In Cadence

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins
THE THANG: 7 of Diamonds-curls,manmakers,tricep extensions, halo lunges
MARY: kbell swings
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Him camp, adopt a highway, stuff the bus,

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Lt Dan Rules!

WARMUP: Quick run/jog around the front parking lot then out to the driveway close to the parkway. Circle up and 10-15 reps of the following:
* Windmills
* Imperial walkers
* Moroccan night clumbs
* Strawberry pickers
Good mumblechatter from the start. Then mosey back to the parking lot near the front of the school for the main event.

4 corner fun
Cones were set up around the front parking lot and also along the car rider pickup area in front of the school at the main entrance. Do the exercise, then the movement to the next cone.
Area was approx 100yds long x 30yds wide.
1. Burpees, then Crab Walk to next cone (~20yds)
2. Box cutter, then Lt Dan to next (~100yds)
3. Merkins, then Bear Craw (~20yds)
4. Mountain climbers, 2 ct, then Lt Dan (~100yds)
Repeat until time out
Reps of each exercise were descending with each round: 5, 10, 15, 20, (50 total reps of each exercise)
Alot of mumblechatter that died down as we got through the first round. Everyone got through 3 rounds of the loop until we switched things up (30reps of each exercise). Then we did some wall sits for about a minute, then on to COT for some ab/core work. GREAT JOB FELLAS!!!
Quick jaunt back to COT which wasn’t very far.
MARY: 5 sold minutes of Mary – flutters, hello dolly, LBC, BBSU, Hammers, v-ups.
Everyone left behind a good 5-10lbs of water weight, but what a way to start the day.
* READ THE NEWSLETTER. Alot going on. Get involved.
* Lifting up prayers that were said and unsaid.
I have been checked out for the past 2-3 months doing taxi duties as well as just not wanting to post. I needed this. Thanks for the opportunity to lead!
God Bless and SYITG

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The field is larger than it appears

WARMUP:None we went straight to work
Hit all the light poles with varying modes of transportation
Pole 1- 5 merkins and bear crawls
Pole 2- 10 squats and lunge walk
Pole 3- 15 Big Boys and crawl bear
Pole 4- 20 burpee’s and duck walk
Pole 5- 25 HR Merkins and bear crawl
Pole 6- 30 LBC and lunge walk
Pole 7- 35 Monkey humpers and crawl bear
Pole 8- 40 Flutters and discussion on Jester and related it to Jesus’ 40 days of fasting and temptations in the wilderness

Mosey to school entrance and did laps with pain stations at student drop off area
MARY: corporate
COT: Had to be there

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Almost a 3-way

WARMUP: Mozy, Side straddle hops, tie fighters
THE THANG: two pain stations set up 50yds apart, two rounds…almost 3. Mozy to tables for step ups and dips
MARY: round robin
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Donations to ship remaining shoes
COT: prayers for Peabody, prayers for Family!

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Almost a 3-way

WARMUP: Mozy, Side straddle hops, tie fighters
THE THANG: two pain stations set up 50yds apart, two rounds…almost 3. Mozy to tables for step ups and dips
MARY: round robin
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Donations to ship remaining shoes
COT: prayers for Peabody, prayers for Family!

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Asphalt Football Field

Warmed up with mosey, toy soldiers, karaoke, shuffles and high knees.

Went to the asphalt parking lot: every 10 yards we bear crawled to next exercise in cadence. Count of said exercises was ascending from 5 CT to 50ct increasing by 5 every 10 yds.

1/4 mosey followed by 10 burps.

Back to asphalt field and go in reverse.

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20 SSHs
8 Squat reaches
8 Alternating Body Bridge
1 short run around parking lot

Played my music

Flying Squirrel with hand clap – 15 reps, 2 sets, 30 secs rest
Table Top Crawl – 30 secs on (4 forward, 4 backwards), 2 sets, 30 secs rest
American hammers with straight legs – 30 secs, 2 sets, 30 secs rest
1 legged burpee – 10 each leg, 1 set each, 30 secs rest
Chest tap Merkin with wide leg stance – 12 reps, 2 sets, 30 secs rest
Shoulder tap (2 each side is 1 rep) to 2 Merkins – 30 secs on, 2 sets, 30 secs rest
Cross Merkin – 12 reps, 2 sets, 30 secs rest
Superman Plank – 30 secs on, 2 sets, 30 secs rest
4 Squats, 2 Squat jumps, repeat – 30 secs on, 2 sets, 30 secs rest
Walk out to pistol squat – 5 reps, rest, 3 reps
Leg extension to spider merkin – 30 secs on, 2 sets, 30 secs rest
Side kick outs – 30 secs on, 2 sets, 30 secs rest

Ran a small lap around parking lot

50 reps each, good form –
Regular Merkins
Jumping Squats
Shoulder Taps
Reverse lunges

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Jaeger is coming! Welcoming G.I. Jane!
COT: Lots of prayers for friends or family dealing with forms of cancer. Lots of thankfulness for what we were able to do today.

Takeaways from today’s message:
1. In the midst of all the struggles in this world, when you think about your children, are you more concerned with where your child will attend college or eternity?
2. Is salvation of the utmost value in your home?
3. Bathe your family’s mind in the truth

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Let’s do a Circuit

WARMUP: Mosey to Basketball lot between the schools. SSH, Imperial Walkers, arm circles, MNC, mountain climber.

THE THANG: circuit training day. 5 exercises each 1 min after circuit lap around the lot. Completed 4x.
1. Seal Jacks
2. Merkins
3. Dips
4. Squat Jumps
5. Flutters

Ended with some sprints and Mary.
COT:prayers for healing and parents raising teens.

Thanks for the invite Shower Curtain

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