Chutes and Ladders at the Hive

drug this up from a past Q I’ve done

Warmup – Mosey, Moroccan Nightclub, Hillbilly and Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Plank, Honeymooner, Plank, Downdog, alternate calves in Downdog

Next started the pain

10 ManMakers

20 LBCs with Bell

30 Skullcrushers

Mosey w/ Bell

40 Curls (or 20 each arm)

50 Tricep Extensions

Mosey w/ Bell

60 Overhead Press

50 Flutters with Bell

Mosey w/ Bell

40 Goblet Squats into calf raises

30 Rows (15 each side)

Mosey w/ Bell

20 American Hammers

10 Turkish Getups with a butterfly or lat raise on your back to start (5 each side)

Still had 16 minutes, so PAX called exercises (Manmakers, Uhauls, etc, even rotate one bell and did rows and BBS)

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PRE-BLAST: The Brotherhood of the Traveling Pants (AKA: #BTP)

Willpower is only the trigger to get a person started on a positive habit (#Brick). In order to maintain and continue #Bricklaying, a person needs to change the mental and physical environment in which they live, so that the habit can develop the “muscle memory” needed to go the distance. My #DRP list is lengthening, as is my ability to have #IMPACT in the men around me, and the following is intended to continue to put me on the right trajectory.

For the year of 2020, my word is “GO”.  In an effort to continue to #Accelerate my 1stF, and beginning on 1/6/20, I am instituting (for myself and anyone who wants to join me) an EC (Extra Credit) 15 minutes (of Boot Camp or running, or maybe even Broga) prior to every 45 minute workout. I will tweet and Slack the location with the hashtag #BTP the day before for those who wish to join me. (It’s a way to “trap” myself into an accelerating habit…)

For example, Monday I usually hit Honey Badger which is an hour workout. There would not necessarily be an EC prior to this (though there could be). Tuesday, I will be at Golden Corral. At 0500, I will begin an EC portion of the workout for those that want to join. It will launch from the same AO, and will be back at the AO in time for the 0515 normal start of the Post.

Clear as mud? Good. Ask me your questions. Otherwise, check your Twitter/Slack and #Accelerate with me.

Helmet, out.

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Shovel Flag Handoff at The Hive

Double 5 (10) PAX gathered at the hive for a Shovel Flag handoff!

After a quick disclaimer, YHC took the helm with a short mosey around the parking lot.

COP – Warmup:
Side Straddle Hop (SSH)
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers
Mountain Climbers
Peter Parkers
Down dog – Up dog

Knowing I had limited time, I moved to a thang that doesn’t have to be complex to be difficult and doesn’t need much instruction:

20 KB Swings
Run the length of the parking lot
We repeated that about 3xs
40 KB Swings (to get to 100)
Solo Tesh to a 10 count x3 on each arm

Plank up – NMM:
Ego….My ego gets in the way in many aspects of my life. I enjoy being a Site-Q; it feeds my ego. But part of leadership is training someone else to take over and being willing to step out of the way. It helps to give the shovel flag away to a real HIM. I’m excited Uhaul and for the future of #TheHive. It is an honor to have carried the flag!

-Band Camp

Since Band Camp was already handing over the keys to The Hive party bus he figured he might as well split the bill on the workout as well…
The PAX began by strolling over to the dance floor while your’s truly queued up today’s play list… a veritable smorgasbord of both kinds of workout music, Country and Western, with a serious Oklahoma flavor…
1. Against the Grain – Garth Brooks
2. Standing Outside the Fire – Garth Brooks
3. Mr. Right – Garth Brooks (anyone sensing a pattern? Fish Sticks did…)
4. Much Too Young (To Feel this Damn Old) – Garth Brooks
5. Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House – Garth Brooks
6. Ain’t Goin’ Down (‘Til the Sun Comes Up) – Garth Brooks
7. It’s Midnight Cinderella – Garth Brooks
8. Everybody Hurts – R.E.M. (hey, a tradition is a tradition)These amazing tunes were the backdrop for some serious UHaul lamination potpourri from previous Q’s… As always, we partnered up, even in the absence of Partner Work, and one HIM accelerated and worked the count while the other just accelerated…
1. Hammer Curls x25 while the partner did Shoulder Taps
2. Standing Shoulder Press x20 while the partner said Hello to Dolly or Cut Boxes
3. Upright Rows x20 while the partner burned through some Low Slow Squats
4. Laying Chest Press x25 while the parter worked through Sumo Deadlifts (finishing with an upright row always makes it feel better)
5. Skull Crushers x25 while the partner felt déjà vu-ish while doing more Low Slow Squats
6. Kettle Bell Swings x20 while the partner felt déjà vu all over again while doing Air Dramas, which are really just Low Slow Squats with a Calf Raise at the end
7. Laying Press (amazingly similar to the Laying Chest Press) x20 while the partner got a fresh start with no Squats but American Hammers instead Upon finishing the substantive part of the workout PAX returned to COT for 3 minutes of ab work while listening to the dulcet tones of Michael Stipe and his colleagues from REM.

-Uhaul (4th Site-Q at the Hive)

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Preparation at the Armory

19 PAX at The Armory

Workout is pretty clear from the outline I think.

We ran a bit in between the reps for the Thang… an allegedly fast pace….pretty sure it was slow on the Fish Sticks scale. Also we did 60 SSH….a real crowd pleaser. Alternating between Mtn Climbers and a Yoga sequence over and over and over was also “well” received.

I did use my handy cheat codes on my forearms to keep myself on task. It’s cheaper than buying one of those quarterback play-caller wrist bands like OldBay has, but decidedly less cool. Forgot what DD (Downdog) stood….But on a Mosey Shady reminded me; at which point, I was glad for his assistance and that we’d already done that sequence in the warmup.

Mary to close out:
– Windshield Wipers
– Flutters
– restarted the Thang from 5 reps and built up (crowd pleaser) got to 10
– Pigeon Lunge


Advent is about Preparation. How are we preparing ourselves daily to handle our Jester(s) beyond just fitness?

Thanks to JWOWW for the invitation to Q. Great to have such a group of HIM present.

Band Camp Dismissed

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Halloween Kettlebells at the Hive

So admittedly this just a tad late but I’m thankful I have both written and video evidence to reference for my first Kettlebell Q at the Hive.

As I recall It was a relatively cool and damp morning for the day after Halloween but 9 sturdy and resilient PAX plus  one FNG braved their (candy) hangovers to partake in an iron pax inspired beat down courtesy of YHC.

A “professional” disclaimer was provided and we took a quick mosey around the parking lot.  Once we completed a lap we circled up and began a quick warm up.

IW x 20
HW x 20
MC x 15
MNCx 20

After the warmup we grabbed our bells and moseyed over to a portion of the parking lot where I had chalked out the next 30 minutes of pain.

The Thang

The bulk of the workout was divided into 3 sets where the Pax would have 10 minutes to get through each set as many times as possible. Each of these sets were inspired by weeks 2-4 of the Ironpax challenge.

Set 1

10 Merkins (5 each side w/bell)
15 Thrusters
20 Curls (10 each side)
25 Goblet Squats
Once through those exercises you would then complete 1 lap around the parking lot.

After 10 minutes were up we moved right into the next stage of pain.

Set 2

10 Lawnmowers (5 each side)
15 Burpee Jumps (Burpee then jump over the bell and do another burpee)
20 Tricep Extensions
25 Chest Presses
30 Flutters with Bell raised
Followed by another Lap

10 more minutes flew by and we didn’t waste anytime moving onto Set 3

Set 3

This set was pick your poison. Meaning that you needed to do the number of reps cumulatively but you got to pick the method of your pain.

50 Merkins OR Squats
Followed by carrying your bell to a predetermined distance and back.
50 Thrusts OR Lunges
Followed by the same bell carrying lap
75 Curls/Extensions/Flutters
Followed by the same bell carrying lap

After the third set was complete we did a 10 count and then finished with thrusts, squats, and….. I think burpees because we had 30 seconds left.

Back at COT we had the privilege of naming a new FNG who happened to be from Chicago. I suggested Windy City but after that was dubbed as “too nice” we settled on Wrigley (he’s a White Sox Fan)

All told it was a great way to work off the 100 Twix I had the night before. Great work by all who showed. Also, big thanks to Bandcamp for the opportunity!!


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Nine at the Hive

Nine at the Hive

Today marked the introduction of lamination at The Hive with the crew once again counting on a partner with station work to #Accelerate.

Began with the standard warm up situations while Welcome to the Jungle’s melodic tunes played…

Station work began with the following exercises…

  1. Skull Crushers x20 while partner executed as many Box Cutters as possible, switch, repeat… (Wake Up Call – Maroon 5)
  2. Kettle bell swings x20 while partner executed as many Air Dramas as possible, switch, repeat… (All Summer Long – Kidd Rock)
  3. Curls x20 while partner executed as many Plank Shoulder Taps as possible, switch, repeat… (Jump – Van Halen)
  4. Break to walk with bell over head while Malcolm chased all PAX with a chainsaw…
  5. Overhead Press x20 while partner executed as many Sumo Deadlifts as possible, switch, repeat…  (Golden Years – David Bowie)
  6. “Out & Up” x20 (most modified to 10) while partner executed as many Plank Cross Unders as possible, switch, repeat… (Crazy Little Thing Called Love – Queen)
  7. Laying Press x20 while partner executed as many American Hammers as possible, switch, repeat… (You Shook Me All Night Long – AC/DC)
  8. That darn Malcolm showed up again…
  9. Upright Rows x20 while partner executed as many Low Slow Squats as possible, switch, repeat… (Fat Bottomed Girls – Queen)
  10. Rinse and repeat while the following played
    1. Down Under – Men at Work
    2. I Want You to Want Me – Letters to Cleo
    3. One last chase back to COT by Malcolm
  11. Finish with 5 minutes of Mary while R.E.M. serenaded us with Everybody Hurts…
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Hive Demented Uno

UNO was the game with 9 PAX.   Had to amp it up to meet Airborne’s expectations

Each color was an exercise.

Blue ManMaker

Red Louganis (Skullcrusher into Big Boy Situp but keep your arms extended)

Green Curls

Yellow Triceps

The number was the reps. 0 is 10 reps. Play like normal UNO.  Each PAX takes a turn playing a card.  Either match color or number.

SKIP = run a lap

Reverse = Repeat last card

+2 = Pick two of the exercise and do 2 Reps

+4 = 4 Reps of all 4 exercises, then pick a new color

WILD = pick a new color

If you can’t play a card, draw one.  Rule was to do a BombJack for each card you need to draw.

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Office etiquette

I kept asking “what is a kettle bell” as my frequency of attendance at KB workouts can be counted on two hands- maybe one.  Somehow I was tapped to lead and thankful that I did.  Getting outside of the comfort zone and breaking routines is refreshing.

Warm Ups: Moroccan Night Clubs, windmills, lap runs with shuffle

The Thang

  • Round 1 10 reps
  • Round 2 15 reps
  • Round 3 20 reps
  • Round 4 10 reps


  • Goblet Squat
  • Tricep Extention
  • Curl
  • Shoulder Press
  • Windmill (Crowd pleaser)
  • Lunge-Row
  • Swing
  • Lawn Mower Pull

Naked Man Moleskin

Great group this morning and truly appreciate being shown the way to better form and technique.  Good to end a tough cardio week on focused strength.  Highly recommend Hive attendance.



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Pastor of Pain

YHC was asked to Q at the Hive by a HIM named Band Camp and I jumped at the request. I am use to Kettlebells and love Qing them. Today I brought with me a WO that was recently Q’d at my home AO #Cannonball by Survey Says! and I named it the Pastor of Pain after him.

We started with a basic Traveling COP with some SSH, MNC’s, Low Slow Squats and some basic Arm stretches. We eventually made our way to where I had a few cones set up about 10 parking space’s apart from each other and began:

The Thang was basically a ladder:
Begin at Cone 1 with 10 Man Makers then Broad Jump with the Bell in hand to the second Cone and do 10 Snatches then Broad Jump to the third cone and do 10 Turkish Getups then overhead bell mosey all the way back to the first cone.
Start at Cone 1 again with 20 Wood Choppers Lunge to the second cone and do 20 overhead bell Presses Lunge to the third cone and do 20 Bell Swings then overhead bell mosey all the way back to the first cone.
Start at Cone 1 again with 30 Goblet Squats Bear Crawl to the second cone and do 30 Curls then Bear Crawl to the third cone and do 30 Bell Merkins then overhead bell carry mosey all the way back to the first cone.

Repeat the Thang again in Backwards order starting with the 30 reps segment.

Last thing to finish the time I Beta tested a part of our First Lake Wylie CSAUP “Nessie”. Basically a kettlebell high plank shoulder to shoulder bell pass/Indian run style if that makes sense then same thing kinda but head to toe bell pass. Beta test worked because everyone hated it.

Got to meet a few new PAX and that is why I always like Qing and different AO’s.

Finished up with a COT (announcements, a few prayers and praises and all thankful for another day).

Thanks for the opportunity to lead Band Camp

I am enjoying this ride I am on and am not sure where it is taking me but all we can do is prepare and train.


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The Hive is alive!

7 HIM showed up on this muggy morning for some solid acceleration and an acceptable amount of mumblechatter.

The warm-up:

20) side-straddle-hop

20) Merkins

20) Low slow squats


The Workout:

90’s rock playing while PAX circles up. In order to throw a curve ball their way, I told the PAX that we would be switching kettle bells after each routine. They complained for a second which always makes the QIC feel good!

20) Kettle bell swings

10) Burpees OYO

RUN across parking lot. Move one spot in circle to the next bell.

20) Big Boy sit-ups w/bell

20) Triceps extensions

RUN ”  ”

10) Lawnmower pull per arm

20) Skull Crushers

RUN ” ”

25) Merkins OYO

10) Halo each way

RUN ” ”

20) Curls

15) Squat press

RUN ” ”

25) 4 count superman flutter

20) Kettle bell high pull

RUN ” ”

20) bomb jacks OYO

30) Kettle bell bus driver. I realized how difficult this was so I decreased the reps to 10 and had I not I think Uhaul may have thrown his Kettle at me. This move basically is like turning a steering wheel.

RUN ” ”

10) side-to-side sumo squats

10) Kettle bell row per arm

RUN ” ”


We repeated this until our time was up and then moved back over to COT for announcements and prayers.

Huge thank to Band Camp for the opportunity to lead these men and I look forward to doing it again soon!




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