Carrying Each Other’s Burdens

Seven men shunned the fartsack to get better in all three Fs this morning at Soul to Sole. We covered 3.16 miles while alternating the 60lb sandbag amongst us.

The men were encouraged to share what’s on their minds this morning. With men’s mental health being prominent in the news, YHC felt it necessary to remind the men to lean on their brothers to carry their burdens. None of us should walk the road of life alone. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 reminds us “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

So when you are down, raise your hand for help. When you are up, extend your hand to a brother that might need to be lifted up. Don’t walk alone. We’re in this together.

Italian Job

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The Jack Web Phenomenon

WARMUP: plank <>upward dog <>downward dog (with variations), mix in exercises from plank position- merkin, Diamond merkin, plank jacks, Peter Parker’s, you get the idea
THE THANG: Webs!!!
1-5 sit-up-getup:4-20 single arm chest press (both with KB)
10-6 burpees on curb:40-24 calf raises with KB
1-5 Turkish getup:4-20 KB curls
10-6 goblet jump squats:40-24 hops with KB
1-5 big boy burpees:4-20 KB swings

Merkins on bell 5-4-3-2-1 each side : KB triceps 5×10
End with max merkins in 30”

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam2Dam 10K on Saturday- Beaker and I are getting a 10K warmup starting at 9:45AM at the Print Shop and heading to the start line for the official 10K.

COT: prayers for my daughter who is not feeling well

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Is that a POLAR jockstrap?

WARMUP: some stuff
Everyone took a station. AMRAP while one person carried the sandbag out and back
Timer – Sandbag carry
Flutters with keg press
Squat thrusters
Triceps or skull crushers
American hammers

Hip flexors and some ab stuff

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Feeling like a 4th wheel…

WARMUP: stuff

Kettlebell swing/triceps.
Flutter with a press/ curls Overhead carry

Didn’t have time for the rest of this..
Rows/ calf raises. Side lunge walk
Cling press/ American hammers Farmer Carry
Hip flexors


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Working Hard at the Yard

WARMUP: Disclaimer was disclaimed and we started to mosey. Goal of warm up was to cover 1 mile with various exercises along the way. Exercises while moseying – karaokes, high knees, and butt kickers. First stop during warm up was by the front of the school. Low slow squats x10 in cadence and mountain climbers x12 in cadence. Then we partnered up, cumulative rep count of 100 with each partner doing alternating sets of 10 reps. While partner A was performing 10 step ups partner B was holding a wall sit. Keep switching until you hit 100 reps total. Moseyed to the next area for similar routine to warm up upper body. Partnered up, 100 cumulative reps, this time while partner A is performing 10 merkins partner B held 6 inches. Moseyed to a 3rd area for a similar routine for core. Partnered up, 100 cumulative reps, partner A performed 10 sit-ups while partner B performed flutters. Goal was met as we covered 1 mile.
THE THANG: Moseyed to the track layout in the bus parking lot. Created 2 routines to be completed in alternating fashion.

Mini MP, running with push ups around the track.
10 – Diamond Merkins, run 2 laps
15 – Derkins (feet on curb), run 2 laps
20 – Merkins, run 2 laps
25 – WideArm Merkins, run 2 laps

Routine on the inside of track layout:
Bear Crawl from the inside of the track layout to the middle of the oval (to the basketball hoops). Complete the listed exercise and the bear crawl back to the track layout. Exercises were:
10 – Split Lunge Jumps
15 – Jump Squats
20 – Squats
25 – SSH in cadence

Alternated by completing the first phase of the mini MP routine and then move right into the 1st phase of the bear crawl routine. Keep alternating until all 4 phases are complete. Ended right at 45 min, maybe went a few seconds over.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Blood drive, Bethel Men’s Shelter, Mental Health Awareness WOD, read your news letter.
COT: Love is a choice. What kind of choices are you making?

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Pace Yourself

Halo’s x7 each direction
A windmill style warmup. Holding the bell in a snatch position with one hand and stretching with the other hand to the opposite foot. 7 each arm
E.g. Holding the bell up with right hand, use left hand to touch right foot.

11’s – 10 Halos to reverse lunge(each leg) mosey a short distance then 1 halo to lunge.
Repeated to we got to 5. Then called an audible

Opposite side staggered clean to squat (clean with right hand with the bell moving from the left foot). 5 each side with a mosey. Then to 4 cleans to squat, 3,2,1.

One legged bridge with chest press. 7 each leg, followed by slight mosey and back. – 3 rounds

100 KB swings where the penalty for putting the bell down was 2 burpees.

100 overhead presses

Ended with a round of Mary’s.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: check your newsletters, but please sign up for the D2DB10k.


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Lucky Seven start off the new year at Armory

WARMUP: mosey around parking lot followed by some warm up including windmills, sides, rattle, hop, low, slow squats, Merkins, downward, dog, mountain climbers.
THE THANG: we carried our kettlebells to the fire pits for 4 rounds of OPRAHS:
Overhead Press
American Hammers

Then partnered up for some Catch Me If You Cans (one PAX suitcase carried weights double time(ish) around the parking lot while other PAX dropped and did 10 merkins then ran to catch up and switch

Then some partner Dora 1-2- and part of 3
100 curls
200 chest presses
300 squats but sadly the clock ran out

MARY: nope
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam to Damn Bar: open to everyone, so tell your friends and family
COT: prayers for healing, patience during home repairs and remodel; named an FNG (welcome Pitfall!)

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What’s that noise?

Yard Q
12 31 20 22

12 SSH
31 Moroccan NC
20 imperial walkers
22 hillbilly walkers
12 mountain climbers
31 LBC
10 merkin (20)
22 low slow squat
12 windmills
31 overhead claps
20 calf raises
22 raise the roofs
12 Bobby Hurley
31 American hammers
20 Freddie Mercury
22 flutters
25 CCDs

365 reps

Pick PAX
best accomplishment
One thing could have done better
Name exercise 22 reps
Do exercise then move to next pole or something

Hip flexors

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Xmas Eve below Zero

Some PAX ran the Clave Boss and then rolled out. Other PAX rolled in for only the workout. Some PAX did both.

Split quickly into 3 groups. Rebound, Sprocket, and Mark Twain each took a group through a warmup and then visited 3 stations. Double D, 38 Special, and Band Camp lead the PAX at each stations. It was too cold (11 degrees Fahrenheit with some biting wind) to vote on which station was the Ghost of Christmases Past, Present and Future (see we did work in a little Xmas theme)

38’s portion:

The Roshamburpee-fest
Demonstrated a roshamburpee (plank position, 1, 2, 3 shoot).
Assigned one PAX to the end of each of the concrete paths. Everyone will run up the concrete paths in succession (or do whatever) and challenge the guy stuck at the end with a roshamburpee.
Winner gets up and runs up to the next level to challenge the next PAX. Loser stays put and keeps plank (or just tries to keep warm). At the five minute mark called “Sudden Death!”. Everyone tries to do laps but they always challenge anyone they run by (passing challenges in progress) and basically it looks like a bunch of pool balls knocking into each other the whole way. A lot of burpees. A lot of laughs. A lot of running. A lot of fun

Double D’s portion:

Started with 10 burpees OYO.
Group then broke up into 3-5 pax.
1 pax runs to block does 1st exercise in red while others in group do exercise in green.
Cycle all pax in group through, then move to second set of exercises.

4.OH Press
2.Clave Raise
3.Sumo Squat
4.Monkey Humpers

We planked for 6 and a short msg. Then group moved on.

Band Camp’s Portion:
Buy in with 20 Bulgarian Split Squats each leg
Ran a version of Red Barchetta-style workout
Run down – exercises
Mosey back – 5 burpees in cadence
50 in cadence Mountain Climbers (cold hands)
49 in cadence Flutters
48 in cadence Squats
47 in cadence Merkins

COT – and to all a good night!

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