Everyone has a burden

WARMUP: windmill, hula hoops, hoops hula, low slow squats
THE THANG: pick your poison from the junk in my truck. Head towards “the office* pull up bar location where each PAX did best attempt at pull ups while wearing a ruck. Every 5 mins or so we would pull an exercise out of the roller bag and perform before rotating to a new coupon. Noteworthy items were the meat hammer, and the worst pot of chili ever. Honorable mention to the mirror.
Finished the stroll through the woods with a death climb back up to Tega Cay Middle School parking lot where we quickly dropped the weights and shuffled to COT.
MARY: no time
COT: prayers for marriage and family members.
Check out the app “In love While Parenting”.

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Not-so-free Free Throws

– Squat
– Cherry Picker
– Mountain Climbers
– Imperial walker
– Wind Mill

Mosey to Bottom hill (entrance) to select a coupon
Exercise, sprint, plank, 6 inches, jog:
– 10 curls
– 10 curls, 10 overhead
– 10 curls, 10 overhead, 10 sqts
– 10 curls, 10 overhead, 10 sqts, 10 tri
– 10 overhead, 10 sqts, 10 triceps
– 10 sqts, 10 triceps
– 10 triceps

Railroad Tracks up hill to parking lot.

Partner up for Catch Me If You Can:
– 20 SSH and toy soldiers
– 20 LBCs and lunges

THE THANG 3 – Team Free Throws
Pax split into 2 teams.
Alternating team members take a turn attempting a free throw.
Round 1
– Make it and the opposing team does 3 Bobby Hurleys.
– Miss it and the shooter’s team does 3 Bobby Hurleys while the shooter does 3 burpees.

Round 2 – We upped the stakes
– Make it and the opposing team does 3 burpees while the shooter’s team does 3 Bobby Hurleys
– Miss it and the shooter’s team does 3 burpees while the opposing team does 3 Bobby Hurleys

Between the 2 rounds (24 shots), only ONE was drained. Yikes.

– American Hammers
– LBCs
– Chopsticks
– Rosalitas

Great work by all!

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The Cheese Grater

It was a beautiful morning in The Fort where 12 men chose to do the AKA moderately difficult thing and accelerate.

Quick disclaimer and warmup and we we’re off.

The Thang:
Jack Webb 4 – 40 V-Ups and 1- 10 supemans 🦸‍♂️.

Mode of transportation between cones was an Partner Indian Bear Craw across the parking lot.

Back to COT for prayers and praises.


Back to COT

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Hold the Brook

Ran down Holbrook and back. An honor to Q. L-Train, Funhouse, and Ranger Panties were #kings today.

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AKA with a ruck

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: Maintain 16 min per mile pace. Stop after 1/2 mile to do upper body workout. Stop after another 1/2 mile for lower body. Rinse and repeat until 5 min left.
MARY: 5 min of Airborne’s hip exercises
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the newsletter

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AKA#4 Day 9 – Accumulator Day

WARMUP: Mosey with some SSH, Merkins, squats, etc
THE THANG: Accumulator! Parking lot burpee accumulator…Burp bear crawl, burps+1, then lunge walk, burp +2, bear crawl, you get the jist. End up on other side of parking lot, 10 Muscle ups on the brick wall. Mosey to front of school, 15 derkins and 25 dips. Mosey down a bit to the columns. Squat Accumulator. Each column squat and add one. 14 columns = lots of squats. Mosey to hill. Run to cone 2 merkins, back to start 1 burpee, 1st cone 2 merkins, 2nd cone 4 merkins, back down to 1st cone, 2 merkins, to start add a burpee. There were five cones = Lots of Merkins

ANNOUNCEMENTS: AKA Day 10 is Sole to Sole. 0500 start with Airborne on the Q.
COT: Yes we had one.

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Taking the Conga Line Through Life

WARMUP: Bit of a mosey and short COP with mumblechatter from Bonsai on the Qs Disclaimer. No, it wasn’t perfect. It also wasn’t missed entirely (except you Bonsai).

THE THANG: Two sets of accumulator series 5x / 10x / 15x /20x / 25x with bear crawls or crawl bears in between. one series was all lower body, one all core. along the way we did a conga line mosey weaving through all the posts of the carpool awning at the school.

MESSAGE: Workout and message today were geared around life not moving in a straight line. it hasn’t for me in career, fitness, faith, marriage, finances, etc. there have been ups and downs and twists and turns. too often I fall into the trap of blaming myself or someone else for the downticks when in fact that’s just part of the journey. and in fact it’s those downticks when I have the most to learn and grow. so take the attitude about the #Suck from the Gloom and apply it to the #Suck in the rest of your life — Embrace It!

thanks for the invite Triple Lindy and the AKA spirit Funhouse and pax! always an honor to lead.

COT: It was Day 2 of AKA and we had a great showing and energy level. some new faces (FITS) and some welcome kotters (Naked and Afraid).

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