Bear Crawls, Burpees, Battlestar Galactica

To get the blood flowing, began with what ended up being a soggy mosey around the practice field, there was a fair amount of mumblechatter as the mud sloshed around.

Warm up in cadence:

  • Wind mills
  • Cherry pickers
  • Imperial walkers
  • Peter Parker
  • Parker Peter
  • Low Country Crab
  • Honey mooners
  • Downward dog

Quick recovery and off to the track for the main event.

The Thang

Run 4 laps on the track with 2 sets of 20 reps of a particular exercise on the turn.

1st turn

  • 20 Merkins
  • 20 American Hammers

2nd turn

  • 20 Caroline dry docks
  • 20 Flutters

Rinse and repeat for 4 laps. Thanks Trucker for the vote in confidence around the creativity.

Lined up on goal line for field round.

Burpee Dans

Starting at goal line, lunge walk in 10 yard increments, followed by burpee increasing by 1 burpee to 50 yard line. Run backwards to goal line and plank when finished.

Welsh Dragons

Starting at goal line and remaining in plan position, bear crawl 10 yard increments.

  • 1 merkin
  • 1 plank jack
  • 1 set of should taps

Rinse and repeat to 50 yard line increasing rep count by 1 per 10 yards. Run backwards to goal line.

Originally planned above exercises through length of field, due to time constraints, cut down to 50.

With 10 minutes left, called additional adjustment.

  • Run to 50 yard line, 50 calf raises,
  • Run to end zone, 50 mountain climbers
  • Sprint back

Mosey back to COT with a few minutes to spare.

Wave of Merkins

  • PAX remaining in plank, start w/ 1 merkin around the circle, followed by 2, and so on until time ran out.

Announcements: Short talk on word of year.

Prayers/Praises: Health, travels.

Thanks to MacGuyver for the field access, Cyclops for the opportunity, and 3D for the shovel flag reminder.

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Final KB WO of the century

As we look towards 2020, it was appropriate to finish 2019 with a bang.

The Thang:

20 merkins w/bell (10 each arm) – 19 Skull Crushers

20 Squats – 19 KB swings

20 Big Boy Sit ups w/bell – 19 leg raises

20 curls (10 each arm) – 19 up right rows

20 LBCs w/bell – 19 american hammers

20 Side ab bends – 19 arm shoulder press (2 arms)

2 Burpees

Run to top of parking lot and back

Rinse and repeat as many rounds possible

Surprisingly not much mumble chatter, guess each PAX took the challenge to finish 2019 off with a bang. Not surprisingly, Band Camp was the leader with the FNG and Fish Sticks neck and neck.


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The snake pit 12/18/19

F07A9CBF-DBA9-43DF-96EE-3E615C1EE305Had a fun time for my first Q, was very interesting getting ready for it. we had 17 people show up with 2 fng’s present.

warmup :

-lap around parking lot

-windmills (10)

-ssh (25)

-cherry pickers(15)

-hillbilly walkers (15)

-imperial walkers (15)

-lbc’s (10)

-Moroccan nightclubs (20)


pre-workout (wall)

-wallsit/kB  (everyone did 5 burpees until reach middle)

-calf raises (30 seconds) X2

-wallsit/kb (everyone did 5 Merkins until reach middle)


workout (partner):

-KB Swings (200)

-American hammers (200)

-lbc’s (200)

-rows (300)

-squats (200)



-Floyd plank (20 seconds) “quite a bit of complaining involved “

-circle of Mary (until 6:00)

We finished with the name o Rama and names two FNG’s

thanks again for letting me Q for the first time, it was a fun experience and will definitely try to do again!!

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The 2 Wisemen Visited The Fort

3D led off with some running and warmup then to the Pike Engineering brick wall for wallsits with arms up, alternating legs and the 5 burpees each HIM starting from the end.  Run to Massey Hill. Jacobs Ladder to 7 with squats at bottom and Merkins at the top.  Several PAX were losing clothing.  3D led mosey back to WEP playground for Q handoff to LTrain.

Partner work

5 sets
10 merkins, partner holds plank
250 yard run

5 sets
15 squats, partner holds Al Gore
250 yard run

5 sets
20 big boy situps, partner holds plank
250 yard run

Indian run around WEP (~.5 mile)

End with Mary

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A Copperhead Christmas (5lbs of Gummies too)

My first time Q’ing and it was a lot of fun (except counting in cadence). A very sincere thanks to the Pax for helping me thru my maiden voyage and braving the weather on a chilly December morning. Happy Holidays to all.

The Snake Pit Parking Lot, Dec 4th 2019

Warm up in Cadence

20 x SSH, 10 x Chain Breakers, 10 x Cherry Pickers, 15 x Mountain Climbers, 10 x Moroccan Nightclubs

12 Days of Christmas (main workout)

Day 1x: Parking Lot Run (on Day 7 switch to Bear Crawls)

Day 2x: Squat Jumps + previous day

Day 3x: Big Boy Sit Ups + previous days

Day 4x: Merkin with hand release + previous days

Day 5x: U-Haul’s + previous days

Day 6x: Leg Flutters + previous days

Day 7x: Freddy Mercury’s (Bicycle Sit-up) + previous days

Day 8x: Bicep Curls + previous days

Day 9x: Skull Crushers or overhead triceps curls + previous days

Day 10x: Apollo Ohno (speed skaters) + previous days

Day 11x: Kettle Bell Swings + previous days

Day 12x: American Hammers + previous days

Burpee Challenge

1x Burpee in 1 minute,  2x Burpees in 1 minute, 3x Burpees in 1 minute, 4x Burpees in 1 minute, 5x Burpees in 1 minute, 6x Burpees in 1 minute, 7x Burpees in 1 minute, 8x Burpees in 1 Minute

Announcements, Prayers and Praises

Circle of Trust


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What is your Mission?

Theme  – Do you accept your Mission?  17 HIM came to the Armory to accelerate!  After a short warm up and Mosey to the front of the church, we all took a moment to share our one word for 2019!  The question this morning ” What is your Mission?  Thank you to Bass-0-Matic for sharing  this Bible plan  – I am a Warrior – Part 1  –  A 3 day Plan by Dr. Kim Kimberling.  This was shared with all the Pax : Only a small portion of the “Devotional” but I think it resonated throughout the workout!

What is your mission? Where is God calling you to be a warrior? Are you ready for the battle?  Honestly, the missions are all around us. We live in a culture that fights against God and His purposes every day. Do you have children? Your mission is to instruct them, to lead them, and to protect them. As a husband, your mission is to fight for your marriage in a world that does not value marriage. Your mission as a Christian man is to stand firm for Jesus not wavering in the daily battle. Your mission is to be a man of integrity and honor that stands out from the crowd who is not afraid to stand out. In your workplace, your mission is to not cut corners or to cheat someone or to do whatever it takes to make a buck or two. Your mission is to show Jesus to a world that does not know Him very well, if at all.

Let the Games begin :

Round 1 :    

  10 BigBoys  : 20 Step Ups (10 each leg)   : 30 squats  

Mosey to Next Station – CinderBlocks!

10 Block Swings : 20 Chest Presses : 10 Man Makers 

Round 2 : Mosey Back to Station 1

    10 Curls (each arm) : 20 Rows ( 10 each arm): 30 Dips w Kettlebell

Mosey back to Cinderblocks!

 10 Block Swings : 20 Chest Press : 10 Man Makers

Round 3 : Mosey Back to Station 1

10 Big Boys : 20 Step Ups ( 10 each leg)  : 30 Squats

Mosey back to Cinderblocks!

    10 Block Swings : 20 Chest Press:  10 Man Makers:

Round 4 Mosey Back to Station 1 

10 American Hammers :  20 Kettlebell Swings : 40 (Single Count)

Wrapped up with some Fun : Circled up for a modified Mary – where one Pax gave the group an exercise  – then grabbed 2 Cinderblocks for a quick 100 yd out and back (more like 50yds but 100 sounds better! )while the other Pax battled thru exercise until the Pax came back!  Rinse and repeat our way through the group  : Ran out of time about 1/4 thru this FUN – Headed Back fo COT:  Blessed and Humbled to lead this Morning – Fogerty!

Prayers & Praises were shared!  Each day is a mission and/or a blessing  – How are you going to accept your mission / modify your mission /  or share your mission?  SYITG!


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Shovel Flag Handoff at The Hive

Double 5 (10) PAX gathered at the hive for a Shovel Flag handoff!

After a quick disclaimer, YHC took the helm with a short mosey around the parking lot.

COP – Warmup:
Side Straddle Hop (SSH)
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers
Mountain Climbers
Peter Parkers
Down dog – Up dog

Knowing I had limited time, I moved to a thang that doesn’t have to be complex to be difficult and doesn’t need much instruction:

20 KB Swings
Run the length of the parking lot
We repeated that about 3xs
40 KB Swings (to get to 100)
Solo Tesh to a 10 count x3 on each arm

Plank up – NMM:
Ego….My ego gets in the way in many aspects of my life. I enjoy being a Site-Q; it feeds my ego. But part of leadership is training someone else to take over and being willing to step out of the way. It helps to give the shovel flag away to a real HIM. I’m excited Uhaul and for the future of #TheHive. It is an honor to have carried the flag!

-Band Camp

Since Band Camp was already handing over the keys to The Hive party bus he figured he might as well split the bill on the workout as well…
The PAX began by strolling over to the dance floor while your’s truly queued up today’s play list… a veritable smorgasbord of both kinds of workout music, Country and Western, with a serious Oklahoma flavor…
1. Against the Grain – Garth Brooks
2. Standing Outside the Fire – Garth Brooks
3. Mr. Right – Garth Brooks (anyone sensing a pattern? Fish Sticks did…)
4. Much Too Young (To Feel this Damn Old) – Garth Brooks
5. Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House – Garth Brooks
6. Ain’t Goin’ Down (‘Til the Sun Comes Up) – Garth Brooks
7. It’s Midnight Cinderella – Garth Brooks
8. Everybody Hurts – R.E.M. (hey, a tradition is a tradition)These amazing tunes were the backdrop for some serious UHaul lamination potpourri from previous Q’s… As always, we partnered up, even in the absence of Partner Work, and one HIM accelerated and worked the count while the other just accelerated…
1. Hammer Curls x25 while the partner did Shoulder Taps
2. Standing Shoulder Press x20 while the partner said Hello to Dolly or Cut Boxes
3. Upright Rows x20 while the partner burned through some Low Slow Squats
4. Laying Chest Press x25 while the parter worked through Sumo Deadlifts (finishing with an upright row always makes it feel better)
5. Skull Crushers x25 while the partner felt déjà vu-ish while doing more Low Slow Squats
6. Kettle Bell Swings x20 while the partner felt déjà vu all over again while doing Air Dramas, which are really just Low Slow Squats with a Calf Raise at the end
7. Laying Press (amazingly similar to the Laying Chest Press) x20 while the partner got a fresh start with no Squats but American Hammers instead Upon finishing the substantive part of the workout PAX returned to COT for 3 minutes of ab work while listening to the dulcet tones of Michael Stipe and his colleagues from REM.

-Uhaul (4th Site-Q at the Hive)

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Snake Bite At Snake Pit

Five years ago my mom passed away after six months of hell, dealing with kidney failure and all that entails.  She had mental health issues, that meant she had to take some strong medicines that basically eventually killed her kidneys.  Ironically my mom retired as a kidney dialysis nurse.

So with today’s anniversary coming up, I thought it was a good opportunity to remember mom, and talk about mental health.  I shared some facts, and the facts decided our numbers for each exercises after COP.

Mom was a huge fan of Elvis and Ricky Nelson. Facts about the two artists:

Elvis – Born 1935
Elvis – Death at age 42
Elvis – 33 #1 singles
Ricky Nelson – Born 1940
Ricky Nelson – Death at age 45
Ricky Nelson – 14 top 10 singles

35 – KB swings
42 – goblet squats
33 – curls
40 – skull (Helmet) crushers (face for radio)
45 – flutters
14 – Turkish getups (pax favorite)

A few facts about my Mom’s life:

Mom – Born 1945  Death – 2014
Mom – Married 49 years to my father
Mom – 69 years old at death

49 – American hammers
14 – cleans

49 – merkins
69 – flutters  

Then we went on to some facts about suicide and mental health among men:

20 US veterans commit suicide daily.
77% of deaths in the US by suicide are male.
10% of men experience depression and anxiety.
Only 36% of psychological referrals are for men.

20 – Lawnmowers
77 – Rosa Litas
10 – Burpees
36 – LBCs

Finally some lighter facts, about Christmas and New Year’s Eve:

14 days till Christmas
The Twelve Days of Christmas starts on Christmas, not before.
The Twelve Days of Christmas ends 1/5/2020.
12/31 – In the Catholic faith, NYE is the Feast of Pope Sylvester.

I had the pax pick an exercise for the above numbers.  There was much rejoicing.

And we were done!

Thanks 3D for rearranging some schedules to allow me to Q today. Thanks to Bird Cage for all the whining.  Love you brother! Just payback for the Coors Light board of pain!

Brothers your presence today is testimony of what F3 can do.  Five years ago I found out about Mom’s passing about 2:00 am and didn’t make it back to bed that night.  So I posted at Peak 51 in Area 51 (South Charlotte) and was glad I did.  I needed the pax to be around me and pray for me and our family.

Your continued prayers for my father who is 78 and plugging right along are appreciated.  He definitely misses Mom.

Remember: Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.

DT out!



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Snake Pit – Pick Your Poison

10 PA

Pick your poison. Name the exercise for the group while you run to said point and back.

Circle up. Now, do your own exercise 100 times. Look to your right, do theirs 50 times. Look left, do theirs 50 times.

Dora. Partner up.  – 100 deadlifts, 200 upright rows, 300 curls


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Preparation at the Armory

19 PAX at The Armory

Workout is pretty clear from the outline I think.

We ran a bit in between the reps for the Thang… an allegedly fast pace….pretty sure it was slow on the Fish Sticks scale. Also we did 60 SSH….a real crowd pleaser. Alternating between Mtn Climbers and a Yoga sequence over and over and over was also “well” received.

I did use my handy cheat codes on my forearms to keep myself on task. It’s cheaper than buying one of those quarterback play-caller wrist bands like OldBay has, but decidedly less cool. Forgot what DD (Downdog) stood….But on a Mosey Shady reminded me; at which point, I was glad for his assistance and that we’d already done that sequence in the warmup.

Mary to close out:
– Windshield Wipers
– Flutters
– restarted the Thang from 5 reps and built up (crowd pleaser) got to 10
– Pigeon Lunge


Advent is about Preparation. How are we preparing ourselves daily to handle our Jester(s) beyond just fitness?

Thanks to JWOWW for the invitation to Q. Great to have such a group of HIM present.

Band Camp Dismissed

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