey to the playground and get back to parters

  • Partner 1 – take a lap around the playground
  • Partner 2 – pullups AMRAP
  • Flip flop
  • Partner 1 – take a lap
  • Partner 2 – dips AMRAP
  • Flip flop
  • Partner 1 – take a lap
  • Partner 2 diamond merkins AMRAP
  • flip flop
  • Partner 1 – take a lap around the playground
  • Partner 2 – pullups AMRAP
  • Flip flop
  • Partner 1 – take a lap
  • Partner 2 – dips AMRAP
  • Flip flop
  • Partner 1 – take a lap
  • Partner 2 diamond merkins AMRAP
  • flip flop

Mosey to the big hill for modified Jacob’s ladder

  • Run to top of hill, do 1 Merkin
  • Run to bottom, only 1 burpee
  • Run to top, 2 Merkins
  • Run to bottom, only 1 burpee
  • Continue until 10 merkins at top, 1 burpee at bottom

Mosey to the wall at Springs

  • Muscle ups – in cadence – 10x
  • Rinse & repeat x3
  • Captain Thors to 5×20
  • Boats & Canoes

Mosey to COT


  • Joe Davis Run – last day to sign up
  • Convergence on the 12th
  • GoRuck Lite

Prayers & Praises

  • Prayers for Mr. Clean & Family
  • Praises for Freebird’s new job
  • Prayers for Gobbler’s sister
TClap |

Changing of The Guard- Ranch Style

When checking in with the scheduled Q that was suppose to bring todays beat down, and he said he needed to call in a relief. YHC took it as an early Christmas present. Not only was I able to Q today I also got to hand off the shovel flag to a true HIM. It has an an honor to get to spend the last year leading on of my favorite AOs in all of The Fort, but also to be as excited to give it to Jiffy. He will only make this site even better.

We started off the morning with cars pulling in all the way up to the disclaimer. It was brief but to the point. All PAX knew to give what they could. Dig deep it will only hurt for 45 minutes. So they thought.

Start with easy mosey throwing in some high knees, butt kickers, karaoke.

Circle up SSHx20, IW x 15, windmills x 15, monkey humpers X15, Peter parkers x 10, 6 inches and hold x 2.

mosey to picnic benches dips in cadence x10 followed by derkins x10 for 3 sets.

change to legs 10 squat box jumps, 10 calf raises X3 sets

mosey to wall keep legs burning by doing 20 second wall sit.

Mosey to back of school. Partner up for DORA 1-2-3.

Partner 1 runs loop, Partner 2 merkins, squats, flutters.

Mosey to playground- 5 pulls ups 10 big boy sit-ups, 4 pull ups 8 big boy sit-ups down to 1.

Max set of pull ups.

Mosey to entrance 5 trees lunge walk to first, broad jump to second, bear crawl to third, squat walk to forth, and reverse lunge to fifth.

go back with lunge walk sprint, lunge walk sprint.

Mosey to COT. 1 min ab work.

Hand off Shovel Flag to Jiffy.

Announcements- Joe Davis Jan 6, Convergence this Saturday tega cay elementary 0600 5k/10k.

Prayers and praises for family’s coming and going out of town.

It has been a pleasure to serve the Ranch, the PAX and look forward to another leadership roll in F3.

Backdraft out…


TClap |

BRR Comes Early to Laces In

It was a cold, windy December morning where 9 pax (7 BC and 2 Runners) showed up for their daily down payment.  The wind was fierce today, the kind that cuts right through you so I wanted to make sure we got nice and warm.  Laces Out went off campus for a tour of Fort Mill.  Here’s what went down (or as best I can remember) at Laces In:

Mosey to Band lot (it was further than I thought) for COP

Line up facing across the band lot for a series exercises

  1. Toy Soldiers to mid way – Sprint to other end of parking lot
  2. Butt Kickers back to midway – Sprint back
  3. Karaoke one way
  4. Karaoke back the other way

COP: SSH x 20, Windmills x 10, Mountain Climbers x 15, Squats x 15, Slow Merkins x 10

Main Course: Line up facing across the band lot for a series exercises again

  1.  Alligator Merkins for three parking spaces – sprint to other end.  LBC x 25
  2. Frog Jump Merkins for three parking spaces – sprint to other end of lot.  Flutters x 25
  3.  Bear Crawl half way – Sprint to other end of lot –  LBC x 25
  4. Bear Crawl half way – Sprint to other end of lot

Mosey to hill by stadium for partner work .  B.OM.B.S – 75 Burpees, 100 Overhead claps, 150 Merkins, 200 Big Boy Situps, 250 Squats in accumulation while your partner runs to (almost) the top of the hill.

Once finished – Partner 1 holds a plank while partner 2 runs hill and performs 10 Bombjacks at the (almost) top.  Rinse and repeat until COT

NMM: 2.3 miles was the count on my Garmin this morning.  I had no idea we were going to run that far but we did.  Thanks Longshanks for pointing that out!  Team Chafing the Dream is locked and loaded again for BRR 2018 so I was anxious to get out there and hit the inclines.   I love running hills and feel it really gets the blood flowing and makes you stronger.  The pax worked hard this morning and we were all better for it.  Thanks Lil E for the opportunity.  I’m usually at Laces Out so it was cool to explore the bootcamp option at FMHS.  Lastly, I had never formally met Sugar Daddy.  It was nice to meet you and I appreciate the mumble chatter.

Announcements: Joe Davis Run, Christmas Convergence, Focus on recruiting those FNGs

Prayers – Deacon’s upcoming Christmas present!

Until next time…



TClap |

12 Laps of Christmas with Some Discussion on our Favorite Gifts as Well as The Greatest Gift

We began with Sugarbug taking the lead for a mosey around the park and circle up in the field to get warmed up on this fridged 20-something morning.

24 SSH, 12 Windmill, 12 Moracan Nightclub, 12 Peter Parker, 12 Parker Peter (by now Dark Helmet and his ruck were starting to notice a trend and were getting nervous)


Mosey over to the playground to do some laps “12 Days of Christmas” style. It went like this (feel free to sing along)

One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground

Two 4 count LBC’s, One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground

Three 4 count Mountain Climbers, Two 4 count LBC’s, One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground

Four 4 count flutters, Three 4 count Mountain Climbers, Two 4 count LBC’s, One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground

Five bombjacks, Four 4 count flutters, Three 4 count Mountain Climbers, Two 4 count LBC’s, One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground

Six lunges (each side), Five bombjacks, Four 4 count flutters, Three 4 count Mountain Climbers, Two 4 count LBC’s, One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground

Seven dry docks, Six lunges (each side), Five bombjacks, Four 4 count flutters, Three 4 count Mountain Climbers, Two 4 count LBC’s, One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground

Eight double count american hammers, Seven dry docks, Six lunges (each side), Five bombjacks, Four 4 count flutters, Three 4 count Mountain Climbers, Two 4 count LBC’s, One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground

Nine dips, Eight double count american hammers, Seven dry docks, Six lunges (each side), Five bombjacks, Four 4 count flutters, Three 4 count Mountain Climbers, Two 4 count LBC’s, One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground

Ten SSH, Nine dips, Eight double count american hammers, Seven dry docks, Six lunges (each side), Five bombjacks, Four 4 count flutters, Three 4 count Mountain Climbers, Two 4 count LBC’s, One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground

Eleven plank jacks, Ten SSH, Nine dips, Eight double count american hammers, Seven dry docks, Six lunges (each side), Five bombjacks, Four 4 count flutters, Three 4 count Mountain Climbers, Two 4 count LBC’s, One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground

Twelve burpees, Eleven plank jacks, Ten SSH, Nine dips, Eight double count american hammers, Seven dry docks, Six lunges (each side), Five bombjacks, Four 4 count flutters, Three 4 count Mountain Climbers, Two 4 count LBC’s, One 4 count merkin and a lap around the WEP playground


Once the carol had been sung the choir lead was passed over to Quack Attack who began his lesson on the greatest gift

-Began with a circle of core work.  Quack Attack would call out an exercise and a PAX would ten count followed by another ten count by the next PAX clockwise. He would then discuss the next exercise as well as some insight into life for about a 10 count and we would begin again with the next PAX clockwise for a revolution around the circle. I don’t remember every exercise because I was trying to not fall over, but we did some plank, a dying cockroach of sorts (but it looked much nicer so we called it a dying palmetto bug), as well as some side planks with a hip dip that apparently looked so impressive the women on the track started giving us more room when they came by.

-Following this circle of fun we proceeded to run halfway around the tack around the park in a “native american” fashion… The PAX running to the front was instructed to yell their F3 name and the favorite gift they received as a child.  I must say based upon the answers it seems Nintendo did well during our childhood… Also I felt bad for the poor lady who must have thought 10 minutes earlier “What a nice cool morning for a peaceful walk with Fido at the park… It will be so relaxing… The odds of 20 men running in circles around me screaming the names of video games is incredibly low…”

-Once everyone had discussed their favorite gifts and we reached everyone’s favorite hill we split the group in half for a relay race.  The line was at the base of the hill and those PAX in line were to squat while the lead member ran up the hill and completed some sort of one leg squat jump that from any distance away looked like a typical drunk wedding dance.  They were then to run back to line and tap the next PAX

-Following this completion which was decided to be a tie (dealing out 5 burpees to everyone) we finished with another “native american” fashioned run the remaining distance around the park to the lot for COT.  On this run we were to say our F3 name and who was going to win the College Football Championship.   While there was some limited SEC support CLEMSON certainly was the polling favorite with a notable write-in (scream in) vote for Air Force… Maybe this is the year of the triple option…


TClap |


In just under a month, we will have an opportunity to run one of the best races of the year which has become our Signature Fort Race, The Joe Davis Run for Recovery.

This year is going to be particularly special in that we will also be adding the opportunity to push race chariots for SPEED FOR NEED.

Here’s how you get involved, if you know of someone who has a child with a disability, someone who has a child whose home has been affected by addiction, or a child in some other kind of need, then DM Dark Helmet on Twitter and let him know. If you would like to help push, let him know.

We have a chance to have as many as 6 chairs there (several are already spoken for, but some are empty). That’s the most of any race yet…

So man up! Register, find a “Track Commander” to push, and let’s get after it!

TClap |