Rollercoaster and Shoulders

– SSH / WM / IW / mosey
– Rollercoaster: 10/20/30/40/50 with 10x Burpees every 5 min
– squats / MC / Plank Jacks / LBC
– shoulder workout: merkin+OH claps: 1:4 all the way to 10:40
– some core exercise at the end
– read your newsletter and sign up for D2Dbar
– was held

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Growing in the Rain

– mosey to moderate cover
– SSH / IW / CP
– 12 exercises in pairs of 6x 2, reps always 12/24 with 1 lap after each lap. Wall jump optional.
1: Burpees (12) / squats (24)
2: Inch worms (12) / SSH (24)
3: Merkins (12) / Big Boys (24)
4: J-Lo (12 – 1:1) / Dips (24)
5: Carolina Honeymooner (12) / A-Hammer (24 – 1:1)
6: Russian Kicks (12 – 1:1) / Superman (24)
–> rinse and repeat
– mosey back to COT and don’t forget to pick up the 6
– read your newsletter
– was held

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A “Gloomy” Morning

WARMUP: SSH, toy soldiers, quads, Cherry pickers, mosey
THE THANG: lots of running today, got just short of 3 miles. Dora 200 step ups, 200 squats, 200 calf raises. Did some wind sprints in parking lot multiple times, suicides, etc.
MARY: LBCs, hammers, dollys
ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 golf, Christmas party
COT: Prayers for marriages, prayer for Ruby as he meets with a brother in need, remember to say No to some things this season to say Yes to the more important things.

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Dude Ranch Fun

WARMUP: Quick run/jog around the front parking lot then out to the driveway close to the parkway. Bobber arrived a little late and met up halfway through the run, which I think was his plan. Circle up and 10-15 reps of the following:
* Windmills
* Imperial walkers
* Moroccan night clumbs
* Strawberry pickers
Good mumblechatter from the start. Then mosey back to the parking lot near the front of the school for the main event.

4 corner fun
Cones were set up around the front parking lot and also along the car rider pickup area in front of the school at the main entrance. Do the exercise, then the movement to the next cone.
Area was approx 100yds long x 30yds wide.
1. Burpees, then Lt Dan to next cone (~100yds)
2. Box cutter, then crab walk to next (~30yds)
3. Merkins, then Lt Dan (~100yds)
4. Mountain climbers, 2 ct, then crab walk (~30yds)
Repeat until time out
Reps of each exercise were descending with each round: 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 (75 total reps of each exercise)
Straight Up showed up late when most were finishing their first round of burpees. He quickly caught up and passed most. Beast, Alot of mumblechatter that died down as we got through the first round. Everyone got through 3 rounds of the loop until we ran out of time (60reps of each exercise). GREAT JOB FELLAS!!!
Quick jaunt back to COT which wasn’t very far.
MARY: None. Out of time.
* READ THE NEWSLETTER. Alot going on. Get involved.
* Q had to leave at 6 in order to take his 2.0 to JROTC rifle team practice. Sorry.
* Lifting up prayers that were said and unsaid.

It is mornings like this – cold yet clear – where the combination of fellowship, early exercise, and beautiful weather just starts your day off in such a wonderful way that nothing else afterwards can phase you. You already won the day and have been invigorated to take on anything and be thankful and blessed for everything.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead.

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2022 Thanksgiving Day Convergence

Warmup: SSH (I/C 15x), Windmills (I/C 10x). Imperial walkers (I/C 15x), Moroccan Nightclubs (I/C 10x), Mountain Climbers (I/C 15x), right arm high, left arm high
Ruckers dismissed with Olaf. Pax count off by threes; pax split up and will rotate between
Partner up for a Jack Webb. Mode of transportation is a partner push across the field (crowd pleaser).
1 Big Boy Sit-Up – Partner 1 pushes partner 2 across the field
4 Merkins – Partner 2 pushed partner 1 across the field
The goal was to get to 10 Big Boy Sit-Ups and 40 Merkins.

Grout Q:
1. 5 EA Burpee
2. 10 EA LBC
3. 15 EA CDD
4. 20 EA Lunges
5. 25 EA American Hammers
6. 30 EA Shoulder Taps
7. 35 EA Flutters
8. 40 EA Mountain Climbers
9. 45 EA Squats
Run to top of hill and back.
Complete # 1 thru # 8 and run to top of hill Ann’s back.
Continue dropping the last exercise.

HarryCarry Q:
At the middle school’s loop, start at the bottom of the loop and do exercise noted (listed below). Run to the short brick wall at other end of loop, jump the wall, continue running up the loop. Stop at flag poles and do Bobby Hurleys (15 oyo). The proceed to run back to bottom of the loop; do the noted exercise there and repeat with the run/wall jump/run/bobby’s etc.
Smurf jacks (20 OYO)
Squats (20 OYO)
Monkey Humpers (20 OYO)
Lunges (20 OYO)
Lunges (10 each leg OYO)
Sumo Squats (20 OYO)
At 07:25 Pax reconvened at field.
Six-count burpees (I/C 6x)
End. COT

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Happy 247th Birthday to The United States Marine Corps

WARMUP: multiple dynamic movement to include side huff legs, butt kickers, kareoke, windmills, little baby arm circles, shoulder presses, Peter parkers, Parker peters.
THE THANG: 17- burpees, 75- SSHs
30 merkins, 30 squats, 30 lbcs. Mosey to next spot 30,30,30 upper, lower and core for each. We made a total of 8 stops with 20:pull ups at the half way point. At the 9th stop we did 7 merkins, 7 squats, and 7 burpees. Final total came to 247 upper body reps, 247 lower body reps and 247 core reps. This is to celebrate the 247th birthday of my beloved Marine Corps. I joined when I was 18 and not sure where in life I needed to be. Thankfully my wonderful Heavenly Father did.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: clay shooting for tomorrow has been canceled due to weather, bbq tasting is still on, blood drive and thanksgiving collection link in newsletter.
COT:prayers for beaker traveling, shower curtain shoulder surgery, unspoken prayers we all have.

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Coupons special toys

WARMUP: Mosey to parking lot next to AO and circle up for:
Mosey behind the elementary school and cicle up for:
Imperial Walker
HB walker
Mosey behind the middle school and circle up for:
Mt Climber
Plank Jacks
Mosey to the other side of the middle school and circle up for:
10 Burpees OYO
Mosey to the front door of the middle school.

THE THANG: 10 stations with different types of toys. Each PAX choose a station. Do exercise for 2 minutes until the timer is done. Then run a lap around the parking lot in front of the school. Then when PAX come back choose a different toy to play for the next 2 minutes, rinse a repeat.
ST1: triceps extension with bar bell
ST2: squats with cinder block
ST3: KB swings
ST4: core roller
ST5: Curls using elastic straps attached to balance ball
ST6: Jump Rope
ST7: Chest press with 25lb disk
ST8: Butterflies with 2 small barbells
ST9: Overhead press with 40lb elastic strap
ST10: Ball Weight slams
All the PAX were able to complete at least 8 exercises and 8 laps around the parking lot.
Used background classic rock music while we completed the whole routine.

MARY: Grab all the toys and fast walk it to COT.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: All the different D2D found raisers coming up in he next few weeks. Thanksgiving convergence. FIFA WC bracket fantasy futbol.

COT: prayers for traveling, prayers for families.

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Scary DORA

WARMUP: 40 SSH, SLOW Windmills, Imperial walkers, Hillbilly walkers
THE THANG: In a push to not only do something hard physically, but to fight through the mental pain as well. Life’s hard and that’s why you can’t do it OYO. Indian Run around the campus. It’s a big campus and lost a few along the way. Circled back and found a place for the main event in the elementary school bus loop.
Scary DORA: 100 Burpees, 200 Big Boys, low plank while your partner ran around the circle 3x. Run back the way we came to COT, which was a long way.
MARY: Freddies, Flutters, Dollys, Merkins
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Shieldlock Challenge, Bethal Men’s Shelter, Thanksgiving Convergence, Thanksgiving volunteer opportunites.
COT: Prays asked for. Lots of transition for people and praise for getting out of bed again.

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Ab Destruction

WARMUP: SSH, Slow Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Morrocan Nightclubs
THE THANG: We toured the campus of Springfield Middle and Elementary schools stopping 5 times for Ab Destruction.

Big Boy w/Twist
Toe Taps
Reverse Crunch
Mountain Climbers
Plank Toe Taps
Each exercise was done 20× at each stop for a total of 500 reps.
MARY: Was alot of stretching/Broga

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Skeet shoot and Bourbon tasting was mentioed
COT: We had an FNG that we named RollOff. …we said our prayers and Praises and I took them out with a prayer.

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Surprise! Lights Special

WARMUP: Mosey to blue benches, Side Straddle Hops, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Cherry Pickers, Honey Mooner, and Downward Dog
THE THANG: 11s = Starting with Dips on the blue benches and ran down the sloped hilly driveway to the second light pole to do Merkins. After, mosey back to the parking lot next to COT. Started with 10 Burpees at first light pole, then 20 Shoulder Taps at the second light pole, and Squats at the last light pole with mode of transportation (MOT) for the first round being Lunges and running back to the start. Second Round involved the same exercises at each light pole, but with MOT being Bear Crawls, and final round same exercises at each light pole, but with MOT being Nur.
MARY: Flutters, American Hammers, Hello Dollies, and Big Boy Sit Ups
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Skeet Shooting on November 11, Bourbon Tasting on November 18, Spartan Race on November 19, and Shower Curtain (Fall Risk) having the coat drive.
COT: Patience with Ms and 2.0s giving them the proper attention as a husband and father.

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